It's SUMMMMR....hope you are enjoying yours!
Almost 20 years ago (yikes!), Concept2 introduced a map "game" called Voyage to Terra Vitae. There wasn't any ski erg at that time, so it was only rowers who would keep track of their meters and plot their distances on the map. These were uncharted waters somewhere in the South Pacific, and the islands had good names. You see, you were trying to escape the Doldrums of inactivity. Now we have the forum and the Challenges to keep us active during what can be a fun-filled summertime that is often hail on disciplined exercise schedules. After the Summer Solstice Challenge, even Concept2 takes a Challenge break as teammates take to the waterways for some on the water opportunities, and to the skies and roads for GETTING AWAY. Starting in August, we hit the Dog Days of Summmr Challenge where you are slowly ramped back up in meters from 10K a week to 40K weeks. For many on this team, those are smallish amounts. Still, it gets everyone who wants to be back in the game, into the game. And then the Challenge Season really gets going as we move towards the Fall Team Challenge that gets you ready for the Holiday Challenge that gets you ready for the Virtual Team Challenge that gets you get the idea. So, if you're out and about doing some other things (like biking and golf), that's all part of the plan - at least, that's how I see it! Self-serving probably...hahahaha. Just make sure you get active !
Meanwhile, one of the items that has been on my mind is the debate between getting 10K steps vs active minutes. Maybe it's on your mind here and there, too. I can have a very "busy" day with a lot of to and fro steps here and there, and end up with zero active minutes. I get on the rower, and as long as it's a session longer than 10 minutes, I get my active minutes. Not sure if that means that the busy steps aren't worth much, but clearly there's a differentiation between busy and active. The CDC has a pretty good write up on what's recommended. ... /index.htm
Season meters as of 56/365 = 21,628,407 m
Total meters on the day = 323,893 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.35 MM Ed
200 K Mike C
150 K Jessica
150 K Paul
100 K David W (AZ)
100 K Ross
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

m..a repeater kind of palindrome!
Bruce 2,000 m
Rich 2,000 m
Patrick 3,008 m

m ...a repeater kind of palindrome!
Gene 3,500 m
Jay 5,000 m
Jessica 5,000 m
Peter G 5,000 m
Roger 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Tammy 5,000 m
Cathie 5,600 m
Jeff M 7,024 m
David W (AZ) 8,000 m
Michelle 8,000 m
Ross 8,060 m
Matt 10,000 m
Mike C 10,000 m

m ...hope your summmr is going swimmingly...a palindrome by Jane
Steve H 11,000 m

m ... a singular palindrome!
Jeff P 11,327 m
Paul 12,000 m
Larry 12,158 m
David A 12,568 m
Bobbie 13,000 m ... lucky 13!

m ... a starry palindrome....
Will S 22,500 m

m ... a palindrome!

m ... a starry three-sy palindrome
bg 34,676 m ....wowzer Barbara...