CDC Suggested Activty analysis in Logbook

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CDC Suggested Activty analysis in Logbook

Post by carlb » December 15th, 2011, 11:44 am

On the Logbook, the Challenges tab, it shows the Annual Meters Honor Board with "Your Average Daily Meters are: x,xxx"

Suggest add to that "Average Week Meters and Time" e.g. "Your Average Week: 12,345 Meters and 3.25 Hours"

The CDC Suggested Activty for Adults is "75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity every week" with "Even Greater Health Benefits" at 150 minutes/week. ... dults.html

Rowing is normally vigorous, so having the online logbook show average time per week is a nice reminder. It could even add a "Congrats!" at 75 minutes, when less than 75 a reminder and link to CDC guidelines.

Suggest results_rsummary.asp at the bottom below totals show average per week (or month on that view) and include the zero weeks in the calculation. For example: "28 of 32 weeks with activity, 12,345 meters and 1:23 hours average/week"

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Re: CDC Suggested Activty analysis in Logbook

Post by Citroen » December 15th, 2011, 1:13 pm

It's probably a good idea to email about that.

I'd want it as an option since your US CDC rules (75'/week) don't quite match my UK Dept. of Health (150'/week (or 30' per day for 5days/week)) guidelines.

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Re: CDC Suggested Activty analysis in Logbook

Post by carlb » December 15th, 2011, 8:02 pm

Citroen wrote:It's probably a good idea to email about that.
I'd want it as an option since your US CDC rules (75'/week) don't quite match my UK Dept. of Health (150'/week (or 30' per day for 5days/week)) guidelines.
I agree that if the logbook is going to show some success indicator it should allow each user to set a goal time/week in the profile.

Here's a link to your UK guidelines and they are the same as USA saying for Vigorous 75 minutes/week, for Moderate the number is 150 minutes. ... 128145.pdf ... /DH_127931

I was on a cruise recently, an older women on 1 of 2 rowers for 20 minutes seemed to be moving slowwww. Checked the PM later and found she output 14 watts :? Is that moderate?

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Re: CDC Suggested Activty analysis in Logbook

Post by Bob S. » December 15th, 2011, 9:40 pm

carlb wrote:
I was on a cruise recently, an older women on 1 of 2 rowers for 20 minutes seemed to be moving slowwww. Checked the PM later and found she output 14 watts? Is that moderate?
The term "dim bulb" comes to mind - but then she may have been very arthritic. In that case, just the movement may have some benefit.

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Re: CDC Suggested Activty analysis in Logbook

Post by BoB/335 » December 17th, 2011, 5:07 pm

All of this was great stuff! I especially like the UK "printable" pdf's in a single page. I printed one of each FactSheet 3,4,5 to have arond to make copies. I have been on a "preaching" mode and these handouts will be nice to have.

The USA site explains some great details and will be good to have as a reference. All are saved in "my favorites". Thanks for the links!!!

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