TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » October 28th, 2012, 9:06 pm

edit--> just too much...
Last edited by TMike on October 28th, 2012, 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » October 28th, 2012, 9:47 pm

CONLEJM wrote:
damselfly wrote:
Jim C - 16,000 Seems like there's been an extra row here...
Yup, I rowed Saturday, which is atypical for me. I figured out a few weeks a go that I needed to row 360K per month to hit my season goal of 4.3M, and I had been doing less than that this season. So I was playing catch-up yesterday.

So I need to get to 2,160,000 by end of day Wednesday, which means I am back to my 16K-a-weekday. Then it's 82K - 84K per week for the rest of the season.

I am finally back on track!
You are amazing!!!
-- Lisa

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'Nother 5K PR

Post by mathineer » October 29th, 2012, 7:28 am

23:24.9 for 5K this morning (2:20.4/500 pace). Wasn't really planning to, it just sort of happened. No complaints!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by dpw4812 » October 29th, 2012, 7:44 am

aadit wrote:Inspired by some team members recently, I decided to try the 50K in a day goal - just finished it. I did a marathon row and then just added the remaining 7800m to take it to 50K. It was a lot of fun, and really does feel great on completion. Thanks to all those who did it recently - this is a terrific team that provides lots of inspiration.... :)

Sore fingers and sore lower back will soon be paying a visit to my front door... let me brace! :roll:

Great Job........ I find after I row the long distances that a good stretch and crunches help limber up the back.....


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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by dpw4812 » October 29th, 2012, 7:50 am

damselfly wrote:
aadit wrote:Inspired by some team members recently, I decided to try the 50K in a day goal - just finished it. I did a marathon row and then just added the remaining 7800m to take it to 50K. It was a lot of fun, and really does feel great on completion. Thanks to all those who did it recently - this is a terrific team that provides lots of inspiration.... :)

Sore fingers and sore lower back will soon be paying a visit to my front door... let me brace! :roll:
Holy moly! Way to row!! Contratulations!!!

Boy, this team has some impressive folks on it!!!

Off to do my humble 12k... :oops:
Now Now Lisa you know that a 12k is not a humble amount.... :-) When I row at the club I go... I can see maybe 3 people will sit down and row next to me and none of them go longer then 5 minutes... That is is about the time they realize two things this is really hard or boring...... :-) Keep up the great work ..... :D


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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » October 29th, 2012, 5:19 pm

All hands on deck, eyes locked on the stormy horizon! An effusive and evasive 11 of 52 members (21%) logged 107,621 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved:
Matthew surmounted 1.2M, Nancy blew by 300K, and Warren passed 200K!!

Approaching milestones:
Kevin is on his way to 500K (-19,867m), Glenn is nearing 300K (-17,616m), Mike is in the hunt for 300K (-17,954m), and Mark is close to 15K (-1,697m). Row strong!

Posted Meters:
Kyle J - 18,000 Strong!
Adam M - 16,000 Big bad row!!
Mark E - 12,478 Back after a break....
Matthew R - 11,266 I think he has a robot erg... :P
Kevin K - 10,000 Streakin', baby!
Mike M - 10,000 Just shy of finishing the skeleton challenge, if I can add!
Warren F - 7,500 Two-fer!
Nancy W - 6,601 Nice!
Glenn Y - 6,553 Sweet!
Gary G - 5,605 Looking good!
Mark S - 3,618 Teasing us!

And congratulations to our TimBukToo Skeleton Crew! So far we have David, Matthew, Aditya, Adam, Kevin, Kyle, and Jim on the honor board!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » October 31st, 2012, 8:02 am

I hold the key to breaking any record. YES, you heard me right. Two out of three of my 10k record breaking rows have been made while inhaling nauseous diesel exhaust fumes while rowing. This last record breaking attempt was'nt even started until i had already rowed (at a leisurely pace) for 3.5 k. Once the fumes got a good hold on me I started feeling really energetic and started to press a bit, then i noticed my split times started to dwindle more and more. And before I knew it -- the race was on!! And after a serious battle of wills, a little help from my friend, it was me vs the machine. And in the end ---> I stood tall and proud as the victor!!! :o :shock: :( :D :shock: :lol:

However, I do think I'm in need of a serious detox... seaweed anyone??

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by mathineer » October 31st, 2012, 8:05 am

TMike wrote:I hold the key to breaking any record. YES, you heard me right. Two out of three of my 10k record breaking rows have been made while inhaling nauseous diesel exhaust fumes while rowing. This last record breaking attempt was'nt even started until i had already rowed (at a leisurely pace) for 3.5 k. Once the fumes got a good hold on me I started feeling really energetic and started to press a bit, then i noticed my split times started to dwindle more and more. And before I knew it -- the race was on!! And after a serious battle of wills, a little help from my friend, it was me vs the machine. And in the end ---> I stood tall and proud as the victor!!! :o :shock: :( :D :shock: :lol:

However, I do think I'm in need of a serious detox... seaweed anyone??

So you're guilty of doping! I say we strip you of all of your Tour de Diesel titles!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » October 31st, 2012, 11:19 am

Lisa has come up with a new synonym I hadn’t thought of yet: Surmounted! I need to use it as much as I can before everyone becomes sick of it…
All hands on deck, spooked into rowing more! 9 of 52 members (17%) logged 131,225 total meters Monday!
Milestones achieved: David surmounted 3.8M!!
Approaching milestones: Kevin soon to surmount 500K (-14,867m)!

Posted Meters:
David W - 38,023 Surmounted every other row of the week!
Kyle J - 17,210 Surmounted 75K for the week!
Mark E - 16,026 Surmounted his back pain for back-to-back rows!
Jim C - 16,000 Working to surmount his seasonal goals!
Andy I - 12,200 Yes sir, he mounted his C2 again!

Matthew R - 11,266 Surmounting all previous seasons!
Adam M - 8,000 Also surmounted 75K by rowing daily!
Warren F - 7,500 Third 7.5K in 3 days helps him surmount his limitations!
Kevin K - 5,000 His daily streak surmounting all previous ones!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » October 31st, 2012, 11:30 am

Izzzmeister wrote:Andy I - 12,200 Yes sir, he mounted his C2 again!
I hope I look slightly more graceful than that when I row.
PaceBoat lurched ahead unforgivingly, mocking his efforts.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » October 31st, 2012, 11:42 am

All hands on deck, surmounting Izzy‘s sad attempts at humor! 13 of 52 members (25%) logged 140,854 total meters Tuesday!
Milestones achieved:TimbukTOO has eclipsed 25 million!
Approaching milestones: Lisa fast approaching 1 Million (-35,969m), Kevin quite close to 500K (-7,867m), Brent eyes 450K (-21,020m) while Mike is in range of 300K (-7,954m)!

Posted Meters:
Yisroel H - 17,732 About time, you slacker!
Kyle J - 16,563 Three days, 3 biggies!
Jim C - 16,000 Studly!
Jamie B - 15,389 Witches brew of hot meters…
Matthew R - 11,266 Spooky!

Elisa H - 11,011 Missed you the last few weeks!
Brent C - 10,312
Mike M - 10,000 I run on fumes sometimes too…
Adam M - 8,500 Huge streak keeping Adam in great shape…
Lisa H - 7,045 Going for her biggest season ever!

Kevin K - 7,000 You get a break for Halloween?
Warren F - 6,054 That’s 4 in a row…
Andy I - 3,982 What’s your costume for tonight?

Yesterday was the halfway point of the rowing season… Are you on track to your goals?

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » October 31st, 2012, 2:08 pm

For a change of pace, in the month of October I set the damper up to 8 and focused on keeping my strokes/minute between 20 - 23 while maintaining a pace of not more than 1:57/500m (my average pace for the season so far). I like to think this will help me develop "power" in my rowing. Ordinarily I row at a pace between 27 - 29 with the damper set at 5 or 6.

Today on a whim I tried to set a PB for the half-marathon and succeeded in knocking a full minute off my previous PB; I rowed it in 1:17:57.5, a 1:50.8/500m pace. I set the damper at 6 and rowed at 27 s/m.

So I think my training is working. Next month I set the damper at 9 and strive for 20 s/m and keeping the average pace.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » October 31st, 2012, 3:33 pm

Izzzmeister wrote:Lisa has come up with a new synonym I hadn’t thought of yet: Surmounted! I need to use it as much as I can before everyone becomes sick of it…
In such case as you obstinately insist on taunting my colloquialisms, I shall take firm grasp of my spherical object of merry entertainment and return forthwith and with no undue haste to my humble domicile. :twisted:
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by TMike » October 31st, 2012, 6:40 pm

damselfly wrote:
In such case as you obstinately insist on taunting my colloquialisms, I shall take firm grasp of my spherical object of merry entertainment and return forthwith and with no undue haste to my humble domicile. :twisted:
After hearing all of that potty mouth my grandmother would have washed your mouth out with soap for at least 5 minutes -- were she still alive today! You're lucky shes dead! :o
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » October 31st, 2012, 8:01 pm

TMike wrote:
damselfly wrote:
In such case as you obstinately insist on taunting my colloquialisms, I shall take firm grasp of my spherical object of merry entertainment and return forthwith and with no undue haste to my humble domicile. :twisted:
After hearing all of that potty mouth my grandmother would have washed your mouth out with soap for at least 5 minutes -- were she still alive today! You're lucky shes dead! :o
She's probably with MY grandmother complaining loudly about these women what ride these "ergs" like they think they were men or something!
-- Lisa

Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda

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