A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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by just27 » June 29th, 2015, 1:03 pm
normadelaney wrote:just27 wrote:Kona2 wrote:And then there are those who are working hard to get back their meters...and we celebrate your persistence on what can be a longish road back !
No kidding ... at this point in the rowing season, you can be gone on a couple of fun road trips and ... zap ... your meters are decimated! (Happily, it works just the same in reverse; but that demands effort!)
Aww, we all have to take time off now and then. Glad you had fun! You'll be zooming by in no time--I'm certain of it. Load some double episodes.
Good advice! Not only did I load a double episode, I just binge-watched the entire first season of Elementary. Obviously, not rowing the entire time, just easing back into the 10K range ...
There have been some impressive efforts and huge numbers posted, this month. Good job, y'all; very inspirational!
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by Kerry1976 » June 29th, 2015, 1:30 pm
After a few weeks away from the rower (after nearly 70 days+ straight on the rower), I got back to it today. I really missed it. Good to be back!
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by just27 » June 29th, 2015, 4:54 pm
A not-fun week, ahead, in NorCal.
My pumpkins are taking a beating!

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by bg » June 29th, 2015, 4:57 pm
just27 wrote:A not-fun week, ahead, in NorCal.
My pumpkins are taking a beating!

yikes...we should combine our weather...i had to run in tights yesterday and been getting so drenched on sundays that i'm thinking of building an ark...
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by Kona2 » June 30th, 2015, 10:02 am
It's the lure of the moon....
Season meters as of 60/365 = 23,080,119 m
Total meters on the day = 364,230 m
MILESTONES...Bragging RIghts...Celebrations:
1.6 MM Jim
1.05 MM bg
350 K Minnie
150 K Stuart
100 K David Wilson (GBR)
50 K Sharon
50 K Lily
Thanks, everyone, for ski-erging and rowing with us!
Lily 1,525 m
Richard T 3,299 m
Kerry 3,541 m
Christa 4,000 m

m ...a starry palindrome!
Peter G 5,000 m
K2 5,379 m

m ... a starry double double!
Sharon 5,733 m
Jeff M 6,529 m

m ....a palindrome!
Tom M 6,820 m
AJ 7,021 m
William H 7,099 m
David W (AZ) 8,000 m
Ross 8,000 m

m ... another starry palindrome!
Matt 10,000 m
Michelle 10,500 m
Dan O 10,765 m
Cathie 11,000 m
Will S 11,006 m

m ...a singular palindrome!
David W (GBR) 11,500 m

m ... hula hula, a beach girl palindrome!
Larry 12,159 m
Jay 12,555 m
Robyn 15,000 m
Steve H 15,000 m
David A 15,106 m

m ...a palindrome! We know you're out there somewhere...
Danno 18,017 m

m ... a palindrome from far, far away

m ...a palindrome!
bg 25,131 m
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by Drivetofast » June 30th, 2015, 12:57 pm
Welcome back Ronnie and the rest of the OD Team
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by Drivetofast » July 1st, 2015, 9:54 am
just27 wrote:A not-fun week, ahead, in NorCal.
My pumpkins are taking a beating!

A couple of long sleeve days this week. With all this rain my pumpkins are out of control

Jim Morrison sang the West is the best but not always Stay cool

Big Tevis.org 100 mile race in august from Lake Tahoe to Ca. Hope the Horses fair well
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by Kona2 » July 1st, 2015, 10:32 am
Whooooosh! That's the sound of you and the erg flying through yet ANOTHER month! Happy summmer!
Long sleeve days?! Maybe for sun protection! Alas, the pumpkin seeds that I ordered to grow REALLY big pumpkins have not germinated....failure to launch. I've got some "regular" pumpkins giving the contest a go...mostly I hope they survive all the sun ...and whatever varmints are in their space. Not a bloom in sight just yet. Show us a progress photo if you're in the Great Pumpkin Challenge!
And whoa....these palindromes could give rabbits a run for their expanding populations....!
Welcome back indeed to Ronnie!
Season meters as of 61/365 = 23,900,077 m
Total meters on the day = 819,958 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.5 MM Ed
1.1 MM bg
900 K Michelle
800 K Jay
600 K Ron
350 K Danwho
350 K Ronnie
300 K Danno
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Lily 750 m

m ...a twosie palindrome!

m ...another twosie palindrome!
Dan O 4,000 m
Jeff M 4,782 m
Tom M 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
Ross 6,231 m
Anita 7,000 m
Kevin 7,000 m
AJ 7,032 m

m ... lucky sevens palindrome!
Christa 8,500 m
Danno 10,000 m
David A 10,000 m
Matt 10,000 m

m ...a one to one palindrome!
Will S 

m ...another one to one palindrome!

m ...a palindrome!

m ..a Welkian palindrome...a one and a two and a one and a two

m...when you're counting 'em up, you count all the kinds of meters! Fast ones, slow ones, celebration ones....go get em!

m ...a three sheep palindrome!

m ...it's a palindrome from silent Ron
K2 17,656 m .. I know. It was a bunch.
Jon C 20,000 m

m ...a palindrome!
Michelle 21,999 m ... not a palindrome, but a cool number

m ...a twosie threesie palindrome!

m ...a palindrome from afar ...and he hits a cool one and a half million!
Jim 27,890 m
Richard T 35,729 m
bg 36,303 m
Jay 42,195 m ....moons us again!
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by danwho » July 1st, 2015, 11:00 am
Back in the saddle again ...
In an earlier post, I mentioned my preference for gloves that don't interfere with my ability to scratch the occasional itch. Well, during this morning's back-in-the-saddle row, it occurred to me that there can be times I must look a little like Nadal preparing to serve (not the wedgie bit, but I think as the sweat comes in, there can be itches of the scalp and back that get the best of me and make me look just as manic
Welcome and welcome back to all new and returning teammates.
And hoping for some eventual relief for those panting pumpkins in Sacramento.
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- Location: Fair Oaks, CA
by just27 » July 1st, 2015, 4:26 pm
Drivetofast wrote: Big Tevis.org 100 mile race in august from Lake Tahoe to Ca. Hope the Horses fair well
The Tevis Cup: Endurance riding. Much dustier than endurance rowing, but a decidedly better view than from my C2!
My neighbors just returned from Tahoe, a week early, because there was no longer any water in their cabin's well.
The horses won't have to swim the river crossing, this year!
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by bg » July 2nd, 2015, 3:55 pm
welcome an welcome back everyone :] and i can't imagine being a horse in that challenge...yikes!!!! and hope everyone is doing well with all the challenges mother nature is treating us with,,,,
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by Kona2 » July 3rd, 2015, 9:55 am
just27 wrote:Drivetofast wrote: Big Tevis.org 100 mile race in august from Lake Tahoe to Ca. Hope the Horses fair well
The Tevis Cup: Endurance riding. Much dustier than endurance rowing, but a decidedly better view than from my C2!
My neighbors just returned from Tahoe, a week early, because there was no longer any water in their cabin's well.
The horses won't have to swim the river crossing, this year!
Reminds me of some of those horse sequences in Snowy River...
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by Kona2 » July 3rd, 2015, 10:36 am
Welcome to new team member Briana P.
Sometimes even the best prepared astrogators have equipment failure...here I am in my not so secret mountain lake location, and the WiFi charger failed. I can tell you that the lake is very, very blue and the boat dock business is brisk. And there is the requisite snow-capped peak in the background. This small mountain town gets totally overrun with tourists (especially on this July 4th holiday), and it is quite difficult to even find a parking place in the village....much less a charger. Phone calls are dropped simply because the available bandwidth is being exceeded. Still, I am persistent - and figured out another way to get things done. Meanwhile, your collective Lunie data coalesced into a single number...so in most cases, I can't see what palindrome might have been there.
Panting pumpkins...snort (as Just27 would say). Poor California veggies and fruits - that will cost all of us here in the US if there is big crop failure. Meanwhile, some areas get much more rain and snow melt than expected and the lake is fuller than I have ever seen it. Fortunately, this water goes to Denver through the Moffat Tunnel. The cities are thirsty.
Happy almost Fourth of July to everyone - with extra thanks to all the veterans.
Season meters as of 64/365 = 24,647,409 m
Total meters on the day = 745,940 m
MILESTONES...Bragging RIghts...Celebrations:
1.7 MM Jim
1.55 MM Ed
1.55 MM Richard T
1.15 MM bg
700 K RObyn
700 K Will S
550 K Tammy
400 K Norma
400 K Matt F
300 K Bobbie
300 K Doug G
200 K Tony
200 K Steve H
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Kerry 2,018 m

m ...a fine double double!
Jeff M 3,000 m

m ...another fine double double!
Dan O' 5,000 m
Jessica 5,000 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
Teresa G 5,044 m

m ... a fiver palindrome!

m ...high fives palindrome!
Sharon 5,746 m
Paul 6,000 m
David W (AZ) 6,331 m
Christa 7,500 m
Ronnie 9,300 m
Mike C 10,000 m
Rich M 10,000 m ...
Tammy 10,000 m
AJ 10,014 m

m...a singular palindrome!

m...also a singular palindrome!(But wait...now there are two of them...)
Doug G 11,868 m
Ross 12,584 m
Will S 13,705 m
Steve H 15,000 m
David A 15,066 m
Danno 15,102 m ... your birthday will be here soon...
Jon C 17,000 m
David T 18,000 m
Cathie 18,411 m
Bobbie 19,898 m
Matt 20,000 m
Michelle 20,000 m
Jay 20,500 m
Ron 32,312 m
Robyn 34,656 m
Norma 36,767 m ...17,771 and 13,331 m and 5,665 m....lots of busy!
Richard T 

m ...it's a July 4th palindrome!
bg 57,467 m
Ed 75,156 m
Jim 98,760 m