TimbukTOO Team Room
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1778
- Joined: September 14th, 2010, 11:05 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
All hands on deck, setting our sights on the 60MM mark! 37 of 90 members (41%) logged 334,835 total meters Monday!
Milestones achieved: Bobbie Z broke through 1.9M, Jim K jumped 1.1M, John St. surpassed 900K, Andrew A topped 500K, Tristan B tackled 300K, Stefan S stepped over 150K & Ally M accomplished 15K!!
Approaching milestones: Keir P fast approaching 2.1M (-25,749m), Jim C concentrating on 1.8M (-24,000m), Jay K. climbing towards 1.7M (-16,879m), Randy F roaring towards 1.4M (-18,903m), Marie B nearing 1.2M (-2,502m), Anita H steadily working on 1.1M (-17,691m), John B soon to reach the coveted 1 MILLION mark (-10,634m), Lee C is looking for 800K (-18,540m), Barbara B (-9,597m) & Katie S (-12,625m) are aiming for 400K, Bobbie K daily whittling away at 350K (-7,108m), Kelly M is nearing 300K (-6,991m), Adam M on the cusp of 250K (-609m), Lily Y wearing down 150K (-14,498m), & Ally M is closing in on 25K (-7,451m)!
Posted Meters:
Andy I – 22,000 Texas-sized post!
Yisroel H – 21,097 HM!
Bobbie Z – 19,069 Very long!
Keir P – 16,004 Strong!
Jim C – 16,000 Just like old times...
Stefan S – 13,812 First TimbukTOO row!
John St. - 13,547 Back from running races?
Ron M – 13,000 Rested...
Ally M – 12,537 Impressive!
Doug G – 12,364 Long rows daily!
Jamie B – 11,777 I'm detecting a pattern...
John B – 10,908 On fire!
Kelly M – 10,018 Double your normal rows!
Lee C – 10,009 Grinding out long rows, day after day!
Randy F – 10,000 Ten 10Ks in 10 days!
Neil Q – 10,000 The new week begins...
Adam M – 8,000 Nostalgic...
Matthew R – 7,953 Not letting busyness push aside fitness!
George M – 7,600 Well done!
Cindy R – 7,479 Nice!
Andrew A – 7,155 Finally took a day off yesterday!
J.K. - 7,150 Daily!
Barbara B – 6,538 Longest row in a while!
Rivka L – 6,000 Solid!
Ronnie M – 6,000 Working on her 2nd million...
Jim K – 5,800 You're making ME tired!
Katie S – 5,562 Serious!
Kevin K – 5,006 Seven in a row!
Roger G – 5,000 First row back!
Jay K. - 5,000 Always working...
Tristan B – 5,000 Hits on the football field not stopping you!
Michelle S – 4,000 Six rows in 7 days!
Marie B – 3,500 Every... single... day!
Anita H – 3,500 Not letting the HM tire her too much!
Martin H – 3,000 Four rows in 4 days!
Bobbie K – 2,600 Still no break...
Lily Y – 850 A bit longer...
Milestones achieved: Bobbie Z broke through 1.9M, Jim K jumped 1.1M, John St. surpassed 900K, Andrew A topped 500K, Tristan B tackled 300K, Stefan S stepped over 150K & Ally M accomplished 15K!!
Approaching milestones: Keir P fast approaching 2.1M (-25,749m), Jim C concentrating on 1.8M (-24,000m), Jay K. climbing towards 1.7M (-16,879m), Randy F roaring towards 1.4M (-18,903m), Marie B nearing 1.2M (-2,502m), Anita H steadily working on 1.1M (-17,691m), John B soon to reach the coveted 1 MILLION mark (-10,634m), Lee C is looking for 800K (-18,540m), Barbara B (-9,597m) & Katie S (-12,625m) are aiming for 400K, Bobbie K daily whittling away at 350K (-7,108m), Kelly M is nearing 300K (-6,991m), Adam M on the cusp of 250K (-609m), Lily Y wearing down 150K (-14,498m), & Ally M is closing in on 25K (-7,451m)!
Posted Meters:
Andy I – 22,000 Texas-sized post!
Yisroel H – 21,097 HM!
Bobbie Z – 19,069 Very long!
Keir P – 16,004 Strong!
Jim C – 16,000 Just like old times...
Stefan S – 13,812 First TimbukTOO row!
John St. - 13,547 Back from running races?
Ron M – 13,000 Rested...
Ally M – 12,537 Impressive!
Doug G – 12,364 Long rows daily!
Jamie B – 11,777 I'm detecting a pattern...
John B – 10,908 On fire!
Kelly M – 10,018 Double your normal rows!
Lee C – 10,009 Grinding out long rows, day after day!
Randy F – 10,000 Ten 10Ks in 10 days!
Neil Q – 10,000 The new week begins...
Adam M – 8,000 Nostalgic...
Matthew R – 7,953 Not letting busyness push aside fitness!
George M – 7,600 Well done!
Cindy R – 7,479 Nice!
Andrew A – 7,155 Finally took a day off yesterday!
J.K. - 7,150 Daily!
Barbara B – 6,538 Longest row in a while!
Rivka L – 6,000 Solid!
Ronnie M – 6,000 Working on her 2nd million...
Jim K – 5,800 You're making ME tired!
Katie S – 5,562 Serious!
Kevin K – 5,006 Seven in a row!
Roger G – 5,000 First row back!
Jay K. - 5,000 Always working...
Tristan B – 5,000 Hits on the football field not stopping you!
Michelle S – 4,000 Six rows in 7 days!
Marie B – 3,500 Every... single... day!
Anita H – 3,500 Not letting the HM tire her too much!
Martin H – 3,000 Four rows in 4 days!
Bobbie K – 2,600 Still no break...
Lily Y – 850 A bit longer...
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Not rested as much as travelled. Came back from work travel with a head cold. Will need another day or two of rest after this long, quite miserable, row.Izzzmeister wrote: Ron M – 13,000 Rested...
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Really been struggling to get my rowing in, not attacking the holiday challenge the way I'd like. But I am committed to finishing up strong and contributing to the charity and TimbukTOO's goals!
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1778
- Joined: September 14th, 2010, 11:05 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
You've been doing quite nicely... This will soon be the second year you've reached a million. Your pace is also ahead of last year's 1.5MM total, so not bad at all...johnb wrote:Really been struggling to get my rowing in, not attacking the holiday challenge the way I'd like. But I am committed to finishing up strong and contributing to the charity and TimbukTOO's goals!
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
I haven't left myself too much choice as due to tweaking my back digging and filling some ditches I put off starting the Holiday Challenge until I didn't have a choice if I wanted to make 200KIzzzmeister wrote: Lee C – 10,009 Grinding out long rows, day after day!

My thanks to both you and Lisa for all the daily fun and support.
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1778
- Joined: September 14th, 2010, 11:05 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
The spread between the general goal & our team goal has narrowed, but we're still ahead! TimbukTOO is 23.8% towards our goal of $400, while the general C2 goal of $30,000 is only 19.5% realized!
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings, after Tuesday, Dec. 9: $87.75
Diane M : $17.00
David W : $8.22
Doug G : $4.49
Michelle S : $4.90
Christa K : $4.81
Jamie B : $3.60
Roger G : $3.20
Randy F : $3.20
Jim K : $4.10
Heather R : $3.00
Jay K. : $2.82
Scott R : $3.80
Keir P : $2.79
Rosita D : $3.74
Rivka L : $3.40
Anita H : $3.27
Gary G : $2.23
Marie B : $3.05
Ronnie M : $3.02
Jim C : $2.00
Andrew A : $1.11
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings after Wed., Dec. 10: $95.13
Diane M : $17.00
David W : $8.22
Doug G : $4.91
Heather R : $4.20
Jamie B : $4.08
Michelle S : $4.90
Christa K : $4.89
Randy F : $3.60
Rosita D : $4.34
Jim K : $4.32
Keir P : $3.23
Roger G : $3.20
Jay K. : $3.02
Scott R : $3.86
Anita H : $3.51
Jim C : $2.48
Rivka L : $3.40
Marie B : $3.25
Gary G : $2.23
Ronnie M : $3.14
George M : $2.00
Andrew A : $1.37
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings, after Tuesday, Dec. 9: $87.75
Diane M : $17.00
David W : $8.22
Doug G : $4.49
Michelle S : $4.90
Christa K : $4.81
Jamie B : $3.60
Roger G : $3.20
Randy F : $3.20
Jim K : $4.10
Heather R : $3.00
Jay K. : $2.82
Scott R : $3.80
Keir P : $2.79
Rosita D : $3.74
Rivka L : $3.40
Anita H : $3.27
Gary G : $2.23
Marie B : $3.05
Ronnie M : $3.02
Jim C : $2.00
Andrew A : $1.11
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings after Wed., Dec. 10: $95.13
Diane M : $17.00
David W : $8.22
Doug G : $4.91
Heather R : $4.20
Jamie B : $4.08
Michelle S : $4.90
Christa K : $4.89
Randy F : $3.60
Rosita D : $4.34
Jim K : $4.32
Keir P : $3.23
Roger G : $3.20
Jay K. : $3.02
Scott R : $3.86
Anita H : $3.51
Jim C : $2.48
Rivka L : $3.40
Marie B : $3.25
Gary G : $2.23
Ronnie M : $3.14
George M : $2.00
Andrew A : $1.37
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1778
- Joined: September 14th, 2010, 11:05 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Just an explanatory note for those who get scared by math:
Most things just advance in a straight line. So, if you row 10K on the first or last day of the year, your total has still advanced by 10K.
The way this challenge works is not at all a straight line (“linear”). If you row a total of 99,999 meters, you raise a total of zero. Row one more meter, and you've raised $2.00, which is 2 cents US per kilometer (=1,000 meters, about .62 of a mile). All kilometers after that raise double that amount, 4 cents.
So, let's say there are 4 weeks to the challenge, and someone rows a steady 40K a week. The amount of money he raises would look like this:
Week 1: $.00 (which, when he hits 100K, will count for $.80)
Week 2: $.00 (which, when he hits 100K, will count for $.80, totaling $1.60)
Week 3: $2.80
Week 4: $4.40
Not exactly a straight line. Even looking at what each week's rows contributed to the total of $4.40, the same 40 kilometers counted for .80, then .80, then $1.20, then $1.60. (Okay, math geeks, I know it's not TECHNICALLY exponentially, I just used that word in contrast to linearly, and because the totals tend to mushroom, similar to exponential growth.)
That's why the total raised always looks very low, then balloons towards the end. Which is why you shouldn't freak out that we're not past $200 more than halfway through the challenge.
Concept2 also assumes that adaptive rowers need some relaxation of that 100K standard. However, there are so many parts of the rowing stroke that might be compromised. Someone with no leg drive might have each rowing stroke diminished by 70%, whereas someone with no arm power might only lose 15% of each rowing stroke. Since it's impossible to calibrate each adaptive rower individually, C2 just uses 50% across the board.
So, an adaptive rower can start accumulating contributions at 50K, and the 4-cents-per-KM rate begins at that point. (That's why you'll see the amounts raised on the list going up & down. Since for a standard rower, her first 100K raised $2, and for the adaptive it has raised $3 ((50 x.02) + (50 x .04)), there could be a fluctuation of up to a US dollar on the list, since the list harvests the numbers by Meters Rowed, then calculates the Money Raised.)
Personally, I have a little over 92K in meters, so my next row will put me “in the money”. So, I haven't been slacking even though you don't see my name on the list, and I'll probably add my $5 or $6 by the time all is said & done.
Most things just advance in a straight line. So, if you row 10K on the first or last day of the year, your total has still advanced by 10K.
The way this challenge works is not at all a straight line (“linear”). If you row a total of 99,999 meters, you raise a total of zero. Row one more meter, and you've raised $2.00, which is 2 cents US per kilometer (=1,000 meters, about .62 of a mile). All kilometers after that raise double that amount, 4 cents.
So, let's say there are 4 weeks to the challenge, and someone rows a steady 40K a week. The amount of money he raises would look like this:
Week 1: $.00 (which, when he hits 100K, will count for $.80)
Week 2: $.00 (which, when he hits 100K, will count for $.80, totaling $1.60)
Week 3: $2.80
Week 4: $4.40
Not exactly a straight line. Even looking at what each week's rows contributed to the total of $4.40, the same 40 kilometers counted for .80, then .80, then $1.20, then $1.60. (Okay, math geeks, I know it's not TECHNICALLY exponentially, I just used that word in contrast to linearly, and because the totals tend to mushroom, similar to exponential growth.)
That's why the total raised always looks very low, then balloons towards the end. Which is why you shouldn't freak out that we're not past $200 more than halfway through the challenge.
Concept2 also assumes that adaptive rowers need some relaxation of that 100K standard. However, there are so many parts of the rowing stroke that might be compromised. Someone with no leg drive might have each rowing stroke diminished by 70%, whereas someone with no arm power might only lose 15% of each rowing stroke. Since it's impossible to calibrate each adaptive rower individually, C2 just uses 50% across the board.
So, an adaptive rower can start accumulating contributions at 50K, and the 4-cents-per-KM rate begins at that point. (That's why you'll see the amounts raised on the list going up & down. Since for a standard rower, her first 100K raised $2, and for the adaptive it has raised $3 ((50 x.02) + (50 x .04)), there could be a fluctuation of up to a US dollar on the list, since the list harvests the numbers by Meters Rowed, then calculates the Money Raised.)
Personally, I have a little over 92K in meters, so my next row will put me “in the money”. So, I haven't been slacking even though you don't see my name on the list, and I'll probably add my $5 or $6 by the time all is said & done.
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Izzzmeister wrote: You've been doing quite nicely... This will soon be the second year you've reached a million. Your pace is also ahead of last year's 1.5MM total, so not bad at all...
Thanks for the encouragement Izzy, I'll get there.

Got my million today, it snuck up on me!

- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1778
- Joined: September 14th, 2010, 11:05 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
All hands on deck, pulling for sure! 32 of 90 members (36%) logged 325,945 total meters Tuesday!
Milestones achieved: 50 trillion new mitochondria added to our muscles!
Approaching milestones: David W one row from 3.6M (-11,834m), Jim C pulling for 1.8M (-12,000m), Randy F in reach of 1.4M (-8,903m), J.K. intent on passing 1.2M (-39,954m), Anita H (-15,191m) leads Christa K (-31,978m) in the quest to pass 1.1M, John B is approaching 1 MILLION (-4,810m), Lee C challenging 800K (-7,500m), Scott R chipping away at 450K (-16,622m), Katie S (-10,625m) holding a lead over Jamie B (-16,568m) in the race for 400K, Brent C soon to pass 250K (-2,752m), Glenn Y (-2,122m) ahead of Lily Y (-13,498m) in the attempt to top 150K!
Posted Meters:
David W – 73,562 A triple David post!
John Sc. - 15,516 Huge!
Rivka L – 13,300 Me'od yofi!
John St. - 12,814 Back to back!
Doug G – 12,765 What an amazing week!
Michelle S – 12,000 Great job!
Yisroel H – 12,000 A strong 10K & CD!
Jim C – 12,000 Consistent!
Jamie B – 11,888 Eights is enough!
Lee C – 11,040 Intent on reaching his challenge goal!
Angela P – 10,122 Back to her strong rows!
Lisa H – 10,055 You get an A for effort!
Christa K – 10,000 Ten K!
Randy F – 10,000 Hasn't missed a day!
Glenn Y – 9,227 Strong row! Any graphics to accentuate the point?
Bobbie Z – 9,134 Determination!
Mark St – 8,500 How has your fitness improved?
George M – 7,600 Hey, even God takes a day off!
J.K. - 7,050 Great consistency!
Kevin K – 7,000 Eight in a row!
Scott R – 6,500 There's nothing like hard work...
Brent C – 5,855 Glad you didn't forget about us!
John B – 5,824 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Andrew A – 5,565 Won't be denied...
Jim K – 5,005 ...And 5 more for good luck...
Roger G – 5,000 Glad you're back!
Matthew R – 4,623 Is this as good as the old plan?
Ronnie M – 4,000 Thanks for letting me get ahead of you for a minute...
Martin H – 2,500 Always finding some time to row...
Anita H – 2,500 Found some time & energy...
Katie S – 2,000 Done for speed?
Lily Y – 1,000 One K!
Milestones achieved: 50 trillion new mitochondria added to our muscles!
Approaching milestones: David W one row from 3.6M (-11,834m), Jim C pulling for 1.8M (-12,000m), Randy F in reach of 1.4M (-8,903m), J.K. intent on passing 1.2M (-39,954m), Anita H (-15,191m) leads Christa K (-31,978m) in the quest to pass 1.1M, John B is approaching 1 MILLION (-4,810m), Lee C challenging 800K (-7,500m), Scott R chipping away at 450K (-16,622m), Katie S (-10,625m) holding a lead over Jamie B (-16,568m) in the race for 400K, Brent C soon to pass 250K (-2,752m), Glenn Y (-2,122m) ahead of Lily Y (-13,498m) in the attempt to top 150K!
Posted Meters:
David W – 73,562 A triple David post!
John Sc. - 15,516 Huge!
Rivka L – 13,300 Me'od yofi!
John St. - 12,814 Back to back!
Doug G – 12,765 What an amazing week!
Michelle S – 12,000 Great job!
Yisroel H – 12,000 A strong 10K & CD!
Jim C – 12,000 Consistent!
Jamie B – 11,888 Eights is enough!
Lee C – 11,040 Intent on reaching his challenge goal!
Angela P – 10,122 Back to her strong rows!
Lisa H – 10,055 You get an A for effort!
Christa K – 10,000 Ten K!
Randy F – 10,000 Hasn't missed a day!
Glenn Y – 9,227 Strong row! Any graphics to accentuate the point?
Bobbie Z – 9,134 Determination!
Mark St – 8,500 How has your fitness improved?
George M – 7,600 Hey, even God takes a day off!
J.K. - 7,050 Great consistency!
Kevin K – 7,000 Eight in a row!
Scott R – 6,500 There's nothing like hard work...
Brent C – 5,855 Glad you didn't forget about us!
John B – 5,824 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Andrew A – 5,565 Won't be denied...
Jim K – 5,005 ...And 5 more for good luck...
Roger G – 5,000 Glad you're back!
Matthew R – 4,623 Is this as good as the old plan?
Ronnie M – 4,000 Thanks for letting me get ahead of you for a minute...
Martin H – 2,500 Always finding some time to row...
Anita H – 2,500 Found some time & energy...
Katie S – 2,000 Done for speed?
Lily Y – 1,000 One K!
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1778
- Joined: September 14th, 2010, 11:05 am
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Welcome to new TimbukTOOian Gene Hulsey, who brought 144,626 meters with him! 32 of now 91 members (35%) logged a total of 402,492 total meters Wednesday!
Milestones achieved: Jim C reached 1.8M!!! Randy F passed 1.4M!! Marie B accomplished 1.2M! Lee C overcame 800K, Brent C eclipsed 250K, Gene H surpassed 100K & Rachel B topped 25K!!
Approaching milestones: Keir P is approaching 2.1M (-14,944m), Jay K. is nearing 1.7M (-11,879m), J.K. working on 1.2M (-32,904m), Anita H (-9,191m) & Christa K (-29,978m) even closer to 1.1M, Angela P reaching for 600K (-29,593m), Scott R a little closer to 450K (-15,122m), Jamie B (-4,569m) & Barbara B (-4,657m) racing for 400K, Bobbie K a row or two from topping 350K (-4,108m), Gene H (-5,374m), Lily Y (-11,998m) & Cindy R (-19,245m) all seeking 150K, & Rachel B is closing on 35K (-7,000m)!
Posted Meters:
Heather R – 30,000 Wow!
Andy I – 16,127 Indoor?
Rosita D – 15,000
Jim C – 12,000
Jamie B – 11,999
Yisroel H – 11,500 Grueling!
Lee C – 10,967
Keir P – 10,805
Angela P – 10,700
Lisa H – 10,581 Another!
Doug G – 10,446
Bobbie Z – 10,324
Randy F – 10,000
Mark St – 8,500
George M – 8,401
Cindy R – 7,656 Regularity!
J.K. - 7,050
Andrew A – 6,355
Anita H – 6,000
Brent C – 5,715 Two!
Jim K – 5,300
Jay K. - 5,000
Marie B – 5,000
Barbara B – 4,940
Rachel B – 4,000 Longer!
Bobbie K – 3,000
Ronnie M – 3,000
Martin H – 2,500
Christa K – 2,000
Lily Y – 1,500
Scott R – 1,500
Milestones achieved: Jim C reached 1.8M!!! Randy F passed 1.4M!! Marie B accomplished 1.2M! Lee C overcame 800K, Brent C eclipsed 250K, Gene H surpassed 100K & Rachel B topped 25K!!
Approaching milestones: Keir P is approaching 2.1M (-14,944m), Jay K. is nearing 1.7M (-11,879m), J.K. working on 1.2M (-32,904m), Anita H (-9,191m) & Christa K (-29,978m) even closer to 1.1M, Angela P reaching for 600K (-29,593m), Scott R a little closer to 450K (-15,122m), Jamie B (-4,569m) & Barbara B (-4,657m) racing for 400K, Bobbie K a row or two from topping 350K (-4,108m), Gene H (-5,374m), Lily Y (-11,998m) & Cindy R (-19,245m) all seeking 150K, & Rachel B is closing on 35K (-7,000m)!
Posted Meters:
Heather R – 30,000 Wow!
Andy I – 16,127 Indoor?
Rosita D – 15,000
Jim C – 12,000
Jamie B – 11,999
Yisroel H – 11,500 Grueling!
Lee C – 10,967
Keir P – 10,805
Angela P – 10,700
Lisa H – 10,581 Another!
Doug G – 10,446
Bobbie Z – 10,324
Randy F – 10,000
Mark St – 8,500
George M – 8,401
Cindy R – 7,656 Regularity!
J.K. - 7,050
Andrew A – 6,355
Anita H – 6,000
Brent C – 5,715 Two!
Jim K – 5,300
Jay K. - 5,000
Marie B – 5,000
Barbara B – 4,940
Rachel B – 4,000 Longer!
Bobbie K – 3,000
Ronnie M – 3,000
Martin H – 2,500
Christa K – 2,000
Lily Y – 1,500
Scott R – 1,500
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
So the simple head cold that I got when I returned from traveling had migrated to my chest and lungs. I tried going for a short slow row a few days ago but my lungs said "uhm, NO!"
Hopefully I'll be back at it within a day or two, things seem to be getting better. I was hoping to go for 200k this challenge, but now I just want to chalk up any amount of money.
Hopefully I'll be back at it within a day or two, things seem to be getting better. I was hoping to go for 200k this challenge, but now I just want to chalk up any amount of money.
- damselfly
- Half Marathon Poster
- Posts: 2634
- Joined: May 12th, 2009, 1:04 pm
- Location: Southern California
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
All hands on deck! 31 of 91 members (34%) logged 259,851 total meters Thursday!
Milestones achieved:
John B blazed past 1 MILLION, Jamie B mastered 400K, and Joe H and Glenn Y attained 150K!!
Approaching milestones:
Jay K. is narrowing the gap to 1.7M (-4,379m), J.K. is tearing towards 1.2M (-25,824m), Anita H is hunting for 1.1M (-6,191m), Rosita D is targeting 900K (-49,489m), Angela P is venturing to reach 600K (-20,973m), George M is angling for 600K (-47,674m), Scott R is on target for 450K (-3,122m), Lisa H is steaming towards 400K (-15,192m), Bobbie K is on the road to 350K (-108m), Dana H is zooming towards 350K (-12,800m), Gene H is dogging 150K (-4,574m), Lily Y is dashing towards 150K (-10,898m)
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $108.98
Diane M : $17.00
David W : $8.22
Doug G : $4.91
Jamie B : $4.56
Heather R : $4.20
Randy F : $4.00
Michelle S : $4.98
Christa K : $4.89
Rosita D : $4.74
Roger G : $3.44
Jim K : $4.44
Scott R : $4.34
Jay K. : $3.32
Keir P : $3.23
Jim C : $2.96
Anita H : $3.63
George M : $2.42
Rivka L : $3.40
Ronnie M : $3.40
Stefan S : $2.37
Marie B : $3.37
Gary G : $2.23
Bobbie Z : $2.12
Angela P : $2.09
Neil Q : $2.00
Andrew A : $1.66
John Sc. : $1.08
Posted Meters:
Joe H - 35,500 Back after a break!
Neil Q - 20,000
Stefan S - 13,574
Scott R - 12,000
Jim C - 12,000
Jamie B - 12,000
George M - 10,412
Lee C - 10,185
Lisa H - 10,044
Randy F - 10,000
Rosita D - 10,000
Bobbie Z - 9,524
John B - 8,793 Congrats on the MILLION!
Angela P - 8,620
Jay K. - 7,500
Andrew A - 7,240
J.K. - 7,080 Oops! What's with the extra 30?
Ronnie M - 6,500
John Sc. - 6,403
Glenn Y - 6,380
Roger G - 6,000
Dana H - 6,000 Back in action!
Kevin K - 5,000
Bobbie K - 4,000
Jim K - 3,000
Anita H - 3,000
Marie B - 3,000
Mark Si - 2,196
Michelle S - 2,000
Lily Y - 1,100 Four!
Gene H - 800 First team row!
Milestones achieved:
John B blazed past 1 MILLION, Jamie B mastered 400K, and Joe H and Glenn Y attained 150K!!
Approaching milestones:
Jay K. is narrowing the gap to 1.7M (-4,379m), J.K. is tearing towards 1.2M (-25,824m), Anita H is hunting for 1.1M (-6,191m), Rosita D is targeting 900K (-49,489m), Angela P is venturing to reach 600K (-20,973m), George M is angling for 600K (-47,674m), Scott R is on target for 450K (-3,122m), Lisa H is steaming towards 400K (-15,192m), Bobbie K is on the road to 350K (-108m), Dana H is zooming towards 350K (-12,800m), Gene H is dogging 150K (-4,574m), Lily Y is dashing towards 150K (-10,898m)
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $108.98
Diane M : $17.00
David W : $8.22
Doug G : $4.91
Jamie B : $4.56
Heather R : $4.20
Randy F : $4.00
Michelle S : $4.98
Christa K : $4.89
Rosita D : $4.74
Roger G : $3.44
Jim K : $4.44
Scott R : $4.34
Jay K. : $3.32
Keir P : $3.23
Jim C : $2.96
Anita H : $3.63
George M : $2.42
Rivka L : $3.40
Ronnie M : $3.40
Stefan S : $2.37
Marie B : $3.37
Gary G : $2.23
Bobbie Z : $2.12
Angela P : $2.09
Neil Q : $2.00
Andrew A : $1.66
John Sc. : $1.08
Posted Meters:
Joe H - 35,500 Back after a break!
Neil Q - 20,000
Stefan S - 13,574
Scott R - 12,000
Jim C - 12,000
Jamie B - 12,000
George M - 10,412
Lee C - 10,185
Lisa H - 10,044
Randy F - 10,000
Rosita D - 10,000
Bobbie Z - 9,524
John B - 8,793 Congrats on the MILLION!
Angela P - 8,620
Jay K. - 7,500
Andrew A - 7,240
J.K. - 7,080 Oops! What's with the extra 30?

Ronnie M - 6,500
John Sc. - 6,403
Glenn Y - 6,380
Roger G - 6,000
Dana H - 6,000 Back in action!
Kevin K - 5,000
Bobbie K - 4,000
Jim K - 3,000
Anita H - 3,000
Marie B - 3,000
Mark Si - 2,196
Michelle S - 2,000
Lily Y - 1,100 Four!
Gene H - 800 First team row!
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
- damselfly
- Half Marathon Poster
- Posts: 2634
- Joined: May 12th, 2009, 1:04 pm
- Location: Southern California
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Marie Ballantine, Scott Ryan,and Michelle S have chosen to leave the team, so we wish them well. 32 of 88 members (36%) logged 586,522 total meters Friday!
Milestones achieved:
Diane M licked 10.8M, David W smashed 3.6M, Keir P walloped 2.1M, Jay K. bypassed 1.7M, Bobbie K tacked past 350K, Kelly M crushed 300K!!
Approaching milestones:
Heather R is close to 2M (-24,000m), Doug G is pursuing 1.6M (-28,573m), Roger G is seeking 1.4M (-46,888m), J.K. is moving towards 1.2M (-18,724m), Neil Q is paddling towards 1.2M (-50,000m), Christa K is closing on 1.1M (-17,978m), Ronnie M is bearing down on 1.1M (-46,174m), Stephen M is aiming for 600K (-14,120m), George M is toiling for 600K (-37,666m), Lisa H is gliding towards 400K (-7,071m), Kevin K is drawing near 400K (-23,371m), Stefan S is cranking along towards 200K (-19,615m), Gene H is nearing 150K (-2,474m), Lily Y is moving towards 150K (-9,998m)
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $118.58
Diane M : $27.00
David W : $9.21
Doug G : $5.44
Heather R : $5.20
Jamie B : $5.04
Randy F : $4.40
Christa K : $5.37
Jay K. : $4.06
Roger G : $4.04
Keir P : $3.87
Rosita D : $4.74
Jim K : $4.64
Jim C : $3.44
Gary G : $3.36
George M : $2.82
Stefan S : $2.81
Neil Q : $2.80
Ronnie M : $3.64
Anita H : $3.63
Bobbie Z : $2.42
Rivka L : $3.40
Lee C : $2.24
Angela P : $2.09
Andrew A : $1.85
John Sc. : $1.08
Posted Meters:
Diane M - 250,000 Zowie!
Gary G - 28,183 Big!
Heather R - 25,000
David W - 24,729
Neil Q - 20,000
Jay K. - 18,500
Keir P - 16,081
Roger G - 15,000
Doug G - 13,206
Christa K - 12,000
Jim C - 12,000
Jamie B - 11,999
Stefan S - 10,871
John B - 10,122
Kelly M - 10,042
George M - 10,008
Lee C - 10,000
Randy F - 10,000
Mark St - 8,500
Lisa H - 8,121
Martin H - 8,000
Bobbie Z - 7,532
J.K. - 7,100 Growing!!!
Stephen M - 6,723
Ronnie M - 6,000
Jim K - 5,000
Tristan B - 5,000
Kevin K - 5,000
Andrew A - 4,805
Bobbie K - 4,000
Gene H - 2,100
Lily Y - 900 Getting to be a daily habit!
Milestones achieved:
Diane M licked 10.8M, David W smashed 3.6M, Keir P walloped 2.1M, Jay K. bypassed 1.7M, Bobbie K tacked past 350K, Kelly M crushed 300K!!
Approaching milestones:
Heather R is close to 2M (-24,000m), Doug G is pursuing 1.6M (-28,573m), Roger G is seeking 1.4M (-46,888m), J.K. is moving towards 1.2M (-18,724m), Neil Q is paddling towards 1.2M (-50,000m), Christa K is closing on 1.1M (-17,978m), Ronnie M is bearing down on 1.1M (-46,174m), Stephen M is aiming for 600K (-14,120m), George M is toiling for 600K (-37,666m), Lisa H is gliding towards 400K (-7,071m), Kevin K is drawing near 400K (-23,371m), Stefan S is cranking along towards 200K (-19,615m), Gene H is nearing 150K (-2,474m), Lily Y is moving towards 150K (-9,998m)
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $118.58
Diane M : $27.00
David W : $9.21
Doug G : $5.44
Heather R : $5.20
Jamie B : $5.04
Randy F : $4.40
Christa K : $5.37
Jay K. : $4.06
Roger G : $4.04
Keir P : $3.87
Rosita D : $4.74
Jim K : $4.64
Jim C : $3.44
Gary G : $3.36
George M : $2.82
Stefan S : $2.81
Neil Q : $2.80
Ronnie M : $3.64
Anita H : $3.63
Bobbie Z : $2.42
Rivka L : $3.40
Lee C : $2.24
Angela P : $2.09
Andrew A : $1.85
John Sc. : $1.08
Posted Meters:
Diane M - 250,000 Zowie!
Gary G - 28,183 Big!
Heather R - 25,000
David W - 24,729
Neil Q - 20,000
Jay K. - 18,500
Keir P - 16,081
Roger G - 15,000
Doug G - 13,206
Christa K - 12,000
Jim C - 12,000
Jamie B - 11,999
Stefan S - 10,871
John B - 10,122
Kelly M - 10,042
George M - 10,008
Lee C - 10,000
Randy F - 10,000
Mark St - 8,500
Lisa H - 8,121
Martin H - 8,000
Bobbie Z - 7,532
J.K. - 7,100 Growing!!!
Stephen M - 6,723
Ronnie M - 6,000
Jim K - 5,000
Tristan B - 5,000
Kevin K - 5,000
Andrew A - 4,805
Bobbie K - 4,000
Gene H - 2,100
Lily Y - 900 Getting to be a daily habit!
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
- damselfly
- Half Marathon Poster
- Posts: 2634
- Joined: May 12th, 2009, 1:04 pm
- Location: Southern California
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
All hands on deck! 29 of 88 members (33%) logged 321,319 total meters Saturday!
Milestones achieved:
Anita H shot past 1.1M, Christa K hammered past 1.1M, Angela P eclipsed 600K, Lisa H reached 400K, Adam M squashed 250K!!
Approaching milestones:
Gary G is racing towards 2M (-46,799m), Roger G is speeding towards 1.4M (-34,888m), J.K. is close to 1.2M (-11,574m), Ronnie M is heading for 1.1M (-25,077m), Rosita D is gunning for 900K (-28,392m), Stephen M is shooting for 600K (-6,598m), George M is chasing 600K (-27,252m), Jamie B is zipping towards 450K (-18,682m), Kevin K is sneaking up on 400K (-18,371m), Stefan S is about to tackle 200K (-10,079m), Gene H is driving for 150K (-974m), Lily Y is catching up to 150K (-8,898m)
This week's frequent rowers (Sat 12/6 through Fri 12/12):
George M, J.K., Jamie B, Jim K, Lee C, Randy F & Ronnie M - 7
Andrew A, Bobbie K, Doug G, Jay K., John B, Kevin K & Martin H - 6
Angela P, Anita H, Bobbie Z, Christa K, Jim C, Lily Y, Lisa H, Marie B, Michelle S, Roger G & Scott R - 5
Heather R, Katie S, Keir P, Mark St, Rivka L, Rosita D & Stefan S - 4
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $129.88
Diane M : $27.00
David W : $9.21
Jamie B : $5.52
Doug G : $5.44
Christa K : $6.21
Heather R : $5.20
Jay K. : $4.95
Randy F : $4.80
Rosita D : $5.59
Roger G : $4.52
Keir P : $4.50
Jim K : $5.08
Gary G : $3.85
Ronnie M : $4.48
Anita H : $4.47
Jim C : $3.44
George M : $3.23
Stefan S : $3.19
Angela P : $2.94
Neil Q : $2.80
Bobbie Z : $2.71
Rivka L : $3.40
Lee C : $2.24
Lisa H : $2.03
Andrew A : $2.01
John Sc. : $1.08
Posted Meters:
Jay K. - 22,097 HM Challenge Complete!
Angela P - 21,097
Anita H - 21,097
Ronnie M - 21,097
Rosita D - 21,097
Christa K - 21,097
Mark Si - 16,710 Long!
Keir P - 15,709
Gary G - 12,330
Roger G - 12,000
Martin H - 12,000 20k in 2 days!
Jamie B - 11,888 Uh-oh... on the decline...
Lisa H - 11,038 Finally in the money!
Jim K - 11,000
George M - 10,414
Randy F - 10,000
Stefan S - 9,536
Adam M - 8,000
Stephen M - 7,522
Bobbie Z - 7,190
J.K. - 7,150 Creeping up...
Kelly M - 6,012
Bobbie K - 5,000
Kevin K - 5,000 )
Matthew R - 4,623
Andrew A - 4,015
Glenn Y - 4,000
Gene H - 1,500 Daily since joining!
Lily Y - 1,100
Milestones achieved:
Anita H shot past 1.1M, Christa K hammered past 1.1M, Angela P eclipsed 600K, Lisa H reached 400K, Adam M squashed 250K!!
Approaching milestones:
Gary G is racing towards 2M (-46,799m), Roger G is speeding towards 1.4M (-34,888m), J.K. is close to 1.2M (-11,574m), Ronnie M is heading for 1.1M (-25,077m), Rosita D is gunning for 900K (-28,392m), Stephen M is shooting for 600K (-6,598m), George M is chasing 600K (-27,252m), Jamie B is zipping towards 450K (-18,682m), Kevin K is sneaking up on 400K (-18,371m), Stefan S is about to tackle 200K (-10,079m), Gene H is driving for 150K (-974m), Lily Y is catching up to 150K (-8,898m)
This week's frequent rowers (Sat 12/6 through Fri 12/12):
George M, J.K., Jamie B, Jim K, Lee C, Randy F & Ronnie M - 7
Andrew A, Bobbie K, Doug G, Jay K., John B, Kevin K & Martin H - 6
Angela P, Anita H, Bobbie Z, Christa K, Jim C, Lily Y, Lisa H, Marie B, Michelle S, Roger G & Scott R - 5
Heather R, Katie S, Keir P, Mark St, Rivka L, Rosita D & Stefan S - 4
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $129.88
Diane M : $27.00
David W : $9.21
Jamie B : $5.52
Doug G : $5.44
Christa K : $6.21
Heather R : $5.20
Jay K. : $4.95
Randy F : $4.80
Rosita D : $5.59
Roger G : $4.52
Keir P : $4.50
Jim K : $5.08
Gary G : $3.85
Ronnie M : $4.48
Anita H : $4.47
Jim C : $3.44
George M : $3.23
Stefan S : $3.19
Angela P : $2.94
Neil Q : $2.80
Bobbie Z : $2.71
Rivka L : $3.40
Lee C : $2.24
Lisa H : $2.03
Andrew A : $2.01
John Sc. : $1.08
Posted Meters:
Jay K. - 22,097 HM Challenge Complete!
Angela P - 21,097
Anita H - 21,097
Ronnie M - 21,097
Rosita D - 21,097
Christa K - 21,097
Mark Si - 16,710 Long!
Keir P - 15,709
Gary G - 12,330
Roger G - 12,000
Martin H - 12,000 20k in 2 days!
Jamie B - 11,888 Uh-oh... on the decline...

Lisa H - 11,038 Finally in the money!
Jim K - 11,000
George M - 10,414
Randy F - 10,000
Stefan S - 9,536
Adam M - 8,000
Stephen M - 7,522
Bobbie Z - 7,190
J.K. - 7,150 Creeping up...
Kelly M - 6,012
Bobbie K - 5,000
Kevin K - 5,000 )
Matthew R - 4,623
Andrew A - 4,015
Glenn Y - 4,000
Gene H - 1,500 Daily since joining!
Lily Y - 1,100
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
Re: TimbukTOO Team Room
Hey all, have not been rowing much lately and when I do its a consistent 8500 meters. On weds. night, yes Thanksgiving eve my wife was put in the hospital with complete renal failure and we almost lost her. She is now on the road to recovery and I have gotten 1 or 2 rows in to keep my sanity.
This with my wife are progressing and she is out of the hospital. During this time I have rowed when possible and been consistently rowing 8500 meters. Actually banged out a 10k+ today and it felt great. Stroke rate was good and 500 meter splits were good considering the speratic training. My fitness is good and I look forward to being able to be more active again.
This with my wife are progressing and she is out of the hospital. During this time I have rowed when possible and been consistently rowing 8500 meters. Actually banged out a 10k+ today and it felt great. Stroke rate was good and 500 meter splits were good considering the speratic training. My fitness is good and I look forward to being able to be more active again.