And the Shamrock continues to spin!
Whether you participated in the "wearing of the green" or "the running of the green" or just the appreciation of some of the Irish cultural celebrations in your region, hope it was a good weekend! One practice that seems to be diminishing is the pinching of those who aren't wearing green....
Lots of Lunies are stayin' alive! And it's not easy!
10K Progress far, 82 percent of the starters have fallen off the 10K Progress Board. If you're still on it, woohoo and good stuff!
5K Progress Board....78 percent of the starters have hit the deck! More good stuff if you're hanging on!
2500 m Progress Board...82 percent of the starters are missing! Even more good stuff if you are still on the Board!
1 FRENCH INDOOR ROWERS TEAM Virtual Club 2,972,430 203 14,643
2 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 2,731,673 113 24,174
3 Free Spirits Virtual Club 1,811,135 117 15,480
4 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 1,512,452 62 24,394
5 RowPro Team Virtual Club 1,228,741 49 25,076
45 days to the start of the Global Marathon Challenge!
I know. Seems like we could just focus on one Challenge at a time. There IS a method to this March Madness theme, though, and it is that this is your opportunity to build some good meter bases so that you can go for that elusive HALF or FULL marathon in the two week Global Marathon Challenge. There will be a lot of teammates who get a medal in the Global Marathon Challenge..and some of the team will even earn the coveted finisher's pin (you can earn one a year), and the bragging rights associated with it (more like the quiet satisfaction of one of life's HOOYAH moments). Still time to get ready for the your meter base...
Season meters as of 320/365 = 130,401,840 m
Total meters on the day = 547,714 m
Oars in space (participation) = 26 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.3 MM Ron
5.4 MM bg
3.75 MM Danno
3.65 MM Ronnie
3.0 MM Jane
2.95 MM Ed
2.65 MM Rosi
2.45 MM Stephen
2.2 MM Rebecca
2.05 MM Tim G
1.5 MM Roger
1.05 MM Tammy
Thanks, everyone, for rowing with us!
Tony ![Image](
Ross 4,656 m
darren 5,000 m
5,018 m ....doing great!
Jay R 5,056 m
5,064 m
Andrew 5,210 m
5,347 m
Andrea 5,918 m
Karyn 6,976 m
Zander 7,500 m
Marty ![Image](
Kerry 10,000 m
Laurie 10,000 m
Peter G 10,000 m
Rick C 10,000 m
Dan W 10,605 m
Dana 10,698 m
Jane 11,851 m
Tim G 12,500 m ....hmmmn...he's abandoned the 10,012 or 10,013 series....more for the meter piggy bank!
Sarah 12,679 m
Roger 14,500 m
Richard T 15,000 m
Tammy 15,000 m
AJ 15,058 m
Howard 15,310 m
Stephen 15,516 m
Ronnie ![Image](
Baz 17,000 m
Brian M 20,000 m
Rebecca 20,000 m
Danno 20,177 m
Minnie 21,088 m
Jay ![Image](
(since you didn't get the 22222 graphic)
Rosi 22,017 m
David A 23,736 m
Jim ![Image](
Ron 34,097 m ...surprise! there's a half marathon in there!
Ed 51,250 m