Simple question....

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Simple question....

Post by mangabootoo » October 10th, 2013, 5:04 pm

The Alternative Weight Training Programme doesn't say how many sessions per week? Presume it's up to you....the more the better??

Can anyone confirm...


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Re: Simple question....

Post by jamesg » October 13th, 2013, 5:41 am

If you refer to this: ... ve_weights
it says this for weeks 1 to 6:
Two complete circuits should be completed in the first two weeks with a third added for weeks three and four and finally four full circuits on weeks five and six.
and similar for the other phases, which seems to suggest one day on one off.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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Re: Simple question....

Post by mangabootoo » October 13th, 2013, 11:02 am

I thought that referred to the number of times you did the circuit on any given session. I.e. In weeks one and 2 every time you do a session, you do it twice through....and in weeks 5 and 6 you do it 4 times through????

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Re: Simple question....

Post by jamesg » October 14th, 2013, 5:30 am

It seems max 4 times a week. (Through what?) A trial run with your interpretation might confirm, let us know, volunteers are always welcome when missions get hazardous.

C2 UK texts often take some reading, not just between the lines, even the lines themselves.

However in this particular case there seems to be no problem:

This period addresses basic fitness as well as the development of the aerobic system. Load the weight bars sufficiently so that each exercise can be comfortably carried out continuously for one minute. At the end of one minute move onto the next exercise as swiftly as possible so the circuit flows. Total work time is from 24 up to 48 minutes non-stop at a pace of 75 to 80% maximum heart rate (MHR). Two complete circuits should be completed in the first two weeks with a third added for weeks three and four and finally four full circuits on weeks five and six. Special attention needs to be paid to the correct execution of the exercises.

It says total work time 24-48 minutes non stop; do you want to repeat that 4 times a day?
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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