A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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by Drivetofast » February 21st, 2015, 4:11 pm
Kona2 wrote:dtangerini wrote:Just hit the 13,000,000 meter mark.
Good news for me, but bad news for the environment and all the citizens of the world. My core temperature has risen, and the increased moisture thus released has increased global warming, and contributed to record snowfalls in Boston. Apologies to all those affected
Snort, as Minnie might say! Some of that increased moisture left ten inches of snow, so far, on the deck. Since this is the primary access point to the yard for the Goldens, I watched to see if they were willing to body snow surf down the deck stairs. Not so much. The shoveling reached a new priority level.
Oh Thats what we call a Dusting in New England

Another foot Just started I have snow blower trails everywhere for Brittany
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by just27 » February 21st, 2015, 7:40 pm
Drivetofast wrote:Oh Thats what we call a Dusting in New England

Another foot Just started I have snow blower trails everywhere for Brittany
Oh, you New Englanders, with your wicked bad snow humor! Hard to imagine having any energy left for rowing, after all that snow shoveling and blowing.
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by Kona2 » February 22nd, 2015, 1:50 pm
Hooboy! Lots of twosies today....and today is George's birthday ... as in George Washington! Snow continues to fall across what I guess is a swath of 2000 miles or so from the west coast to the east, so MANY of us are slogging through it all. Snow was too slushy yesterday for the snowblower....fired that puppy up, and immediately the chute was clogged with ice. Back to the shovels. Snow totals here since Friday evening are at about 20 inches. Hello avalanche control ! And, our transportation people are having to hold traffic since many people do not have adequate tires and they are spinning out when they get stopped on a hill due to volume.
Season meters as of 297/365 = 85,345,911 m
Total meters on the day = 197,046 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
2.55 MM Jay
1.35 MM Stuart
1.3 MM John
850 K Jon C
800 K Kerry - major milestone!
650 K Tristan
250 K William H
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Jeff M 1,025 m
Teresa R 1,157 m
Patrick 1,161 m

m ...a twosian palindrome....and...hey...don't you teach 2nd grade?!
Gene 3,000 m
Dan O' 4,000 m
Tom M 4,336 m
Kerry 5,636 m
David W (AZ) 8,000 m
Terry B 8,009 m ... so close to being a palindrome!
Dennis 10,000 m
William H 10,000 m

m ... a starry palindrome!
John 12,695 m

m ...a palindrome!

m ... a whovian palindrome!
Jon C 15,000 m

m ... a twosie palindrome!

m ... a twosie palindrome too!
Jim 27,788 m ... two doubles and a single!
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- Location: somerville, ma
by bg » February 22nd, 2015, 7:25 pm
[quote="Kona2"]Hooboy! Lots of twosies today....and today is George's birthday ... as in George Washington! Snow continues to fall across what I guess is a swath of 2000 miles or so from the west coast to the east, so MANY of us are slogging through it all. Snow was too slushy yesterday for the snowblower....fired that puppy up, and immediately the chute was clogged with ice. Back to the shovels. Snow totals here since Friday evening are at about 20 inches. Hello avalanche control ! And, our transportation people are having to hold traffic since many people do not have adequate tires and they are spinning out when they get stopped on a hill due to volume.
please be careful out there.....
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by Kona2 » February 23rd, 2015, 10:43 am
Some new movie winners crowned yesterday night...although Birdman probably not for everyone!
Season meters as of 298/365 = 85,574,361 m
Total meters on the day = 228,450 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
2.55 MM Ron
1.35 MM Larry
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

m ...a twosian palindrome !

m ... a palindrome!
Rebecca 4,000 m ....that million meter milestone is really really REALLY close
April 5,000 m
Jay 5,000 m
Kerry 5,016 m
Teresa G 5,054 m
David T 6,000 m
David W (GBR) 9,021 m
Ron 10,000 m
Bernie 10,017 m
Norton 10,750 m

m ... a palindrome of the first kind!
Larry 11,083 m
Dan O' 12,000 m
William H 12,000 m

m ... countem up and down palindrome!
Steve G 13,677 m
Lynne 13,749 m ...something different!
Stuart 21,097 m
David A 21,948 m

m... a palindrome!
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- Location: Denver, CO
by Kona2 » February 24th, 2015, 10:58 am
It's official....there's that one day in WINTER where you're suddenly tired of winter....and you want to see SPRING.....I'm there. All it took was two feet of snow, and more on the way ...with promises of the snowiest February ever (and Boston has had over five FEET of snow). That's me....wimpy wimpy wimpy! Hahahaha!
Still...there are some Coloradans that don't let snow bother them...as seen in photo below of biker and ped on Boulder Creek Path (taken by Helen Richardson of Denver Post):
Season meters as of 299/365 = 87,804,431 m
Total meters on the day = 2,230,070 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.15 MM Ed
4.5 MM bg
2.25 MM Jim
450 K Dennis
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

m ...a palindrome because he felt like it !
Kerry 2,014 m ....that number is so last year...
Joe 2,532 m
Bpbboe 3,024 m
Anita 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Bernie 6,051 m
Rucj 6349 m
Stuart 6,450 m
Jay 6,500 m
William H 7,151 m
Jim 7,515 m
James S 8,000 m
Dennis 10,000 m
Lynne C 10,000 m
Mikkel 10,000 m
Larry 10,128 m

m ... hula hula! It's a palindrome of the first kind!
Steve G 13,477 m
Reba 13,867 m
Jon C 15,000 m
David T 16,000 m
David A 18,487 m

m .. a palindrome!
bg 25,261 m
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by just27 » February 25th, 2015, 2:04 pm
Kona2 wrote:Still...there are some Coloradans that don't let snow bother them...as seen in photo below of biker and ped on Boulder Creek Path.
Nice picture. There are some seriously outdoorsy active people in Colorado. With that kind of weather, I'm thinking roaring fire, mug of hot chocolate, good book, and something braising in the oven for dinner! But, I guess you can't simply sit inside, for those many cold months, every year. (Well, maybe. Let me think about this.)
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- Location: Denver, CO
- Marathon Poster
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- Joined: December 29th, 2007, 12:11 pm
- Location: Denver, CO
by Kona2 » February 25th, 2015, 7:13 pm
Wowzer....it's snowing AGAIN. Add swirling snow to the picture of Boulder Creek....and brrrrrr factor. Our snowpack level is going to be above 100 percent soon.
Starting to see a few signs of
in the area....Concept2 may have to call it the Mud Season (although it truly is muddy season during snowmelt...or we HOPE that it's mud that's on our boots...ugh)...but we know the March Challenge truly is the time when EVERYONE is a little bit IRISH, and some are more IRISH than others, Karyn G. Earn your 5K
or your 10 K
every day here on the forum, and make sure you get on the honor board.
Season meters as of 300/365 = 88,006,180 m
Total meters on the day = 201,749 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.4 MM David A
2.9 MM Minnie
1.05 MM Patrick
1.0 MM Rebecca
200 K Jeff M
50 K G-l-o-r-i-a ...now that's something to sing about!
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

m ...a palindrome from our Boulder gal !
Anita 2,000 m

m ... a very good twosian palindrome!
Rebecca 3,000 m
Dan O' 4,000 m
David T 4,000 m
Patrick 4,000 m
Jeff M 4,766 m
Jay 5,000 m
Jessica 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Kerry 5,410 m
K2 5,556 m

m ...a palidnrome from the motorcyclist in red...
Rick C 6,347 m
Jim 6,500 m
Jeff D 7,151 m
Bobbie 7,500 m

m ...a palindrome!
Danno 8,020 m

m...a starry palindrome!
William H 9,093 m

m ...a starry palindrome for the west coast...
Steve G 13,527 m
David A 14,793 m

m ... a palindrome!
bg 26,500 m ... and she moons us again!
- Marathon Poster
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- Location: Denver, CO
- Marathon Poster
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- Joined: December 29th, 2007, 12:11 pm
- Location: Denver, CO
by Kona2 » February 26th, 2015, 1:26 pm
We've got blue skies at the moment, but Denver's still working on breaking the snow totals for February...certainly not competing with Boston. I'm going to have to shovel a path in the backyard for the dogs soon as they are up to their shoulders in snow these days. Mud season would imply that things are warming up! Not so much! Ten more inches of snow here and 10 degrees....love a balanced weather report!
Season meters as of 301/365 = 88,292,629 m
Total meters on the day = 286,449 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
4.55 MM bg
2.0 MM Danno
1.4 MM Stuart
1.35 MM Howard
1.25 MM Bernie
450 K James S
400 K Virginia
250 K Ryan
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Jay 3,000 m
Peter G 3,380 m
Bobbie 5,000 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Jeff M 

m ...it's an even double double!

m ...oh my stars I am not fond of pink.....palindrome!
Mary O 5,680 m ...I'm thinking that Mary has moved....but she's found her rowing machine!
Kerry 6,200 m
Robby 6,862 m
Danno 6,990 m...to make it a fine 2,000,000 m total!
David T 8,000 m
Bernie 8,021 m
Virginia 8,023 m

m ...a palindrome!
Dennis 10,000 m
Ed 10,000 m
Lynne 10,000 m
Ryan 10,000 m
Howard 11,243 m

m ...a one and a two and a two and a two and a one...it's a palindrome!
Jon C 14,002 m
David A 14,829 m
Jim 15,277 m

m ...a palindrome !
James S 22,570 m
Dan who 

m ... a starry palindrome for snowy NC !
bg 30,115 m
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by danwho » February 26th, 2015, 4:14 pm
Congrats, Rebecca and Danno !!
And yes, Raleigh has indeed been getting a share in this wonderful winter wasteland. Nothing compared to Boston, of course. Having grown up in NY, it is easy to underestimate the winter experience here, but I've learned there is a lot to be said for what you are prepared for. Raleigh has no need for the heavy winter preparations, because there is the expectation that it is infrequent, and it will warm up and melt soon enough. I remember one year we had a major storm for here (2 feet), and it really didn't get above freezing for a long time. Neighborhood roads never saw a plow. I drove to work on roads with inches thick of ice - it felt like the car just drove itself in the ruts in the ice. My daughter was out of school for 3 weeks (such a hardship).
And to add a little local color, what I have now is all these prickly gumballs that have been knocked down onto the yard and driveway. The sweetgum tree is indigenous to the South, and was totally a foreign thing to this refugee from the Northeast. All I saw was some nice hardwoods on the property. On the bright side, it is almost impossible to slip on the ice when the driveway is littered with gumballs, but I guess if you did manage to slip and land on the gumballs, you'll probably draw blood.