TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by aadit » November 14th, 2012, 10:21 pm

damselfly wrote:I don't think we track meters for the individual challenges
Yes - after posting that I went back to the website and discovered that it was an individual challenge. Nonetheless, I do need to do about 200K to hit my first million in the calendar year :D so still looking to hit 200K!! Happy rowing! B)

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by brick1101 » November 15th, 2012, 2:05 pm

After slacking off some from the Erg this past summer with brick projects, road trips, and restoring fire hydrants I've doubled up on bubble wrap (the best and cheapest cushion for sore butts!) and am trying to build up endurance for the Holiday Challenge which is fast approaching. My goal is going to be 250,000 meters. Already driving the regulars at the Y crazy.... the other day I proudly showed the University rowing coach how I programmed my time to all 1"s. One hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds!!!
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!!!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » November 16th, 2012, 4:12 am

Whoops, sorry guys! Got separated from my computer! Here‘s the Cliff Notes version of our rowing this week:
All hands being on deck is in the cards! 13 of 54 members (24%) logged a whopping 212,198 total meters Monday!

Milestones achieved: Keith topped 1.1M & Cindy bopped 350K!!
Approaching milestones: David is approaching 4.1M (-28,143m), Matthew near 1.3M (-4,996m), Kevin in reach of 600K (-28,518m), Aditya nears 400K (-23,686m), Warren aims for 300K (-16,723m) while Vince chases 25K (-5,365m)!

Posted Meters:
Cindy R - 76,728 Good month!
David W - 25,000 Big!
Andy I - 17,291 Finally rested…
Jim C - 16,000
Kyle J - 15,000 Three…

Aditya P - 12,512 Nice row!
Matthew R - 11,266
Keith J - 10,000
Adam M - 8,500 Took a needed break!
Warren F - 8,500

Kevin K - 6,000 Another!
Nancy W - 4,111 You need to talk the prof back to C2 country…
Vince M - 1,290

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » November 16th, 2012, 4:24 am

All hands on deck, ready to lend a hand to our teammates! 14 of 54 members (26%) logged 170,318 total meters Tuesday!

Milestones achieved: David topped 4.1M! Matthew toppled 1.3M, Glenn eclipsed 300K, while Mark passed 15K!!
Approaching milestones: Andy nears 1.4M (-34,697m), Kevin views 600K (-23,217m), Jeff two rows from 350K (-20,000m), Warren nearer 300K (-10,650m), while Vince (-3,745m) & Mark (-8,179m) chases 25K!

Posted Meters:
David W - 31,196 Wow!
Jeff S - 22,000 Double dose!
Jamie B - 20,560 Huge!
Kyle J - 20,000
Jim C - 16,000

Lisa H - 12,041
Matthew R - 11,266 Four!
Glenn Y - 8,398 Long!
Adam M - 8,000
Warren F - 6,073

Kevin K - 5,301 …and another…
Andy I - 4,345
Mark S - 3,518 Winter training time…
Vince M - 1,620 Four!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » November 16th, 2012, 4:39 am

All hands on deck, taking a day of relative rest! A scant 6 of 54 members (11%) logged but 56,240 total meters Wednesday!

Milestones achieved: We’re still working on it!
Approaching milestones: Andy nearer 1.4M (-30,074m) with Adam (-42,619m)
Gaining, Kevin soon to reach 600K (-17,217m), Aditya quite near 400K (-11,069m) with Warren even close to 300K (-2,650m)!

Posted Meters:
Jim C - 16,000
Aditya P - 12,617
Adam M - 9,000
Warren F - 8,000
Kevin K - 6,000
Andy I - 4,623

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » November 16th, 2012, 10:38 am

Izzzmeister wrote:Andy I - 17,291 Finally rested…
Not by choice. I banged my knee on the edge of the dashboard while getting into my truck. There was a lot of swelling for an innocent bump. Oh well, a few days off and now I'm up to 22spm on my L4 workouts.
PaceBoat lurched ahead unforgivingly, mocking his efforts.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 17th, 2012, 11:33 am

Ahoy mates!! All quiet on deck while we scan the horizons for signs of the Great White Turkey, singular enemy of rowers everywhere, causing them to become bloated and dazed, and to fall asleep at their oars! A fortunate and fortuitous 14 of 55 members (25%) logged 168,392 total meters Friday!

Welcome back to the boat, Sheryl Moody!! Glad to have you rowing along with us again!!

Approaching milestones:
David is blazing towards 4.2M (-41,481m), Kyle is on the heels of 2.7M (-33,000m), Jim is a row or two from 2.4M (-20,000m), Andy is approaching 1.4M (-6,096m), Yisroel is approaching 1.3M (-29,962m), John is coming up on 1M (-47,158m), Kevin is nearing 600K (-11,799m), Brent is very close to 450K (-3,619m), Mike is one 10k from 350K (-7,954m), Jamie is rededicated to reaching 300K (-5,589m), Vince is almost on top of 25K (-437m), and Daiva and Sheryl are closing on 15K (-500m and -8,387m). Row like the farmer's after you!

Posted Meters:
David W - 55,466 Wow!
John S - 18,170 Busy, but still rowing!
Kyle J - 17,000 Killer!
Yisroel H - 16,125 A quickie for Cap'n!
Jim C - 16,000 Solid!
Mike M - 10,000 10k after a break... No Flying J's available lately?
Sheryl M - 6,613 Welcome aboard!
Andy I - 6,228 Back from an owie...
Jamie B - 6,082 Another brick in the wall!
Kevin K - 5,418 RIP Oct/Nov streak, Viva the Holiday Streak?
Daiva S - 4,500 Back in the boat!!
Warren F - 3,052 Nice!!
Brent C - 1,895 Where ya been, Brent? No crashes, I hope!
Vince M - 1,843 Starting to build the distances!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by garygOP » November 17th, 2012, 3:40 pm

Belated CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a millionaire-
I have been doing a bit of business travel recently and have not kept up on either my erging or reading the Forum.
I hope to get back into it for the challenge.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all- eat, drink and row?
.......Maybe not in that order, but I highly recommend all 3 activities, in moderation of course.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 18th, 2012, 3:15 pm

garygOP wrote:Lisa:
Belated CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a millionaire-
I have been doing a bit of business travel recently and have not kept up on either my erging or reading the Forum.
I hope to get back into it for the challenge.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all- eat, drink and row?
.......Maybe not in that order, but I highly recommend all 3 activities, in moderation of course.
Thanks, Gary! Looks like you haven't been completely absent, but we're always keeping your seat warm!

Moderation, eh? I like this quote from a Robert Heinlein book (I forget which one):

"Everything to excess!! Moderation is for monks." :lol: But I'm going to try to take it easy on the food over the holiday -- a couple of pounds have crept back on. :cry: :oops: :x
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 18th, 2012, 3:22 pm

All hands on deck! A neat and nimble 9 of 55 members (16%) logged 105,297 total meters Saturday!

Milestones achieved:
Jeff hit 350K!! Woot-er-eeno!!

Approaching milestones:
Kyle is bearing down hard on 2.7M (-16,000m), Andy and Adam are double-sculling for 1.4M (-1,476m and -9,619m), Gary is redoubling his efforts towards 1.3M (-20,498m), Lisa is nearing 1.1M (-34,127m), Kevin is on approach for 600K (-6,799m), and Mark is nearing 25K (-2,657m)

This week's frequent rowers (Sat 11/10 through Fri 11/16):
Jim C, Kevin K, Kyle J, Vince M & Warren F - 6
Andy I - 5
Adam M, David W & Matthew R - 4

Posted Meters:
Adam M - 25,000 Holy moly!
Kyle J - 17,000 Unstoppable
Gary G - 13,075 Sweet!
Lisa H - 12,814 Last row for me till after turkey day...
Matthew R - 11,266 Steady on...
Jeff S - 11,000 Nice!
Mark S - 5,522 Two this week!
Kevin K - 5,000 Back into the rhythm!
Andy I - 4,620 Gettin speedy!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » November 18th, 2012, 4:43 pm

Gee whiz... where have y'all been? Haven't seen you in a week. --->Don't know what y'all have been doing, but I've been out setting new personal records!

10,000m 41:12.0 2:03.6 ranked 2013 -- 50th percentile -- who 'd man? Yea thats right...Can't touch this! :mrgreen:

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 19th, 2012, 1:34 am

All hands on deck, setting PRs right and left! A neat and notable 9 of 55 members (16%) logged 125,807 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved:
David blazed by 4.2M, Kyle hit 2.7M, Adam and Andy tag-teamed past 1.4M, Mike touched off 350K, and Vince sailed through 25K!!

Approaching milestones:
Gary is nearing 1.3M (-16,277m), Kevin is on target for 600K (-1,799m), and Vince is closing on 35K (-8,399m). Row like the hammer's down!

Posted Meters:
David W - 46,628 In usual form!
Adam M - 25,000 Wow! 2 25's in a row!
Kyle J - 17,000 Outstanding numbers all week!!
Matthew R - 11,300 Hey, where'd those sneaky extra 34 meters come from?!?
Mike M - 10,000 Untouchable!
Kevin K - 5,000 Sweet!
Andy I - 4,620 Still with the plan...
Gary G - 4,221 Two-fer!
Vince M - 2,038 Breaks through the 2k barrier!! B)

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by APM » November 19th, 2012, 3:12 pm

Thanks for the congrats, set myself a goal of rowing 50K over the weekend- never again, I'm broken now!
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » November 19th, 2012, 10:13 pm

APM wrote:Thanks for the congrats, set myself a goal of rowing 50K over the weekend- never again, I'm broken now!
Better broken than dead -- Ha Ha! :lol:

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by aadit » November 20th, 2012, 9:29 am

APM wrote:Thanks for the congrats, set myself a goal of rowing 50K over the weekend- never again, I'm broken now!
Never say "never". If you did it once, you will likely do it again!

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