I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

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I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

Post by bernieholliday » June 30th, 2014, 11:46 pm

Hi all, I have an all original old Model C and my PM2 monitor finally died on me. Battery leakage because I forgot to take them out when I stored it - I now erg on a Model E with PM4. It looks beyond repair as the leakage got down in there pretty good. I am hoping to revive this rower and keep this thing with all original parts and don't want to upgrade to the retrofitted PM3.

So --- I'm hoping somebody out there may want to sell an functional PM2 monitor (I don't need the wire or sensor or arm, just the monitor) because it's no longer used or they upgraded to a newer PM for their own Model C. PM me if you want to make this happen.

Thanks in advance - Bern

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Re: I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

Post by Citroen » July 1st, 2014, 2:58 am

Forget the twenty year old hardware. That model c can have a shiny new pm3 or pm4.

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Re: I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

Post by nrg710 » July 27th, 2014, 6:54 am

I have a PM2 that you can buy. I'm upgrading to a PM3 (my PM2 will be available in about 3 weeks, when my PM3 arrives).

Not that I'm wanting to do myself out of a sale, you should upgrade to the PM3 if you can afford it. If price is a consideration, then by all means buy my PM2. I'll take £25 + P&P for it.

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Re: I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

Post by Citroen » July 27th, 2014, 3:51 pm

The OP is somewhere in the United States post & packing may be prohibitive. I suspect you may do better selling your £25 PM2 on eBay.

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Re: I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

Post by Carl Watts » July 27th, 2014, 7:42 pm

Love the old PM2's because they are always repairable unless the acid damage has totaled the board, however as above their time has now come and I would just be looking at a new PM3. The new PM3 is an incredibly reliable monitor as long as you don't let the batteries leak in these ! and you can also connect it to a PC and row online with RowPro.
Carl Watts.
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Re: I want to Buy a PM2 or 2+ monitor for a Model C

Post by nrg710 » July 28th, 2014, 4:36 pm

Tis advertised on the Concept 2 UK forum!

I'm not flogging it on eBay. I'd rather toss it out of the window of a train than give money to eBay :)

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