A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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by danwho » November 10th, 2014, 8:53 pm
Kona2 wrote:Dan W kicked it up a notch towards his impending one million meter milestone by putting together an Edwardian kind of palindrome!
Not quite up to a camel in a day. In fact, I only managed halfway.
Without the desert skills of Ed, I chose a hump a day instead.
And I have to agree with Howard. Rowing palindromes is kinda fun ... once you work out some of the kinks ...
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by Kona2 » November 11th, 2014, 12:15 pm
You find some good graphics, Danwho! Not sure if that is circular rowing or backwards rowing! It is loosely related to discovering that upon getting a tandem, you (as stoker or backseat biker) like to start pedaling with your right foot and the captain (front rider) likes to start with the left foot. On a single chain drive, this does not work well and the tandem and its riders can crash in the parking area. Egad.
Welcome back for the 2015 Concept2 Erg season to Rachel ! Always good to see returning teammates, especially in time for the Holiday Challenge.
I did receive word back from Dena H of Concept2 about the Challenge requirements. As many have perhaps already noted, the link to sign up to have your meters go towards one of the Concept2 selected charities is live today. Dena clarified that individuals need to select one of the options for their meters in order to qualify for the Holiday Challenge pin. No actual monies have to be donated to the charities, although that option is there if you wish to contact the charities directly. Concept2 just wants to make sure that we are paying attention to the reason behind the season's challenge meters, which is to raise monies through our efforts towards some specific charitable organizations...and not just rowing or ski-erging meters. So take time to designate where you would like your future efforts to add value !
Season meters as of 194/365 = 41,895,363 m
Total meters on the day = 266,916 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
2.9 MM Steve G
2.3 MM David A
1.05 MM Dominic
700 K David W (GBR)
450 K Sarah A
300 K Howard
300 K Rick C
150 K Paul B
50 K James G
And, we have some teammates who are getting close to some big milestones:
Million Meters:
Steve G with (96,533 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Barry with (24,868 m) to go!
Danwho with (50,791 m) to go!
AJ with (56,243 m) to go!
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Jeff M 1,018 m
Tony ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... a palindrome of the one kind
Ross 3,000 m
Kristine 4,306 m ... she's making progress!
Sarah A 4,314 m
Dan O' 4,492 m
Andre 4,706 m
Paul B 5,000 m
Rachel 5,000 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Rick C 6,199 m
Jon C 6,805 m
Kerry 7,019 m
AJ 7,164 m
Dominic 8,000 m
David W (GBR) 9,604 m
James S 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
David T 14,000 m
Howard ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m .. another palindrome!
David A 14,890 m
Danno 15,023 m
m ...hula hula palindrome!
Steve G 20,463 m
bg 25,308 m
James G 40,344 m ... good update!
It's Veteran's Day here in the US, and we have many veterans on the team. Thanks to all for your service!
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by Kona2 » November 12th, 2014, 11:01 am
Hooboy! Denver fell straight into winter with our current winter blast ! Meanwhile, Danno and Howard were thinking of the same number, and three palindromes appeared as well as a double eight double...good karma for sure!
Season meters as of 195/365 = 42,095,054 m
Total meters on the day = 199,691 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
2.75 MM bg
500 K Peter G - a cool half million
150 K Kristine
Million Meters:
Steve G with (82,067 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Barry with (17,259 m) to go!
Danwho with (50,791 m) to go!
AJ with (56,243 m) to go!
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Tony ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... a palindrome of the first kind!
Dan O' 3,000 m
Steven D 3,941 m
Kristine 4,303 m
Peter G 5,000 m
Rick 6,206 m
Ross 6,765 m
Barry 7,609 m
K2 7,628 m
Tom M 9,053 m
Kerry 10,790 m
Minnie ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ...a palindrome!
Danno 13,233 m
Howard 13,233 m
Steve G 14,466 m
David A 14,814 m...a double eight double!
Dominic 15,036 m
Ed ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/arg-2-50-transa.gif)
m ...a Qatar palindrome!
bg 25,220 m
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by just27 » November 12th, 2014, 8:34 pm
Kona2 wrote: ... Danno and Howard were thinking of the same number ...
Uh huh. Yeah, but they missed the palindrome by 2 meters. It was 13,231, guys!
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by Kona2 » November 13th, 2014, 12:54 pm
Just lost the whole, and completed posting. This could make me truly a Lunie. Grr.
Another episode...
What do the comet lander Philae and Napoleon have in common? It all started with the Philae lander settling (with a bounce or so) on the comet's surface. Philae lander reminded me of the word philander, which is just not right for this mission except in certain space themed B movies. Using my favorite Wiki resources, and a few from NASA, I have wandered through World History this morning. I'm not too familiar with World History, although a certain student's class in AP World History did get me interested in some of the things that we all need to know.
The British Museum seems to have a lot of artifacts that other countries want back, and one of those is its most visited object, the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone, according to Wiki, is a "rock" inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis (as in Egypt, 12 miles south of Cairo) in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The decree appears in three scripts: the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the middle portion Demotic script, and the lowest Ancient Greek. Because it presents essentially the same text in all three scripts (with some minor differences among them), it provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Sometime or times during the period between 196 BC and 1799, the Rosetta Stone was moved from its original location to become an element in the building materials of a fort near the town of Rosetta on the Nile Delta. Napoleon's army made a foray into Egypt in the 1790s, bringing not only soldiers but a few science types as well since Napoleon believed himself to be a scientist of sorts also (he had many visions). When you see the Rosetta Stone in person (and thankfully the British Museum has it on view), it seems amazing that someone could recognize its importance - especially when it was part of a Fort's building materials.
It would be 20 years before the French historian Jean-François Champollion would announce the deciphering of the Stone, and one of the keys to that deciphering was the discovery of an obelisk on the island of Philae in the Nile. NASA Space Science Data Center says of that the Philae is named after the island in the river Nile on which an obelisk was found that had a bilingual inscription including the names of Cleopatra and Ptolemy in Egyptian hieroglyphs. This provided the French historian Jean-Francois Champollion with the final clues that enabled him to decipher the hieroglyphs of the Rosetta Stone and unlock the secrets of the civilisation of ancient Egypt. The landing region is named Agilkia after the island in the Nile to which the monuments on the island of Philae were moved so they would not be submerged due to the construction of the Aswan Dam. Not sure if the lander stayed in the landing region first designed as it apparently gave a good hop.
The Rosetta Mission is designed to discover the physical properties of the comet's surface and subsurface, with its name suggesting the search for a new field of knowledge. Back in the day, I think the Apollo 10 mission called its orbiter Charlie Brown, and the unmanned lunar craft Snoopy. One can just hear the strong suggestions for Apollo 11 that a more dignified (and what's wrong with Peanuts I ask?!) name be given to the orbiter and the Lunar Module. The Columbia was the orbiting craft in Apollo 11, and was named after the Columbiad (a huge cannon capable of projecting a "spacecraft" from the Earth to the Moon) from the Jules Verne novel "From the Earth to the Moon", and the Lunar Module was the Eagle. Interesting things in space around us as we journey from the Earth to the Moon!
Season meters as of 196/365=42,366,982 m
Total meters on the day = 271,928 m
MILESTONES...Bragging RIghts...Celebrations:
3.7 MM Ed
1.15 MM Danno
950 K Danwho
400 K Ross
100 K Steven D
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Million Meter Milestone:
Ed with (278,879 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Steve G with (82,047 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Barry with (17,259 m) to go!
Danwho with (38,270 m) to go!
AJ with (49,211 m) to go!
Rich M 2,000 m
Steven D 4,112 m
Tom M 4,514 m
Paul B 5,000 m
Ross 6,535 m
AJ 7,032 m
Bernie 8,026 m
Dominic 9,500 m
Peter H 10,000 m ...and how about that Solar Road bikeway? The Dutchies lead the way!
Teresa ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... an Olympic palindrome!
James S 11,000 m
Minnie ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... hula hula....is she counting up or down for her palindrome?!
Danwho ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... a who-la who-la palindrome!
Howard 13,323 m
Danno 13,885 m
David A 14,168 m
David T 16,000 m
Ed ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/2Ball-1.png)
m ...another palindrome!
bg 25,197 m
David W (GBR) 27,857 m
Andrea 33,184 m ... good update!
Here's to a blue sky day and climbing into double digits...
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by nl07695 » November 13th, 2014, 2:21 pm
Funny, the new bike path is bigger news in the rest of the world then over here. I don't see the big leap foreward... I would say put a slab of asphalt in Arizona, run some waterpipes through it and the water will heat up. This could generate electricity too.
Now this is another bike path over here which to my opinion is way nicer.
http://www.boredpanda.com/van-gogh-star ... osegaarde/
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by Kona2 » November 13th, 2014, 4:49 pm
nl07695 wrote:Funny, the new bike path is bigger news in the rest of the world then over here. I don't see the big leap foreward... I would say put a slab of asphalt in Arizona, run some waterpipes through it and the water will heat up. This could generate electricity too.
Now this is another bike path over here which to my opinion is way nicer.
http://www.boredpanda.com/van-gogh-star ... osegaarde/
That is AWESOME!
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by just27 » November 13th, 2014, 5:48 pm
These paths do look magical; they remind me of the movie, Avatar.
The one in Cambridge, UK, isn't as starry-starry-night, but looks pretty cool, too.
http://www.citylab.com/commute/2013/10/ ... qus_thread
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by just27 » November 13th, 2014, 7:20 pm
Kona2 wrote: ... The Rosetta Mission is designed to discover the physical properties of the comet's surface and subsurface ... Back in the day, I think the Apollo 10 mission called its orbiter Charlie Brown, and the unmanned lunar craft Snoopy. ... Interesting things in space around us as we journey from the Earth to the Moon!
The things we learn on these bunny trails. Pop Quiz!?
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by Kona2 » November 14th, 2014, 11:27 am
Snoopy...one of the most endearing cartoon characters EVER....
Had a note from bg yesterday. While she has her new computer up and running, and can post her meters, she is unable to get on the forum page. She says: please say hi to everyone from me..and gooooooooo pats :}
Incorrigible. I can't believe I posted that.
Meanwhile, teammates are getting closer to their personal goals of the millions of meters, and several palindromes plus a Billboard double double popped up in the numbers today. Good work by all !
Million Meter Milestone:
Ed with (253,827 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Steve G with (82,047 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Barry with (17,259 m) to go!
Danwho with (38,270 m) to go!
AJ with (49,211 m) to go!
A Ron Update: Ron sends word that one of the things that can happen when you don't have feeling in your hand, is that you can sustain a burn and not realize it until you have a blister. He has a setback in his quest to continue to row meters, but will be back on board soonest.
Season meters as of 197/365 = 42,602,545 m
Total meters on the day = 235,563 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
2.8 MM bg
2.35 MM David A
1.8 MM Minnie
650 K Rebecca
500 K Ken G
450 K Stuart
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us! Congratulations, you made it through the week. Happy Friday, especially to those who are G-R-U-M-P-Y.
Tony ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m... a repeater kind of palindrome!
m ... a Billboard Number One double double !!
Kristine 4,287 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Peter G 5,013 m
K2 ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/Star5.gif)
m ... pink....my least favorite color....but a palindrome!
Stuart 6,275 m
Jon C 6,871 m
Dan O' 7,012 m
Jeff P 7,500 m
Kerry 7,885 m ...so close to a palindrome...just two more meters would have done it!
Bernie 8,040 m
Jane ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/Star8.gif)
m ... now there's a palindrome to like !
James G 9,330 m
Peter H 10,000 m
m ... hula hula palindrome!
David W (GBR) 10,015 m
David A 14,804 m
Dominic 15,038 m
Ed ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/arg-2-50-transa.gif)
m ... a palindrome from Qatar!
bg 25,911 m
Ken G 40,000 m
Here's hoping Denver climbs out of the deep freeze soon....can you say CABIN FEVER?!
Kristine Strasburger
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by Kristine Strasburger » November 14th, 2014, 7:11 pm
You are in my prayers, Ron. Thanks for keeping us posted!
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by Kona2 » November 15th, 2014, 11:51 am
Another fine day for rowing and ski-erging! We've been on page 1111 of our team forum - and Tony's been rowing 1111 for several days now to give us a commemorative palindrome. Meanwhile, we have three palindromes today and several teammates who are moving closer to some personal milestones. This could include Kerry with her 400K milestone coming up in 5,322 m. Good stuff!
Season meters as of 198/365 = 42,832,563 m
Total meters on the day = 230,018 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.75 MM Ed (with 228,775 m to go to 4 MM ! )
2.95 MM Steve (with 45,421 m to go to 3 MM! )
850 K David T
100 K Peter H
Million Meters:
Barry with (17,259 m) to go!
Danwho with (38,270 m) to go!
AJ with (49,211 m) to go!
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!
Tony ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... a palindrome...!
Kristine 4,304 m
Tom M 4,443 m
Kerry 6,216 m
Dan O' 7,249 m
Jonathan 7,631 m
bg 8,734 m
Jon C 10,000 m
Jane ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ... a palindrome by Jane !
Bruce 10,809 m
David T 12,000 m
Howard 14,281 m
Peter H 15,000 m
Stuart 16,141 m
Ross 17,837 m
James S 22,563 m
Ed ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/arg-2-50-transa.gif)
m ... a palindrome from Qatar!
Steve G 36,646 m
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by Kona2 » November 16th, 2014, 1:22 pm
Ah yes. Another day of Football Taunting. Will it be Luck or Brady? ESPN favors Brady and others predict Colts. Should be good entertainment for your erging sessions! No matter what the predictions, we can rest assured that somewhere in the Boston area, bg is thinking gooooooo Pats. All indications are that bg is still working through her new computer's connection to the forum.
Meanwhile, we have three palindromes and some progress towards personal milestones. Our Holiday Challenge starts in less than 10 days, and you want to be ready to earn your reindeer. Flight school is just around the corner.
Season meters as of 199/365 = 42,987,520 m
Total meters on the day = 154,957 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
400 K Kerry
350 K Howard
Million Meter Milestone:
Ed with (203,723 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Steve G with (35,421 m) to go!
Million Meters:
Barry with (9,027 m) to go!
Danwho with (24,739 m) to go!
AJ with (49,211 m) to go!
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us! It's a long journey to the moon, and best enjoyed with good teammates!
Tony ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ...a Duluthian palindrome! Or if going from a binary system to decimal, it's 15.
Melissa 2,000 m
Peter G 2,021 m
David T 6,000 m
Ross 7,250 m
David A 7,628 m
Barry 8,232 m
Steven D 8,852 m
Steve G 10,000 m
Danno 10,027 m
Kerry 10,509 m
Howard 12,543 m
Danwho ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/1Ball-1.png)
m ...a whovian palindrome!
Peter H 15,000 m ... and will the canals freeze for skating this year?
Teresa 15,201 m
Ed ![Image](http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii240/Kona2007_bucket/Number%20Fun/2Ball-1.png)
m ...a palindrome from our man in Qatar!
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by nl07695 » November 17th, 2014, 3:17 am
Kona2 wrote:
Peter H 15,000 m ... and will the canals freeze for skating this year?
I hope so, last year we only had three seasons. Autumn smoothly went over into Spring. The North Americans were a bit selfish
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
and kept all winter weather to themselves. As proof point I took this picture of the Niagara Falls
late April.
Hopefully they sent something over the pond this year...