A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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by TMike » December 17th, 2012, 10:37 am
Izzzmeister wrote:
.....So, if you haven’t signed up yet, please do so. Also, we will be recruiting in the airports next to the Hari Krishna group for additional TimbukTWO sign-ups, so all volunteers to man those booths are appreciated.
Let’s surprise even more people this time…
signed up and ready -- 200K
Click here for the January VTC instant sign-up --->
http://log.concept2.com/team/member.asp ... nchallenge
"I'm gonna walk out of here a LEAN, MEAN, FIGHTIN' MACHINE!" - Dewey Oxburger
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by PJM » December 17th, 2012, 10:41 am
I won't offer a number goal for myself since I have been away from my erg for some time but I will try to make a goal of at least sitting on the seat every day.Any meters I contribute will be a hearty goal..GO TIMBUKTOO/TWO!!!
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by damselfly » December 17th, 2012, 11:03 am
A very hearty Welcome Aboard extended to returning member Pat Mazzei!! Sit next to Izzy please, Pat, and try to keep him in line!!
Meanwhile, a fit and fabulous 15 of 57 members (26%) logged 319,046 total meters Sunday!
Milestones achieved:
Matthew blasted past 1.5M, Mike plowed through 400K, Pat passed 100K, and Mark closed the deal on 75K!!
Approaching milestones:
David is threatening 4.9M (-15,539m), Kyle is on the heels of 3.1M (-44,000m), Andy is doubling down on 1.7M (-28,230m), Yisroel is eyeing 1.5M (-35,942m), Mark is one row from Millionaire status (-9,208m), Glenn is nearing 400K (-17,306m), and Nancy is one row from 350K (-3,177m). Only eight more rowing days till Christmas!
Yay Team!! We broke through $100! Nice work! Team Earnings: $104.96
David W : $22.28
Kyle J : $12.20
Jim C : $9.28
Andy I : $7.28
Kevin K : $7.04
Jamie B : $6.48
Adam M : $6.24
Gary G : $4.36
Yisroel H : $4.28
Warren F : $4.08
Matthew R : $4.00
Joseph W : $4.00
Lisa H : $3.64
Dale C : $3.44
Mark E : $3.28
Heather R : $3.08
Posted Meters:
Pat M - 109,594 Welcome aboard!!
David W - 59,640
Kyle J - 21,000 Yow!
Andy I - 19,644 Holy smokes!
Yisroel H - 19,271 Now that's more like it!
Adam M - 15,000 Everyone's on fire!!
Mark E - 12,982 Wow!
Matthew R - 11,300 In the groove...
Jamie B - 10,000 Likin' the 10ks...
Mike M - 10,000 Runnin' on fumes...
Glenn Y - 9,995 Nice!!
Cindy R - 6,496 Finding the time somehow!!
Kevin K - 5,019 Streak unbroken since 11/22
Mark S - 5,000 Sweet!
Nancy W - 4,105 Adding up!
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
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by PJM » December 17th, 2012, 11:11 am
damselfly wrote:A very hearty Welcome Aboard extended to returning member Pat Mazzei!! Sit next to Izzy please, Pat, and try to keep him in line!!
Meanwhile, a fit and fabulous 15 of 57 members (26%) logged 319,046 total meters Sunday!
Milestones achieved:
Matthew blasted past 1.5M, Mike plowed through 400K, Pat passed 100K, and Mark closed the deal on 75K!!
Approaching milestones:
David is threatening 4.9M (-15,539m), Kyle is on the heels of 3.1M (-44,000m), Andy is doubling down on 1.7M (-28,230m), Yisroel is eyeing 1.5M (-35,942m), Mark is one row from Millionaire status (-9,208m), Glenn is nearing 400K (-17,306m), and Nancy is one row from 350K (-3,177m). Only eight more rowing days till Christmas!
Yay Team!! We broke through $100! Nice work! Team Earnings: $104.96
David W : $22.28
Kyle J : $12.20
Jim C : $9.28
Andy I : $7.28
Kevin K : $7.04
Jamie B : $6.48
Adam M : $6.24
Gary G : $4.36
Yisroel H : $4.28
Warren F : $4.08
Matthew R : $4.00
Joseph W : $4.00
Lisa H : $3.64
Dale C : $3.44
Mark E : $3.28
Heather R : $3.08
Posted Meters:
Pat M - 109,594 Welcome aboard!!
David W - 59,640
Kyle J - 21,000 Yow!
Andy I - 19,644 Holy smokes!
Yisroel H - 19,271 Now that's more like it!
Adam M - 15,000 Everyone's on fire!!
Mark E - 12,982 Wow!
Matthew R - 11,300 In the groove...
Jamie B - 10,000 Likin' the 10ks...
Mike M - 10,000 Runnin' on fumes...
Glenn Y - 9,995 Nice!!
Cindy R - 6,496 Finding the time somehow!!
Kevin K - 5,019 Streak unbroken since 11/22
Mark S - 5,000 Sweet!
Nancy W - 4,105 Adding up!
I can keep the IZZ in line..LOL..why, 2 IZZYs are better than one.My nickname for several years was IZZY..LOL.so how appropriate!So watch out for the 2 IZZs...
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by damselfly » December 17th, 2012, 11:44 am
Sweet link, thanks! Re-posted for others with emphasis, as I almost didn't see it...
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
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by PJM » December 17th, 2012, 12:20 pm
If you see a few extra meters for my contribution..no gasping please..I just updated my rows from a few months ago that I had not logged.I wanted to give the team all my efforts..
- 1k Poster
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by dpw4812 » December 17th, 2012, 10:40 pm
I have to apologize I have not kept up on posting my meters daily, with the rush in getting to work after working out, it gets delayed a day or two. I am shooting to do my 100,000 over this Christmas break. Wish me luck! I am going to need it. For the team challenge I would like to do 800,000
So glad to see everyone rowing so steady and all those meters
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by damselfly » December 18th, 2012, 1:24 am
dpw4812 wrote:I have to apologize I have not kept up on posting my meters daily, with the rush in getting to work after working out, it gets delayed a day or two. I am shooting to do my 100,000 over this Christmas break. Wish me luck! I am going to need it. For the team challenge I would like to do 800,000
So glad to see everyone rowing so steady and all those meters
Don't even think about it, David!! So glad you're working again. Reporting meters is down that priority list...
And, only 800k for the challenge? Slacker...

-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
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by Quatroux » December 18th, 2012, 10:04 am
dpw4812 wrote:For the team challenge I would like to do 800,000
I'd like to change my goal to David/2.
PaceBoat lurched ahead unforgivingly, mocking his efforts.
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by damselfly » December 18th, 2012, 11:57 am
OK, so far I have...
Lisa H - 250,000
Mike M - 200,000
Andy I - 400,000
David W - 800,000
Yisroel H - 300,000
or, in Davids (D),
Lisa: 0.3125D
Mike M: 0.25D
Andy: 0.5D
David: 1D (by definition...)
Izzz: 0.375D
C'mon folks! Don't be shy! Challenge goals can be modest or uber-challenging -- whatever! It provides great motivation to get on that erg and get some exercise!!
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
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by PJM » December 18th, 2012, 12:12 pm
ok..I will give you numbers/meters and not just maybes..LOL
I will try to get 100,000 meters
Not great but a way to get back on the erg..and give this team my support.
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by damselfly » December 18th, 2012, 12:30 pm
PJM wrote:ok..I will give you numbers/meters and not just maybes..LOL
I will try to get 100,000 meters
Not great but a way to get back on the erg..and give this team my support.
All right, Pat!! That's great!! I got you down.

-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda
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by PJM » December 18th, 2012, 12:34 pm
damselfly wrote:PJM wrote:ok..I will give you numbers/meters and not just maybes..LOL
I will try to get 100,000 meters
Not great but a way to get back on the erg..and give this team my support.
All right, Pat!! That's great!! I got you down.

And perhaps I can meet some of the rest of the team..
Blarney Pilgrim
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by Blarney Pilgrim » December 18th, 2012, 12:40 pm
damselfly wrote:OK, so far I have...
Lisa H - 250,000
Mike M - 200,000
Andy I - 400,000
David W - 800,000
Yisroel H - 300,000
or, in Davids (D),
Lisa: 0.3125D
Mike M: 0.25D
Andy: 0.5D
David: 1D (by definition...)
Izzz: 0.375D
C'mon folks! Don't be shy! Challenge goals can be modest or uber-challenging -- whatever! It provides great motivation to get on that erg and get some exercise!!
Lisa, put me down for 225,000m. I'm not quite ready to run with the big dogs yet but I think I can manage 225k.......Warren F.
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by damselfly » December 18th, 2012, 12:58 pm
Excellent, Warren! That's a great goal for any rower!! It's all about setting a smart goal that pushes just the right amount without going overboard.
Personally, I'll NEVER get to big-dog territory!!

-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda