LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by April27 » December 31st, 2014, 10:49 am

Thor MW wrote:Oh boy I hope I have this right. Grin.
I am Michael Winegarden AKA Thor MW. I believe Kona2 called me this. I am new to the team and just got back in to rowing again. I want to say thank you for welcoming me to the team. I am trying to figure out how to use this forum so if I make any mistakes or you have advice that will make life easier for me, please send it on. I think I joined the team ride for Jan and I will rack up some meters but my primary focus is on training right now. I will row one day and lift weights the next. I am away from home on holiday but should be reunited with my gym Wednesday. First goal, work off some of mom’s cooking!!! Grin. I also expect I will hit my first million meters sometime this season. You are really a wonderful group and it is a pleasure reading posts throughout the holiday challenge. Happy star gazing.

I'm new here too so we can learn together! Good luck with your goals!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 31st, 2014, 12:45 pm

April27 wrote:
I'm new here too so we can learn together! Good luck with your goals!
Welcome to the Lunie Challenge Team, April ! If you're interested in joining the year-round team as well, we would love to have you participate there too. The year-round team "join" is located in your team profile. You go to team profile, edit team profile, scroll down to affiliation (which is what the year round teams are called), then select Luna-Tics. No pressure - just taking the opportunity to share how to sign on to an affiliation.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by April27 » December 31st, 2014, 1:48 pm

Kona2 wrote:
April27 wrote:
I'm new here too so we can learn together! Good luck with your goals!
Welcome to the Lunie Challenge Team, April ! If you're interested in joining the year-round team as well, we would love to have you participate there too. The year-round team "join" is located in your team profile. You go to team profile, edit team profile, scroll down to affiliation (which is what the year round teams are called), then select Luna-Tics. No pressure - just taking the opportunity to share how to sign on to an affiliation.

Thanks for the warm welcome! I joined the affiliation as well. :)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Edscapade » December 31st, 2014, 1:56 pm

Calamity wrote:Image

Started serving early for those who might be having 2015 come more quickly than me. Enjoy
Love the picture!! I will go with a Long Island ice tea tonight. 3 more hours for the new year here in Qatar.

Happy New Year my fellow lunies! I wish you a Happy rowing season in 2015...


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 31st, 2014, 2:04 pm

Image Happy New Year !

Most excellent job on the drinks and the erg drink server graphic, Jane aka Guinan! I am looking forward to my virtual beverage!

Tomorrow (or today) starts the Virtual Teams Challenge. Here's a link to those who are signed up for the Challenge team - with a hope that some may realize upon NOT seeing their names that they do need to make the election to participate. When next in your online logbook, scroll across to teams, then down to the Virtual join Luna-Tics and you're on the team!

Season meters as of 244/365 = 59,659,084 m

Total meters on the day = 339,422 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

850 K Ken G
850 K Stuart
400 K David G
400 K Rick C
350 K Laurie
200 K Jeff D

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Lily ImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Gene 2,755 m
Peter G 4,908 m
Brian 5,000 m
Lynne 5,000 m
Rachel 5,000 m
Jeff D 5,020 m
Marie 6,000 m
Rick ImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Kevin 6,573 m
Norton 7,000 m
AJ 7,044 m
Steve G 8,296 m
Dan O' 8.393 m
Laurie 10,000 m
Ryan 10,000 m
Michael W aka Thor 11,537 m
David T 12,000 m
Howard ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome!
Image ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome! Whoa....two minds on the same wavelength...
Danwho ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome!
David A 14,734 m
Jessica 15,000 m
Ron ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a 16 tons Tennessee Ernie Ford palindrome....
Ken G 20,000 m
ImageStuart 21,097 m ... a half moon to finish 2014!
ImageEd ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome from afar!
Image bg 30,179 m
ImageDavid G 37,976 m ...wowzer! either a good update or almost a full moon! Or both!

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The Luna-Tics Story...So Far....

Post by Kona2 » December 31st, 2014, 2:40 pm

Just reading through some of the team profiles, and saw that Michael W had some comments about our Moon Shot goal...and thought I would take a moment to post our history (as we do each year about the time of the Virtual Team Challenge. For many of us, 2007 and 2008 was a year to celebrate as we first joined the Lunie team. The forum has provided us a great way to communicate with each other, and share our stories. Happy Team Anniversary to all the Lunies!

The short version is that it did take us 9 years to get to the moon, and it only took us about 2 and a half to get back. We are now on our second journey to the moon, and since we only "count" where we are at the end of each Concept2 season on April 30th, we currently have accumulated 184,258,753 m in our quest to return to the moon. It's a 384,000,000 m journey, so we have a long way to go!!

The Luna-Tics Team History thru 2014 Concept2 Season

2003 - Virtual Teams instituted by C2. Matt Forsbacka, being slightly influenced by his work for NASA founds the LUNA-TICS year-round team. His goal? To row to the moon. Calling all hands...Calling all hands...
The yearend stats show 7 team mates, and the team placing #72 out of 1437 teams that year. Total team meters: 3,874,123.

2004 - The year end stats show 11 team mates and the team placing #94 out of 1233 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 4,500,044.

2005 - The year end stats show 15 team mates and the team placing #71 out of 1211 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 8,321,188.

2006 - The year end stats show 19 team mates and the team placing #72 out of 1066 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 8,507,331.

2007 - Formation of the LUNA-TICS challenge team by Kristine Strasburger. The year end stats show 25 team mates and the team placing #47 out of 1137 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 14,265,122.

2008 - Challenge team captain discovers the C2 forum, and begins team recruiting efforts for the Holiday Challenge. LUNA-TICS Team Room on the forum established. The yearend stats show 59 team mates and the team placing #11 out of 1234 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 48,110,121.

2009 – Team forum pages grow into the 200’s; 92K + views of pages. Team finishes the year with 81 teammates and the team placing # 6 out of 1475 teams in existence. Total team meters: 85,778,613 m – meters per team member average is over 1 MM.

2010 - We had 110 team members at the end of the year, and again finished with a meters per team member average of over 1 MM. Total meters were 115,405,350 m. Team placed 5th overall in the team rankings.

Image March 1, 2011 - Lunar landing after a compilation of greater than 109 MM by 129 team members, team members descend to the lunar surface to begin exploration of the lunar features. Team is currently in 4th place overall in the team rankings, and there is one team challenge yet to go: The World Erg Challenge begins in two weeks.

2011 – We had 137 team members at the end of the rowing year (two posthumously), and again finished with a meters per team member average of over 1 MM. Total meters were 141,637,835 m. Fourth place overall. Our best ever.

2012 – We finished the year with 178 team members. Total meters are 203,752,749 m and we are in third place overall (out of 1,646 teams), both are first evers for the team. Our average meters per team member is over 1 MM for the fourth year in a row. We had two second place finishes in team competitions this year. We encouraged the rowing universe to complete the Holiday Challenge and gain enough meters so that Concept2 met its goal … and exceeded it.

2013 – We finished the year with 168 team members (one posthumously). Total meters are 178,512,167 m and we are in third place overall (out of 1,777 teams). We made it back to earth following our initial landing on the moon in 2011. Took us nine years to get there, and a little over 2 years to return. Amazing how the team was motivated! Our average meters per team member statistic is over ONE MILLION METERS (1,062,572 m) for the fifth year in a row. The entire Rowing Universe completed the Holiday Challenge with sufficient meters to meet Concept 2’s goal…and exceed it. It was an exciting finish to the rowing year!

2014 – We finished the year with 175 team members (one posthumously). Total meters are 184,258,753 m. Our average meters per team member statistic is over ONE MILLION METERS for the sixth year in a row. We started our journey back to the moon, and have about 200 million meters before our second lunar landing occurs.

2015 – Now on our way back to the moon with a new crew. It will be a big stretch to average one million meters per team member this year, yet stranger things have happened on our journey. Rock on, Lunies, rock on!

Thor MW
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » December 31st, 2014, 2:59 pm

Thanks April27. I hit the rower today and started working off mom's cooking. It felt good. Tomorrow weights. that may not feel so good. Grin.
Kona2 wrote:
April27 wrote:
I'm new here too so we can learn together! Good luck with your goals!
Welcome to the Lunie Challenge Team, April ! If you're interested in joining the year-round team as well, we would love to have you participate there too. The year-round team "join" is located in your team profile. You go to team profile, edit team profile, scroll down to affiliation (which is what the year round teams are called), then select Luna-Tics. No pressure - just taking the opportunity to share how to sign on to an affiliation.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » December 31st, 2014, 3:00 pm

April27 wrote:I'm new here ... Good luck with your goals!
Well, hello and welcome, fellow 27 suffix! A most excellent number.

I think that we, on the US West Coast will be the last group, on our team, to welcome in the New Year. I'm still 13 hours away from that excellent looking bottle of Champagne in Ten Forward. But, some of you are already chatting with Guinan (though, Bazzy's probably been in The Shed for an hour already, pounding through his first 2015 workout) ... so, Happy Happy, and wishing y'all good rowing in the VTC canoes and bathtubs!


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Re: The Luna-Tics Story...So Far....

Post by Thor MW » December 31st, 2014, 3:16 pm

Very cool. Thanks for posting the story. To think I didn't like history in school.
Kona2 wrote:Just reading through some of the team profiles, and saw that Michael W had some comments about our Moon Shot goal...and thought I would take a moment to post our history (as we do each year about the time of the Virtual Team Challenge. For many of us, 2007 and 2008 was a year to celebrate as we first joined the Lunie team. The forum has provided us a great way to communicate with each other, and share our stories. Happy Team Anniversary to all the Lunies!

The short version is that it did take us 9 years to get to the moon, and it only took us about 2 and a half to get back. We are now on our second journey to the moon, and since we only "count" where we are at the end of each Concept2 season on April 30th, we currently have accumulated 184,258,753 m in our quest to return to the moon. It's a 384,000,000 m journey, so we have a long way to go!!

The Luna-Tics Team History thru 2014 Concept2 Season

2003 - Virtual Teams instituted by C2. Matt Forsbacka, being slightly influenced by his work for NASA founds the LUNA-TICS year-round team. His goal? To row to the moon. Calling all hands...Calling all hands...
The yearend stats show 7 team mates, and the team placing #72 out of 1437 teams that year. Total team meters: 3,874,123.

2004 - The year end stats show 11 team mates and the team placing #94 out of 1233 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 4,500,044.

2005 - The year end stats show 15 team mates and the team placing #71 out of 1211 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 8,321,188.

2006 - The year end stats show 19 team mates and the team placing #72 out of 1066 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 8,507,331.

2007 - Formation of the LUNA-TICS challenge team by Kristine Strasburger. The year end stats show 25 team mates and the team placing #47 out of 1137 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 14,265,122.

2008 - Challenge team captain discovers the C2 forum, and begins team recruiting efforts for the Holiday Challenge. LUNA-TICS Team Room on the forum established. The yearend stats show 59 team mates and the team placing #11 out of 1234 teams in existence that year. Total team meters: 48,110,121.

2009 – Team forum pages grow into the 200’s; 92K + views of pages. Team finishes the year with 81 teammates and the team placing # 6 out of 1475 teams in existence. Total team meters: 85,778,613 m – meters per team member average is over 1 MM.

2010 - We had 110 team members at the end of the year, and again finished with a meters per team member average of over 1 MM. Total meters were 115,405,350 m. Team placed 5th overall in the team rankings.

Image March 1, 2011 - Lunar landing after a compilation of greater than 109 MM by 129 team members, team members descend to the lunar surface to begin exploration of the lunar features. Team is currently in 4th place overall in the team rankings, and there is one team challenge yet to go: The World Erg Challenge begins in two weeks.

2011 – We had 137 team members at the end of the rowing year (two posthumously), and again finished with a meters per team member average of over 1 MM. Total meters were 141,637,835 m. Fourth place overall. Our best ever.

2012 – We finished the year with 178 team members. Total meters are 203,752,749 m and we are in third place overall (out of 1,646 teams), both are first evers for the team. Our average meters per team member is over 1 MM for the fourth year in a row. We had two second place finishes in team competitions this year. We encouraged the rowing universe to complete the Holiday Challenge and gain enough meters so that Concept2 met its goal … and exceeded it.

2013 – We finished the year with 168 team members (one posthumously). Total meters are 178,512,167 m and we are in third place overall (out of 1,777 teams). We made it back to earth following our initial landing on the moon in 2011. Took us nine years to get there, and a little over 2 years to return. Amazing how the team was motivated! Our average meters per team member statistic is over ONE MILLION METERS (1,062,572 m) for the fifth year in a row. The entire Rowing Universe completed the Holiday Challenge with sufficient meters to meet Concept 2’s goal…and exceed it. It was an exciting finish to the rowing year!

2014 – We finished the year with 175 team members (one posthumously). Total meters are 184,258,753 m. Our average meters per team member statistic is over ONE MILLION METERS for the sixth year in a row. We started our journey back to the moon, and have about 200 million meters before our second lunar landing occurs.

2015 – Now on our way back to the moon with a new crew. It will be a big stretch to average one million meters per team member this year, yet stranger things have happened on our journey. Rock on, Lunies, rock on!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 31st, 2014, 4:01 pm

danwho wrote:Ah, those Manta Rays are always swimming about.
Most excellent display, Guinan !!

bg, I remember one particular run in the single digits (not factoring in the wind chill) - in which some body parts that were always considered safely protected were not protected enough (damn that wind chill). But what was most memorable was that I had a beard at the time, and my breath was freezing into my beard, and when I finished, I looked like the Abominable Snowman.
i remember seeing guys running with icicles and snot frozen on their beards..brrrrr...and happy new year to those who are already in 2015 :}
btw today was my first run when i ended up with a gatorade slushy....

Thor MW
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » December 31st, 2014, 4:39 pm

Looks like I'm going out this eve for some Banana Momma's. Running in that cold? One is forced to wonder, dedicated or ... hmm. haha
bg wrote:
danwho wrote:Ah, those Manta Rays are always swimming about.
Most excellent display, Guinan !!

bg, I remember one particular run in the single digits (not factoring in the wind chill) - in which some body parts that were always considered safely protected were not protected enough (damn that wind chill). But what was most memorable was that I had a beard at the time, and my breath was freezing into my beard, and when I finished, I looked like the Abominable Snowman.
i remember seeing guys running with icicles and snot frozen on their beards..brrrrr...and happy new year to those who are already in 2015 :}
btw today was my first run when i ended up with a gatorade slushy....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by April27 » December 31st, 2014, 4:49 pm

just27 wrote:
April27 wrote:I'm new here ... Good luck with your goals!
Well, hello and welcome, fellow 27 suffix! A most excellent number.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 31st, 2014, 4:54 pm

April27 wrote:
just27 wrote:
April27 wrote:I'm new here ... Good luck with your goals!
Well, hello and welcome, fellow 27 suffix! A most excellent number.
welcome from me too :}

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » December 31st, 2014, 6:03 pm

It's destiny, I tell you. :) Welcome from me too.

And bg, while that run is now an old memory, I'm gonna say that was 100% frozen breath in my beard, and not ... that other 'thing'.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by voodoogirl » December 31st, 2014, 10:58 pm

Calamity wrote:Image

Started serving early for those who might be having 2015 come more quickly than me. Enjoy

THIS IS FABULOUS! Off to enjoy my smash--and Happy New Year to everyone! Without your motivation and humor I don't think I'd keep rowing. Hoping next season to be one of the million-meter averages...we'll see how the feet hold up!

Wishing all of you health and happiness in 2015...

Laurie Pachter
Herndon, VA

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