Low back pain and concept2 rower (SkiErg better?)

General discussions about getting and staying fit that don't relate directly to your indoor rower
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Low back pain and concept2 rower (SkiErg better?)

Post by Silversurreal » October 30th, 2013, 6:51 am

OMG I am in agony this morning, found this site so joined immediately!

I started rowing about 1996 so I know a little about correct techniques, but hadn't really hammered it for years, since childbirth 11 years ago, although always use the rower in the gym, it's the best all over workout one can get!

I dwinded from 5-6 days a week mixed work outs in the gym to 1-2 I am a 48 year old female and just haven't got the energy I used to have in my 30s when I was the fittest, also so many other things going on, so am not the fitnness "addict" I was!

I normally do 12-24 mins max on Concept 2 and take it easy - too easy for years probably - I don't work to the "no pain no gain" that I used to, I can't any more, I know my limitations and only let my body do what it wants to do!

Anyway as I said, so much going on in my life, I'm having to literally "force" myself to get to the gym nowadays once a week or so, which worries me somewhat as I used to be a real fitness freak!

Two nights ago I had limited time to exercise, so worked to a higher capacity on the Concept 2 and beat all my times and cals and power for over a decade. I was well proud of myself! Hadn't achieved that kind of goal since my daughter was born in 2002. Maybe I'm an idiot as I did over 30 mins on there and achieved the readings I normally would get in 36 mins! So about 20% harder I'd say. I wasn't too manic, my techniques are pretty good as I know my rower. I worked a lot harder than normal, got pulse up to a better level, rather than my usual going through the motions lazy routine!

But 2 mornings later I am in excruciating pain, middle lower back! (above cocix) I'm assuming it was my vigorous routine the other night? can't think what else I've done! Have tried rest, massage and now taken advice about side twists on here from members - which is the first thing to help somewhat - or maybe the pain relief I just took!

It hurts which sitting, especially getting up, it hurt all night when trying to sleep, although was more an annoyance - a stiffness, rather than pain - when lying down and I do sleep on my side, so guess I should have stayed on my back all night!

I think I have a strong lower back normally and very VERY stretchy hamstrings. I did have physio last year but that was for neck and shoulder pain so I'm surprised that it affected my lower back when my upper is normally the problem!

I really worked my arms, shoulders, abs, butt, and legs but none of them hurt whatsoever! Strange that ,as I am weak in the abdominal dept and my legs arms and tum got a good hammering. So why my lower back? I thought I knew what I was doing and assumed I could and should raise my W O up a notch after becoming so lax for years!

It's been over 12 hours since back pain started and really hoping I haven't done permanent damage, it's either muscular or spine I should think as the side twists help a bit! Any replies welcomed! Julie

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Re: Low back pain and concept2 rower (SkiErg better?)

Post by DIYrower » October 30th, 2013, 8:21 pm

My personnel advice from experience, rest for few days, swim breaststroke at leisure pace. No other exercise at all for few days.
These two thing help me over the years.

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Re: Low back pain and concept2 rower (SkiErg better?)

Post by jamesg » October 31st, 2013, 5:54 am

Silver, thanks for the lesson on how not to make a comeback. Suggest you now take a few days off, maybe a relaxant such as coffee and then start again at an easier rate, forgetting your youthful exploits. The aim is to get and stay fit for the next 50 odd years, nothing more but nothing less either, so continuity is sine qua non.

The specific origin of your backache is probably not pulling technique as such, but either just plain overload* or posture. We all have a weak point somewhere, and if we look hard enough no doubt we'll find it. If you sit up tall, relaxed and with your back straight, mechanical loads there should decrease somewhat; and if you use all your length but not all your strength, so much the better. Low drag in other words. This will allow you a decent amount of work in each stroke and plenty of sweat, with no risk.

If you can get a machine of your own, then you won't need to go to gyms and get tempted by weights or worse, and it'll be easier to get in 4-5 a week shorter lighter pieces.

* Doing in 30 minutes what you did before in 36 is nearer double the power output (70% more).
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

Dimitar Ivanov
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Re: Low back pain and concept2 rower (SkiErg better?)

Post by Dimitar Ivanov » November 19th, 2013, 10:00 am

Silversurreal is that pain goes towards the leg or up on the spine? Or the pain is located at one place specifically?

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