Networking Concept 2 rowers

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Networking Concept 2 rowers

Post by rad » September 15th, 2014, 4:29 pm

A centre I work at has bought 7 rowers,
They want to use the concept rower software (the free one) and Row Pro via a PC
Question is what do I need to network them all together, I work in IT so talk technicial, however have never wired rowing machines before.

I understand they need to be via USB so they can work on RowPro, however will a USB hub work like this one ... wwod7o0AHA[/url]
Is that how they are designed to work?
Is there a max length for the USB the rowers will support?

Thanks in advanced

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Re: Networking Concept 2 rowers

Post by Citroen » September 15th, 2014, 5:40 pm

What monitors do they have? PM3? PM4? (or PM5)

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Re: Networking Concept 2 rowers

Post by rad » September 17th, 2014, 5:08 pm

That I need to find out, all I know is they were bought this year and have 2 rj45 ports and USB port

I'll come back tomorrow with that key info.
Thanks for your help

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Re: Networking Concept 2 rowers

Post by Citroen » September 18th, 2014, 4:22 am

That means they are PM4s. They have one USB-B underneath, two RJ45s (used for RS485 NOT ethernet comms) and a Biro sized reset switch on the back.

Wire one to a laptop with a USB-A to USB-B cable.

Wire one RJ45 to the next PM4, wire that next PM4 to the third with a CAT5 cables and so on, so that all PM4s are wired in a chain. You don't need to complete the loop. So the first has USB, one unused socket and one CAT5. The middle of chain ones have two CAT5s and no USB. The last has one CAT5, one unused RJ45 socket and no USB.

Power up all PM4s, start the venue racing software and use the discover all ergs "wizard". The display on each PM4 should change to a ?. The LEDs on the back should all be winking. Move on in the software to "number all ergs" press the "request next number" grey button on the front of each PM4, then the "accept" button. Move to the next PM4, rinse and repeat. If any PM4 doesn't play nicely check the RJ45 connections, check the LEDs on the PM4 and on the ones either side. If necessary power it down or insert a Biro in the reset hole on the back and choose "number missing ergs" in the software.

You can now choose "done numbering" on the software.

It's ready to run. The PM4s will stay alive as long as the software is running, the software also reports any PM4 that has batteries going flat.

You can save the erg config at this point, close the software (with the reset all ergs option). On restart the software will number the ergs the same way. It's normally a good idea to get the PM4s awake before starting the software.

BTW, where about in the current UK are you?

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