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by Edscapade » December 10th, 2013, 11:29 am
Congratulations on everyone earning their reindeer! We have quite the heard.
Tonight I hit 8 million lifetime meters. I am so glad that I was able to buy the concept over here. It was a ways to go use the one at the Hotel. We have our own little gym in our compound, so far there are only two of us using it. That is ok with me, I am having an elliptical and bike sent over soon. We will have quite the set up.
I am not missing the cold weather at home - seeing the negative numbers, kinda feel guilty enjoying the mid 70's here. Who am I kidding - don't miss at all. If I want cold weather to ski and snowmobile I will go to it not it come to me!
Take care, stay warm and safe.
Happy rowing,
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by Kona2 » December 10th, 2013, 11:39 am
Zander (BOLT)
Congratulations, Zander, on earning your Concept2 donation and then some! You've also claimed your reindeer...or maybe your reindeer has claimed you! Bolt (so named for the Fastest Guy on Earth Usain Bolt, a countryman of yours) was your reindeer last year...and it was a good match up.
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by Kona2 » December 10th, 2013, 11:55 am
Nataliya and her family are the keepers of the reindeer at their farm/ranch in Russia. We'll call her reindeer Holly, after the plant that gets the colorful red berries and is a fine evergreen and hedging plant..Holly is a plant that's not just for Christmas - just like reindeer aren't only for Christmas!
Nataliya (HOLLY)
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by Kona2 » December 10th, 2013, 1:56 pm
Well, you knew it had to happen sooner or later! After all, the world is rapidly changing and classic reindeers aren't always all the rage with everyone. Robyn has earned her Concept2 donation, and is quite the fan of both the San Francisco Giants and the San Francisco 49ers. Last year her reindeer was Buster after Buster Posey - and strong consideration was given to a repeat performance - and maybe if the Giants had won the Series that would have happened. Instead, we have an edgy reindeer called Kap who has trotted out of the reindeer enclosure ...with a TATTOO on his shoulder...a self-assured young reindeer who doesn't care what the other reindeer think of his tattoo.
You guessed it....her reindeer is Kap for Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the 49ers.
Robyn (KAP)
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by jayne_jayney » December 10th, 2013, 4:50 pm
I'm gutted that I haven't been able to get to the gym since the weekend... Mostly because I'm curious what my reindeer will be named when I finally get to claim one!
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by brotherjim » December 10th, 2013, 6:05 pm
Big congrats Barb on your antler lights and 4 mill season! You are too awesome.
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by Kona2 » December 11th, 2013, 1:29 am
Reindeer Central is overwhelmed at the moment...but reindeer will be named, and stats posted. Just not today - and maybe not until later tomorrow. Mom in Tucson missed the opening of the garage a bit, and drove into the side of the house on Thanksgiving Day. She was fine, maybe a bit angry with herself for getting sun glared. Net result is that I have to go help out for a few days and get the car to the repair shop, etc. Trying to fit everything in (and get my own reindeer...although I do have an "in" hahahaha) and then you get a wild card. That's life, isn't it?!
Thanks for understanding...and if you would like a specific reindeer name, let me know with a message and I'll do my best to align the planets.
So many many reindeer - everyone is doing so well with this Challenge. And Jayne...I am still thinking about what your reindeer name will be....something to ponder on my flight.
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by andreacs » December 11th, 2013, 3:50 am
Kona2 wrote:I thought it was pretty cold here in Colorado, and I guess we're sharing that wealth with some neighboring states. Andrea definitely needed her ski jacket when she claimed her reindeer, Frost. Congratulations, Andrea, on achieving the Concept2 donation and claiming your reindeer. Btw, I don't think you got your reindeer last year, so way to go in getting it this year !
Andrea (FROST)
Thanks much Jan!
Very appropriate name, as we have unusually frosty days here in California

You are right, last year was the first time since 2007 that I was unable to meet the 200km challenge due to the ACL replacement surgery. But chasing the reindeer got me moving

Unfortunately, crazy schedule got me off the erg for a few days, but I hope I will catch up and the antler lights too
Happy rowing!
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by andreacs » December 11th, 2013, 4:04 am
Kona2 wrote:Reindeer Central is overwhelmed at the moment...but reindeer will be named, and stats posted. Just not today - and maybe not until later tomorrow. Mom in Tucson missed the opening of the garage a bit, and drove into the side of the house on Thanksgiving Day. She was fine, maybe a bit angry with herself for getting sun glared. Net result is that I have to go help out for a few days and get the car to the repair shop, etc. Trying to fit everything in (and get my own reindeer...although I do have an "in" hahahaha) and then you get a wild card. That's life, isn't it?!
Thanks for understanding...and if you would like a specific reindeer name, let me know with a message and I'll do my best to align the planets.
So many many reindeer - everyone is doing so well with this Challenge. And Jayne...I am still thinking about what your reindeer name will be....something to ponder on my flight.
Do not worry about us!
Ha, I can say that, as I am not rowing for a few days

Best wishes to Mom. Good that you can go and help her.
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by kakattack » December 11th, 2013, 11:21 am
Peter Gingras
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by Kona2 » December 11th, 2013, 11:19 pm
Rivka (AURORA)
We are in peak aurora borealis viewing time (if you live in the right latitudes!):
From the aurorahunter website:
Aurora Borealis season in northern polar latitudes (Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Siberia) runs from August-thru-April. These are the nights with darkness in them. During the summer months of May, June and July it is just too bright to see them in the far northland. Auroras can still be spotted south of about 50° latitude during the summer.
Rivka's reindeer Aurora is going to help light up the skies in the northern latitudes (conserving the batteries on the flashing harnesses). Congratulations, Rivka, on earning the Concept2 donation (and then some!) and claiming your reindeer!