TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Kyle J » November 26th, 2012, 10:03 pm

CONLEJM wrote:Well, I just about finished off my first complete year of rowing, as I started logging meters on Nov. 28 of last year. So far I have 4,179,000, so not too shabby for a first year. My goal is to end this season with 4.3 million, which would give me a lifetime 6.0 million by the end of the 2013 season (as I pulled 1.7 million last season; a partial season).

To that end, I just rowed a 5K in 17:17.5, a 1:43.7 / 500M pace, and a new PB for me! :D

WOW! Nice job! 1:43.7; my lungs are starting to burn just thinking about it. Although I haven't seen times like that around here.... I can see my toes now. :D
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Choch80 » November 27th, 2012, 10:22 am

Kyle J wrote:
Choch80 wrote:Alright, I'm new to this. Got my erg last thursday (based totally off of online reviews....I've never erged before in my life) and I've put about 60k on it so far. I'd like to join a team, but I can't figure out how.
Welcome to the team! I did the same thing...bought my erg without ever having sat on one of these contraptions. But that was almost a year ago (and 45 lbs ago) I'm a believer now! I hope you reach your goals, good luck.

Thank you all for the greetings. I'm excited about this. So, far I love the rower. I swam in high school, which kept me in great shape and have struggled ever since finding some kind of cardio that I like and I haven't lived anywhere close enough to a lap-pool with convenient open-swim times. This seems to be something that I can get really into. I've very competitive, and seeing my times ranking me at the 12th percentile of my age group is more than enough to get me motivated to improve.

Dale C.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 27th, 2012, 12:10 pm

Kyle J wrote:I can see my toes now. :D
Outstanding!! B) B) B)
Choch80 wrote:
Thank you all for the greetings. I'm excited about this. So, far I love the rower. ... I've very competitive, and seeing my times ranking me at the 12th percentile of my age group is more than enough to get me motivated to improve.

Dale C.
Dale, you're gonna fit right in to this group. Lots of folks feel just as you do!
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 29th, 2012, 2:24 pm

May day! May day!! Man overboard!! Our intrepid Cap'n has gone missing! Man the lifeboats, and break out the lifesavers! Dibs on the Wint-o-green!!

Cap'n seems indisposed, so I'm posting the numbers for earlier this week.

A fit and feisty 15 of 57 members (26%) logged 167,958 total meters Monday!

Milestones achieved:
David blasted through 4.4M, Warren bazinga-ed 350K, Dale bonked 100K, and Daiva bolted past 15K!! Nice work, all!

Approaching milestones:
Kyle is nearing 2.8M (-11,000m), Jim is closing on 2.5M (-21,000m), Adam and Andy are teaming up on 1.5M (-31,119m and -41,007m), Keith is eyeing 1.2M (-25,500m), Lisa is ambling towards 1.1M (-11,752m), John is closing on a bit mill (-32,851m), and Daiva is in the hunt for 25K (-8,500m). Row like pirates are on your tail!

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $3.04
David W : $3.04

Posted Meters:
David W - 25,234 Earnin' the money!
Yisroel H - 20,018 Nice!!
Kyle J - 17,651 Strong!!
Jim C - 16,750 Coupla odd-ball numbers there, Jim!
Keith J - 11,358 Looking good! Feeling better?
Lisa H - 10,040 "Silence of the lambs" -- Row faster, Clarice...
Adam M - 10,000 Sweet!
Dale C - 9,843 Killa!
Andy I - 9,672 Nice!
Warren F - 9,500 Numbers still building!!! B)
Kevin K - 7,756 Looking strong!
Joseph W - 7,709 Four in a row!
Jamie B - 7,262 Four-fer!
John S - 3,165 Forced indoors?
Daiva S - 2,000 Back after a break!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 29th, 2012, 2:33 pm

All hands on deck! A sinuous and sinus 17 of 57 members (30%) logged 185,418 total meters Tuesday!

Milestones achieved:
Kyle clobbered 2.8M, and Ulla collapsed 300K!! Nice rowing!!

Approaching milestones:
Jim is in spitting distance of 2.5M (-5,000m), Adam and Andy are still pulling for 1.5M (-22,119m and -36,560m), Matthew is stalking 1.4M (-7,264m), Lisa is nearing 1.1M (-4,603m), John is still gunning for 1M (-28,088m), Kevin is eyeing 700K (-42,970m), Joseph is heading for 600K (-49,720m), Jeff and Jamie are approaching 400K (-4,000m and -24,414m), and Sheryl is closing on 35K (-1,331m). Row like there's no tomorrow!

Kyle is next in the money circle to join David, topping 100k and now earning big bucks!! Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $7.04
David W : $4.52
Kyle J : $2.52

Posted Meters:
David W - 36,651 Don't you ever sleep? :lol:
Kyle J - 25,000 Holy smokes!
Jim C - 16,000 Whew... Back to sanity...
Jamie B - 12,222 Yow!
Matthew R - 11,300 Oscillating new meterage...
Jeff S - 11,000 Sweet!
Heather R - 10,000 Looking good!
Adam M - 9,000 No slouch here!
Kevin K - 9,000 Nice!
Sheryl M - 7,525 Excellent!
Joseph W - 7,409 On fire!!
Lisa H - 7,149 No Chianti for me!
Warren F - 6,000 Nice!
John S - 4,763 Steady on...
Andy I - 4,447 Still growling!
Ulla D - 4,330 Welcome back!
Dale C - 3,622 Nice!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 29th, 2012, 2:40 pm

All hands on deck! A forceful and fortunate 14 of 57 members (25%) logged 188,277 total meters Wednesday!

Milestones achieved:
Jim blasted by 2.5M, and Jeff blazed past 400K!!

Approaching milestones:
David is threatening 4.5M (-37,059m), Adam and Andy are still badgering 1.5M (-14,119m and -27,156m), Keith is closing on 1.2M (-11,993m), John is nearing 1M (-5,312m), Kevin is eying 700K (-32,781m), Brent is very close to 450K (-1,662m), Cindy and Jamie are stalking 400K (-5,233m and -11,081m), and Glenn is nearing 350K (-2,032m)

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $7.92
David W : $5.40
Kyle J : $2.52

Posted Meters:
Cindy R - 24,969 Meters since 11/15...
John S - 22,776 Woke up and found himself on the erg!
David W - 22,345 Easy day!
Jim C - 17,000 Speeding up!
Dale C - 14,628 Strong!!
Keith J - 13,507 Definitely getting stronger!
Jamie B - 13,333 Having fun with numbers!
Jeff S - 11,000 Steady on...
Kevin K - 10,189 Great!
Glenn Y - 9,669 Adding 'em up!
Warren F - 9,500 Two 9.5s in three days!
Andy I - 9,404 Good workout!
Adam M - 8,000 Sweet!
Brent C - 1,957 Nice! Where ya been?

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by bcurry » November 29th, 2012, 5:17 pm

Just dropping in to say hi. Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated :-)

My exercise regimen has ground to a halt it seems though I think I may have lost a few pounds still - weird.

Will be focusing on building my momentum back up in the coming weeks.

Wore my TimbukToo tshirt rowing last night

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by tobyj1 » November 29th, 2012, 6:12 pm

Keith J - 11,358 Looking good! Feeling better?

sort of!

After the six week lay-off to allow the ligament damage to heal I am trying to get back.

Rubbish technique according to the experts, I am having to use low drag and average 35spm, it has knocked my rate down from 2.00 to 2.10/2.12 but at least I am rowing and on track to make some money in the Holiday Challenge, hit the 2million since the end of last years challenge (but only 1.2 for the season) my 8k per day is out of the window but I am still averaging 5+ and building back. Next target a HM next week but will be happy to do 1h40m rather than trying to get under the 90 minutes yes I know but I am a fat old man (I am told, not sure I accept that).

Hopefully will be in action for the Virtual team challenge.

Regards to all, especially our hard working Lisa.


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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 30th, 2012, 11:41 am

Glad to hear you guys are OK! Just jump back in, Brent -- we all go off the beam sometimes.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 30th, 2012, 11:48 am

All hands on deck! A sound and sonorous 16 of 57 members (28%) logged 121,887 total meters Thursday!

Milestones achieved:
Keith passed 1.2M and Lisa hit 1.1M!! Yay us!

Approaching milestones:
Adam and Andy are still on approach for 1.5M (-6,119m and -22,666m), John is oh-so-close to 1M (-1,549m), Kevin is nearing 700K (-22,781m), Joseph is closing on 600K (-36,400m), Jamie and Warren are teaming up on 400K (-4,568m and -24,618m), Nancy is nearing 350K (-15,458m), Allen is approaching 300K (-2,270m), and Daiva is striving towards 25K (-4,500m). Row them boats!

Jim has joined the money-earners for the Holiday Challenge! Way to row!! Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $10.32
David W : $5.40
Kyle J : $2.92
Jim C : $2.00

Posted Meters:
Jim C - 16,000 Unstoppable!
Joseph W - 13,320 Solidly back!!
Keith J - 11,993 Rehab is working!
Lisa H - 10,113 Fava beans are great fuel!
Kevin K - 10,000 Officially streaking!
Kyle J - 10,000 Nice 10k!
Adam M - 8,000 Sweet!!
Allen H - 6,853 Back in da boat!
Jamie B - 6,513 7 in a row!
Warren F - 6,000 Looking great!
Ulla D - 4,620 Sweet!
Andy I - 4,490 Nice!
Nancy W - 4,124 Finding some row time!
Daiva S - 4,000 Getting back into the swing!
John S - 3,763 Warming up...
Dale C - 2,098 Four-fer!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » December 2nd, 2012, 1:38 am

All hands on deck! A fit and fantastic 15 of 57 members (26%) logged 178,836 total meters Saturday!

Milestones achieved:
Matthew blasted by 1.4M, Mark surpassed 50K, Sheryl plowed through 35K, and Ted blazed by 15K!! Woot!!

Approaching milestones:
Andy is one good row from 1.5M (-6,331m), Gary is eyeing 1.4M (-12,067m), Kevin is gaining on 700K (-4,174m), Joseph is closing on 600K (-19,126m), Warren is approaching 400K (-9,118m), Sheryl is nearing 50K (-8,799m), and Ted is setting his sights on 25K (-2,051m). Row like the wind, Bullseye!!

This week's frequent rowers (Sat 11/24 through Fri 11/30):
Andy I, Jamie B & Kevin K - 7
Adam M, Jim C & Warren F - 6
Dale C, John S, Joseph W & Lisa H - 5
David W, Jeff S, Keith J & Kyle J - 4

Jamie B has joined the money-earners early on in the challenge as well!! Way to row!! Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $13.96
David W : $5.40
Kyle J : $3.72
Jim C : $2.68
Jamie B : $2.16

Posted Meters:
Kyle J - 20,000 Whoa, Nellie!
Ted P - 18,547 Welcome back to the boat, man!
Joseph W - 17,274 I'm thinking this is a two-day and there's really a streak going here?
Gary G - 14,621 Outstanding!
Jamie B - 14,444 Can 15,555 be far behind?
Lisa H - 12,043 Still 40k out of the money, dammit! :x
Keith J - 12,006 Excellent!
Matthew R - 11,300 Likin' his new number...
Andy I - 10,951 Sweet!!
Heather R - 10,000 Nice! How's it feeling?
Adam M - 9,000 Six in a row!
Kevin K - 8,016 Un-stoppable!
Sheryl M - 7,532 Great!
Mark S - 7,102 4 rows in 8 days!
Warren F - 6,000 Program looks like it's working!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » December 3rd, 2012, 12:03 pm

All hands on deck! An effective and efficient 11 of 57 members (19%) logged 193,384 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved:
David blazed by 4.5M, Gary trounced 1.4M, Kevin pummeled 700K, and Cindy bested 400K!!

Approaching milestones:
Kyle is nearing 2.9M (-39,000m), Andy is on the brink of 1.5M (-1,308m), Yisroel is considering 1.4M (-36,589m), Heather is sighting 700K (-48,000m), and Ted is closing on 25K (-1,534m). Row strong, team!

Gary is our latest teammate to make the boards for the Holiday Challenge! Nice work, man! Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $20.08
David W : $8.56
Kyle J : $4.40
Jim C : $2.68
Gary G : $2.28
Jamie B : $2.16

Posted Meters:
David W - 78,239 :shock:
Yisroel H - 19,208 Alive and kicking!
Kyle J - 17,000 Big!
Gary G - 16,037 Ka-ching!
Adam M - 15,000 Extra inspiration!
Cindy R - 13,826 Finding the time between chores and teaching!
Matthew R - 11,300 Nice!
Heather R - 10,000 Two-fer!
Kevin K - 7,234 Our streaking men of Timbuktoo...
Andy I - 5,023 ... remain on course and streaky!
Ted P - 517 Back in action!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » December 3rd, 2012, 1:01 pm

It has been almost 12 weeks since I stopped exercising and started training. Since then, I've trimmed over 51 seconds off my 2k (sounds good, but is still at 8 minutes), 12 seconds off my 1k (now at 3:47.6 – which I’m a touch more proud of), and 8.3 seconds off my 500 (finally under 1:45!). I’m really happy with this even without considering that challenges I’ve had to overcome to get here (no need to list them as this is a board full of survivors and overcomers).

I’m technically still on pace to be sub-7 in time for the CRASH-B satellite. However, I know that improvement is not linear. I’ll very likely hit a wall soon and my goal will drift out of reach. However, I will still race in Dallas and I will finally be fit enough to join the local masters program (OTW) in March.

Many thanks to Izz for setting the pace and to Lisa for keeping me motivated.
PaceBoat lurched ahead unforgivingly, mocking his efforts.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » December 3rd, 2012, 2:28 pm

That is truly awesome, Andy!!! Keep up the great work! Never say never on those goals.

Did you ever get Mike to agree to meet you in Dallas? Where's he been lately, anyway? We haven't gotten an erg-from-the-road report in quite a while... Guess I need to go rattle some cages.... Ron and Smitty have been MIA for a bit as well. :cry: :(
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » December 3rd, 2012, 5:49 pm

Andy, congratulations on your progress so far! Those are some huge gains in such a relatively short time. I'm sure you will continue to make good progress toward your goals.

Keep up the great work!

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