by Izzzmeister » December 13th, 2012, 2:27 am
All hands on deck, charitably pulling together! 18 of 57 members (32%) logged 164,733 total meters Tuesday!
Milestones achieved: Andy amazingly hit 1.6M!!
Approaching milestones: David on to 4.8M (-27,707m), Kyle edges closer to 3M (-17,903m), Adam sneaking up on 1.6M (-11,619m), Lisa flies towards 1.2M (-10,652m), Kevin in shooting distance of 800K (-6,058m), Jamie nears 500K (-15,396m), Mike keeps on truckin’ towards 400K (-17,954m), Nancy quite near 350K (-7,282m), Daiva soon to reach 50K (-4,500m)!
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $81.64
David W: $17.80, Kyle J: $9.24, Jim C: $7.28, Kevin K: $5.28, Keith J: $5.24
Jamie B: $4.80, Andy I: $4.48, Gary G: $4.36, Adam M: $4.28, Dale C: $3.24
Joseph W: $3.08, Lisa H: $2.92, Warren F: $2.76, Yisroel H: $2.40, Heather R: $2.28
Matthew R: $2.20
Posted Meters:
David W - 24,200 Wow!
Kyle J - 21,097 Half Marathon!
Jim C - 16,000 Another!
Matthew R - 11,300 Missed ya!
Keith J - 10,000 Hot stuff! Especially following a HM!
Mike M - 10,000 Three 10Ks in 4 days!
Andy I - 9,919 Amazing!
Adam M - 9,000 So consistent!
Yisroel H - 8,781 Speed work…
Kevin K - 8,311 No rest for the weary…
Joseph W - 7,126 Strong week!
Lisa H - 6,014 Rested…
Jamie B - 5,777 Unstoppable!
Brent C - 4,258 The Comeback Trail continues…
Nancy W - 4,115 Great!
Ron M - 4,000 Impressive!
Daiva S - 4,000 Steady!
Ted P - 835 Getting in the habit!