glenmbaker wrote:OK, I'm still interested in some sort of team row to cap this thing off. I'm guessing that lots of folks probably row after work, which makes it difficult to have the east and west coast available at the same time, so how about this: since Tuesday is the last day of the challenge, how about an east to west coast relay? Set up 3 30 minute sessions, each one hour apart. That way the east-coasters can start us off, the mountain folk can do the middle bit, and us westies can bring it on home.damselfly wrote:With me it's the time -- my husband isn't even up yet and the rower would disturb him.
RowPro looks interesting though, may need to check it out. How many TimBukTOOians are using it? But I don't think I could load it and get it going for a group row today, but it might be kinda neat to set one up each week or something.
(I wasn't going to mention the shower thing... )
Heck, Tyrone could lead us off a day in advance!
I would love to be involved in RowPro IF I had a Concept 2 at home!!! The Model C at the gym with the half functioning monitor will have to do in the meantime.