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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by garygOP » February 10th, 2014, 1:10 pm

Great writing- a great and funny story-
As a team-mate and as a spectator, you have my support and admiration- it takes a lot of work to be able to go so fast- you have paid a price in sweat and pain, no doubt.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » February 10th, 2014, 2:14 pm

Well Cap'n, your exploits never leave us disappointed! Congratulations on (IMO) making a very good result out of a seriously challenged situation. Best suck it up and pay the hotel next time... ;)
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by ronmardix » February 10th, 2014, 3:25 pm

Izzzmeister wrote:So, I didn't hit my goal of 6:52-6:53 officially, though that's likely the amount of time I was actually rowing. Yet, I was oddly satisfied. A strong effort...
Inspiring as always, sir.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » February 10th, 2014, 3:54 pm

damselfly wrote:Andy I - 6,432 How is the low-carb going? No lack of meters!
Thanks for asking. I can't believe I haven't told everyone about this. I'm an ectomorph that managed to pack on a bit of weight around the middle despite being considered skinny. I am 6'5" and was 200# on January 1st of this year.

I hit 185 on 2/5 (5 weeks later) while simultaneously dropping my 2k erg time and maintaining my max strength in the gym.

I started off with an elimination diet commonly used to test for food allergies. I chose the JJ Virgin diet which is way over marketed. It is really gimmicky, but still a very sound elimination diet. The idea is to exclude foods that commonly cause “problems” for people (sensitivities in addition to outright allergies). These “problems” are pretty wide ranging. Sometimes it is digestive issues, unexplained weight gain, or even acne. The idea is that you become aware of how you feel with different foods in (and out) of your diet.

These things work. My wife didn’t test positive for an allergy to soy, but she gets sick anytime she adds it back. We also tested gluten, dairy, eggs, peanuts, corn and added sugar (including artificial sweeteners).

After 21 days I decided to exclude all legumes (not just peanuts) and reintroduce eggs. This was based on some books I read by Mark Sisson (Primal) and Loren Cordain (Paleo). This means I eat all the nuts, meats, fruits, and vegetables I want. Nothing comes from a box.

How does it work? I'm eating more calories than any food diary calls for, but I continue to lose fat. I’m not low carb in the Atkins sense because my fruit consumption takes me over 50g of carbs per day. I’m also not lacking for energy during my workouts.

I figured this was for a month or two to start the year, but it has been far easier than I expected. I think I’ll continue to research Atkins, Paleo, and Primal to help fine-tune this as I go.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » February 10th, 2014, 4:04 pm

A top read! I enjoyed your tale and look forward to keeping a bit of a closer eye on you this year. I reserve the privilege to give you a hard time if you slack off.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by glenmbaker » February 10th, 2014, 8:03 pm

Izz: Welcome to the post-your-rowing-experience club! Great to hear that all those things happen to somebody besides me.

I think I can smell a RowPro TimbukToo2k someday. It's perhaps one of the only things that could make me do a 2k (the other being if my coach informs me that I have to do a 2k).

And for those of you who prefer something a little different, may I humbly suggest something that a couple of us concocted a couple of months ago: http://www.beer2k.com
Check out the Humble Beginnings tab for the history.

It's a work in progress, clearly much research is going to be required. Izz: there's still time for you to be the first!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » February 10th, 2014, 8:17 pm

Quatroux wrote:
damselfly wrote:Andy I - 6,432 How is the low-carb going? No lack of meters!
Thanks for asking. I can't believe I haven't told everyone about this. I'm an ectomorph that managed to pack on a bit of weight around the middle despite being considered skinny. I am 6'5" and was 200# on January 1st of this year.

I hit 185 on 2/5 (5 weeks later) while simultaneously dropping my 2k erg time and maintaining my max strength in the gym.

I started off with an elimination diet commonly used to test for food allergies. I chose the JJ Virgin diet which is way over marketed. It is really gimmicky, but still a very sound elimination diet. The idea is to exclude foods that commonly cause “problems” for people (sensitivities in addition to outright allergies). These “problems” are pretty wide ranging. Sometimes it is digestive issues, unexplained weight gain, or even acne. The idea is that you become aware of how you feel with different foods in (and out) of your diet.

These things work. My wife didn’t test positive for an allergy to soy, but she gets sick anytime she adds it back. We also tested gluten, dairy, eggs, peanuts, corn and added sugar (including artificial sweeteners).

After 21 days I decided to exclude all legumes (not just peanuts) and reintroduce eggs. This was based on some books I read by Mark Sisson (Primal) and Loren Cordain (Paleo). This means I eat all the nuts, meats, fruits, and vegetables I want. Nothing comes from a box.

How does it work? I'm eating more calories than any food diary calls for, but I continue to lose fat. I’m not low carb in the Atkins sense because my fruit consumption takes me over 50g of carbs per day. I’m also not lacking for energy during my workouts.

I figured this was for a month or two to start the year, but it has been far easier than I expected. I think I’ll continue to research Atkins, Paleo, and Primal to help fine-tune this as I go.
Very interesting! Sounds like it's scientifically approached, instead of some of the goofy things I've heard of. Glad to hear you are reaping positive results! Keep us appraised of any new discoveries.
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » February 11th, 2014, 2:41 pm

Cyclingman1 wrote:What a tale. I don't know how many TimbukTOOers do the racing bit, but there are a good many lessons in this tale.

I have done over 100 races (only 2 rowing) in my first 67 yrs. Two indispensable rules are "be prepared" and "be early."
For my 9:36AM GA TECH race on Feb 1, I was up at 4:30 AM, very early light breakfast, out of the house at 7AM for my 40 mile trip, and sitting in the venue at 8AM, keeping everything calm. It gave me plenty of time to acquaint myself with the venue and rower assignments and warm up some.

Also, I see a 16K row on Friday.
damselfly wrote:Yisroel H - 16,100 Cramming for his exam...
I don't think that is tapering.

This saga is more of an adventure than of a race.
No, the 16K wasn't a taper. As I said, I was going to "row through" this race, so no taper. Also, the experts are mixed on tapers for 3-4x a week athletes. And my by-the-book tapering for 2009 CRASH-B's yielded .1 of a second improvement, after a 30 second improvement in the previous 26 weeks. (Besides, my tapering week was miserable.)
The 16K was 2K wu, 2K attempt (6:55.2), 200m x 3, 500m active rest (total: 7:38.2, best sprint :36.8), then a 10K at 39:27. Depleted my glycogen nicely. So my taper was 60 hours of rest & carbs.

When I'd give big speeches, I'd check out the room, sound system, etc. With everything else, I tell myself I "should", then promptly ignore my best advice. My only other race in my life, besides 3 Cincys & 1 CRASH-Bs, was a 10K run 30 years ago while recuperating from bursitis in my knee, so I'm over 95 behind you...

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by DavidA » February 11th, 2014, 3:11 pm

Izzzmeister wrote:Part I - The Race Beckons...
I'm not sure why a simple race that wasn't even supposed to be a big deal, since I was “rowing through” it to peak in a few weeks - turned out to be a whole adventure, but I guess life is like that....
Maybe it's just how entertained I always am reading the post-race reports of Andy Ivey, Mark Emig & Glen Baker, and this is my way of “giving back”. The good news is I didn't “catch a crab” (or any other communicable disease), end up with multiple lacerations on my hands or other body parts, or get to swim in icy water. Well, good news for ME anyway – not as good news if you love laughing at other people's misfortunes...
While the original plan was for me to spend the night in a hotel near the Cincinnati Indoor Rowing Championships' venue (Park Hills, KY), I opted at the last minute to stay at home for the night, wake up at 6 and drive the 2 hours. My race was scheduled for 9:14, so if I drove from 6:30 to 8:30, I'd have time to register, dress, do a warm-up 2K and be fresh as a daisy – albeit a 54-year-old daisy – for the race. Simple, yet elegant plan!
But “my life” & “simple” don't belong in the same sentence. Firstly, we had accepted taking a surprise house guest the night before. No problem, as long as he was sleeping. BUT he had car problems, he'd called AAA for emergency assistance, and they called him at 5:45a.m. to announce that they had arrived two hours before ETA. So at 6:10 when I'm starting to get dressed, he's coming into our apartment with his tale of woe (and interrupted sleep). He also told my wife and myself that he'd been driving a few hours earlier in Indy, and his car skidded. So, my wife is trying to convince me not to even go, since the roads are slippery. I assured her that if it became unsafe to drive, I'd return home, alive to row another day.
I finally got out of the house for the 122 mile trip at 6:47am, my time window rapidly closing. Instead of 15 minutes to reach the highway, it took almost 30. At that point, I decided my time window was down to 3 minutes. If I lost 3 more minutes, I would need to turn back.
But I only lost a minute or two on the I-465 loop around Indianapolis, and I-74 to Cincinnati was relatively clear – and improving. Once I got to the point where the snow had fully stopped, I was able to move, shall we say, briskly - perhaps at a speed with which a State Trooper might have been displeased had he been there to observe it.
Another way I had made up some time was by not stopping halfway for a break. No walking around and keeping my legs fresh. No coffee to give me that extra racer's edge. BUT a few valuable minutes for peace of mind and a vital warm-up.
Of course, those of you who are fans of the Keystone Kops know the next step (or misstep): I missed the highway exit! I was looking for Ex. 188 “Park Hills, 1072”, so I passed Exit 189... Park Hills and Route 1072. On to the next exit. Off ramp. Left. On ramp. Back an exit. Get off to the right, then make a left...
I arrived a minute or two after 9:00 for my 9:14 race. Someone was occupying each bathroom stall, so I got dressed leaning on a sink, my body a cautionary visual to those impressionable young teenagers who might previously have considered leading a sedentary lifestyle for 30 years.
I then ran into the gymnasium, looking for a practice erg to grab but alas, they were all filled with fit young men casually staying warmed up, as my cold muscles warned me that if I were to ignore them just one more time, THEY WOULD SNAP! So, I stretched, shifted from foot to foot, fretted, and stretched some more. Finally, a pimply-faced teenager decided he had something more important to do, so I quickly grabbed the open erg and started warming up.
Two minutes later, I hear, “Races 5, 7, 9 & 11, last call!” That included me, so after 2 minutes of warm-up, I went running over to Erg 20, my pre-assigned erg. However, some young girl was in the middle of a race on that erg, as were other young ladies on the ergs around hers. I looked around for guidance, nobody guided me, so I ASSUMED...
Okay, I should never assume, right? But I did. I assumed that the Last Call was for registration, not for the actual race. So I found an open practice erg, got in another 2 minutes of warm-up, when the last call came in for the NEXT set of races. Whoops! I ran over, inquiring as to what had happened to my race, Erg 20 and all? The fellow pointed to the left, “Your race is the one finishing right THERE!” B-b-but I w-w-was supposed to be on Erg 20?! “They moved that cluster of people from Ergs 13-24 to Ergs 1-12, and that race is finishing!” W-w-what do I do NOW?! “Okay, let me see if I can find you an open erg, and you'll race with this group starting now.”
I started inching over to the display to see what times had been put up by the Old Fogey Division, so I would know what time I had to beat. Just as I was about to get into position to see the finishing times, the race organizer said, “Not THAT way – THIS way!” A last, fast furtive glance at the board was able to glean absolutely nothing.
He placed me on Erg 22, with two fellows to my right and 21 fair maidens to my left. I looked down at my monitor: “Okay to warm up!” I look at the screen in front: “STOP!” Back to my monitor: “Okay to warm up!” The fellow up front explains to an anonymous though pretty rower to my left that “STOP!” actually means “STOP!”, a lesson that in my time used to be reserved for the boys...
I was expecting to see you Saturday, and was surprised when I didn't. You know there are plenty of places to stay in Cincy :D

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » February 11th, 2014, 3:25 pm

glenmbaker wrote:http://www.beer2k.com
requires further research and a good social media campaign
I think you may be on to something
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Cyclingman1 » February 11th, 2014, 4:22 pm

Izzzmeister wrote:Also, the experts are mixed on tapers for 3-4x a week athletes.
One of the best distance [5K and 10K] runners in history, that is, before the Kenyans came on the scene, was Ron Clarke from Australia. There is a story told about him. It seems to be mostly true. He was widely predicted to win an Olympic gold medal and in the process set a world record in one of the 1960's Olympics. Well two days before his event, he decided to do a fast workout and test his fitness. We know where this story is going. He tested his fitness alright: he was timed for a new world record in practice. He did not medal two days later.

I wonder who doubts tapering? One cannot get fitter in the last few days, but one can darn sure get or stay tired. I quickly figured out that rest was what I needed before racing but with a nice warmup on race day. Also, one cannot stuff themselves and get bloated in the days before a race. Carbo loading is something that always has to be done by endurance athletes, not excessively one day before a race.
Izzzmeister wrote:The 16K was 2K wu, 2K attempt (6:55.2), 200m x 3, 500m active rest (total: 7:38.2, best sprint :36.8), then a 10K at 39:27. Depleted my glycogen nicely.
This workout is a triple whammy. First, the 2K is only 0.6 slower than Sun. Even if one is not tapering, two race pace 2Ks within two days is just not productive. I guess you did not get enough anerobics in with the 2K, so you did 3x200m well below race pace just to make sure that the fast twitch fibers were beaten down. Then a brisk 10K to make sure the tiredness factor was well set in. I'd like to see that two-day-before-a-race workout submitted to a good rowing coach for analysis. I think a large fine would be in order.
JimG, Gainesville, Ga, 78, 76", 205lb. PBs:
66-69: .5,1,2,5,6,10K: 1:30.8 3:14.1 6:40.7 17:34.0 21:18.1 36:21.7 30;60;HM: 8337 16237 1:20:25
70-78: .5,1,2,5,6,10K: 1:32.7 3:19.5 6:58.1 17:55.3 21:32.6 36:41.9 30;60;HM: 8214 15353 1:23:02.5

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » February 12th, 2014, 6:26 am

A huge TimbukTOO welcome to Ryan Bay, who has grabbed one of our spare oars! 15 of 83 members (18%) logged 135,667 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved: JIM C ROCKED THREE MILLION!!! Ron M ripped 800K!!
Approaching milestones: Yisroel H one good row from 1.8M (-5,954m) with Adam M (-21,403m) close behind, Bobbie Z (-28,834m) leading Roger G (-46,171m) in the race to 1.6M, Glen B nearing 800K (-18,404m), Glenn Y closing in on 400K (-7,372m) while Ryan B's first goal of 15K looms (-2,500m)!

Posted Meters:
Jim C – 16,000 Awesome season!
Roger G – 15,000 Over 51K in the past 3 days!
Ron M – 14,203 After a small breather...
Ray S – 12,600 Going long!
Ryan B – 12,500 Great start!

Bobbie Z – 12,000 Back-to-back great rows!
Adam M – 10,500 Two!
Mark St – 10,001 Great to see a solid row from you!
Jerry H – 7,000 Rain or shine...
Matthew R – 6,000 Nice!

Dana H – 5,000 Always strong participation!
Glen B – 4,500 Erg never makes you swim...
Gary G – 4,363 Post-Boca?
Yisroel H – 3,000 Just a warm-up & 6:54.6 race...
Glenn Y – 3,000 Liberated some time to row!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » February 12th, 2014, 11:24 am

Izzzmeister wrote:Posted Meters:
Jim C – 16,000 Awesome season!
Roger G – 15,000 Over 51K in the past 3 days!
Ron M – 14,203 After a small breather...
Ray S – 12,600 Going long!
Ryan B – 12,500 Great start!
Excellent COLOR commentary! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » February 12th, 2014, 12:10 pm

All hands on deck, making the best use of a short month! 18 of 83 members (22%) logged 146,902 total meters Monday!

Milestones achieved: Yisroel H eclipsed 1.8M!!
Approaching milestones: Greg H quite close to 1.9M (-9,282m), Thomas J one row from 1.5M (-3,637m), Ken C is approaching 800K (-3,478m), Cindy R is seeking 400K (-24,201m), Ulla D eyeing 300K (-13,961m), Sheryl M (-7,616m) & Scott W (-8,291m) race towards 100K, while Vince M's next goal is 35K (-4,480m)!

Posted Meters:
Greg H – 19,000 Top dawg!
Andy I – 18,502 Large!
Ron M – 14,414
Ken C – 11,192 Solid!
Thomas J – 10,500 Always strong!

Matthew R – 10,000 Serious row!
Yisroel H – 10,000 Included 4x2K, the last 3 2Ks below 7:15!
Dana H – 8,500 Staying in top shape!
Cindy R – 8,220 Longer, stronger rowing!
Mark St – 6,737 Back to back!

Gary G – 6,299 Why be in CA of FL when there's no place like home?
John B – 4,228 Nicely done!
Ulla D – 4,037 Long!
Roger G – 4,000 The streak is alive!
Sheryl M – 3,471 Building endurance!

Scott W – 3,006 Terrific!
Jim G – 2,743 Short, but sweet!
Vince M – 2,053 Back on the beam!
Last edited by Izzzmeister on February 12th, 2014, 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » February 12th, 2014, 12:13 pm

damselfly wrote:
Izzzmeister wrote:Posted Meters:
Jim C – 16,000 Awesome season!
Roger G – 15,000 Over 51K in the past 3 days!
Ron M – 14,203 After a small breather...
Ray S – 12,600 Going long!
Ryan B – 12,500 Great start!
Excellent COLOR commentary! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:
Ouch! Sometimes my mouse is too sensitive, double-adds the color codes. Usually, I catch it before it goes live...

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