LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 5.20.15

Post by Kona2 » May 21st, 2015, 9:37 pm

Great to see so many responses to Ed's questions. It seems that once one person asks a question or poses a situation, we all can benefit from many of the answers offered up.

Season meters as of 20/365 = 7,897,795 m

Total meters on the day = 609,585 m (and I am sure to have picked up some of the next day's meters)

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

700 K Richard T
650 K Jim
500 K Ed
400 K bg
250 K David A
200 K Ron
150 K Tris
100 K Minnie
50 K Janice
50 K Ryan

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Lily ImageImageImageImage m ...a sunny summer palindrome (it must be summer somewhere....sure isn't here in Colorado!)
Gene 1,300 m
Bobbie ImageImageImageImage ... a double double!
Christa 4,000 m
Tom M 4,287 m
Stephen 4,346 m
Ross 4,540 m
Mike M 5,000 m
Mikkel 5,000 m
Paul 5,000 m
Kerry 5,020 m
K2 ImageImageImageImage m ...a fivish palindrome!
Norma ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Tony ImageImageImageImage m ...palindrome!
Jeff M 9,066 m
Ryan 10,000 m
Kevin M 10,006 m
Jay 11,000 m
Tammy 11,000 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ... hula hula palindrome!
Janice 11,765 m
Rick C 12,656 m
Danno 13,250 m
Thor 15,432 m
Larry 15,477 m
Mike C 19,000 m
Tristan 19,000 m
Jessica 20,000 m
Dan O' 20,457 m
Robyn ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a double triple!
David A 30,047 m
Ron 36,658 m
Ed 42,194 m
Jim 62,835 m
bg 63,443 m
Richard T 81,622 m

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 5.21.15

Post by Kona2 » May 22nd, 2015, 10:56 am

Image SUMMMMMMRRRR Solstice about 30 days...

Just when you think Marathon Fever (whether fully loaded or lite) has finally finished sweeping through the Crew, there's another opportunity starting to be visible on the's the Summer Solstice Challenge. For this one, you are Challenged to put in 21,000 m on 21 June. The suggestion is always out there to tack on 97 meters and make it a half marathon (the Lunies, of course, will say why wait until 21 June?!). Some of our teammates might just be working up towards their FIRST EVER half marathon, though, and they'll need that 30 days to be ready to handle the distance. So, 30 days out - you've got plenty of time to work up to the half marathon distance. Don't wait to start, though. Get ready to moon the start of summer!

Season meters as of 21/365 = 8,029,777 m

Total meters on the day = 131,982 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

150 K Stefan
100 K Jeff M
50 K Jane

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Lily 1,500 m
Patrick 3,515 m
Tom M 4,471 m
Robyn 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Tammy 6,000 m
Jeff M 6,029 m
Stefan 6,620 m
Ross 6,630 m
Anita 7,000 m
Christa 7,000 m
Roger 10,000 m for a cool ImageImageImageImageImageImage m total
William H 10,000 m
Richard T 10,155 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ... hula hula palindrome!
Jane ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Jay 17,000 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Edscapade » May 22nd, 2015, 1:10 pm

danwho wrote:Hi Ed,
I don't really feel qualified to be giving any advice to you about this, but I will add my two cents worth. First, I completely agree with Richard that the advice of a sports doctor is best. It could be some electrolyte thing, as has already been suggested. It could be too much unrelenting intensity, which you can control, after first recovering. I'll offer another possibility - something technical - foot plate position. A while back, I started to have some new knee problems - I wasn't sure why, could have been an increase in volume - of course, age is always another possibility (that damn piper always does come-a-calling eventually), but I saw some forum hits about foot plate position, and even though I always thought I was following the guidelines, I found that one notch made the difference. I guess the only point I'm making is that a substantial change to volume or intensity could expose something unlikely. In my case, a small adjustment to footplate position made a difference during a period of increased volume - and I was aware of the guidelines on foot plate position, and thought I was following them, and didn't have an issue with it until that period of increased volume.
I did a quick search, but I didn't catch any good forum hits for you (US or UK forum). But I saw this online article you might like: ... ramps.aspx. Pretty much echoes what has already been said.
Thanks EVERYBODY for the information I will try it all. I like the gin and tonic for sure - will do that one just cuz! I have dr appointment next week. Thor thanks for the advice on stretching I will do more. You reminded me on stretching cold. I'm guilty of that. I have been doing 25052 for months. The only thing that I can think that I have done difference is speeding up. I agree with listen to your body! Can't tell you all how much I appreciate the help and info! I will go pour a gin and tonic now and see how it works...

Glad to be a luna - Tic you all are the best!!!


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 5.22.15

Post by Kona2 » May 23rd, 2015, 8:47 pm

Have we got palindromes! You betcha! And half and full moons, too!!

Busy day with lots of driving in the's finally cleared up enough for the first game of the Rockies-Giants doubleheader to be played...only I'm not sure the Rockies know that the game has started. Those Giants....give 'em an inch, and they'll take the whole ball field!

Season meters as of 22/365 = 8,498,738 m

Total meters on the day = 468,961 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

700 K Jim
300 K Jay
300 K Thor
250 K Robyn
250 K Ron
200 K Danno
200 K Tammy
200 K Roger
150 K Stefan
150 K Danwho
150 K Larry
50 K David W (AZ)
50 K Jessica

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us! And welcome back to our youngest teammate, Adian !

Adian 561 m
Kerry 2,010 m
Gene 3,000 m
Stephen N 4,468 m
Anita 5,000 m
Kevin 5,000 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Mikkel 5,000 m
Steve H 5,000 m
Norma ImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome!
Jeff M 5,021 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m ...a bring the yearly total to ANOTHER palindrome of ImageImageImageImageImage m ...way to row!
Larry 6,138 m
K2 6,490 m
Bobbie 8,000 m
Dan O' 8,425 m
bg 9,073 m
Jessica 10,000 m
Janice 11,052 m
David A 11,528 m
Image ImageImageImageImageImage m ... hula hula, beach girl palindrome !
Danwho ImageImageImageImageImage m ...who-la, who-la! palindrome!
Stefan 12,424 m
Jon C 15,000 m
Robyn 15,000 m
David W (AZ) ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Ron 16,060 m
Roger 18,000 m
Tammy 18,000 m
Image Danno 21,097 m
Image Ed 21,097 m
Image Thor 28,905 m
Image Will S 36,379 m
Image Jay 42,195 m
Image Jim 64,195 m ....a full marathon and then some more!....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » May 23rd, 2015, 10:46 pm

Hey Guys

I am trying to find the team’s stats so I can have a look at them. Maybe they are only available to the manager? Perhaps that’s why K2 does her wonderful and very appreciated daily updates. I can find where they are during the team challenges but not right now. So, can someone tell me where to find the stats? If it is a team manager thing I am totally fine with not reading them.

Yeah, I know, I don’t have a life. Grin.

I don’t think I mentioned, I finally broke the 8 minute 2K a couple of days ago. In the beginning before I started the, fish out of water gasping and flopping around thing, I heard a split time of 1:54. How crazy is that! I didn’t hold this pace for long mind you but it was nice to know I actually could and did hit it if only for a moment in time.

Keep on Rockin In The Free World folks.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » May 24th, 2015, 10:34 am

Thor MW wrote:Hey Guys

I am trying to find the team’s stats so I can have a look at them. Maybe they are only available to the manager? Perhaps that’s why K2 does her wonderful and very appreciated daily updates. I can find where they are during the team challenges but not right now. So, can someone tell me where to find the stats? If it is a team manager thing I am totally fine with not reading them.

Yeah, I know, I don’t have a life. Grin.

I don’t think I mentioned, I finally broke the 8 minute 2K a couple of days ago. In the beginning before I started the, fish out of water gasping and flopping around thing, I heard a split time of 1:54. How crazy is that! I didn’t hold this pace for long mind you but it was nice to know I actually could and did hit it if only for a moment in time.

Keep on Rockin In The Free World folks.

Congratulations, Thor, on achieving a PERSONAL BEST !

RE: The Team Stats

Hahaha! It's a VERY MANUAL process, although I am asking a previous IT benefactor to see if I can automate them a bit. I have a fancy spreadsheet. I manually enter the numbers from the website into that spreadsheet, and out pop the daily numbers. It gives me a bit of time to look at the trends for a person, and see the highlights. I have the ability to go back in time and chart a person's efforts - should that lunie notion occur to me (and, it does from time to time). It is labor intensive as anyone who has helped me out during vacation time (thank you to Ron and Minnie). In fact, it seemed easier just to skip the stats while I was on vacation rather than passing the task on to another unsuspecting person.

Concept2 uses the team ID number, and a simple program to grab those numbers based on our team member ID associated, to get the numbers during challenges. I haven't asked them for access to the program for us, but I am thinking about it. My method is totally dependent on when I have time in a given day. I can't see anything but the totals that a team member has posted - not when they were posted, or what times they had for the meters they posted, or whether it was a log entry or a manual input.

So, that's how the stats happen...I create them, so I can post them. With all that said, what in particular did you want to see in the stats?


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 5.23.15

Post by Kona2 » May 24th, 2015, 10:53 am

Hooboy! The sun is least for a few hours! The jungle that is my former lawn now resembles a Stanley and Livingston I must quickly post and then get out there for what is sure to be a first and second cutting. Combine optional.

Season meters as of 23/365 = 8,658,544 m

Total meters on the day = 159,806 m (remember that I captured numbers late in afternoon yesterday)

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

750 K Richard T
50 K Tony

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Tony 1,116 land on the 50K milestone, he foregoes a palindrome!
Kerry 2,010 m
Jeff M 3,524 m
Image Norma ImageImageImageImage m ....blast off !
Roger ImageImageImageImage m ... a palindrome of the repeater variety!
Anita 6,500 m
Christa 6,500 m
William H 7,242 m
Tammy ImageImageImageImage m ... a palindrome of the lucky repeater variety!
Kevin 10,000 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ... hula hula palindrome!
Thor 12,641 m
Larry 13,385 m
Jon C 15,000 m
ImageImage Richard T 46,213 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » May 24th, 2015, 11:24 am

Congratulations, Thor, on achieving a PERSONAL BEST !

RE: The Team Stats

Hahaha! It's a VERY MANUAL process, although I am asking a previous IT benefactor to see if I can automate them a bit. I have a fancy spreadsheet. I manually enter the numbers from the website into that spreadsheet, and out pop the daily numbers. It gives me a bit of time to look at the trends for a person, and see the highlights. I have the ability to go back in time and chart a person's efforts - should that lunie notion occur to me (and, it does from time to time). It is labor intensive as anyone who has helped me out during vacation time (thank you to Ron and Minnie). In fact, it seemed easier just to skip the stats while I was on vacation rather than passing the task on to another unsuspecting person.

Concept2 uses the team ID number, and a simple program to grab those numbers based on our team member ID associated, to get the numbers during challenges. I haven't asked them for access to the program for us, but I am thinking about it. My method is totally dependent on when I have time in a given day. I can't see anything but the totals that a team member has posted - not when they were posted, or what times they had for the meters they posted, or whether it was a log entry or a manual input.

So, that's how the stats happen...I create them, so I can post them. With all that said, what in particular did you want to see in the stats?

Thanks K2.
I just did my third PB in 4 days. Look at that Thor go! Haha. Tomorrow I’m thinking just row. Put on some music and just row. No stats no nothing but me the tunes and a handle in hands. Unfortunately that plan can change when I am done the warm up. If I feel good the another PB in the making. The next one is the 10K. I know I can beat that one now.

I was hoping to be able to see what I would see during the challenges. The names and overall totals in order from top down. Not the daily amounts I can do the math. It doesn’t sound like that’s possible. I am sure not asking for you to do anything more, I just wondered if there was a link that I could see that info. Sometimes I find someone who does just a little more than me and try to keep up with their meters. A strange sort of pace boat I guess you could say. It’s one of the things I love about this team. There is always someone I can role model myself after. I also love the fact that so many are older than I. It gives me just a bit more drive to keep going and not to make excuses. Again I say thank you to this team a great people.

I was chasing Do Ron Ron during one challenge. That was cool. He made me push myself more than I thought I could. Like with everything else in life, it is never about beating anyone, just being better than I was yesterday. I still have a long way to go too. Isn’t that part of the fun? Improving, growing, learning. Very cool. Sorry I digress. Well maybe I went beyond digress and just rambled my fingers off. Grin

Love Thor.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Edscapade » May 24th, 2015, 1:36 pm

Hi Team,

After entering my last two days of rowing I looked over and saw that I surpassed 21million meters. It was another great feeling for sure!!

I am stretching more, drinking more (water) haha gin on weekends. Not pushing as hard and the cramps aren't as severe or as often. Again thanks all for the help and advice.

Happy rowing,


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by normadelaney » May 24th, 2015, 1:59 pm

Edscapade wrote:Hi Team,

After entering my last two days of rowing I looked over and saw that I surpassed 21million meters. It was another great feeling for sure!!

I am stretching more, drinking more (water) haha gin on weekends. Not pushing as hard and the cramps aren't as severe or as often. Again thanks all for the help and advice.

Happy rowing,

Wow--21 MM!! Congrats, Ed!
Glad to hear about the progress with the cramps. Maybe a sports drink (electrolytes) might help, too.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » May 24th, 2015, 2:13 pm

Thor MW wrote: I was hoping to be able to see what I would see during the challenges. The names and overall totals in order from top down. Not the daily amounts I can do the math. It doesn’t sound like that’s possible. I am sure not asking for you to do anything more, I just wondered if there was a link that I could see that info. Sometimes I find someone who does just a little more than me and try to keep up with their meters. A strange sort of pace boat I guess you could say. It’s one of the things I love about this team. There is always someone I can role model myself after. I also love the fact that so many are older than I. It gives me just a bit more drive to keep going and not to make excuses. Again I say thank you to this team a great people.

I was chasing Do Ron Ron during one challenge. That was cool. He made me push myself more than I thought I could. Like with everything else in life, it is never about beating anyone, just being better than I was yesterday. I still have a long way to go too. Isn’t that part of the fun? Improving, growing, learning. Very cool. Sorry I digress. Well maybe I went beyond digress and just rambled my fingers off. Grin

Love Thor.
Ah. I think the numbers you want to see are the affiliation detail. You can get to that from your logbook by selecting affiliation standings, then selecting Luna-Tics team (we're number four at the moment), and then clicking on Luna-Tics in the left column so that you will get to the detail. It is also what I call the team profile page as it shows all the team members photos (notably absent is Thor btw).

Here is the link: ... =LUNA-TICS

You are currently in a position battle with Jay Kielma, and bg is about 100K beyond that. Good luck and watch out for too many PBs in a row!


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » May 24th, 2015, 2:55 pm

Edscapade wrote:Hi Team,

After entering my last two days of rowing I looked over and saw that I surpassed 21million meters. It was another great feeling for sure!!

I am stretching more, drinking more (water) haha gin on weekends. Not pushing as hard and the cramps aren't as severe or as often. Again thanks all for the help and advice.

Happy rowing,

master Ed, all I can say is wow! hero man! Wow!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » May 24th, 2015, 3:08 pm

Ah. I think the numbers you want to see are the affiliation detail. You can get to that from your logbook by selecting affiliation standings, then selecting Luna-Tics team (we're number four at the moment), and then clicking on Luna-Tics in the left column so that you will get to the detail. It is also what I call the team profile page as it shows all the team members photos (notably absent is Thor btw).

Here is the link: ... =LUNA-TICS

You are currently in a position battle with Jay Kielma, and bg is about 100K beyond that. Good luck and watch out for too many PBs in a row!


That link is perfect K2. Thank you very much.
Yes I think I am almost done with the PB's for a bit. I do have to do the 10K and beat that score after that though I think I will be done for a while. I can wait a few days or a week before doing it.

No pic? Me? well now, that's a sighted thing. haha. Some day I will have someone pick a pic and upload for you. What is this, a head shot or body shot, How do you want me dressed? You design me and I will deliver when I can. You sighted people. Sheesh. man!

Have fun all.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » May 24th, 2015, 5:15 pm

normadelaney wrote:
Edscapade wrote: ... I am stretching more, drinking more (water) haha gin on weekends. Not pushing as hard and the cramps aren't as severe or as often. Again thanks all for the help and advice. Ed
Glad to hear about the progress with the cramps. Maybe a sports drink (electrolytes) might help, too.
Definitely. These are my favorite two sports drink recipes:

Copycat Sports Drink (Gatorade)
1/2 cup orange juice – OR ½ cup strong green tea – OR 2 T fresh lemon juice
9 T sugar
1/2 t organic sea salt
8 cups water

This recipe makes a sports drink with a similar balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes to Gatorade.

All Natural Lemon-Lime Sports Drink
3 cups filtered water
1/4 cup raw honey
1/4 t organic unrefined sea salt
1/3 cup lemon and/or lime juice

A good sports drink allows the water to be absorbed more quickly than plain water alone. Use for any activity that takes you past 90 minutes. (Up to that point, plain water is usually fine.)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » May 25th, 2015, 8:56 am

Edscapade wrote: After entering my last two days of rowing I looked over and saw that I surpassed 21million meters. It was another great feeling for sure!!
21!!! Congratulations!!
And perfect timing for some of those more advanced anti-cramping protocols.


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