LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » January 7th, 2012, 3:08 pm


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Roger, on achieving a TWO million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!!

Image A fine half marathon row to zoom right past that milestone, too!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.6.12

Post by Kona2 » January 7th, 2012, 3:33 pm

Image Talk about eye-popping numbers!!


We've got half marathons, we've got half moons, we've got FULL marathons, we've got full moons, we've got FOUR red giants (>50K in a 24 hr period). Our milestones list is almost as long as the daily meter stats list! Afterburners are ablaze!!

The numbers are coming in so fast (and I was a bit slower on the update....zzzz...) that I know that I'll have missed someone's numbers for today, or included some of tomorrow's posting in today's numbers. It's all're all IN-CRED-IBLE!

It's helpful to offer up an explanation of our lunar distance awards every so often - especially when we have some new teammates, or those who are following our progress. So here it is:

Image a supernova designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent of 100,000 m in a 24 hr period (yep....we have one who does this)
Image a red giant designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of 50,000 m in a 24 hr period
Imagea full moon designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of a full marathon 42,195 m in a 24 hr period
Image a half moon designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of a half marathon 21,097 m in a 24 hr period
half or full marathons are completed in one sitting

Season meters as of 253/366 = 123,439,290 m

Total meters on the day =
1,345,526 m

Oars in space (participation) = 43 percent !

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

5.55 MM Jay (red giant of a day)
5.3 MM Ron (with a full marathon)
4.65 MM Cathie (with a full marathon)
3.4 MM Michelle (with a full moon)
3.35 MM Jerry (with a half moon)
3.15 MM Rosi (with a half marathon included in that red giant of a day)
3.1 MM Jim (with a red giant of a day)
2.15 MM Zander (with a half moon)
2.05 MM bg (with a half moon)
2 MM Roger (with a half marathon)
1.9 MM Sarah (with a half moon)
1.8 MM Robyn (with a red giant kind of day! how appropriate for a Giants fan :D )
1.5 MM David T
1.4 MM Elton (with a half moon and then some)
1.35 MM Sam (what can we say...wanna be like Sam when we "grow up" and do half marathons then too)
1.3 MM Katerina (half marathon and then some)
1.1 MM Kim great update
950 K Dave H (half marathon)
900 K Dennis
850 K Bobbie
800 K K2 (half moon)
750 K Marty (rowing double his usual amount)
700 K Chuck
650 K Sunny (rowing double and sometimes triple her usual)
600 K Marie (with a half marathon) ...hasn't even been a teammate for 48 hrs and the lunar power is already there
500 K Gene (rowing double and sometimes triple his usual)
500 K Diana (with a half marathon) - also feeling the lunar power as a new teammate!

Image Million Meter Watch :

Ronnie with (22,516 m) to go! Today could be the day! Just sayin'...

David A with (170,787 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Tammy with (56,863 m) to go!

Ross with (83,672 m) to go!

Sarah with (84,286 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Dave H with (35,594 m) to go!

Chris H with (70,650 m) to go!

James G "enrage" with (59,323 m) to go!

Dennis with (90,512 m) to go!

Mitch J with (112,167 m) to go!

Bobbie with (142,735 m) to go!

Thanks to all who rowed today!

Jeff M 1,009 m
Ashlee 1,300 m
Kaylee 1,300 m
Ethan 2,224 m
Ryan 4,785 m
Denny 5,000 m
Tris 5,150 m :D
Jessica 5,754 m
Lily 6,016 m (rowing twice her usual amount too)
BJ 6,017 m
Noelle 6,317 m
Marty 7,200 m
Chuck 7,500 m
Bruce T 7,867 m
Nataliya 9,000 m (rowing double her usual amount!)
Mike M 9,182 m
Andrea 9,507 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m
Gail 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Mike G 10,124 m
Wim ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage m
Ken G 12,018 m
Rodrigo 12,224 m
Greg H 12,503 m
Terri ImageImageImageImageImage m
Dennis 13,469 m
Bobbie 13,500 m
Eva-Kristin 13,643 m
Baz 15,000 m
Harold 15,000 m
Brett 15,087 m
Sunny 15,275 m (wow wow wow)
Gene 17,408 m (wow wow wow)
Ken H 17,500 m
Danno 20,000 m
David T 20,000 m
Richard T 20,000 m
AJ 20,800 m
Image Dave H 21,097 m
Image Diana 21,097 m (is this a first ever rowing half marathon?)
Image Marie 21,097 m (is this a first ever rowing half marathon?)
Image Roger 21,097 m
ImageTammy 21,097 m
Image Minnie 21,390 m
Image bg 22,727 m
Image K2 24,140 m
Image Anita 25,000 m
Image Ronnie 25,000 m
Image Zander 25,000 m
Image Rivka 26,000 m
Image Sarah 26,000 m
Image Katerina 28,097 m
Image Christa 30,000 m
Image Jerry 30,000 m
Image Elton 32,000 m
Image enrage 33,312 m
Image Sam 35,597 m
Image Cathie 42,195 m
Image Ron 42,255 m
Image Michelle 47,000 m
Image Jay 54,000 m
Image Robyn 56,097 m
Image Rosi 61,097 m
ImageJim 61,500 m
Kim 78,511 m great update!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BigBrett58 » January 8th, 2012, 6:35 am

Great work everyone on week 1! I'm not very vocal so far on this challenge, but I do get on the forum and read all the posts at least once a day. I certainly not starting with the same pace from the Fall Team Challenge, but I expect to finish strong. The FTC was insane anyway. How did I let Ron push me into that? :lol:

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She's A Meter Multi-Millionaire...again!

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2012, 11:59 am


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Ronnie, on achieving a THREE million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Toothdoc » January 8th, 2012, 12:21 pm

Congrats Roger and Ronnie. Good rowing.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2012, 2:17 pm

Image 22 or 23 days remaining..

Every meter counts! It's the mantra of the Challenges! Even if you only have a short time to row today, those meters that you generate could be deal makers!! Step up...step up...and row!!

Hooboy! And thank you so much, Sam, for re-introducing that word into all our vocabularies! After one wild week of rowing, facing off against our virtual team competitors...we're still in the hunt! It's a tight race between 2 and 3 rankings, and between 9...10...and 11. Stay focused on your game plans - and know that your team is filled with capable individuals . One of the best things that's happened so far in this Challenge is that we're seeing some great participation from the Challenge Teams.

Challenge Milestones:

300K Jay

250K Cathie, Jim K

200K Ron, Jerry, Michelle, Jonathan

150K Roger, Minnie, Richard T, Robyn, Ronnie, Marie, Rosi, Zander, Elton, Christa, Sarah, Rivka, Anita

100K Diana, Tammy, AJ, Katerina, Kenny H, Harold, Terri, Baz, bg, K2, Sam

50K Marty, Nataliya, David B, Jennifer, Dennis, Steven L :D , Wim, Greg H, Bernie, Raoul, Pat B, Ken G, Peter H, Bobbie, Andrea, David A, Kim, Chip, Mike G (TMITWH), Tony, Brett,

Think I got them all...numbers are changing fast!

Virtual Team Challenge Standings

Pos. Team Team Type Total Event Meters Team Members Average Meters
1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 11,679,197 267 43,742 (tracking at 51.5 MM finish)
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 5,623,775 152 36,999 (tracking at 25 MM finish)
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 5,517,743 99 55,735 (tracking at 24.5 MM finish)
4 THE ANCIENTS Virtual Club 4,609,801 52 88,650
5 Community Rowing, Inc On-Water Club 3,880,658 150 25,871
6 RowPro Online Virtual Club 3,227,762 75 43,037
7 Riverside On-Water Club 3,047,760 69 44,170
8 ARIEL TOY Virtual Club 2,949,198 46 64,113
9 TimbukTWO Virtual Club 2,602,560 58 44,872
10 HAVK Mladost On-Water Club 2,580,090 134 19,254
11 Overcoming Disabilities Virtual Club 2,531,069 18 140,615 (tracking at 11.2 MM finish)

LUNA-Tics Virtual Challenge Team:

1 Jim (Jay) Kielma Jr. M 38 305,000
2 Cathie Johnson F 29 254,485
3 Ron MacBruce M 57 228,838
4 Jerry Heath M 38 226,500
5 Robyn Lee F 34 155,389
6 Richard Tessier M 60 155,194
7 Chris Tudury F 62 154,903
8 Roger Gwinn M 32 150,652
9 Diana Kelly F 43 149,297
10 Tammy Gwinn F 32 137,230
11 A J Tudury M 63 135,629
12 Katerina Mack F 31 128,838
13 Kenny Holliman M 58 124,500
14 Harold Janusek M 61 122,700
15 Terri Masters F 51 122,374
16 Barry O'Malley M 52 116,097
17 barbara grandberg F 61 109,482
18 Jan Stevenson F 59 100,068
19 Anthony Parendo M 68 95,728
20 Brett McCrory M 35 91,213
21 Mike Gilger M 51 84,746
22 Charles Dykstra M 44 81,808
23 Kim Woodman M 60 78,511
24 David A. Alden M 51 78,467
25 Andrea Cosmin F 54 73,462
26 Bobbie Kielma F 59 73,040
27 Kenneth Guenther M 63 72,269
28 Peter Huurman M 38 70,000
29 Pat Bankes F 65 69,716
30 Raoul Huber M 42 66,073
31 Bernie Svendsen M 53 64,139
32 Greg Halac M 52 62,560
33 Wim Rumping M 41 60,782
34 Steven Larky M 49 56,048
35 Dennis Dishong M 55 53,542
36 Jennifer Browning F 47 51,761
37 David Ballard M 46 50,000
38 Gail Whitelaw F 52 47,500
39 Rodrigo Garcia M 34 46,811
40 peter verdirame M 57 46,000
41 David Tangerini M 64 45,000
42 Tristan B M 13 44,255
43 Rob Nofziger M 49 42,332
44 Eva-Kristin Schuster F 44 40,672
45 Rick Carveth M 59 40,000
46 Chuck Eckerson M 55 40,000
47 Karyn Gallagher F 42 38,061
48 Will Salach M 55 38,000
49 Geri Kaye F 55 36,973
50 Tom Eskridge M 47 36,097
51 Jessica Shumake F 34 35,408
52 Daniel Cox M 67 35,015
53 Tim Kenney M 32 33,384
54 James Garcia M 35 33,312
55 Don Silseth M 59 33,000
56 Philippe Hain M 29 28,064
57 Bruce Takenaka M 48 27,562
58 Mike Mulvihill M 51 26,983
59 Tom Malcho M 47 26,703
60 Ross Drown M 63 26,101
61 Tom McGuire M 59 26,008
62 Ryan Cresawn M 37 25,807
63 Marc Habert M 45 24,593
64 Ronda Wilson F 48 24,511
65 Chuck Beasley M 60 24,117
66 David Hunter M 51 21,097
67 Jodi Nelson F 50 21,097
68 Doug Miner M 55 21,000
69 martha wiles F 44 21,000
70 Noelle Boyle F 45 19,439
71 Jennelle DeCoste F 37 18,014
72 Denny Kelly M 41 17,500
73 Kevin Clark M 46 17,265
74 Angelo Papadopoulos M 45 17,143
75 Anne Vanuga F 37 15,750
76 Steve Vanuga M 45 15,558
77 Colleen Wright F 51 15,012
78 Will Worthwine M 55 14,434
79 Kaylee S F 9 12,800
80 Ashlee S F 6 10,845
81 Kiba Chan F 23 10,000
82 Stanley L Fox II M 52 7,665
83 Lee Major M 25 7,500
84 beverly dellinger F 60 7,500
85 Ethan S M 5 7,372
86 Kevin Nolan M 60 7,000
87 John Longmire M 67 6,212
88 Tom Rosengarth M 57 6,054
89 Richard Miller M 62 5,014
90 Louis Volpe M 61 4,387
91 Steven Drews M 42 3,846
92 AJ Silseth F 58 2,500
93 Sinead D F 11 1,429
94 Mitch Johnson M 56 0
95 matt mcminn M 36 0
96 Mitch Terra Sanitatis Friedland M 52 0
97 Nathan Williamson M 42 0
98 Nicole Cauchon F 57 0
99 jerri hampton F 64 0

Total Challenge Meters as of 10 AM on 8 January = 5,517,743 m

Total meters in last 24 hrs = 885,883 m

Overcoming Disabilities Challenge Team

1 Jim Kielma M 58 262,000
2 Michelle Donavon F 22 223,000
3 Jonathan Lewis M 36 202,307
4 Ronnie Mills F 44 175,094
5 Marie Ballantine F 43 168,097
6 Rosita Delacruz F 36 166,582
7 Zander Fraser M 37 165,597
8 Elton Giogri M 56 164,500
9 Christa Krause F 32 163,797
10 Sarah Hallbeck F 31 162,600
11 Rivka Levitt F 41 161,500
12 Anita Holub F 42 160,445
13 Samuel Johnson M 71 130,694
14 Nataliya Pyatrova F 27 61,163
15 Martin Hayes M 25 54,000
16 Sunny Shiner F 23 42,288
17 Gene Hulsey M 22 41,263
18 Lily Yost F 21 26,142

Total Challenge Meters as of 10 AM on 8 January = 2,531,069 m

Total meters in last 24 hrs = 402,466 m

Have captured individual numbers and will post daily stats in a little while. I will be in Tucson for the next week (yep, there are two rowing machines to choose from at Tucson Racquet Club), so looking forward to some warmer weather rowing! :D

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » January 8th, 2012, 3:26 pm

Congrats Ronnie and Roger :D

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.7.12

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2012, 9:22 pm

Season meters as of 254/366 = 124,274,279 m

Total meters on the day = 834,989 m

Oars in space (participation) = 37 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

3.5 MM Minnie
3.4 MM Jerry
3.15 MM Brett
3.15 MM Jim
3.0 MM Ronnie
2.65 MM Anita
2.3 MM AJ
2.25 MM Rivka
1.95 MM Tammy
1.85 MM Richard T
1.85 MM Robyn
1.15 MM Raoul
1.15 MM Ken H
500 K Greg H - a cool half million
500 K Joe - another cool half million
450 K Andrea
350 K Mike G
310 K Tris - look at him row!row!row!
100K Ethan - might have missed this one yesterday!

Thanks to all who rowed today!

Bobbie 1,775 m
Ashlee 1,890 m
Steve J 2,020 m
Kaylee 2,300 m
Lily 3,015 m
G-l-o-r-i-a ImageImageImageImage m
Noelle 4,998 m
Denny 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Rich M 5,014 m
Pat S 5,800 m
Marty 7,200 m
Chuck 7,500 m
Bruce 7,918 m
BJ 8,016 m
Nataliya 8,123 m
Mike M 9,000 m
Kiba 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Tris 10,050 m
Ken G 12,017 m
Raoul 12,025 m
Harold 12,100 m
Jessica 12,109 m
Andrea 12,124 m
Mike G 12,387 m
Katerina 12,500 m
Greg H 12,552 m
Tim K 13,298 m
Tammy ImageImageImageImageImage m
Diana 13,500 m
Terri ImageImageImageImageImage m
Elton 14,500 m
Roger 15,000 m
Sarah 15,600 m
Bernie 16,028 m
Brett 16,044 m
Christa 16,200 m
Ken H 17,000 m
Marie 17,000 m
Anita 17,895 m
Rivka 18,500 m
Joe 19,763 m
Baz 20,000 m
Image Richard T 21,097 m - woohoo!
Image Robyn 21,097 m - woohoo!
ImageChip 21,714 m
Image Michelle 22,000 m
ImageTony ImageImageImageImageImage m
Image Zander 24,000 m
Image Minnie 24,092 m
Image Ronnie 26,097 m - I see that half marathon in there! way to row!
Image AJ 30,259 m
ImageJerry 33,000 m
ImageJim 33,000 m
ImageJay 38,000 m
Image Cathie 42,195 m - wow! back to back full marathons!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Rumping » January 9th, 2012, 12:53 am

Another ego-post/wall of text:

It's been a good rowing week for me:

Sunday 1/1/2012: New PB on the HM: 1:28:52.0 (Pace: 2:06.3)
Tuesday 1/3/2012: New PB for the 30 minutes: 7,682m (Pace: 1:57.1)
Friday 1/6/2012: New PB for the 10km: 38:52.6 (Pace: 1:56.6)
Sunday 1/8/2012: New PB for the 60 minutes: 15,056m (Pace: 1:59.5)

The HM time can be improved upon rather easily. On my next attempt I'll try and target a pace of 2:02 overall for it. Not sure when that will be, but it'll happen sometime this month I hope. The 30 minute meters can be improved upon too, since I already did that in Friday's row. I do not expect to do much better on the 10km or 60 minutes anytime soon. Then again, who knows. I was targeting 15km this morning thinking that my PB was at almost 15km and I wanted to beat it. Turns out my PB was 14.5km, so I beat it by quite a margin. My pace has been quite a bit better this past week, with my HR taking a little longer to get all the way up.

I'm quite proud of the 10km pace, as well as the 60 minutes pace. The only PBs I haven't tried to beat this past week have been the 2k and the 500m paces mostly because they're too short to have much of an impact in the challenge and if I go for them I'll be so winded that I won't do much for regular meters afterwards. Last time I beat my 2k time I had a sore throat for 2 days from hyperventilated breathing, so not looking forward to that either :). But I can do it. I know it :).

Only thing that bugs me is what seems to be a pinched nerve in my shoulder. My right hand starts going numb after a while when I row nowadays. Not sure what I can do about it. My wife suggests visiting a chiropractor. I don't know.

It also has been a good week since I got most of my new puzzles in (I collect twisty type puzzles, and ask for them for Christmas and my birthday usually. This year I didn't really get any so I ordered a bunch of them right after Christmas). Finally got myself a new Tower of Babel (an old favorite from 1982, but I lost it at some point before I moved to the US), as well as some new favorites in a Curvy Copter cube and a Gear Cube. I managed to finally solve "Peter's Black Hole" on Friday (never really put much time into that puzzle before, but I figured it was time to solve it after not having played with it much since I found it at a flea market 5 years ago).

The hardest part is not spending a fortune and buying all the puzzles I see on eBay and Amazon. There are so many of them available right now, and you never know when a particular model disappears (I had a 4x4x4 wooden snake cube on my wish list for the past year, and suddenly in November it became unavailable and I haven't seen one like it anywhere since then).

And just after my fingers had healed from putting together all my son's Lego sets that he got for Christmas (as well as one of my own), my son discovered that I had a Lego technics Backhoe set still sitting in a box. He kept asking me to put it together this weekend so this afternoon I relented and finished it just before he had to go to bed. It was a big hit.

I still have two sets that I need to build, but they're large. I've got all year though.

One more random thought: We have the oddest winter this year. No snow so far, and mostly beautiful days. Some night frost, but that's about it. Usually in December the grass gets covered and disappears completely for the next 3 months. I'm not complaining! But it's pretty bizarre really. I'm afraid February may just get really nasty.

Well... That's enough for tonight I suppose. Have a great week everyone! Congratulations on the many milestones that have been hit, grandchildren, anniversaries (my 11th is in 2 days), and big scary spiders. Thanks for the update on the various lunar distance awards. I wasn't aware of the top 2 of them, and don't see myself getting those anytime soon. There just isn't enough time in the day.

Alright... Time to attempt to solve Peter's Black Hole one more time and lock it away before my son gets his hands on it yet again, and then off to bed. One week (and a day) of challenge completed, and I'm perfectly on track for my t-shirt by the end of it. :)
Wim (attempting to get back into rowing shape).

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » January 9th, 2012, 1:03 am

Rumping wrote:
Only thing that bugs me is what seems to be a pinched nerve in my shoulder. My right hand starts going numb after a while when I row nowadays. Not sure what I can do about it. My wife suggests visiting a chiropractor. I don't know.
Wowzer, Wim...that was quite an update! Congrats on all the PBs (both rowing and puzzling). I wondered if what happens with numb hands in cycling is similar to what could be going on with you and rowing. Sometimes when a cyclist is tensing the shoulder muscles too much, numbness occurs in the hands. The solution is to consciously relax your shoulders in cycling (since a lot of times when people get tired they tend to kind of hunch the shoulders a bit). It's a thought.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Rumping » January 9th, 2012, 1:41 am

Kona2 wrote:
Rumping wrote:
Only thing that bugs me is what seems to be a pinched nerve in my shoulder. My right hand starts going numb after a while when I row nowadays. Not sure what I can do about it. My wife suggests visiting a chiropractor. I don't know.
Wowzer, Wim...that was quite an update! Congrats on all the PBs (both rowing and puzzling). I wondered if what happens with numb hands in cycling is similar to what could be going on with you and rowing. Sometimes when a cyclist is tensing the shoulder muscles too much, numbness occurs in the hands. The solution is to consciously relax your shoulders in cycling (since a lot of times when people get tired they tend to kind of hunch the shoulders a bit). It's a thought.
It's got something to do with that I think, but that's only partially it, mostly because of how long it takes for the numbness to go away. Unless of course the muscle that pinches the nerve remains tense for hours on end afterwards (this is where the chiropractor/deep tissue massage) could prove useful. Only way to really know is to try I guess. Given that it takes a while into the row for the numbness to start happening tells me that it gets worse as I get tired (which is when my posture/technique goes South too). My physical therapist did warn me to make sure to lock my shoulders while rowing to prevent issues with my shoulders. Haven't seen her for months though so can't ask her now.

And Peter's Black Hole is solved again, with a piece of cardboard jammed into it to prevent it from getting scrambled accidentally. :)
Wim (attempting to get back into rowing shape).

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Virtual Team Challenge: Thru Day 8

Post by Kona2 » January 9th, 2012, 9:22 am

Image 21 or 22 days remaining


1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 13,052,204 270 48,341
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 6,254,549 154 40,614
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 6,137,490 100 61,375
4 Community Rowing, Inc On-Water Club 5,232,270 186 28,130
5 THE ANCIENTS Virtual Club 5,071,665 52 97,532
6 HAVK Mladost On-Water Club 4,034,368 137 29,448
7 RowPro Online Virtual Club 3,497,917 75 46,639
8 ARIEL TOY Virtual Club 3,386,143 47 72,046
9 Riverside On-Water Club 3,378,911 70 48,270
10 Overcoming Disabilities Virtual Club 2,820,759 18 156,709
11 TimbukTWO Virtual Club 2,799,217 58 48,262

Awesome - and inspiring - rowing continues! The average team meters per rower for the Overcoming Disabilities Challenge team has now topped 150,000 m....and their average is being "chased" by at least one other team who also finds their dedication of time and effort in this challenge to be inspirational.

Overcoming Disabilities Virtual Challenge Team:

1 Jim Kielma M 58 300,000
2 Michelle Donavon F 22 253,000
3 Jonathan Lewis M 36 202,307
4 Ronnie Mills F 44 200,191
5 Rosita Delacruz F 36 196,582
6 Zander Fraser M 37 189,597
7 Elton Giogri M 56 189,000
8 Marie Ballantine F 43 185,102
9 Sarah Hallbeck F 31 182,600
10 Christa Krause F 32 180,897
11 Rivka Levitt F 41 180,388
12 Anita Holub F 42 176,445
13 Samuel Johnson M 71 130,694
14 Nataliya Pyatrova F 27 69,663
15 Martin Hayes M 25 61,200
16 Sunny Shiner F 23 49,188
17 Gene Hulsey M 22 47,763
18 Lily Yost F 21 26,142

Total Challenge Meters as of 611 AM MST on 9 January = 2,820,759 m

LUNA-Tics Virtual Challenge Team:

1 Jim (Jay) Kielma Jr. M 38 350,000
2 Cathie Johnson F 29 254,485
3 Jerry Heath M 38 251,500
4 Ron MacBruce M 57 228,838
5 Chris Tudury F 62 168,930
6 Roger Gwinn M 32 168,352
7 Diana Kelly F 43 163,297
8 Robyn Lee F 34 155,389
9 Richard Tessier M 60 155,194
10 Tammy Gwinn F 32 150,574
11 Katerina Mack F 31 141,338
12 Kenny Holliman M 58 141,000
13 A J Tudury M 63 139,643
14 Terri Masters F 51 137,929
15 Harold Janusek M 61 137,021
16 barbara grandberg F 61 133,515
17 Barry O'Malley M 52 126,097
18 David A. Alden M 51 109,459
19 Brett McCrory M 35 108,239
20 Jan Stevenson F 59 107,845
21 Anthony Parendo M 68 105,727
22 Pat Bankes F 65 92,801
23 Mike Gilger M 51 90,959
24 Charles Dykstra M 44 89,542
25 Andrea Cosmin F 54 85,905
26 Bobbie Kielma F 59 82,840
27 Wim Rumping M 41 81,095
28 Kim Woodman M 60 78,511
29 Bernie Svendsen M 53 76,150
30 Greg Halac M 52 75,012
31 Kenneth Guenther M 63 72,269
32 Raoul Huber M 42 71,358
33 Peter Huurman M 38 70,000
34 Steven Larky M 49 66,048
35 Karyn Gallagher F 42 63,676
36 Daniel Cox M 67 56,212
37 Gail Whitelaw F 52 55,000
38 Tristan B M 13 54,255
39 Dennis Dishong M 55 53,542
40 peter verdirame M 57 52,500
41 Jennifer Browning F 47 51,761
42 David Ballard M 46 50,000
43 Jessica Shumake F 34 48,408
44 Ross Drown M 63 47,504
45 Rob Nofziger M 49 47,332
46 Rodrigo Garcia M 34 46,811
47 Eva-Kristin Schuster F 44 45,672
48 David Tangerini M 64 45,000
49 James Garcia M 35 43,497
50 Chuck Eckerson M 55 40,000
51 Rick Carveth M 59 40,000
52 Don Silseth M 59 38,500
53 Will Salach M 55 38,000
54 Ryan Cresawn M 37 37,012
55 Geri Kaye F 55 36,973
56 Tom Malcho M 47 36,703
57 Mike Mulvihill M 51 36,233
58 Tom Eskridge M 47 36,097
59 Philippe Hain M 29 35,064
60 Tim Kenney M 32 33,384
61 Kevin Clark M 46 31,081
62 Bruce Takenaka M 48 27,562
63 Tom McGuire M 59 26,008
64 Marc Habert M 45 24,593
65 Ronda Wilson F 48 24,511
66 Noelle Boyle F 45 24,452
67 Chuck Beasley M 60 24,117
68 David Hunter M 51 21,097
69 Jodi Nelson F 50 21,097
70 Colleen Wright F 51 21,027
71 Doug Miner M 55 21,000
72 martha wiles F 44 21,000
73 Denny Kelly M 41 20,000
74 Will Worthwine M 55 19,434
75 Jennelle DeCoste F 37 18,014
76 Angelo Papadopoulos M 45 17,143
77 Anne Vanuga F 37 15,750
78 Steve Vanuga M 45 15,558
79 Kaylee S F 9 14,812
80 Ashlee S F 6 12,757
81 Kiba Chan F 23 10,000
82 Ethan S M 5 8,872
83 Stanley L Fox II M 52 7,665
84 Lee Major M 25 7,500
85 beverly dellinger F 60 7,500
86 Kevin Nolan M 60 7,000
87 John Longmire M 67 6,212
88 Tom Rosengarth M 57 6,054
89 Richard Miller M 62 5,014
90 AJ Silseth F 58 5,000
91 Louis Volpe M 61 4,387
92 Steven Drews M 42 3,846
93 Sinead D F 11 1,429
94 Mitch Johnson M 56 0
95 matt mcminn M 36 0
96 Mitch Terra Sanitatis Friedland M 52 0
97 Kristine Strasburger F 47 0 - woohoo! The Captain's aboard!
98 Nathan Williamson M 42 0
99 jerri hampton F 64 0
100 Nicole Cauchon F 57 0

Total Challenge Meters as of 618 AM MST on 9 January = 6,137,490 m

You are all amazing teammates!

Have captured numbers - will post remaining stats later in the day! We have much to celebrate !

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » January 9th, 2012, 3:15 pm

Toothdoc wrote:Congrats Roger and Ronnie. Good rowing.

woooo hoooo and congrats from me too..and wow teams...great rowing.......and k2...should be a good game next saturday.....gooooooo pats.....and wim....sending healing thoughts...oh..enjoy your trip k2.....hope i haven't forgotten it too early in my training to claim marathon brain??????

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » January 9th, 2012, 3:29 pm

Rumping wrote:Another ego-post/wall of text:

It's been a good rowing week for me:

Sunday 1/1/2012: New PB on the HM: 1:28:52.0 (Pace: 2:06.3)
Tuesday 1/3/2012: New PB for the 30 minutes: 7,682m (Pace: 1:57.1)
Friday 1/6/2012: New PB for the 10km: 38:52.6 (Pace: 1:56.6)
Sunday 1/8/2012: New PB for the 60 minutes: 15,056m (Pace: 1:59.5)

The HM time can be improved upon rather easily. On my next attempt I'll try and target a pace of 2:02 overall for it. Not sure when that will be, but it'll happen sometime this month I hope. The 30 minute meters can be improved upon too, since I already did that in Friday's row. I do not expect to do much better on the 10km or 60 minutes anytime soon. Then again, who knows. I was targeting 15km this morning thinking that my PB was at almost 15km and I wanted to beat it. Turns out my PB was 14.5km, so I beat it by quite a margin. My pace has been quite a bit better this past week, with my HR taking a little longer to get all the way up.

I'm quite proud of the 10km pace, as well as the 60 minutes pace. The only PBs I haven't tried to beat this past week have been the 2k and the 500m paces mostly because they're too short to have much of an impact in the challenge and if I go for them I'll be so winded that I won't do much for regular meters afterwards. Last time I beat my 2k time I had a sore throat for 2 days from hyperventilated breathing, so not looking forward to that either :). But I can do it. I know it :).

Only thing that bugs me is what seems to be a pinched nerve in my shoulder. My right hand starts going numb after a while when I row nowadays. Not sure what I can do about it. My wife suggests visiting a chiropractor. I don't know.

It also has been a good week since I got most of my new puzzles in (I collect twisty type puzzles, and ask for them for Christmas and my birthday usually. This year I didn't really get any so I ordered a bunch of them right after Christmas). Finally got myself a new Tower of Babel (an old favorite from 1982, but I lost it at some point before I moved to the US), as well as some new favorites in a Curvy Copter cube and a Gear Cube. I managed to finally solve "Peter's Black Hole" on Friday (never really put much time into that puzzle before, but I figured it was time to solve it after not having played with it much since I found it at a flea market 5 years ago).

The hardest part is not spending a fortune and buying all the puzzles I see on eBay and Amazon. There are so many of them available right now, and you never know when a particular model disappears (I had a 4x4x4 wooden snake cube on my wish list for the past year, and suddenly in November it became unavailable and I haven't seen one like it anywhere since then).

And just after my fingers had healed from putting together all my son's Lego sets that he got for Christmas (as well as one of my own), my son discovered that I had a Lego technics Backhoe set still sitting in a box. He kept asking me to put it together this weekend so this afternoon I relented and finished it just before he had to go to bed. It was a big hit.

I still have two sets that I need to build, but they're large. I've got all year though.

One more random thought: We have the oddest winter this year. No snow so far, and mostly beautiful days. Some night frost, but that's about it. Usually in December the grass gets covered and disappears completely for the next 3 months. I'm not complaining! But it's pretty bizarre really. I'm afraid February may just get really nasty.

Well... That's enough for tonight I suppose. Have a great week everyone! Congratulations on the many milestones that have been hit, grandchildren, anniversaries (my 11th is in 2 days), and big scary spiders. Thanks for the update on the various lunar distance awards. I wasn't aware of the top 2 of them, and don't see myself getting those anytime soon. There just isn't enough time in the day.

Alright... Time to attempt to solve Peter's Black Hole one more time and lock it away before my son gets his hands on it yet again, and then off to bed. One week (and a day) of challenge completed, and I'm perfectly on track for my t-shirt by the end of it. :)
Congratulations, that is some good rowing!

And to challenge, awesome rowing team!!

Cheers, BBB
"Those who don't think it can be done shouldn't bother the person doing it..."

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » January 9th, 2012, 3:49 pm

I've been absent from the Team Page and from rowing for a couple of days. My wife, Lyn, teaches Kindergarten and often brings home great stories to share. Last week she brought home a really bad cold to share :roll: I'm edging my way back into it and hope to be contributing more soon :)
Great Job, everyone :!:
glad you're feeling better....i had to laugh...i'm a retired teacher...4-7 years who had severe special needs..... so i understand......

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