TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by rockenmama » March 31st, 2013, 9:59 am

Congratulations Jim on the 4 million!!

Thanks everyone! I got out of the hospital on Friday. I've got a lot of limitations like no driving, no lifting without help but I can row. I got my miles in on the Erg and was able to complete the 10k challenge. .

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » March 31st, 2013, 11:06 am

All hands on deck! A fit and feisty 14 of 76 members (18%) logged 182,466 total meters Saturday!

Milestones achieved:
Jim achieved 4M, Paul mastered 250K, and Don surpassed 200K!!

Approaching milestones:
Jeff is on the brink of 1.9M (-2,428m), Michael is one challenge day from 1.1M (-12,048m), Pamela is closing on 900K (-44,495m), Glenn is on track for 600K (-11,980m), Jamus is steaming towards 500K (-15,965m), and Raymond is close to 250K (-7,457m)

This week's frequent rowers (Sat 3/23 through Fri 3/29):
Adam M, David W, Jamus M, Jeff T, Kevin K, Lisa H, Meg M & Michael M - 7
Amanda G, Don H, Jack F, Jim C, Ron M & Ulla D - 6
Cindy R, Frank G & Raymond W - 4

Posted Meters:
Michael M - 32,806 Going strong!
David W - 25,238 Unbeatable!
Jim C - 18,000 4 million and counting!
Pamela H - 17,429 Unstoppable!
Jeff T - 12,630 More than solid!
Paul E - 12,163 Big!!
Lisa H - 11,440 Banking some extra meters!
Glenn Y - 10,633 Ten from Glenn!
Jamus M - 10,000 Solid!
Raymond W - 9,415 Unbreakable! (How's the knee?)
Jack F - 7,546 Six in a row!
Don H - 5,166 Great!
Amanda G - 5,000 Sweet!
Kevin K - 5,000 Unbroken!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » March 31st, 2013, 11:10 am

Still in 11th, but only 100k behind the 10th place team... Who's up for the challenge?!? 17 of 52 members (33%) logged 208,700 total meters Saturday!

Posted Meters:
Mark A - 15,000
Rusty A - 6,234
Jim C - 18,000
Paul E - 12,163
Jack F - 7,546

Amanda G - 5,000
Don H - 5,166
Lisa H - 11,440
Pamela H - 17,429
Doug K - 5,000

Kevin K - 5,000
Jamus M - 10,000
Michael M - 32,806
Jeff T - 12,630
David W - 25,238

Raymond W - 9,415
Glenn Y - 10,633

Challenge Goals - Day 16 of 32 (50.0%):
Andy I - 76,972 of 100,000 (77.0%)
Lisa H - 124,195 of 200,000 (62.1%)
David W - 482,508 of 800,000 (60.3%)
Pamela H - 146,710 of 250,000 (58.7%)
Adam M - 126,565 of 220,000 (57.5%)
Jamus M - 160,000 of 300,000 (53.3%)
Michael M - 482,302 of 960,000 (50.2%)
Kevin K - 90,287 of 180,000 (50.2%)
Kyle J - 250,000 of 500,000 (50.0%)

Yisroel H - 147,364 of 300,000 (49.1%)
Meg M - 65,019 of 150,000 (43.3%)
Raymond W - 141,940 of 352,000 (40.3%)
Heather R - 37,500 of 100,000 (37.5%)
Rachel B - 26,632 of 100,000 (26.6%)
Mike M - 18,000 of 150,000 (12.0%)
Brad G - 5,268 of 50,000 (10.5%)
Brent C - 3,000 of 72,000 (4.2%)

Milestones achieved:
Michael topped 450K, Mark mastered 150K, Don downed 100K, and Paul passed 50K!!
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » March 31st, 2013, 1:04 pm

Just a fast note, before I fall off the ends of the Earth for a few days! Thanks, Pat M et al for signing up at the last minute, hopefully you'll be able to help us out-row some of our competition!
Just grabbed a 1K & 2K, to hit the 50% point of my goals for the WEC!
Thanks, Damselfly, for doing double-duty! I hope to be able to make it up to you - or thank you properly - one day!

Now, on to Chicago for the final days of Passover (corresponding to the Splitting of the Sea)! Be back in 3 for some serious catch-up! We should be sneaking up on 6 mil by that point!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by rockenmama » April 1st, 2013, 10:21 am

Safe travels Izzy!

3 days out of the hospital and the Erg is loving me Image I've only got to take a minute off and I'll have completed my 2013 10k goal. I may have to adjust it

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 1st, 2013, 11:13 am

Way to go Pam! Glad you're back in action.
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 1st, 2013, 11:21 am

Let's give a big team welcome to new member Ally MacManus! Welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy our little team and that we can help you achieve your rowing goals! Seems like an easy Easter rowing day, with only 13 of 77 members (17%) logging 131,657 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved:
Jeff reached 1.9M, Michael blazed past 1.1M, Ron IS OUR LATEST MILLIONAIRE!!, and Raymond hit 250K!!

Approaching milestones:
Pamela is nearing 900K (-34,491m), and Jamus is within one binary message of 500K (-5,965m)

Posted Meters:
Michael M - 24,905 Erged his way to the egg-hunt!
Jeff T - 22,044 BIG!!
Raymond W - 16,031 Outstanding!
Adam M - 12,000 Back after a rest day!
Elisa H - 10,050 Nice 10k after a short hiatus!
Pamela H - 10,004 Solid!
Jamus M - 10,000 Unbroken record!
Paul E - 6,123 Egg-citing!
Kevin K - 5,000 Egg-ceptional!
Amanda G - 5,000 Egg-centric!
Ron M - 5,000 Sweet!
Yisroel H - 3,000 On the road again....
Ally M - 2,500 Welcome aboard!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 1st, 2013, 11:24 am

Congratulations to Ron M on hitting 1 MILLION!! I know it's been a challenge lately but it's great to see you back in action!!!
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 1st, 2013, 11:30 am

Ahoy, team!! We've leaped into 10th place!! Ooo-rah! And we have also passed 5 MILLION METERS in the challenge! 17 of 59 members (29%) logged 303,558 total meters Sunday!

Welcome to new/returning team members Lee Cantey, Elisa Harris, Bernie Julian, Ally MacManus, Pat Mazzei, Andrew Mills, and Cliff Romig! Thanks for coming aboard!

Posted Meters:
Rusty A - 6,045
Guy B - 12,000
Paul E - 6,123
Amanda G - 5,000
Elisa H - 10,050

Yisroel H - 3,000
Pamela H - 10,004
Kevin K - 5,000
David K - 10,000
Jamus M - 10,000

Ally M - 2,500
Ron M - 5,000
Adam M - 12,000
Michael M - 24,905
Andrew M - 143,856

Jeff T - 22,044
Raymond W - 16,031

Challenge Goals - Day 17 of 32 (53.1%):
Andy I - 76,972 of 100,000 (77.0%)
Adam M - 138,565 of 220,000 (63.0%)
Pamela H - 156,714 of 250,000 (62.7%)
Lisa H - 124,195 of 200,000 (62.1%)
David W - 482,508 of 800,000 (60.3%)
Jamus M - 170,000 of 300,000 (56.7%)

Kevin K - 95,287 of 180,000 (52.9%)
Michael M - 507,207 of 960,000 (52.8%)
Yisroel H - 150,364 of 300,000 (50.1%)
Kyle J - 250,000 of 500,000 (50.0%)
Raymond W - 157,971 of 352,000 (44.9%)
Meg M - 65,019 of 150,000 (43.3%)
Heather R - 37,500 of 100,000 (37.5%)
Rachel B - 26,632 of 100,000 (26.6%)
Mike M - 18,000 of 150,000 (12.0%)
Brad G - 5,268 of 50,000 (10.5%)
Brent C - 3,000 of 72,000 (4.2%)

Milestones achieved:
Michael passed a stellar 500K; Raymond, Pam, and Izzy bested 150K; and Andrew, Rusty, and David K hit 100K!!
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by ronmardix » April 1st, 2013, 12:29 pm

damselfly wrote:Congratulations to Ron M on hitting 1 MILLION!! I know it's been a challenge lately but it's great to see you back in action!!!
Muchos appreciated Ms damsel. It only took 4 months more than it should have, but I'm glad that I made it before end of season.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » April 1st, 2013, 1:03 pm

damselfly wrote:Congratulations to Jim on 4 million season meters!! Woot!!
Lisa, thanks for the Woot! :lol: My goal is 4.3 million meters this season; together with the 1.7 million meters from last (partial) season, will give me 6 million lifetime logged meters. I say "logged" meters, as there are a lot of lost and forgotten meters from over the past 26 years. :( I started rowing back in college on the ol' Model A's! :o

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 1st, 2013, 1:25 pm

CONLEJM wrote:
damselfly wrote:Congratulations to Jim on 4 million season meters!! Woot!!
Lisa, thanks for the Woot! :lol: My goal is 4.3 million meters this season; together with the 1.7 million meters from last (partial) season, will give me 6 million lifetime logged meters. I say "logged" meters, as there are a lot of lost and forgotten meters from over the past 26 years. :( I started rowing back in college on the ol' Model A's! :o
One of these? Man, you ARE old! :lol: :lol: :lol: (I can rib you because I'm actually older... :) )

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by The Blacksmith » April 1st, 2013, 8:35 pm

rockenmama wrote:Safe travels Izzy!

3 days out of the hospital and the Erg is loving me Image I've only got to take a minute off and I'll have completed my 2013 10k goal. I may have to adjust it

3 days out of the hospital and you're pulling 10k at 2:17.9!!!! Yowza!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 2nd, 2013, 10:48 am

Congratulations to Jamie on hitting his MILLION for the season! Nice rowing, man!! :D
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » April 2nd, 2013, 11:01 am

All hands on deck! 25 of 77 members (32%) logged 294,758 total meters Monday!

Milestones achieved:
Jamie mastered 1M, Cindy passed 900K, and Jamus nailed 500K!!

Approaching milestones:
David is threatening 7.5M (-19,522m), Andy is eyeing 2.6M (-19,063m), John is closing on1.9M (-27,799m), Mark is approaching 1.8M (-34,575m), Dale is on the brink of 1.1M (-4,654m), Pamela is nearing 900K (-19,491m), Amanda is sighting 600K (-49,420m), Ulla is closing on 400K (-23,412m), Frank is pulling for 250K (-22,250m), and Meg is nearing 150K (-13,484m). Row strong!

Posted Meters:
David W - 43,564 Oh, yeah.
Michael M - 34,167 Indefatigable!
Jim C - 20,000 Extra time and energy!
Pamela H - 15,000 Bad-ass!
Mark E - 13,571 Solid!
Jamie B - 12,191 Made his MILL!
Kyle J - 12,000 A light day...
Jeff T - 11,127 Sweet!
John S - 10,631 Back after a post-madness rest!
Dale C - 10,185 Nice!
Frank G - 10,000 Solid!
Jamus M - 10,000 Guess this wasn't just March behavior... ;)
Adam M - 8,500 Looking good!
Ulla D - 8,443 Building!
Kevin K - 8,435 Big!
Pat M - 8,276 Welcome back, Pat!!
Amanda G - 8,190 Serious!
Lisa H - 8,186 Billions and billions of... micrometers... (hangin' with Carl S.)
Andy I - 7,026 Suffering any pre-race jitters?
Ron M - 7,000 Upping the effort!
Jack F - 6,536 Nice!
Paul E - 6,198 Daily!
Cindy R - 5,532 Thawing out!
Heather R - 5,000 Humming along!
Meg M - 5,000 Back for more fun!

-- Lisa

Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda

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