13 or 14 days remaining...
Keep the pressure on !
Wowzer, mates! Overcoming Disabilities just crossed the
million team meter milestone...before I could even get the posting finished! And the Luna-Tics challenge team is closing in on lucky 13 million team meters...don't be fooled.....LOTS of good things can and will still happen in this challenge. Keep steady on the erg!
Team Standings
Pos. Team Team Type Total Event Meters Team Members
Average Meters
1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 26,915,513 293 91,862
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 13,830,588 174 79,486
3 Community Rowing, Inc On-Water Club 13,512,616 331 40,824
4 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 12,518,752 114 109,814
5 THE ANCIENTS Virtual Club 10,538,879 57
6 HAVK Mladost On-Water Club 8,552,165 154 55,534
7 Riverside On-Water Club 7,849,151 95 82,623
8 RowPro Online Virtual Club 7,140,230 86 83,026
9 ARIEL TOY Virtual Club 6,763,512 49 138,031
10 Greenwich Crew On-Water Club 6,258,303 84 74,504
11 Overcoming Disabilities Virtual Club 5,960,586 20 298,029
12 TimbukTWO Virtual Club 5,929,088 68 87,192
13 Team Canada Virtual Club 5,171,051 79 65,456
It's a brand new day...a brand new week....make your meters count ! Thank you for rowing as part of the team !
Luna-Tics Virtual Team Challenge 2012 Individual Standings
Name Gender Age Total Event Meters
1 Jim (Jay) Kielma Jr. M 38 660,137
2 Cathie Johnson F 30 548,262
3 Ron MacBruce M 57 510,810
4 Jerry Heath M 38 411,000
5 Robyn Lee F 34 326,835
6 Roger Gwinn M 32 324,249
7 Tammy Gwinn F 32 311,130
8 Katerina Mack F 31 309,960
9 Richard Tessier M 60 295,157
10 Diana Kelly F 43 291,947
11 Kenny Holliman M 58 276,300
12 barbara grandberg F 61 275,381
13 Will Salach M 55 258,000
14 Terri Masters F 51 255,745
15 Pat Bankes F 65 238,072
16 Charles Dykstra M 44 234,201
17 Chris Tudury F 62 230,484
18 A J Tudury M 64 215,393
19 David A. Alden M 51 213,975
20 Anthony Parendo M 68 203,113
21 David McNamara M 55 198,350
22 Brett McCrory M 35 191,375
23 Raoul Huber M 42 181,905
24 Jennifer Browning F 47 180,910
25 Daniel Cox M 67 178,723
26 Kiba Chan F 24 163,291
27 Wim Rumping M 41 156,124
28 Mike Gilger M 51 154,503
29 Greg Halac M 52 150,150
30 Bobbie Kielma F 59 137,945
31 Barry O'Malley M 52 136,097
32 Walter Washington M 22 136,000
33 Jan Stevenson F 59 130,299
34 Rodrigo Garcia M 34 127,932
35 Karyn Gallagher F 42 126,499
36 Andrea Cosmin F 54 126,189
37 Dennis Dishong M 55 120,850
38 David Tangerini M 64 117,000
39 Bernie Svendsen M 53 116,192
40 Tristan B M 13 115,956
41 Ross Drown M 63 105,002
42 Kevin Clark M 46 101,863
43 Jessica Shumake F 34 100,960
44 peter verdirame M 57 100,500
45 Rick Carveth M 59 100,000
46 David Ballard M 46 100,000
47 Kenneth Guenther M 63 99,769
48 Bruce Takenaka M 48 98,120
49 Steven Larky M 49 96,048
50 preben prebensen M 55 91,835
51 Ted Cowley-Gilbert M 50 90,000
52 Gail Whitelaw F 52 85,000
53 David Hunter M 51 83,692
54 James Garcia M 35 82,651
55 Geri Kaye F 55 81,481
56 Kim Woodman M 60 78,511
57 Ronda Wilson F 48 76,375
58 Ryan Cresawn M 37 75,059
59 Jackson P M 11 74,244
60 Tim Kenney M 32 74,055
61 Rob Nofziger M 49 70,679
62 Peter Huurman M 38 70,000
63 Chuck Eckerson M 55 70,000
64 Mike Mulvihill M 51 64,236
65 Eva-Kristin Schuster F 44 62,014
66 Marc Habert M 45 61,545
67 Don Silseth M 59 60,500
68 George Wyner M 53 60,000
69 Jeffrey Pixler M 48 58,144
70 Pete Serrata M 33 54,480
71 Denny Kelly M 41 54,000
72 Tom Malcho M 47 51,703
73 Doug Miner M 55 50,000
74 Kevin Nolan M 60 45,300
75 Philippe Hain M 29 45,087
76 martha wiles F 44 43,000
77 Colleen Wright F 51 41,524
78 Jodi Nelson F 50 38,893
79 Tom Eskridge M 47 36,097
80 Noelle Boyle F 45 34,509
81 Chuck Beasley M 60 34,117
82 Tom McGuire M 59 32,859
83 Will Worthwine M 55 32,772
84 Kristine Strasburger F 47 30,010
85 Mitch Johnson M 56 27,272
86 Kaylee S F 9 27,213
87 Anne Vanuga F 37 25,750
88 Steve Vanuga M 45 25,108
89 Kevin Undeck M 23 24,551
90 Ashlee S F 6 23,383
91 Jennelle DeCoste F 37 23,014
92 Jacki Viles F 49 20,243
93 Ethan S M 5 18,262
94 Angelo Papadopoulos M 45 17,143
95 Francois Torcque M 43 14,000
96 beverly dellinger F 60 12,500
97 Scott Fawley M 48 12,026
98 Greg Childs M 57 10,577
99 AJ Silseth F 58 10,000
100 Steven Drews M 42 9,428
101 Louis Volpe M 61 9,387
102 Stanley L Fox II M 52 7,665
103 Lee Major M 25 7,500
104 John Longmire M 67 6,212
105 Tom Rosengarth M 57 6,054
106 Tim Porter M 53 5,023
107 Richard Miller M 62 5,014
108 Sinead D F 11 1,429
109 matt mcminn M 36 0
110 Mitch Terra Sanitatis Friedland M 52 0
111 Nathan Williamson M 42 0
112 jerri hampton F 64 0
113 Nicole Cauchon F 57 0
114 Carlo Cerioni M 41 0
Total Challenge Meters as of 745 AM MST on 17 January = 12,681,829 m
Overcoming Disabilities Virtual Team Challenge 2012 Individual Standings
Name Gender Age Total Event Meters
1 Jim Kielma M 58 624,946
2 Michelle Donavon F 22 448,246
3 Rosita Delacruz F 36 422,099
4 Ronnie Mills F 44 387,413
5 Zander Fraser M 37 362,000
6 Jonathan Lewis M 36 361,234
7 Anita Holub F 42 358,845
8 Elton Giogri M 56 347,310
9 Christa Krause F 32 346,197
10 Marie Ballantine F 43 330,474
11 Rivka Levitt F 41 329,572
12 Sarah Hallbeck F 31 325,100
13 Scott Ryan M 35 316,145
14 Harold Janusek M 61 264,332
15 Samuel Johnson M 71 247,331
16 Martin Hayes M 25 138,289
17 Nataliya Pyatrova F 27 138,050
18 Sunny Shiner F 23 123,835
19 Gene Hulsey M 22 103,663
20 Lily Yost F 21 60,594
Total Challenge Meters as of 748 AM MST on 17 January = 6,035,675 m