How Do You Train On Land?

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[old] bsemaiktehr
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Post by [old] bsemaiktehr » January 29th, 2005, 12:14 am

I'm on a High School Crew team, and right now we are doing off-season training. On days where we don't erg, our team does a few different land workouts. Right now we do a few different things -<br /><br />#1<br />90 minute run @ 9-10 minute mile pace<br />core training (push-ups / ab work)<br /><br />#2<br />1 mile warmup<br />10 x 400m sprints<br />22 x 15 stadiums<br />core training (push-ups / ab work)<br /><br />#3<br />1 mile warmup<br />42 x 15 stadiums<br />core training (push-ups / ab work)<br /><br />(a stadium is crouching down until your butt is at your heels, and then jumping up to the next step, we do 15 steps per set)<br /><br />What kinds of land-based workouts do you guys do?

[old] pduck
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Post by [old] pduck » January 29th, 2005, 1:11 am

<!--QuoteBegin-bsemaiktehr+Jan 28 2005, 10:14 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(bsemaiktehr @ Jan 28 2005, 10:14 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I'm on a High School Crew team, and right now we are doing off-season training. On days where we don't erg, our team does a few different land workouts. Right now we do a few different things -<br /><br />#1<br />90 minute run @ 9-10 minute mile pace<br />core training (push-ups / ab work)<br /><br />#2<br />1 mile warmup<br />10 x 400m sprints<br />22 x 15 stadiums<br />core training (push-ups / ab work)<br /><br />#3<br />1 mile warmup<br />42 x 15 stadiums<br />core training (push-ups / ab work)<br /><br />(a stadium is crouching down until your butt is at your heels, and then jumping up to the next step, we do 15 steps per set)<br /><br />What kinds of land-based workouts do you guys do? <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Those look like some killer workouts. 10X400 is tough enough without doing those stadiums after. I hope your knees hold up.

[old] Jemnenycricket
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Post by [old] Jemnenycricket » January 29th, 2005, 10:51 pm

PHEW~! That's a crazy workout schedule! Good ideas though. <br /><br />My team does a lot of land-based workouts in the off-season, but my favorite so far is this one:<br /><br />- 1/2 mile warm-up jog (followed by stretching)<br />- Sprints (done on a basketball court, I'm not sure of the exact length)<br /> ~ 2 x sprint all the way, touch, and sprint back; go 3/4, come back; 1/2 court, 1/4 court.<br /> ~ 2 x sprint whole court, come back backwards<br />- Mat drills:<br /> The following exercises we start by doing 10 of each, then do 9 of each, 8 ,7, 6, and so on until you hit zero.<br /> :: jumping jacks (3 of them are one count), jumpers (crouch and touch the floor, then jump up raising your hands as though trying to hit the cieling), lunges (one on each leg for each count), mountainclimbers, sit-ups, push-ups, jog in place.<br /><br />- Ab/core workout (about 15 - 20 minutes of your favorite ab exercises)<br /><br />Then strech again, and you're all set! I like this one becuase it has so much varience in it (I tend to get bored just running, or something.)<br />

[old] gorow9
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Post by [old] gorow9 » February 4th, 2005, 2:08 pm

That's insane, I just came up with my workout schedual for this year on Monday this week... then I got the flu on tuesday- so I haven't gotten to see how well it works but here's what I do:<br /><br />Monday:Abs (45 min)<br /> that weird yoga stuff... heard it's good for rowers<br /> erg- 4k<br /> run/walk<br /><br />Tuesday: Abs (30 min)<br /> YMCA machines (1hr w/warmup/cooldown/stretch)<br /> basketball/shooting hoops in gym (45min)<br /> arms... I have a weird goal to be able to do 20 pullups by next year<br /><br />Wednesday: Abs (45 min)<br /> run/walk (45 min)<br /> erg (30 min)<br /> arms... (20 min)<br /><br />Thurday: YMCA machines<br /> Basketball<br /> weird yoga stuff<br /> erg (5k)<br /><br />Friday: Horsebackridig (45 min)<br /> abs/arms (45 min total)<br /><br />Saturday: Erg (however long I feel like)<br /> run/walk<br /> <br />Sunday: abs<br /> arms<br /> erg<br /><br />Sometimes I'll switch that arond, I want to get some swimming in and bike riding's always good when it's not too nasty out. Also sometimes I'll take a break for a day- probably once a week rotating days because its hard to find time with school and homework- and when crew starts again... you know how that goes

[old] adamkene
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Post by [old] adamkene » February 16th, 2005, 2:58 pm

I must be about the same age as you (16) and i find that doing varying exercises is best. Cycling is really good because you are working really hard with your legs and your abs. Also the stepping machine or cross-trainer is really good because it works rowing specific muscles in your legs. I also find that swimming is really good for the shoulders, back and legs.<br />If you combine all of these together, i.e 12 min erg, 12 min run, 12 min cycle, 12 min step and 12 min swim, then you've done over an hour of UT1 training, seriously good fitness. In the swim, do exercices between lengths like, sit ups with legs over side. Don't stop in between exercices and its great because you can get distances for each meachine or exercise and so you can get a total distance in KM and try and beat it next time. I recomend doing this once a week around weights and ergos and running.

[old] Cassiopeia
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Post by [old] Cassiopeia » February 16th, 2005, 4:42 pm

I'm on high school crew, too. Here's our schedule:<br /><br />Monday: one hour circuits:<br /> CHIEFS (50 seconds on, 10 seconds off)<br /> mountain climbers<br /> 8 counts (2 push-ups, 1 jump with arms up)<br /> high knees<br /> wall-sits<br /> jumpies<br /> ABS (50 seconds on, 10 seconds off)<br /> scullers<br /> ball sit-ups<br /> leg lifts/flutters<br /> bicycles<br /> v-sit/boat pose<br /> PLYOMETRICS (50 seconds on, 10 seconds off)<br /> forward/back jumps<br /> side to side jumps<br /> sit jumps<br /> steps<br /> RUNNING (5 minutes)<br /> hamster wheels<br /><br />Tuesday/Thursday: ergging<br /> here we either do intervals (3x12, 4x6, etc) or 2ks, plus our warm-ups, and 250m sprints at the end each time<br /><br />3 days a week: gym<br /> I've never gone to the gym to do a workout, so I'm not sure what they do, but it's basically just an hour of upper body machines. One day a week it's an hour of yoga instead of weights.<br /><br />Everything that I do is slightly modified or replaced with more upper body workouts as long as I'm off my leg.

[old] allapologies916
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Post by [old] allapologies916 » February 19th, 2005, 12:53 pm

***DECK OF PAIN***<br /><br />Get a regular deck of cards (add the jokers if your feeling crazy) and then shuffle them up. Put the jokers on the very bottom. Then, get ready for h***. Get a watch with a timer on it. Then choose 4 different exercises to do, 3 decently hard ones with 1 aerobic/resting one. Example: Hearts = jumpies, Spades = pushups, diamonds = situps, clubs = jumping jacks. Then just take the top card off the deck and do the number that it says, for example, if it was a jack of spades, do 11 pushups. The thing that makes this hard is if you have the same suit several cards in a row, or whatever. Anyways, its a fun little land workout. The thing to make it hard though, this was done as punishment, is only allow 20 seconds to do each card, and no numbers under seven. For example, if you draw a 4 of hearts, you do 7 jumpies anyways. Its tough stuff.<br /><br />Oh yeah... and for the jokers, our team usually has them both on the bottom, and do 50 jumpies for the first one, take a quick rest, and then 75 jumpies in 25 intervals. Fun stuff.

[old] ninthman
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Post by [old] ninthman » February 25th, 2005, 12:43 am

<ul><li><u>Stadiums</u><ul><li>Run 3 miles<br />(Medford/Somerville to 'Vard)</li><li>Harvard Stadium sprint<br />(37 sections, 36 <i>tall</i> steps per section)<br />(Under 25' and you're respectable, under 20' and you're tough, under 18' and you're really damn fast)</li><li>Run 3 miles<br />(Back to Mehfuhd/Scummerville)</li></ul><br /></li><li><u>70'-90' "Pumpkin' Run"</u><ul><li>the week after Halloween, when everyone has put their pumpkins on the curb as garbage, run around the neighborhood and do devious things with them</li></ul><br /></li><li><u>Bears and Chiefs</u><br />Everyone gets a 45 pound straight bar. For 50-60 minutes, do 100-120 seconds rapidly of each...<ul><li>Squat</li><li>Bent-over row</li><li>Clean to chin</li><li>Back extension</li><li>Clean and jerk</li><li>Pushups</li><li>Jumpies</li><li>Crunches</li><li>Mountain Climbers</li><li>8 counts (squat thrust-pushup-pushup-jumpie)</li></ul></li></ul>

[old] xJae_woNx
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Post by [old] xJae_woNx » March 18th, 2005, 11:47 pm

Wow you guys are insane! My school has a easier workout from my POV...(I'm 15 and a sophomore in hs)<br /><br />Rainy/Snowy Days<br />First we take a 30 min - 1 hour run depending on the Coaches mood.<br />Next, we do wall sits (2 minutes each, 4 times)<br />Then Jumpies (25 jumpies 4 times)<br />After that pulll up progressions (do as much as you can once, then keep going as high as you can after that)<br />Bench Pull/Rows (2 minutes each 8 times)<br />Sit ups - We do all styles of sit ups like touching your knee and the 90 degree angle one (25 sit ups 5 times )<br />Push ups (25 push ups 4 times)<br /><br />Sunny Days<br />Suzy Joe Run (about 15 minutes)<br />Bring out the boats and row for 1.5 - 3 hours
