Gave up road running with the club about 6 years ago in preference for the erg and also because I was starting to get knee pain in my left knee especially when climbing stairs. This was / is accompanied by a crackly noise

(Hand held up have been terrible at not warming up / stretching and its something I still need to put more time into however...)
Now after several years the crackly noise is louder. I have had 3 x 20 minute NHS assessments who say "Patella Femoral Syndrome" and gave me a sheet with several exercises (then signed me off) - the most difficult of which is a one leg squat with other leg extended. This always results in more pain so have packed it in and besides I think the rowing provides enough low impact strengthening exercise.
Still, the pain is less noticeable than it was, even on climbing stairs, but I am certain the crackly noise has increased and I am getting kinda worried. Was hoping to be fit enough in my retirement to complete my book on Wainwright walking routes!
Anyone offer any comment / personal reflections / advice?