TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » September 22nd, 2014, 11:22 pm

All hands on deck, and 5 times as many fingers! 24 of 71 members (34%) logged a handsome 284,021 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved: Stephen M managed 300K, Ron M toughed out 250K, and Ken C collected 100K!!
Approaching milestones: Bobbie Z (-9,234m) leads Heather R (-16,000m) & Gary G (-44,645m) in the quest for 1.3M, Katerina M intent on passing 1 MILLION (-44,619m), John St. (-9,667m), J.K. (-35,579m) & Roger G (-45,264m) are racing towards 800K, Diana K pulling for 700K (-27,725m), Mark St (-20,214m) maintaing a lead over Yisroel H (-26,874m) & Jim K (-37,305m) in pursuit of 600K, Joseph M making a beeline for 150K (-24,000m) as Linnea F is lining up 100K (-9,485m)!

Posted Meters:
Joseph M – 25,000 Awesome! (Have meters you haven't uploaded?)
Doug G – 21,490 Valiant effort!
Katerina M – 21,000 Loooonnnnngg!
Heather R – 20,000

Jay K. - 19,000 Day after a FM?!

Gary G – 18,586
Diana K – 17,700 Very long!
Ron M – 16,138 How?!
John St. - 13,765
Bobbie Z – 11,620

John Sc. - 11,000
Stephen M – 10,000
Yisroel H – 10,000
Tammy G – 9,000
Bobbie K – 8,888 I'm detecting a pattern...

Mark St – 8,500
J.K. - 7,020 Three in a row!
John B – 6,749
Ken C – 6,414
Roger G – 6,000 Not too sore from the FM?

Angela P – 5,524 Daily!
Jim K – 5,110
Linnea F – 5,017 Hasn't missed a day...
Vince M – 500 Two!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » September 23rd, 2014, 4:19 pm

Ironweed wrote:I just joined your team ... am hoping I can keep up with the rest of you. I'm aiming for 100,000 metres.
Hi Ironweed! Welcome to the boat! If you let me know your name I can add you to our goal tracking.

Glad to have you aboard!! :D
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by johnb » September 23rd, 2014, 8:56 pm

Ironweed wrote:I just joined your team ... am hoping I can keep up with the rest of you. I'm aiming for 100,000 metres.
Welcome aboard!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » September 24th, 2014, 12:12 am

Man (and woman) overboard! Michelle S & Walter Washington have disappeared again. All rumors about Damselfly forcing them to walk the plank are unconfirmed... We have re-signed old deckhand Andrew Augenstein, and added David Heistand & Conrad Volle to the galley! Welcome aboard, maties!
A robust 40 of 65 members (62%) logged 678,973 total meters Monday!

Posted Meters:
Jay K. - 11,000
Andrew A - 13,520
Barbara B - 4,570
John B - 9,019
Lee C - 10,000

Ken C - 7,104
Jim C - 16,000
Douglas D - 15,021

Monica D - 6,282
Rick F - 10,120

Doug G - 12,780
Gary G - 19,113
Roger G - 9,500
Tammy G - 11,500
Lisa H - 8,015

Dwight H - 7,850
David H - 68,433
Anita H - 12,000
Diana K - 5,500
Bobbie K - 1,500

Jim K - 5,455
Rivka L - 20,000
Katerina M - 4,000
Ron M - 6,468
Diane M - 260,000

Vince M - 1,000
Ronnie M - 7,300
Stephen M - 6,624
Michael N - 8,700
Keir P - 15,270

Angela P - 5,260
Heather R - 11,000
steve s - 5,000
John Sc. - 16,000
John S - 12,325

John St. - 2,346
Mark St - 8,500
Conrad V - 2,000
Lee W - 13,655
Bobbie Z – 9,243

Challenge Goals - Day 8 of 31 (25.8%):
Ken C - 32,320 of 50,000 (64.6%)
Doug G - 101,157 of 175,000 (57.8%)
Stephen M - 49,596 of 100,000 (49.6%)
Lisa H - 35,311 of 75,000 (47.1%)
John Sc. - 83,025 of 200,000 (41.5%)
Gary G - 92,084 of 225,000 (40.9%)
Linnea F - 39,501 of 100,000 (39.5%)
Katie S - 35,150 of 100,000 (35.2%)
Ron M - 61,376 of 177,000 (34.7%)
Lee C - 43,022 of 125,000 (34.4%)
Mark St - 48,816 of 150,000 (32.5%)
John B - 61,488 of 200,000 (30.7%)
Bobbie Z - 81,513 of 275,000 (29.6%)
David W - 133,419 of 500,000 (26.7%)

Kevin K - 18,010 of 75,000 (24.0%)
Kristin C - 14,247 of 60,000 (23.7%)
Kyle J - 27,000 of 200,000 (13.5%)
Yisroel H - 27,152 of 250,000 (10.9%)
Gary D - 5,000 of 60,000 (8.3%)
Brent C - 0 of 125,000 (0.0%)

Milestones achieved: Diane M drubbed 500K, Doug G surpassed 100K, as David H, Rivka L, Jim C & Dwight H eclipsed 50K!!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » September 24th, 2014, 12:44 am

Andrew Augenstein, who rowed valiantly for TimbukTOO for many years, has returned to his old seat! Welcome back, Andrew! 31 of 72 members (43%) logged 558,769 meters Monday! With Andrew's 197,065m, TimbukToo has added 755,834 total meters!

Milestones achieved: Diane M somehow hit 6.3M!!!! Keir P collected 1.4M!!! Bobbie Z blasted 1.3M!! Lee C accumulated 500K! Greg H grabbed 200K, and Andrew A topped 150K!!
Approaching milestones: Heather R (-5,000m) closer to 1.3M than Gary G (-25,532m), Jim C a couple rows from 1.2M (-24,000m), the next 1 MILLIONaire will be either Katerina M (-40,619m), Jay K. (-44,550m) or Doug G (-45,801m), John St. (-7,321m) leading Roger G (-35,764m) in approaching 800K, Neil Q (-10,000m) closer to 700K than Diana K (-22,225m), Mark St (-11,714m) ahead of Jim K (-31,850m) in the race for 600K, Andy I near 500K (-8,725m), John Sc. is approaching 450K (-9,191m), Chris B sneaking up on 400K (-8,234m), Greg H gathering 250K (-23,829m), Andrew A one row from 200K (-2,935m) but Barbara B (-8,922m) is close behind, while Joseph M is nearing 150K (-7,000m)!

Posted Meters:
Diane M – 260,000 Astounding!
Greg H – 28,808
We've missed you!
Andy I – 19,313 You've been busy, I see...
Gary G – 19,113 Over 37.5K in 2 days!
Joseph M – 17,000 Eight days running, over 15K!

Jim C – 16,000
John Sc. - 16,000 Great month!
Keir P – 15,270
Doug G – 12,780 On fire!
Tammy G – 11,500

Jay K. - 11,000
Heather R - 11,000
Lee C – 10,000 10K!
Neil Q – 10,000 All OK?
Roger G – 9,500

Bobbie Z – 9,243 Seven in a row!
John B – 9,019
Mark St – 8,500
Lisa H – 8,015 Longest row of The Comeback!
Ken C – 7,104 Three!

Chris B – 6,881 Good!
Stephen M - 6,624
Ron M – 6,468
Diana K – 5,500
Jim K – 5,455 Gritty!

Angela P – 5,260 Daily!
Barbara B – 4,570
Katerina M – 4,000
John St. - 2,346
Bobbie K – 1,500
Vince M – 1,000 Three rows in 4 days!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » September 24th, 2014, 1:00 am

Welcome to Alan Cline & John Woods, who have chosen to take a splintery seat in our dismal galley! 39 of 67 members (58%) logged 475,886 total meters Tuesday!

Posted Meters:
Jay K. - 13,000
Andrew A - 6,370
Rachel B - 2,000
John B - 9,203
Lee C - 5,000

Alan C - 30,000
Ken C - 6,621
Kristin C - 8,031
Jim C - 12,000
Linnea F - 3,015

Gary G - 19,161
Roger G - 6,000
Tammy G - 6,000
Lisa H - 8,064
Dwight H - 7,707

David H - 11,620
Anita H - 7,000
Yisroel H - 8,062
Diana K - 14,000
Bobbie K - 1,776

Jim K - 12,910
J.K. - 14,065
Bob L - 10,021
Rivka L - 6,000
Katerina M - 6,500

Ron M - 13,098
Diane M - 100,000
Vince M - 500
Ronnie M - 4,500
Michael N - 8,100

Keir P - 15,290
Angela P - 5,395
steve s - 5,000
Katie S - 5,875
John St. - 1,772

Lee W - 15,530
David W - 48,880
John W - 7,178
Bobbie Z – 10,642

Challenge Goals - Day 9 of 31 (29.0%):
Ken C - 38,941 of 50,000 (77.9%)
Lisa H - 43,375 of 75,000 (57.8%)
Doug G - 101,157 of 175,000 (57.8%)
Stephen M - 49,596 of 100,000 (49.6%)
Gary G - 111,245 of 225,000 (49.4%)
Linnea F - 42,516 of 100,000 (42.5%)
Ron M - 74,474 of 177,000 (42.1%)
John Sc. - 83,025 of 200,000 (41.5%)
Katie S - 41,025 of 100,000 (41.0%)
Lee C - 48,022 of 125,000 (38.4%)
Kristin C - 22,278 of 60,000 (37.1%)
David W - 182,299 of 500,000 (36.5%)
John B - 70,691 of 200,000 (35.3%)
Bobbie Z - 92,155 of 275,000 (33.5%)
Mark St - 48,816 of 150,000 (32.5%)

Kevin K - 18,010 of 75,000 (24.0%)
Yisroel H - 35,214 of 250,000 (14.1%)
Kyle J - 27,000 of 200,000 (13.5%)
Gary D - 5,000 of 60,000 (8.3%)
Brent C - 0 of 125,000 (0.0%)

Milestones achieved: Diane M somehow topped 600K!!! David W hit 150K!! Gary G gobbled up 100K! Angela P achieved 50K!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » September 24th, 2014, 1:49 am

All hands on deck, taking it to the next level! 32 of 72 members (44%) logged a gasp-inducing 414,279 total meters Tuesday!

Milestones achieved: Diane M sped through 6.4M!!!! David W topped 2.7M!!! Neil Q notched 700K!! Andrew A achieved 200K! Joseph M jolted 150K!
Approaching milestones: Gary G gathering 1.3M (-6,371m), Jim C halved the distance to 1.2M (-12,000m), Jay K. (-31,550m) & Katerina M (-34,119m) racing for ONE MILLION, John St. (-5,549m) leading J.K. (-21,514m) & Roger G (-29,764m) in seeking 800K, Diana K (-8,225m) well ahead of John B (-49,885m) in the quest for 700K, Yisroel H (-18,812m) barely leading Jim K (-18,940m) in pulling towards 600K, Matthew R is approaching 350K (-24,316m), Ron M is nearing 300K (-14,741m), Kristin C has drawn a bead on 150K (-6,333m), Bob L (-3,337m), Linnea F (-6,470m) & Katie S (-9,225m) all seek 100K & Rachel B is approaching 15K (-1,000m), our first milestone!

Posted Meters:
Diane M – 100,000 So it's possible, huh?
David W – 48,880 Double duty!
Gary G – 19,161 Wow!
Joseph M - 17,000
Keir P – 15,290 Five big rows in 6 days!

J.K. - 14,065
Matthew R – 14,028 Don't be too busy to row!
Diana K - 14,000
Ron M – 13,098
Jay K. - 13,000 Four days, 85K!

Jim K – 12,910 Long!
Jim C – 12,000
Bobbie Z – 10,642
Bob L – 10,021
Neil Q – 10,000

John B – 9,203
Lisa H – 8,064 Shouldering more...
Yisroel H – 8,062
Kristin C – 8,031
Ken C – 6,621

Katerina M – 6,500
Andrew A – 6,370 First TimbukTOO row back!
Roger G – 6,000
Tammy G – 6,000
Katie S – 5,875
Angela P – 5,395

Lee C – 5,000
Linnea F – 3,015
Rachel B – 2,000 Sweet!
Bobbie K – 1,776
John St. - 1,772
Vince M – 500

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by garygOP » September 24th, 2014, 8:56 am

'got in a fast short row this AM- next 6 days will be problematic, but I may be able to get to a machine for a row or 2-- in any case,
I'll be back!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » September 24th, 2014, 1:30 pm

On Sunday, we in Indianapolis had a sunny day, with a high temperature of 71F (about 22C). I said I need to stay indoors & row an HM. My wife said I need to go out, get some fresh air & go biking. Being a fan of stale air myself, I argued against her position. As anybody who knows us knows, when my wife and I disagree, I always win. Of course, winning is defined as "having the Great Honor of following my wife's wishes to the letter".
So, I went out with a friend for a 16 mile bike ride, then came home & rowed a 10K in about 39:30. Tuesday, I again went out on a "sanctioned ride" of 21 miles, then came home & tried to do a 10K. I had to stop after 8K, then my quads cramped up something fierce, and it took them a few minutes to loosen up.
So yes, I'm way behind my goal, Rosh Hashanah is tonight so no rows for a few days, but remember: There's always next week!
Kudos to all our amazing TimbukTWOers! Keep on amazing everyone!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by DavidA » September 24th, 2014, 2:42 pm

garygOP wrote:I was lucky to find a "C" type for $325- which I believe was a great value. My gym was selling an " extra" machine and I was the only bidder.
I prefer rowing at the gym- but there are times when I cant find the time- or times when the weather precludes a visit to the JCC.

2 weeks ago we were moving things around in order to do some foundation work on the house- and the erg was moved to a room that has a laminate floor- as opposed to it's usual location in a room with wall-to-wall carpet-it was moved to a long narrow room with a TV at one end.
So I start to erg- far away from the TV- and after about 15 minutes, I found the front of the erg butting up against the base of the TV stand.
Every 15 minutes or so, the erg was gliding about 8 feet forward- so I had to stop- move the erg back and start again.
But it did not scratch the floor. And I was able to get in a decent row.
That is often from less than perfect technique.
What I, and many others, have done is to put some sort of mat under the erg's feet. I use a piece of a thin, dense rubber gym mat.
Shana tova.

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » September 25th, 2014, 8:30 am

All hands on deck, wishing Happy New Year to Cap'n Izz and any others in the boat celebrating!! 25 of 72 members (35%) logged 275,059 total meters Wednesday!

Milestones achieved:
Heather R and Gary G slammed 1.3M, Jim C hammered past 1.2M, and Jim K walloped 600K!!

Approaching milestones:
Jay K., Katerina M, and Doug G are cranking along towards 1M (-19,550m, -24,119m, and -24,704m), John St., Roger G, J.K. and Tammy G are crewing their own 4 and are zipping towards 800K (-3,414m, -7,764m, -14,489m, and -41,985m), John B is drawing near 700K (-38,764m), Mark St is intent on 600K (-3,214m), Ron M and Angela P are on target for 300K (-1,741m and -19,644m), Barbara B and Joseph M are aiming for 200K (-2,125m and -23,000m), Katie S is adding meters to reach 100K (-4,140m), and Destin H is close to 15K (-4,884m)

Posted Meters:
Roger G - 22,000 Synchronized...
Tammy G - 22,000 ... erging!!
Doug G - 21,097 Half Marathon!! B)
Jim K - 20,000 OK Brother Jim, you need to let us know how that foot's doing!
Heather R - 20,000 Strong!
Joseph M - 17,000 Huge numbers all week!
Keir P - 15,709 I would expect no less. ;)
Ron M - 13,000 How are things feeling?
Jay K. - 12,000 Massive week!
Jim C - 12,000 Keeping in balance!
John B - 11,121
Katerina M - 10,000 Having a fab week!
Andrew A - 9,640
Bobbie Z - 9,078 Earning her next vacation!
Mark St - 8,500
Gary G - 7,369 Bags packed and ready to go!
J.K. - 7,025
Stephen M - 6,925
Barbara B - 6,797 Stretching those rows out!
Angela P - 5,491
Katie S - 5,085
Destin H - 4,523 Keep 'em coming!
Glenn Y - 3,564
Bobbie K - 3,000 Nice!
John St. - 2,135

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » September 25th, 2014, 8:38 am

Things are heating up in the challenge, team!! The Ancients and Greenville have surged ahead, pushing us to 7th -- but not by an overwhelming amount! And so far our long-time nemesis, those wily Canadians, are nowhere to be seen.... :P 34 of 67 members (51%) logged 374,864 total meters Wednesday!

Posted Meters:
Jay K. - 12,000
Andrew A - 9,640
Barbara B - 6,797
John B - 11,121
Jim C - 12,000

Douglas D - 13,246
Rick F - 20,182
Doug G - 21,097
Gary G - 7,369
Roger G - 22,000

Tammy G - 22,000
Dwight H - 9,233
David H - 2,014
Destin H - 4,523
Anita H - 11,000

Bobbie K - 3,000
Jim K - 20,000
J.K. - 7,025
Rivka L - 15,500
Katerina M - 10,000

Ron M - 13,000
Ronnie M - 20,000
Stephen M - 6,925
Michael N - 8,600
Keir P - 15,709

Angela P - 5,491
Heather R - 20,000
steve s - 5,000
Katie S - 5,085
John St. - 2,135

Mark St - 8,500
Lee W - 12,030
Glenn Y - 3,564
Bobbie Z - 9,078

Challenge Goals - Day 10 of 31 (32.3%):
Ken C - 38,941 of 50,000 (77.9%)
Doug G - 122,254 of 175,000 (69.9%)
Lisa H - 43,375 of 75,000 (57.8%)
Stephen M - 56,521 of 100,000 (56.5%)
Gary G - 118,614 of 225,000 (52.7%)
Ron M - 87,474 of 177,000 (49.4%)
Katie S - 46,110 of 100,000 (46.1%)
Linnea F - 42,516 of 100,000 (42.5%)
John Sc. - 83,025 of 200,000 (41.5%)
John B - 81,812 of 200,000 (40.9%)
Lee C - 48,022 of 125,000 (38.4%)
Mark St - 57,316 of 150,000 (38.2%)
Kristin C - 22,278 of 60,000 (37.1%)
Bobbie Z - 101,233 of 275,000 (36.8%)
David W - 182,299 of 500,000 (36.5%)

Kevin K - 18,010 of 75,000 (24.0%)
Yisroel H - 35,214 of 250,000 (14.1%)
Kyle J - 27,000 of 200,000 (13.5%)
Gary D - 5,000 of 60,000 (8.3%)
Brent C - 0 of 125,000 (0.0%)

Milestones achieved:
Roger G mastered 150K, Tammy G, Keir, Bobbie Z all flew by 100K, and Jim K, Mark St, and steve s all hit 50K!!
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by ronmardix » September 25th, 2014, 10:35 am

damselfly wrote:Ron M - 13,000 How are things feeling?
Back is feeling good, thanks for asking. I'm able to put in regular 1 hour sessions, which I haven't been able to do in well over a year. The sessions are relatively easy pulls and I've cranked down the drag factor, but after years of injuries and problems, being able to row for an hour is damned exciting...well, perhaps exciting is a bit of an exaggeration. Let's say that it's pretty cool.

Lowering the damper setting was a significant help with the back, though I'm having to come to terms with a new reality for pace.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » September 25th, 2014, 11:39 am

ronmardix wrote:
damselfly wrote:Ron M - 13,000 How are things feeling?
Back is feeling good, thanks for asking. I'm able to put in regular 1 hour sessions, which I haven't been able to do in well over a year. The sessions are relatively easy pulls and I've cranked down the drag factor, but after years of injuries and problems, being able to row for an hour is damned exciting...well, perhaps exciting is a bit of an exaggeration. Let's say that it's pretty cool.

Lowering the damper setting was a significant help with the back, though I'm having to come to terms with a new reality for pace.
I'm glad the back is holding up!! Excellent news. After just gotten through major rehab for both shoulders (still in PT actually), I've set my damper at 1 as well to keep the strain down on the longer rows. I was never fast, so it's not slowing me too much!! But I'm pleased to be able to contribute to the FTC and to row for 40 minutes now with a couple quick water breaks.

It's the pits getting old! :cry: :cry: :cry:
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by ronmardix » September 25th, 2014, 12:03 pm

damselfly wrote:It's the pits getting old! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Bette Davis said that getting old isn't for sissies. She was right on the mark, and she didn't even row. Maybe. Probably.
Last edited by ronmardix on September 25th, 2014, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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