The classic "how's my technique?" video.

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The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by AnimalNige » October 9th, 2014, 9:48 am

I have watched other videos, listened to advice and thought about the mechanics.

So here is what I currently have. When I'm concentrating. Probably goes a little sloppy at the end of an interval, or a 2k.

The music choice is perfect though!
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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by MartijnvBebber » October 9th, 2014, 10:56 am

Nice tan! :mrgreen:

Strokes look really good in my opinion. Very strong core and long solid drive, only thing I would do different is keeping my wrists straight. Don't know what more experienced rowers have to say about this.

I also like to row with less layback at the end of the drive but seeing as there are many other styles of erging, it pretty much comes down to personal preference I guess.

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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by hjs » October 9th, 2014, 12:06 pm

Very smooth, legs and back nicely doing the work, and good rockover. Its helps not having something in way :wink: the typical build of a long distance guy.
I would not worry to much about the wrists, otw yes you should given the weight of the oar, but the weight of the c2 handle should not a problem.
I think this is the best vid I have seen from a relative newbie :D

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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by Bob S. » October 9th, 2014, 2:13 pm

Layback is pretty long, but a lot of ergers and rowers as well have that long a layback and still have good results, so it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Re the wrists: I was shocked to see that I was using a "mantis" wrist when a friend took a photo of me in the middle of a 2k race. Later, I felt a bit vindicated when I saw a video of a cross fit rowing coach doing a lesson for cross fit trainers and she also had a mantis wrist at the end of each drive. But I still think that it isn't good technique. For one thing, I don't believe that it is good for the wrist and could lead to carpal tunnel problems. Also, I would think that straight wrists would result in a stronger pull. One way to counter the wrist bending is pull the elbows back instead of down at the end of the drive. When I think of it, I try to practice that, but I have no idea whether or not it is doing any good. In any sort of intense piece, I would probably forget about it completely.

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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by AnimalNige » October 9th, 2014, 2:19 pm

I think I will need to do some flexibility training for my arms then to enable them to reach backward far enough that my long radius is pulled far enough back to get the handle to my sternum.

Trying right now I really have to force my elbows what seems like very far back.
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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by Gettingold » October 9th, 2014, 6:01 pm

Look's good Nige
The hands get a little jerky at the catch. I would try a little over reach just to obtain chain tension before the leg drive really kicks in. Back looks a little you're expending a little too much energy trying to maintain a perfectly straight back. Relax a little. These are only small details (perhaps over critical) but could pay off for you big time over a 30 min row.
Keep up the good work. You're going strong.

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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by lindsayh » October 10th, 2014, 5:44 am

Looks good as others have said. I like a firm wrist and think it might be better if the elbows were higher - I tried it tonight and it is harder to "break" the wrist if the elbows are higher and the handle touches the chest.
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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by scootadaz » October 15th, 2014, 10:18 am

Just out of interest what DF do you set the rower at? Been using the rowing machine a few years but only just started reading about DF settings etc. I normally set to 135ish now but find it hard to row for more than 30 mins at this setting trying to keep an average split 2:00. I'm 47yrs, 172cm and 72kg.
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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by MartijnvBebber » October 15th, 2014, 5:10 pm

scootadaz wrote:Just out of interest what DF do you set the rower at? Been using the rowing machine a few years but only just started reading about DF settings etc. I normally set to 135ish now but find it hard to row for more than 30 mins at this setting trying to keep an average split 2:00. I'm 47yrs, 172cm and 72kg.
I'm 19 years old, 6'5" 97kg and row at DF 115-120. both for steady state and distances.

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Re: The classic "how's my technique?" video.

Post by fishbust1 » October 17th, 2014, 7:00 pm

The excessive wrist bending is due to pulling the handle up to your chest. I just tried it and it feels very unnatural to me.

I row more true to how I row in the boat. Handle to mid/upper abs.

Maybe the difference is due to different body types.

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