TimbukTOO Team Room

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by The Blacksmith » August 2nd, 2012, 10:51 pm

Are we automatically signed up for the Rowlympics, are do we need to do it? I couldn't seem to figure out where/how to.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » August 2nd, 2012, 11:33 pm

The Blacksmith wrote:Are we automatically signed up for the Rowlympics, are do we need to do it? I couldn't seem to figure out where/how to.
Nope, no action needed. After you hit 5 hours or more rowed since 7/27, you show up on the honor board...
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » August 3rd, 2012, 12:42 am

TimBukTooians are continuing to shine in the medal arena; we now number eight medalists!! John S, Jim C, Andy I, and yours truly have joined our first four brethren on the honor board. David is mere 39 minutes away from a gold medal!

Keep on rowing, team!!
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » August 3rd, 2012, 9:48 am

damselfly wrote:David is mere 39 minutes away from a gold medal!
Save something for the FTC :)
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » August 3rd, 2012, 10:52 am

All hands on deck, rowing augustly! 16 of 43 members (37%) logged 145,546 total meters Wednesday!

Milestones achieved: Lisa H (she’s the short one on the right) hit 400K!
Approaching milestones: David on the cusp of 2M (-15,102m), Jerry near 1.3M (-3,190m), Kyle eyes 1.2M (-4,561m), John aims for 500K (-10,234m), Ron chases 200K (-21,606m), Brent pulling for 150K (-7,361m), while Kevin K (-5,500m) & Mark S (-9,348m) approach 15K!

Posted Meters:
David W - 26,024 I peeked…Great going, stud!
Jim C - 16,000 Keeps eating up those meters!
Kyle J - 15,000 Seventh big row this week!
John S - 13,435 That’s five long ’uns!
Matthew R - 11,200 Six in a row!

Jerry H - 10,000 Every day!
Andy I - 9,950 Six biggies!
Lisa H - 9,415 Walking tall!
Adam M - 8,500 Terrific consistency!
Rob M - 6,154 Got back on the beam!

Brent C - 5,981 Giving your body a chance to regenerate…
Glenn Y - 5,061 Nice!
Fred B - 2,512 Sweet!
Mark S - 2,314 Biking good this year? Not too hot?
Kevin K - 2,000 Do the math, it adds up…
Ron M - 2,000 Slowly climbing the comeback trail…

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Izzzmeister » August 3rd, 2012, 11:13 am

All hands on deck, making them the dogged days of summer! 14 of 43 members (33%) logged 334,918 total meters Thursday!

Milestones achieved: DAVID W TOPPED TWO MILLION! Jerry H ranged past 1.3M, Kyle J klobbered 1.2M, Bryan S whizzed past 500K, while Ulla D achieved 35K!
Approaching milestones: Jim sweet-sixteening towards 1.1M (-26,000m), John aims for 500K (-10,234m), Ron chases 200K (-21,606m), Brent pulling for 150K (-7,361m), while Kevin K (-5,500m) & Mark S (-9,348m) approach 15K!
Andy (-19,917m) & Mark E (-22,939m) pull for 450K, Paul is approaching 150K (-8,178m), Rob nearing 100K (-5,640m) while Kevin K closes on 15K (-3,500m).

Posted Meters:
Bryan S - 180,000 Strong three weeks!
David W - 21,245 Wow! (’nuff said…)
Mark E - 20,649 Good rest, good row!
Paul E - 20,000 Great week!
Jim C - 16,000 Five!

Lisa H - 12,017 On to the half million!
Kyle J - 12,000 Good “rest” row!
Rob M - 11,676 Super long!
Fred B - 10,321 Great distance!
Andy I - 9,950 10Ks suffering from deflation?

Adam M - 8,000 Another good one!
Jerry H - 6,300 Easy day or speed work day?
Ulla D - 4,760 Nice! Time for consistency…
Kevin K - 2,000 Build back up slowly…

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » August 3rd, 2012, 2:43 pm

As the kids (and I mean Izz) like to say, "That's redonk!"
Izzzmeister wrote:Andy I - 9,950 10Ks suffering from deflation?
It is just easier to setup a favorite that is just off a standard time/distance. It helps keep the status field in the logbook nice and tidy. I wouldn't want to accidently rank a time any slowr than my current PB.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » August 3rd, 2012, 3:41 pm

Quatroux wrote:
As the kids (and I mean Izz) like to say, "That's redonk!"
Jeez I'm old. I've never even heard of that one.
Quatroux wrote:
Izzzmeister wrote:Andy I - 9,950 10Ks suffering from deflation?
.... It helps keep the status field in the logbook nice and tidy. ....
Holy cow, I may have found someone more OCD than I am!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by The Blacksmith » August 4th, 2012, 12:18 pm

Just got a used Alden Ocean Shell yesterday. Waaaaay tippy compared to my dory. No comparison in rowing technique. In the dory you just pull hard. In the shell, it's all finesse-the pull is much lighter and needs to much more controlled-and then you have to lightly drag the oars across the water on the return so you don't flip. But, it is really fast- I'll get used to it without much trouble.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » August 4th, 2012, 1:07 pm

All hands on deck, pommeling the horse and balancing the beam!! A thrilled and thralled 13 of 43 members (30%) logged 158,742 total meters Friday!

Matthew and Mark have added themselves to the ranks of TimBukToo medalists, while Kyle has advanced to a Silver medal, and David to Gold!! Well done, team!!

Milestones achieved:
John S hit a cool half-mil, and Rob M blasted through 100K!!

Approaching milestones:
Jim is one short row from 1.1M (-10,000m), Keith is steaming towards 800K (-25,000m), Andy is one non-standard sub-10k-row from 450K (-9,967m), Brent is rotating his cuff towards 150K (-1,264m), Nancy is nearing 150K (-10,242m), and Ulla is closing fast on 50K (-8,050m). Row strong, team!!

Posted Meters:
Kyle J - 22,000 Silver!!!
Keith J - 20,000 Nice and round!
John S - 17,757 Kickin' some booty!
Jim C - 16,000 Straight on till morning...
Matthew R - 11,200 Can't beat dat!
Andy I - 9,950 Has to put in an extra 17m next row...
Adam M - 8,000 Eights are great!
Rob M - 6,234 Looking strong!
Nancy W - 6,132 Good numbers!
Brent C - 6,097 Nice!
Ulla D - 5,633 Two-fer!
Jerry H - 4,500 Speedwork?

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » August 5th, 2012, 10:32 am

All hands on deck, tracking the field!! An elite and elated 11 of 43 members (26%) logged 105,563 total meters Saturday!

Gary G has achieved a RowLympic bronze, bringing the number of Tooians on the medal board to 11!! Way to row, team!

Milestones achieved:
Elisa H hit 150K!! Woot!!

Approaching milestones:
David is a couple rows from 2.1M (-46,998m), Andy is a hair's breadth from 450K (-1,338m), Mark is closing on 450K (-15,439m), Lisa is on his flank nearing 450K (-18,301m), Ulla is about to break 50K (-2,545m), and Kevin is closing fast on 15K (-1,500m). Row strong, team!!

This week's frequent rowers (Sat 7/28 through Fri 8/3):
Andy I, Jerry H & Kyle J - 7
David W & Matthew R - 6
Adam M, Fred B, Jim C, John S, Keith J & Lisa H - 5
Brent C & Rob M - 4

Posted Meters:
David W - 21,620 No rest this week?
Kyle J - 16,230 Big streak going!!
Elisa H - 12,043 Back after a little break!
Lisa H - 12,027 Forgot how slow and WEIRD Kubrick's 2001 is...
Gary G - 9,900 Back in the saddle!
Andy I - 8,629 Another streaker!
Mark E - 7,500 Welded the erg to the floor to keep it stable... ;)
Fred B - 6,109 Nice!
Ulla D - 5,505 Three-fer!!
Jerry H - 4,000 Steady as she goes...
Kevin K - 2,000 Getting back into the swing of things!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by The Blacksmith » August 5th, 2012, 2:46 pm

Actually, that 7500 is water meters-very tippy water meters at that.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » August 5th, 2012, 6:10 pm

The popularity of the ergs at the gym this weekend makes me think of the annual flood of users that follows January 1st. I'm going to assume it is the Olympics. They'll all fall away in a month kind of like an empty gym in February.

Of course I want everyone to be healthy and exercise... I just want them to do it on another piece of equipment OR honor the FACT that the 1st rower on the left is reserved for me.
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » August 6th, 2012, 1:55 am

All hands on deck, strapped in for the SUCCESSFUL landing of Curiosity on Mars!!! A happy and hearty 10 of 43 members (23%) logged 103,781 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved:
Andy I landed on target at 450K, and Ulla D is wheels down at 50K!!

Approaching milestones:
Gary and Matthew are Mach 2 and headed for 700K (-49,802m), Mark has parachuted deployed and is nearing 450K (-13,439m), Fred is safely touched down at 250K (-22,415m)!!!

Posted Meters:
John S - 28,522 Sa-weeet!!
Jerry H - 17,000 Back to the big rows!
Gary G - 12,888 Wow! Rowing to Mars unassisted!!
Matthew R - 11,200 I lke 11's 2...
Adam M - 10,500 Breaks the sound 10k barrier!
Andy I - 7,279 Telemetry looks good.....
Glenn Y - 6,174 Nice!!
Ulla D - 4,110 4-in-a-row!! Excellent!
Fred B - 4,108 Looking good!!
Mark E - 2,000 Hopefully a smooth ride -- Time to craft outriggers?

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Quatroux » August 6th, 2012, 8:17 am

TimbukTOO is only 242,285 meters behind c2TweetCrew.com.
How about we close that gap by the end of the Rowlympics?
I may have overdone it with intervals yesterday, but I can prop myself up on a rower for another week. How about you?
PaceBoat lurched ahead unforgivingly, mocking his efforts.

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