Dickie wrote:Ok, enough is enough, if its not a blatherfest, then how would you or anyone else fix it. All I've read so far IS blather. There are no constructive comments on how to fix the problem. How would you eliminate cheaters? Short of going to an all race result ranking, I don't believe its possible. This is a worldwide ranking, there are not races in every country and certainly not races in every category, not everyone can afford a PM3 or a video camera, so give me some solutions.
You could say that you are making headway by calling out those you believe are cheating, but what have you accomplished. If the times are legitimate then you have cast aspersions on an honorable person (hardly the act of another honorable person). If they are not, you can't prove it, and the person involved, who is by definition dishonorable, certainly will not have the honor to remove the times. All you have accomplished is to raise the ire of a lot of honest people, and may I posit, you may be inciting more false times to be posted. There is more than one reason to post a false time. I have heard ego as one, but how about someone getting their jollies by inciting a riot in cyberspace (Commonly called Trolls).
I would like to see the rankings be free of cheaters, but how?
And by the way, Dwayne, was goaded into doing a 2000 that received an IND_V, and still that is not good enough, because the PM3 can be "scammed". He is derided because there is no video. Well, let me be the first to tell you it is easier to scam a photo or video than the PM3. And beyond the already achieved IND_V how would you have him prove it, the racing season is over.
Fred Dickie
I wholeheartedly agree.
Accusations of cheating without real proof (or with only "proof" that cannot be shared) are pointless and heinous. I've certainly been excoriated enough for pointing that out in this and the old forum. Despite what some have said, that has been, and still is, the only issue I care about. Any other points I have made were intended to be subsidiary to and supportive of that position.
Some people will never be satisfied with any degree of proof. The acrimony that these "cheating" threads have engendered is astonishing. The participation level in the "new" forum seems to be far less than in the old. I wonder how much is attributable to the recent argumentative tone.
In addition, people here take this "sport" much too seriously. With all due respect to the makers and users of Concept2 equipment, this is a made-up sport for users of a piece of exercise equipment that most people, even athletes, cannot even identify, let alone use. Aside from a very few competitors, no one cares about world records in the "sport." For most of the world, it is no different than some of the more bizarre records reported in the Guinness Book of World Records. Other than respect and comradeship from one's fellow competitors, the only thing anyone gets out of this sport is a memento of placing well, and, in a few cases, a free trip to a competition or two, funded by Concept2 out of the goodness of its corporate heart. Accusations of "cheating" here would be viewed by the rest of the world on roughly the same level as a cheating scandal in a local Tiddly-Winks tournament. "World records" based on a readout from an electronic monitor just don't have much cachet in the real world -- one might as well be racing on Tony Little's Gazelle as far as the general public is concerned. We may think that the movements of those little boats on the monitor is significant, but no one else does. It is probably less interesting than the fellow I recently saw on television boasting that he was in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the longest nipple hair in the world. At least that is worth a laugh.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my erg, and I appreciate the help I have received from some on this board. To those people, I say "Thank you, very much." In those limited areas where I have some expertise, I have attempted to be of assistance as well. I hope that I have succeeded at that.
Nevertheless, this tempest in a teapot has gone beyond the point of absurdity. It's time to get a life, so I'm taking an indeterminate hiatus from this forum. I may read it from time to time, but I won't be posting anymore. I wish you all well.