New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by mikvan52 » March 27th, 2012, 5:59 pm

(note IND_V status...)... must be real then...
Kind of felt like April 1st today... :wink:
I love it when monitors malfunction..... :mrgreen:
I deleted the ranking immediately.

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Carl Watts » March 27th, 2012, 7:19 pm

Cyclingman1 wrote:It would be nice to know the drag factor, too.
Roland himself mentioned the problems the USA team was having selecting rowers based on Erg scores and this pretty much highlights the problem if they are looking at it very simplistically. For example my 30min PB was done at 26spm (with a DF 135) which would have to line up better with the sort of rating range you would expect in a boat would it not ?
Carl Watts.
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Nosmo » March 27th, 2012, 8:35 pm

Carl Watts wrote:For example my 30min PB was done at 26spm (with a DF 135) which would have to line up better with the sort of rating range you would expect in a boat would it not ?
Well maybe. 26 sounds a bit low in general for optimal 30 min races but different masters rowers are successful using a very wide range of loads and ratings. For instance Mike Van Buren probably would win almost any 30 min race he entered at a 26. Last year I won a full marathon in a 2x rowing mostly at a 30 (and had a faster time over the half marathon course in worse conditions then any of the boats including 8+'s, 4+'s and 4x's despite doing twice the distance). A few years before I won a half marathon rowing almost all of it at 26 or below with a different partner. I think we rowed well in both races, and were close to optimal rating given the circumstances, style and technique at the time. I am really well matched to my recent partner and we do best rating very high.

BTW, my 10K erg PR was set at a 28, 5K at a 30, and 2K at 32-34 spm. My rating is much more correlated with distance on the erg then in a boat. In a boat once I am much over 2K my rating usually doesn't drop much with increased distance.

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Rockin Roland » March 27th, 2012, 9:25 pm

Carl Watts wrote:
Rockin Roland wrote:30 minutes 8672 m average pace 1:43.7 Age 50 Weight 87.4 kg end heart rate 170 bpm rating 39.0 spm

In the past I have found my results on slides to be virtually pretty much the same as on a static erg.
Wow that’s a ridiculously high rating, I think you would notice the difference on a static Erg. It would be great if they included the rating information in the rankings as it helps you get a better picture of your overall performance.
The rating of 39.0 spm should read as end rating(last 500m or so) of the 30 minute workout. My overall average rating was more like 32 spm which still is a bit high but one has to take into account that I was on slides. On slides I tend to rate higher in order to achieve the same results as that I would on a static erg.

On the water during races in my single scull I rate around 28-30 spm but in the eight recently we were rating 42 spm when we recorded a blistering 1000m time of 2:48.
PBs: 2K 6:13.4, 5K 16:32, 6K 19:55, 10K 33:49, 30min 8849m, 60min 17,309m
Caution: Static C2 ergs can ruin your technique and timing for rowing in a boat.
The best thing I ever did to improve my rowing was to sell my C2 and get a Rowperfect.

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Rockin Roland » March 27th, 2012, 9:32 pm

Cyclingman1 wrote:It would be nice to know the drag factor, too.
Drag factor for the 30 minutes was 128.
PBs: 2K 6:13.4, 5K 16:32, 6K 19:55, 10K 33:49, 30min 8849m, 60min 17,309m
Caution: Static C2 ergs can ruin your technique and timing for rowing in a boat.
The best thing I ever did to improve my rowing was to sell my C2 and get a Rowperfect.

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by pberge » April 2nd, 2012, 10:54 am

I rowed my first sub 40 minute 10k on Saturday.

10k @ 39:45.4

I just started getting into longer distance rowing and have completed fewer than 10 sessions at this distance so far. A month ago was was at around 42-43 minutes. Next up, 60 minutes, then onto a HM.

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Atorrante » April 3rd, 2012, 2:40 pm

22:31 for the 6K. This is my best 6k ever, so there is not much for improvement, but if only can hold the pace for 2K more meters, that will put me near my 30 minutes-8K goal. Maybe before my 55 birthday, I hope... :D
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by RBFC » April 10th, 2012, 3:11 pm

1:28.0 for 500m today. DF=175, r= 34avg.

Maybe one more try before the end of this year's seasonal stats.

Thanks to all here for encouragement!

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by rlk » April 13th, 2012, 9:49 am

New PR for 1/2M: 1:18:20.3.

I like to do one big piece (typically either a very fast 1 hour or 1/2 marathon) near the end of each of the major rowing challenges. Yesterday I chose the 1/2; I've already done a bunch of reasonably fast 1H this time around. My old PR, from last spring, was 1:18:24.1, so I only edged it out (I was hoping for about 1:18 even). But hey, a PR is a PR...

Max HR was 173, which is about right, but it hit 160 by 30 min. and 170 by 1 hour, and usually I'm not at 170 for more than 10 minutes. Dropped back below 130 within 3-5 minutes, but I did another 3K cooldown at 2:20 or so which held it in the 130's until I finally got off. My last 4 or so 1K splits were positive, so I was clearly getting tired (in the past, I've accelerated somewhat over the last 15-20 minutes). I had already done about 51K this week, although no really hard work, and the 1/2M put me just over the 300K mark for the challenge.

Best 1 hour intermediate was about 16198 (estimated, but probably within 1-2 meters).
M, 50, 194 cm, 94 kg, | Low pull: 1:26 | 1m: 341 | 500: 1:32.1 | 1000: 3:11.3 | 1500: 4:52.7 | 2K: 6:30.7 | 10m: 2935 | 3K: 10:15.2 | 5K: 17:05.2 | 6K: 20:45.3 | 20m: 5782 | 30m: 8568 | 10K: 35:18.8 | 40m: 11192 | 1h: 16635 | HM: 77:19.7

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Atorrante » April 13th, 2012, 5:42 pm

CONGRATS! A half at 1:51.4 splits is by no means an easy thing...
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by rlk » April 13th, 2012, 6:19 pm

Atorrante wrote:CONGRATS! A half at 1:51.4 splits is by no means an easy thing...

I definitely noticed that when my splits started to increase after about an hour, my rate dropped from 30 to 28-29. That corresponded to when my splits went from ~1:50.7 to ~1:51.6. I just couldn't hold on any longer and I had to focus hard to even hold the PR. I'm glad I don't do those too often :-)

(It wasn't more than about a dozen years ago that I first managed 7500 in 30 minutes, and maybe 8 years ago I first did 8K in 30. And my recovery time is a lot faster these days!)
M, 50, 194 cm, 94 kg, | Low pull: 1:26 | 1m: 341 | 500: 1:32.1 | 1000: 3:11.3 | 1500: 4:52.7 | 2K: 6:30.7 | 10m: 2935 | 3K: 10:15.2 | 5K: 17:05.2 | 6K: 20:45.3 | 20m: 5782 | 30m: 8568 | 10K: 35:18.8 | 40m: 11192 | 1h: 16635 | HM: 77:19.7

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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Atorrante » April 13th, 2012, 7:34 pm

Great! Your last statement is inspirational for me since I'm after my personal goal of doing a 30'/8K. I only hope to do it much before a dozen years. :lol:
54 years young, 5'7"
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Atorrante » April 26th, 2012, 2:51 pm

7931 in 30'. The 30'/8K is in sight again. I only hope not to loose it this time.
54 years young, 5'7"
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Carl Watts » April 26th, 2012, 4:53 pm

Great stuff, the 8K mark in 30min is very rewarding.

The quest then becomes looking at the clock at the 8K and seeing how many extra meters you can squeeze out of the time remaining ! :lol:
Carl Watts.
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Re: New Personal Best! Brag About That New Pb!

Post by Atorrante » April 26th, 2012, 5:11 pm

Carl Watts wrote:Great stuff, the 8K mark in 30min is very rewarding.

The quest then becomes looking at the clock at the 8K and seeing how many extra meters you can squeeze out of the time remaining ! :lol:
I guess that, altough for now I squezze me almost for the entire time.
54 years young, 5'7"
2K pb 7:05

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