LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Another's Turbo !

Post by Kona2 » December 4th, 2012, 11:37 am

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone... and frees a reindeer!

Thought it was kind of quiet in the reindeer stable last night...and peeking through the windows could see that the reindeer were gathered around a chalkboard making some calculations....seems that Ed's reindeer was kind of the ring leader in this discussion since he wanted some extra reindeer power as he flew through the air. Yep, just as we were getting a good grasp on what makes horsepower work, we not only have to convert to what reindeer power might be.... we also have Ed's reindeer, Turbo, who has figured out how to be turbo-charged !! So if you hear a whistle in the sky as the squadron flies over, it's probably Turbo ramping up!!

Congratulations, Ed, on earning the Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer, Turbo !

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Another's Crusoe !

Post by Kona2 » December 4th, 2012, 12:18 pm

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone... and frees a reindeer!

All the reindeer love Marty's Bike Friday! In fact, some of them were discussing whether or not a fleet of Bike Fridays could pull a sleigh...! Marty's reindeer is Crusoe, named for the fictional character of Robinson Crusoe...who had a Friday in his life, too. :D Of course, Crusoe of fiction also had to deal with being a castaway on a remote island, fight off cannibals and mutineers...( that Lost or Survivor?)

Congratulations, Marty, on earning the Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer, Crusoe !

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More Antler Lights... Starbuck Glows

Post by Kona2 » December 4th, 2012, 5:03 pm

Image Woohoo! More antler lights popping up every day!

Wow....Celtics green antlers! Who knew Starbuck was an NBA fan?! So far, bg has earned $ 6.33 in Concept2 donation $$$ ! She's earned her Holiday pin !

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.3.12

Post by Kona2 » December 4th, 2012, 5:38 pm

Wowzer, just nine days we'll be at 12.12.12....


Hooboy! Reindeer stomping about with anticipation of getting out of the stable and into flight school ! So many teammates are on the VERGE of reindeers! Row row row !

Image Day 13 or 14 of 33

Concept2 donation $$$ by entire Rowing Community = $ 3, 203.84

Concept2 donation $$$ by our team = $ 95.29

Season meters as of 216/365 = 92,791,101 m

Total meters on the day = 783,400 m

Oars in space (participation) = 43 percent.....!!!!! Image

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

4.8 MM Ron
4.0 MM bg
2.6 MM Danno
2.15 MM Jim
1.7 MM Ed
1.3 MM David T
1.15 MM Tim K
1.05 MM Tim G
900 K Robert H
500 K Mike M
450 K Debbie V
300 K K2
200 K Kristine
150 K Chuck B

Thanks, everyone, for rowing with us!

Steven D 1,000 m
Bobbie ImageImageImageImage m :D
Tammy 3,000 m
Nataliya 3,500 m
Image Harold 4,000 m
Ross 4,000 m
Image Zander 4,100 m
Image Marty ImageImageImageImage m
Roger 4,500 m
Chuck E 5,000 m
Robert H 5,000 m
Sam 5,001 m
Image Anita ImageImageImageImage m ...whoa! snowball fight ! reads the same right to left and left to right ! :D
Fritz 5,331 m
Raoul 6,000 m
Image Marie 6,950 m ...congrats of 100K Holiday Challenge meters!
Kristine 7,000 m
Debbie V 7,514 m
K2ImageImageImageImage m :D
Kevin 8,000 m
Dana 8,215 m
Ian 8,386 m
Image Jim 8,500 m
Image Karyn 9,434 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m :D
Baz 10,000 m
Image Brian M 10,000 m
Mike C 10,000 m
Mike M 10,000 m
Image Pat S 10,000 m
Image Paul S 10,000 m
Image Rosi 10,411 m
Image Jane 10,508 m
Image Ronnie ImageImageImageImageImage m :D
Teresa 11,021 m
Image Michelle 11,500 m ... pretty close to 150 K Holiday meters!
Laurie 11,561 m
Tom M 12,500 m
Greg H 12,503 m
David T 13,000 m
Dennis 13,500 m
Image David A 14,539 m
Peter H 15,000 m
Image Cathie 15,500 m
Image Jay 16,000 m
ImageTed 16,000 m
Bernie 16,094 m
Steve J 17,000 m
ImageTim G 17,500 m
Tim K 20,000 m
Image Danno 21,217 m
Jay R 24,259 m :shock:
Chip 25,000 m
Image bg 26,339 m
Image Ron 31,097 m ... telltale signs of a half marathon !
Chuck B 41,745 m
Image Ed 145,590 m ....wowzer...

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » December 4th, 2012, 10:34 pm

I saw this link in Facebook - thought I would pass it on. Motivational, even if you don't speak Spanish.
We take a look into the mind of Mexican Olympic rower Patrick Loliger. He tells us about his training, his persistence in the sport, and his quest for victory.

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Another's Katherine !!

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 12:35 am

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone....and frees a reindeer !!

Chip's reindeer is honor of a very, very new addition to his family! Daughter Katherine was born on November 12th, weighing in at 9 lb 5 oz, and 20.25 inches long. Mom, baby and family are doing well !

Congratulations to Chip and family on safe arrival of new baby - it is always a delight to be able to celebrate these occasions!!

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Another Reindeer ... it's Belle !

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 12:50 am

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone....and frees a reindeer !!

Nataliya knows more about reindeer and how to raise them than any of us! Her reindeer is Belle! Congratulations, Nataliya, on earning the Concept2 donation and getting your reindeer out of the stable! Well done !!

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More Antler Lights !!

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 10:55 am

Image Woohoo! Blitzen (aka Tim G) has earned his antler lights ...

Blitzen is blasting through the meters, and has reached the second milestone....earning his antler lights! Congratulations and well rowed, Tim G!! You've now earned a Concept2 donation of $ 6 !!

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Another's Buckaroo !!

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 10:59 am

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone....and frees a reindeer !!

You're right ! Reindeer absolutely need good navigation systems, and what better motto than Buckaroo Bonzai's statement of "wherever you go, there you are!" Dana's reindeer is named Buckaroo, after a very fun character !

Congratulations, Dana, on earning your Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer!!

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Another Reindeer... it's Hunley !!

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 11:11 am

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone....and frees a reindeer !!

Oh the dilemma ! Really wanted to name your reindeer Dallas, Jay R....but J R Ewing was such a villanous character - and probably not a good reindeer role model :D . The Hunley's crew was very courageous in the face of grave danger....good stories.

Congratulations, Jay R, on earning your Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer!!

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Another's Jet !!

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 12:10 pm

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone....and frees a reindeer !!

Mike M lives in Pasadena, and this location provided a lot of opportunities for reindeer names - especially since Pasadena hosts the Tournament of Roses Parade. And that's how I started down the bunny trail to the Doo Dah Parade. Most of us know that sometimes great ideas are drawn up while enjoying adult beverages in a local establishment, and sometimes there are some really offbeat ones that are just plain fun. Wikipedia, an often undocumented resource (yet sometimes all we have) says about the Doo Dah Parade : ....Conceived in 1978 by several friends, including Peter Apanel, Ted Wright, Charles "Skip" Finnell, among others, sitting in a bar called "Chromo's" (which no longer exists) in Pasadena, as an irreverent alternative to the traditional formality of the Rose Parade, which is also held in Pasadena. In 1978, January 1 fell on a Sunday, and the Rose Parade, which typically takes place on January 1, will not march on a Sunday. So they decided it would be fun to have an alternate parade on January 1 that year. Some of the early participants were Wright as first Grand Marshal, Snotty Scotty and the Hankies, the Lawn Mower Drill Team, the Briefcase Drill Team and General Hershey Bar, among many others. It was the first Pasadena Doo Dah Parade.

Fast forward to contemporary times...and you'll find that today's Pasadena DDP has moved to May 1st, supports charitable organizations, and still has some fun entries such as the BBQ & Hibachi Marching Grill Team, the Shopping Cart Drill Team, the Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin, the Men of Leisure Synchronized Nap Team, The Marching Lumberjacks, The Army of Toy Soldiers, Claude Rains & the 20-Man Memorial Invisible Man Marching Drill Team, Count Smokula, and the Committee for the Right to Bear Arms, a group that marches in precise formations while carrying mannequin arms. Snotty Scotty and the Hankies is still the official band.... thank you Wiki.

Still, Pasadena represents a lot more than roses and parades....seems there's Jet Proposulion nearby....and we need some reindeer power !

Congratulations, Mike M, on earning your Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer, Jet !!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Calamity » December 5th, 2012, 7:16 pm

Congrats to al the fellow reindeer in the bunch. Debbie will hit a lifetime 1,000,000 with her next row.
I couldn't resist sharing this new article from newser:

AP) – You can say "lunatic" all you want, but you probably won't have the government's blessing. The word "lunatic" will be stricken from federal law under legislation that passed the House today and is headed to President Obama for his signature. "The term `lunatic' holds a place in antiquity and should no longer have a prominent place in our US code," said Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., shortly before the 398-1 vote in the House. The word is derived from the Latin word from moon and ancient beliefs that people could become "moonstruck" by lunar movements.

The legislation cites one instance in banking regulation that refers to the authority of a bank to act as "committee of estates of lunatics" on guardianship issues. The lone "no" vote was cast by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said in a statement that "not only should we not eliminate the word `lunatic' from federal law when the most pressing issue of the day is saving our country from bankruptcy, we should use the word to describe the people who want to continue with business as usual in Washington."

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Another's Tundra !

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 8:34 pm

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone... and frees a reindeer!

Woohoo, Sam ! Sam's rowing strong up in Alaska, and his reindeer is a great one! Tundra the reindeer is free from the stables! Woot !

Congratulations, Sam, on earning the Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer, Tundra !

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Another's Porter !

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 8:40 pm

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone... and frees a reindeer!

Wowzer, Dennis ! Some folks are making me dig a little deeper to get to their reindeer names....and in this case, I would naturally focus on the brew that Dennis is holding in his team profile photo. Naturally. Dennis is from Cleveland, though....and that's the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum....lots of good names there! ( Chuck Berry was the first person inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by the way. But I digress.) Dennis' reindeer is Porter, since it's a dark brew and if it were me, I'd choose a porter over a stout...and I could see shouting "Onward Porter" easier than "Onward Stout." :D

Congratulations, Dennis, on earning the Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer, Porter !

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Another's Cheshire !

Post by Kona2 » December 5th, 2012, 8:50 pm

Image Another rower meets the Concept2 donation milestone... and frees a reindeer!

Woohoo, Stephen ! Stephen is from Cheshire, GBR...and visions of the Cheshire Cat immediately come to mind (well, for some of us). Image No one really knows where the expression "grinning like a Cheshire cat" comes from, although there seem to be two theories. One is that Cheshire is a fairly rural area with a lot of dairy farms - and there are some happy farm cats where there's a lot of milk and cream. This seems to be the explanation favored by the folks who live there as the popular choice. A second thought is that one type of cheese used to be set up in the form of a grinning cat, and one would slice the cheese cat from the tail to the that soonest there was only the grin of the cheese cat remaining.

Congratulations, Stephen, on earning the Concept2 donation and freeing your reindeer, Cheshire !

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