I'm apparently rather extreme in the opposite direction. My single low pull is 1:26, and my best 1 minute (interval) is 341 meters (1:28). I'm sure I could do a better 500m than 1:36, but probably not under 1:32. I'm not in as good shape as I was a year ago, but even so 8200 in 30 minutes is routine (I did 8278 on Monday, without doing a 1:42 kick in the last 2 minutes like I sometimes do) and I have good 60 min and 1/2M numbers. Last Friday I did 8002 because I was curious where that would put my heart rate; it only got up to 155, and subjectively it wasn't more than 80-85% effort.Cyclingman1 wrote:All you guys rowing in the 1:20's for 500m especially the mid 1:20's probably cannot appreciate what a luxury that is to have that kind of power and speed in your back pocket no matter what distance you are doing. Of course, I realize that we are all pysiologically different. Most of us are not made of the best from both worlds - great power and aerobic capacity.
Carl, you have much more balanced PB's, although you tend to the power side. I'm looking at that 6:56 (1:44) for 2K and wondering if that can't come down. I do 6:49 (1:42.2) for 2K and am right at 1:35 for 500m. I'm rowing far closer to my power capacity (500m best + 7 secs); in other words, I seem to have a high AT. You do 2K at a pace that is nearly 18 secs slower than your best 500m. But really interesting is that you slow down by about only 3 sec per 500m for 5K. Just observing - not a criticism.
I use a much higher stroke rate in the longer pieces than it sounds like most people do. On Monday I was doing 29-30 with a drag factor probably around 115, which is typical when I do a long, fast piece (that's a bit faster than normal; typically I do 28-29). When I'm doing a long, slow recovery type piece (Wednesday I did 15275/60m, HR maxed at 149) I'm still up around 27. I've tried doing around 23 for that kind of thing, and while my HR is a bit lower, my back and knees express extreme displeasure at the abuse. For a while I was rowing with someone else who's an experienced rower and whose wife is a coach who was startled, to put it mildly, at my technique. Even when I'm cooling off at a 2:02-2:10 pace, I'm rarely doing less than 25 spm with a full stroke.
I've always had better aerobic capacity than strength. Doing weights is a real struggle for me and I improve only slowly and regress quickly (right now I'm benching about 100 lb, for example). But even when I'm out of shape, I can get my aerobic capacity back without much difficulty. But I do think it's going to be a while before I can pull 8427/30m again, and the years are starting to catch up to me...