TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by glenmbaker » December 10th, 2012, 10:14 pm

damselfly wrote: Glen B - 8,126 Welcome back to the boat!! We've missed you!
Shhh....be very very quiet. I'm trying to sneak back on board on little cat feet....so softly that I don't notice that I'm back, so that I don't go getting all agro and hurt myself again....

I figure if I'm sneaky I can fool myself into being reasonable about my meters, but



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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » December 10th, 2012, 10:40 pm

Math geek indeed. I didn't even get a comment for my fourth root of 13,177! :P

No use, Glen B! We're onto you! :D
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 10th, 2012, 11:00 pm

glenmbaker wrote:
damselfly wrote: Glen B - 8,126 Welcome back to the boat!! We've missed you!
Shhh....be very very quiet. I'm trying to sneak back on board on little cat feet....so softly that I don't notice that I'm back, so that I don't go getting all agro and hurt myself again....

I figure if I'm sneaky I can fool myself into being reasonable about my meters, but


Don't worry, Glen with one N, I didn't notice you either, so your secret is safe from me. But had I noticed you, I would've surely welcomed you back to the galley, and again warned about the importance of building up slowly and resting often... Signed, MOOSE

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by glenmbaker » December 11th, 2012, 2:10 pm

Izzzmeister wrote: Don't worry, Glen with one N, I didn't notice you either, so your secret is safe from me. But had I noticed you, I would've surely welcomed you back to the galley, and again warned about the importance of building up slowly and resting often... Signed, MOOSE
Hmm...that would be the advice that I so foolishly ignored, right? So for once Moose got it right and Squirrel paid the price!

In all honesty, I think the issue was really technique more than anything else. I've discussed it with my son's coach and I think I've got a safer approach mapped out this time, we'll see!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » December 11th, 2012, 10:24 pm

Crash and Burn -- Tried to beat my 10k record but flubbed it when trying to remove gloves for a better grip. Couldn't get gloves off -- killed my average and couldn't bring it back down. Missed record by 5/10 of a second. Oh the humanity...
35 degrees, Denver,CO

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 12th, 2012, 12:41 am

All hands on deck, “I heart rowing” written on them! 17 of 57 members (30%) logged a whopping 210,004 total meters Monday!

Milestones achieved: Yisroel passed 1.4M!!! Keith topped 1.3M!! Heather swept by 700K!
Approaching milestones: Kyle is approaching 3 MILLION (-39,000m), Andy (-7,763m) leading Adam (-20,619m) to 1.6M, Kevin closes in on 800K (-14,369m), Jamie near 500K (-21,173m), Cindy (-944m) & Warren (-3,219m) oh-so-close to 450K, while
Ted approaches 35K (-7,805m)!

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $74.40
David W: $16.80, Kyle J: $8.40, Jim C: $6.64, Kevin K: $4.96, Keith J: $4.84
Jamie B: $4.56, Gary G: $4.36, Andy I: $4.12, Adam M: $3.92, Dale C: $3.24
Joseph W: $2.80, Warren F: $2.76, Lisa H: $2.68, Heather R: $2.28, Yisroel H : $2.04

Posted Meters:
David W - 30,000 Trying to drive C2 broke?
Andy I - 21,553 In two days, 54K!!!
Keith J - 21,097 Half Marathon!

Yisroel H - 19,249 Strong!
Jim C - 16,000 Consistent!

Kyle J - 15,000 What a year for Kyle!
Heather R - 12,000 Relentless!
Dale C - 10,125 Over 80K this week!
Kevin K - 10,032 Amazing streak!
Glen B - 10,000 This is a SLOW build-up?!

Warren F - 10,000 Working his way up the ranks…
Adam M - 9,000 Rested and strong!
Cindy R - 6,722 Using no more than one day's rest…
Jamie B - 6,182 Making up for lost time!
Glenn Y - 6,023 Back into a rhythm!
Ron M - 6,000 Sweet!
Ted P - 1,021 A breakthrough!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 12th, 2012, 1:11 am

TMike wrote:Crash and Burn -- Tried to beat my 10k record but flubbed it when trying to remove gloves for a better grip. Couldn't get gloves off -- killed my average and couldn't bring it back down. Missed record by 5/10 of a second. Oh the humanity...
35 degrees, Denver,CO

Yeah, I know what you mean. Missing a PB, and having 35 people burn to death, have so much in common.
I, being so much more compassionate, only compare my missing a PB due to being slow as molasses to the Great Boston Molasses Flood, where only 21 people met a sticky but sweet end.
http://www.travelchannel.com/video/bost ... sses-flood
(Now that I've finished flaunting my moral superiority, I will tell you that there's always next week to hit a PB, as long as it stays above 20 degrees... And, there are a bunch of other distances to set PBs in.)

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » December 12th, 2012, 11:35 am

Izzzmeister wrote: Yeah, I know what you mean. Missing a PB, and having 35 people burn to death, have so much in common.
I, being so much more compassionate, only compare my missing a PB due to being slow as molasses to the Great Boston Molasses Flood, where only 21 people met a sticky but sweet end.
http://www.travelchannel.com/video/bost ... sses-flood
(Now that I've finished flaunting my moral superiority, I will tell you that there's always next week to hit a PB, as long as it stays above 20 degrees... And, there are a bunch of other distances to set PBs in.)
I was a distraught broken man at the time of making that post. I had no other recourse than to try and drown myself in a pool of pity here at Team Timbuktoo. As I now see there will be no pity for this beaten man, no compassion in the arms of Timbuktoo. Woe, unto me, a miserable, broken man.

Broken Man

A man left beaten, in utter despair,
would you lend a hand if you were there?
Stripped of dignity and left to die,
would you empathize, or pass him by?

Help him, my friend, please come to his aid,
or is life too hectic with plans you've made?
Most likely he deserved it anyway,
Is that your excuse; is that what you'll say?

What harm could it do to get involved?
To help a poor soul become resolved.
Be a good neighbor as Jesus said,
Wrap him with bandages, put oil on his head.

----------Judy Furniss
"I'm gonna walk out of here a LEAN, MEAN, FIGHTIN' MACHINE!" - Dewey Oxburger

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » December 12th, 2012, 11:53 am

Izzzmeister wrote:
TMike wrote:Crash and Burn -- Tried to beat my 10k record but flubbed it when trying to remove gloves for a better grip. Couldn't get gloves off -- killed my average and couldn't bring it back down. Missed record by 5/10 of a second. Oh the humanity...
35 degrees, Denver,CO

Yeah, I know what you mean. Missing a PB, and having 35 people burn to death, have so much in common.
I, being so much more compassionate, only compare my missing a PB due to being slow as molasses to the Great Boston Molasses Flood, where only 21 people met a sticky but sweet end.
http://www.travelchannel.com/video/bost ... sses-flood
(Now that I've finished flaunting my moral superiority, I will tell you that there's always next week to hit a PB, as long as it stays above 20 degrees... And, there are a bunch of other distances to set PBs in.)
I would have gone with the London Beer Flood of 1814. Over 323,000 gallons of beer unexpectedly evacuated the vats of the Meux Brewing Company located in a London slum. The sudsy tsunami struck two neighboring houses leaving little to salvage. Eight people drowned in basements of adjacent homes and one other died after being trapped under debris.
I wouldn't really liken this to missing a PB on the rower. It sounds more like my first year in college - after which I wasn't invited back for a second.
PaceBoat lurched ahead unforgivingly, mocking his efforts.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » December 12th, 2012, 9:51 pm

OK, so, off the topic of mass death, and on to something happier... :shock:

Many moons ago, I mumbled something about a Timbuktoo mug. Well, here it is! Sadly, I can't create a persistent product for the mug as was possible for the T-shirt. So, if anyone wants to order one, let me know and I will send you the PNG file you use with CafePress's mug design program. It was really easy, but I can also provide a set of instructions as well to do the mug if needed. This is their "Custom Photo Large White Mug 15oz". Doesn't seem all THAT large, but I like big cups! Nice enough though!
MugComposite.jpg (84.49 KiB) Viewed 7156 times
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by glenmbaker » December 12th, 2012, 10:10 pm

Izzzmeister wrote: Glen B - 10,000 This is a SLOW build-up?!
Ummm....yes? I'm doing easy times...not pushing it. That's my story...

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 13th, 2012, 2:10 am

TMike wrote: I was a distraught broken man at the time of making that post. I had no other recourse than to try and drown myself in a pool of pity here at Team Timbuktoo. As I now see there will be no pity for this beaten man, no compassion in the arms of Timbuktoo. Woe, unto me, a miserable, broken man.

Broken Man

A man left beaten, in utter despair,
would you lend a hand if you were there?
Stripped of dignity and left to die,
would you empathize, or pass him by?

Help him, my friend, please come to his aid,
or is life too hectic with plans you've made?
Most likely he deserved it anyway,
Is that your excuse; is that what you'll say?

What harm could it do to get involved?
To help a poor soul become resolved.
Be a good neighbor as Jesus said,
Wrap him with bandages, put oil on his head.

----------Judy Furniss
You convinced me.
I'll wrap you in bandages, and dump some oil on your head. But don't try to take the bandages off your hand in the middle of a row, or you'll miss your PB again, perhaps by a second or more!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 13th, 2012, 2:27 am

All hands on deck, charitably pulling together! 18 of 57 members (32%) logged 164,733 total meters Tuesday!

Milestones achieved: Andy amazingly hit 1.6M!!
Approaching milestones: David on to 4.8M (-27,707m), Kyle edges closer to 3M (-17,903m), Adam sneaking up on 1.6M (-11,619m), Lisa flies towards 1.2M (-10,652m), Kevin in shooting distance of 800K (-6,058m), Jamie nears 500K (-15,396m), Mike keeps on truckin’ towards 400K (-17,954m), Nancy quite near 350K (-7,282m), Daiva soon to reach 50K (-4,500m)!

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $81.64
David W: $17.80, Kyle J: $9.24, Jim C: $7.28, Kevin K: $5.28, Keith J: $5.24
Jamie B: $4.80, Andy I: $4.48, Gary G: $4.36, Adam M: $4.28, Dale C: $3.24
Joseph W: $3.08, Lisa H: $2.92, Warren F: $2.76, Yisroel H: $2.40, Heather R: $2.28
Matthew R: $2.20

Posted Meters:
David W - 24,200 Wow!
Kyle J - 21,097 Half Marathon!
Jim C - 16,000 Another!
Matthew R - 11,300 Missed ya!
Keith J - 10,000 Hot stuff! Especially following a HM!

Mike M - 10,000 Three 10Ks in 4 days!
Andy I - 9,919 Amazing!
Adam M - 9,000 So consistent!
Yisroel H - 8,781 Speed work…
Kevin K - 8,311 No rest for the weary…

Joseph W - 7,126 Strong week!
Lisa H - 6,014 Rested…
Jamie B - 5,777 Unstoppable!
Brent C - 4,258 The Comeback Trail continues…

Nancy W - 4,115 Great!
Ron M - 4,000 Impressive!
Daiva S - 4,000 Steady!
Ted P - 835 Getting in the habit!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 13th, 2012, 2:47 am

A sad goodbye to Keith J, who departed for parts unknown. He was a major and important part of our team, he was having a great season, and he will be sorely missed!
16 of 56 members (29%) logged 168,488 total meters Wednesday!

Milestones achieved: David slammed through 4.8M!!! Kevin topped 800K!! Jamie achieved 500K! Warren & Cindy glided past 450K!
Approaching milestones: Jim seeks 2.7M (-24,000m), Adam so near 1.6M (-3,119m), Matthew pursues 1.5M (-28,164m), while Lisa a row from 1.2M (-4,640m)!

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $82.08
David W: $18.96, Kyle J: $9.24, Jim C: $7.92, Kevin K: $5.68, Jamie B: $5.48
Andy I: $4.88, Adam M: $4.60, Gary G: $4.36, Dale C: $3.24, Warren F: $3.16
Lisa H: $3.16, Joseph W: $3.08, Yisroel H: $3.00, Heather R: $2.68, Matthew R: $2.64

Posted Meters:
David W - 29,227 Over 123K in FOUR days!
Jamie B - 16,666
New length!
Jim C - 16,000 Unstoppable!
Yisroel H - 15,223 Three days in a row!
Matthew R - 11,300 Two!

Warren F - 10,500 Longer!
Kevin K - 10,028 The Energizer bunny continues…
Glen B - 10,000 Good story!
Heather R - 10,000 Healthy week!
Andy I - 9,487 Over 90K this week!

Adam M - 8,500 Terrific!
Cindy R - 6,433 Terrific consistency!
Lisa H - 6,012 Nice!
Ron M - 6,000 Four days in a row!
Brent C - 2,090 Getting stronger…
Ted P - 1,022 Sweet!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » December 13th, 2012, 2:57 am

Quatroux wrote:
Izzzmeister wrote: I... compare my missing a PB due to being slow as molasses to the Great Boston Molasses Flood, where only 21 people met a sticky but sweet end...
I would have gone with the London Beer Flood of 1814. Over 323,000 gallons of beer unexpectedly evacuated the vats of the Meux Brewing Company located in a London slum. The sudsy tsunami struck two neighboring houses leaving little to salvage. Eight people drowned in basements of adjacent homes and one other died after being trapped under debris.
I wouldn't really liken this to missing a PB on the rower. It sounds more like my first year in college - after which I wasn't invited back for a second.
So French cows go Meux, and so do English beer drinkers? How do you drown your troubles after a loved one dies that way?

All this talk of death makes me afraid to suffer the effects of hearing The Funniest Joke In The World...

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