i agree with jim...welcome back :} and welcome to all our new luna-tics....and yay pats.....brotherjim wrote:Glad that you are feeling a little better Ross. Take it easy as I am sure you have been told over and over. You are always a huge part of our team. So happy to see you on the forum again.
LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 720
- Joined: November 26th, 2013, 1:48 pm
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Hi All - Happy to be on the team and getting ready for the Holiday Challenge. Finally worked through some IT glitches that prevented me from returning to the LUNA-TICS team room. (Lots of help from David at Concept2--many thanks to him.)
Whoop, whoop - it's a FIRST EVER....
Whoop, whoop! It's a FIRST EVER post on our team pages....and we love FIRST EVERS ! We practically do team cartwheels for all the new paths that a teammate takes - whether it's a first ever 5 K, or 10 K or even a half marathon (or more). Wait til you earn your reindeer ! Say what?! When you row or ski-erg your way to the Holiday Challenge milestones, we award a virtual reindeer to you. Love to see the herd grow.normadelaney wrote:Hi All - Happy to be on the team and getting ready for the Holiday Challenge. Finally worked through some IT glitches that prevented me from returning to the LUNA-TICS team room. (Lots of help from David at Concept2--many thanks to him.)
Way to go, Norma! And those IT glitches get most of us from time to time - glad you are not faint of heart and went for some help from Concept2.
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 11.26.13

Down under teammates Dave (AUS), Angelo (AUS) and Bernie (NZL) kick off the 2013 Holiday Challenge today! Hooyah!
Welcome back to returning teammate Kim W !
Season meters as of 210/365 = 68,589,423 m
Total meters on the day = 449,515 m
Oars in space (participation) = 25 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.9 MM Ron

1.75 MM Cathie
300 K Ken G
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us! And do feel free to join us for our Reindeer Games in the Holiday Challenge! We welcome new and returning teammates!!


Lily 1,625 m
Gene 1,700 m

Peter G 2,400 m
Paul S 2,503 m
Ben 2,513 m
Nataliya 2,675 m

Teresa 5,513 m
Norma 5,719 m

David T 6,000 m
Rick C 6,255 m
Diana 6,300 m
Steven 6,350 m
Ross 6,517 m
Rosi 7,000 m
Cathie 7,500 m
Sam 7,500 m
Bernie 8,067 m

Ronnie 8,500 m

AJ 12,240 m
Stephen 15,192 m

Kim 121,120 m
And welcome back to Zander! Just noticed that in between number capture and posting, Zander's on the roster!
Re: Whoop, whoop - it's a FIRST EVER....
Love those reindeer games! I look forward to joining the herd, just as soon as all the Thanksgiving cooking, cleaning, eating, and entertaining has subsided.Kona2 wrote:Wait til you earn your reindeer! Say what?! When you row or ski-erg your way to the Holiday Challenge milestones, we award a virtual reindeer to you. Love to see the herd grow.normadelaney wrote: Happy to be on the team and getting ready for the Holiday Challenge. ...
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
From me too... Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Holidays. Family, friends, warm cheer, and of course getting started on those reindeer games. I plan to get started as soon as I find the oars for my boat.

Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
happy thanksgiving, chanukkah, and/or thursday/friday :}
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Ditto!bg wrote:happy thanksgiving, chanukkah, and/or thursday/friday :}

All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 11.27.13
Welcome new teammate Karen M...enjoy that brand new rowing machine! We wish you many, many good rowing (and/or ski-erging sessions in case you branch out!) and much good camaraderie.

Day 1 or 2 of 27....let the reindeer games begin!
Season meters as of 211/365 = 69,626,328 m
Total meters on the day = 1,036,905 m
Oars in space (participation) = 28 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.8 MM bg
2.4 MM David A
2.15 MM Jay K
1.15 MM Marie
600 K Ted
600 K Robert H
400 K Nataliya
a reindeer rancher!
200 K Ben
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and/or ski-erging with us!
Gene 1,990 m

Nataliya 2,500 m
Bobbie 3,000 m
Tristan 3,000 m
Paul S 3,004 m
Jay R 3,121 m
Lily 3,680 m
Jane 4,129 m
Robert 5,000 m



a palindrome!
Brian C 6,000 m
Marty 6,000 m
Rick 6,334 m
Rosi 6,500 m
Anita 6,700 m
Steven 6,856 m
Pat S 7,024 m
Harold 7,500 m
Ronnie 9,000 m
Howard 9,079 m
Christa 9,500 m
Rivka 9,895 m
Cathie 10,000 m
Karen M 10,000 m
Ted 10,000 m
Stuart 11,047 m
Jim 11,544 m
Marie 12,000 m
David A 18,061 m
Norma 18,963 m
Ron 21,097 m
bg 25,032 m
Ben 41,748 m .. not quite a full moon, but pretty close...
Jay K 43,000 m
Zander 665,263 m

Season meters as of 211/365 = 69,626,328 m
Total meters on the day = 1,036,905 m
Oars in space (participation) = 28 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.8 MM bg
2.4 MM David A
2.15 MM Jay K
1.15 MM Marie
600 K Ted
600 K Robert H
400 K Nataliya

200 K Ben
Thanks, everyone, for rowing and/or ski-erging with us!
Gene 1,990 m

Nataliya 2,500 m
Bobbie 3,000 m
Tristan 3,000 m
Paul S 3,004 m
Jay R 3,121 m
Lily 3,680 m
Jane 4,129 m
Robert 5,000 m



Brian C 6,000 m
Marty 6,000 m
Rick 6,334 m
Rosi 6,500 m
Anita 6,700 m
Steven 6,856 m
Pat S 7,024 m
Harold 7,500 m
Ronnie 9,000 m
Howard 9,079 m
Christa 9,500 m
Rivka 9,895 m
Cathie 10,000 m
Karen M 10,000 m
Ted 10,000 m
Stuart 11,047 m
Jim 11,544 m
Marie 12,000 m
David A 18,061 m
Norma 18,963 m

Zander 665,263 m
- kgallagher
- 2k Poster
- Posts: 241
- Joined: January 15th, 2008, 9:11 pm
Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 11.27.13

Being a vegetarian, I love that menu in the cartoon you posted. And being a rower, I couldn't help but laugh at the rowers eating dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Lunatic friends. I am off the water now and will be putting more time in on the erg. Therefore, I will tend to check the forum more often. If I've missed any important information since the spring, please fill me in. I haven't checked the forum often enough to keep tabs on everyone and everything going on.

Being a vegetarian, I love that menu in the cartoon you posted. And being a rower, I couldn't help but laugh at the rowers eating dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Lunatic friends. I am off the water now and will be putting more time in on the erg. Therefore, I will tend to check the forum more often. If I've missed any important information since the spring, please fill me in. I haven't checked the forum often enough to keep tabs on everyone and everything going on.
Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 11.27.13
kgallagher wrote:Kona2 wrote:
Being a vegetarian, I love that menu in the cartoon you posted. And being a rower, I couldn't help but laugh at the rowers eating dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Lunatic friends. I am off the water now and will be putting more time in on the erg. Therefore, I will tend to check the forum more often. If I've missed any important information since the spring, please fill me in. I haven't checked the forum often enough to keep tabs on everyone and everything going on.
welcome back and welcome karen :} i'm also a vegetarian and always find more than enough to eat on thanksgiving....especially at dessert time :}
Full Moon on Thanksgiving Day!

Hooboy! There are several teammates who are known to go run the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot - whether that's a 5K or 10K or even a half marathon. And, while I didn't go back into the Luna-Tics recorded history, I think there might have been only one other time whether a teammate threw down a full marathon at the start of the Holiday Challenge. Wowzer - now that's some serious calorie offsetting for a later dinner !
Congratulations, Robert, on completing a full marathon !
- 6k Poster
- Posts: 981
- Joined: October 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Way To Row Robert
All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 11.27.13

Power of the Pin:
The Holiday Challenge. It's tradition to get "the pin" earned by those who finish the Challenge. After all, the Holiday Challenge is the very first one that many of us tried. Sometimes it was the ONLY time of year that any serious meters were input into the logbook. Now, like the Marathon Challenge, it is sometimes a bellwether of how we think we're doing year by year. I like to think that it's a Challenge that provides great balance and helps keep exercise important at a time of year when there are MANY things competing for your available time. So even if that pin ends up in a drawer with a lot of your current (and FUTURE) pins, give it a go! You'll never work so hard for a $2 matching contribution ... and, with good meters and planning, you can earn a LOT more dollars for the charity of your choice in Concept2's basket of choices. Let's help make this the THIRD year in a row that Concept2's donation goals of $30000 are met!
Season meters as of 212/365 = 70,089,602 m ! Wowzer! Congratulations, team, on achieving SEVENTY million team meters!
Total meters on the day = 463,274 m
Oars in space (participation) = 25 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
3.95 MM Ron
1.8 MM Ronnie
1.05 MM Rivka
850 K David W (GBR)
450 K Ross
350 K Nathan W
100 K Paul R

Marie 2,000 m
Nataliya 2,550 m
Paul S

Sarah 3,600 m


Brian C 5,000 m
Sam 5,700 m
Rick 6,300 m
Jim 6,500 m
Rivka 6,500 m
Rosi 6,500 m
Zander 6,905 m
Todd 7,577 m


Cathie 8,000 m
Ross 8,064 m
David W 9,000 m
Ronnie 9,500 m
Teresa 10,012 m
Lynne 11,154 m
Dan W 11,566 m
Mikkel 13,224 m
Karyn 13,600 m
Harold 14,000 m
Anita 14,500 m

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us! Keep the erg pedals to the metal for the next 25 days...COMPLETE the Holiday Challenge!
He's A Meter Millionaire!

Whoop, whoop and hooyah! Peter G has sailed across the ONE million meter milestone marker for this rowing season - with a fine half marathon! There was a victory statement in that half marathon (let your meters do the talkin' as some would say!)! Congratulations, Peter G, on achieving a ONE million meter rowing season...we wish you many, MANY more! Great update on your team profile, too!