by Izzzmeister » December 5th, 2012, 11:53 am
All hands on deck, getting back into fighting shape! An impressive 20 of our 57 members (35%) logged a sweet 208,255 total meters Tuesday!
Milestones achieved: Paul passed 150K, Vince moved through 35K, while Daiva achieved 25K!!
Approaching milestones: Kyle’s next stop is 2.9M (-27,000m), Jim ready to devour 2.6M (-23,000m), Yisroel eyes 1.4M (-30,589m), Heather snooping about for 700K (-38,000m), Joseph professes his desire for 600K (-278m), Jamie sees 450K brewing (-18,558m) just ahead of Jeff (-21,000m), Paul in reach of 200K (-18,178m), Dale sees 150K just over the hill (-10,777m), while Ted tiptoes up to 25K (-479m)!
Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $29.16
David W : $10.36
Kyle J : $4.88
Jim C : $3.96
Jamie B : $2.68
Kevin K : $2.60
Adam M : $2.40
Gary G : $2.28
Can we hit $150 as a team?
Posted Meters:
Paul E - 40,000 Thanks for posting! Keep pulling!
Jim C - 16,000 Our speedster keeps impressing…
Kevin K - 15,000 Getting stronger!
Keith J - 13,681 Long!
Jamie B - 12,515 Impressive week!
Kyle J - 12,000 Get your brother interested yet?
Matthew R - 11,300 Four in 4 days!
Jeff S - 11,000 Winter training continues apace!
Joseph W - 10,060 Strong!
Dale C - 10,033 Sweet!
Heather R - 10,000 A perfect 10 [K]!
Daiva S - 9,000 Great to see you back volleying with us!
Adam M - 8,000 Eight Is Enough!
Cindy R - 6,823 Yay!
Yisroel H - 6,000 GET OFF YOUR DUFF, YOU LAZY BUM!!!
Vince M - 5,595 Wow!
Andy I - 4,525 Don’t forget to rest…
Warren F - 4,181 On to the next milestone…
Mark S - 2,005 Meters starting to add up!
Ted P - 537 Building up…