LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Whoa....two FOUR million meterers in one morning!!

Post by Kona2 » December 12th, 2011, 4:35 pm


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Cathie, on achieving a FOUR million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Will S, on achieving a FOUR million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!!

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Reindeer #52

Post by Kona2 » December 12th, 2011, 4:41 pm

Wowzer, mates! Will's reindeer has been sprung from the stable...and will be named Stratos in honor of the speed with which all those meters (and meters = donation $$$!) are getting added to the Concept2 donation bundle.

Congratulations, Will S, on completing the 100, 200 and 300 K milestones of the Holiday Challenge !

Image Stratos (Will S)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » December 12th, 2011, 5:15 pm

macbruce1 wrote:Image
She's a millionare :!: Congratulations Katerina :!:
congratulations BBB
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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.11.11

Post by Kona2 » December 12th, 2011, 5:21 pm

Congratulations, Lunies! We've earned OVER one percent of the total donation for Concept2! Yep, sometime yesterday you rowed, rowed, and we flew by that $300 mark!

Image 11 or 12 days to go !!

Image 52

Many thanks to Ron for keeping the stats and forum pages moving along! Always seems like any of our Challenges make the stats fly by on speed dial ! I'm sure Ron had to give up some personal rowing time (a well deserved rest....can't believe you are OVER 600 K meters...and there are other Reindeer right there behind you, too)! AND, somehow, somewhere Ron unearthed the dancing 9....Image ! Takes time to find these number gems! Good man!

Image Concept2 Challenge Donations Earned:

Luna-Tics Team = $312.96 ( 104 % - amazing !)

Concept2 Overall = $ 10,056.62 =
33 percent of goal!!!!

Season meters as of 226/365 = 98,565,432 m

Total meters on the day = 716,765 m

Oars in space (participation) = 37 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

4.7 MM Jay
4.5 MM Ron
3.95 MM Cathie
2.6 MM Jim K
2.5 MM David A
2.15 MM Bernie
1.85 MM AJ
1.7 MM Danno
1.55 MM Richard T
1.35 MM David T
1.15 MM Sam
900 K Terri M
650 K Jeff P
600 K Ken G
150 K Rodrigo-go-go
145 K Kaylee

Image Million Meter Watch:

Jay with (296,803 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch :

Brett with (189,388 m) to go!

Michelle with (119,506 m) to go!

Rosi, Jim, Ronnie, David A.... all in the queue!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Christa with (122,653 m) to go !

AJ with (144,698 m) to go!

Rivka with (147,386 m) to go !

Zander, Ross, Danno -- all in the queue (whoever thought there would be waiting lines for 3 million meters with over one-third of the rowing year remaining!?!!)

Image Million Meter Watch:

Charles B with (29,340 m) to go!

Raoul with (52,727 m) to go!

Chris H with (70,650 m) to go!

Harold with (69,189 m) to go!

Terri M with (98,003 m) to go!

James G "enrage" with (133,482 m) to go!

Dave H with (140,691 m) to go!

Kim (whose goal is ONE million by end of calendar year!) with (162,912 m) to go!

Thanks to all who rowed today ! Hope I got the numbers right...

Ethan 926 m
Image Sunny 1,500 m $2.58
Image Ashlee 2,249 m (great!)
Image Kaylee 2,280 m (if you row this many meters every day until Christmas eve, you will earn the donation!)
Image Marty 4,100 m $3.52
Image Dave H 5,000 m $4.34
Tom M 6,000 m
Image TonyImageImageImageImage m $4.14
Bobbie 7,025 m
Dan E 7,289 m
ImageSarah 8,900 m $7.46
Image Karyn 9,541 m $4.49
Image Terri M 9,560 m $6.74
Image Baz 10,000 m $7.80
Jeff P 10,000 m
Image Ken G 10,000 m $5.60
Jack 10,292 m
Image AJ 10,564 m $6.06
Image Zander 10,800 m $8.27
Image Tammy 10,825 m $6.22
Image Anita 11,000 m $10.84
Image Sam 11,000 m $5.36
Image Ross 11,042 m $3.82
Image Rivka 11,095 m $7.24
Image Rodrigo 11,341 m $2.46
Image Katerina 11,355 m $4.60
David T 11,600 m $2.54
Image Christa 11,601 m $7.20
Image Harold 11,711 m $5.51
Image Ronnie 11,800 m $9.67
Image Rosi 11,800 m $10.16
Image Bernie 12,014 m $4.73
Image bg 12,149 m $7.57
Image Jim 12,678 m $13.04
Image Michelle 12,700 m $12.68
ImageRoger 13,002 m $8.04
Terry B 13,008 m
Mitch J 13,201 m
Image Minnie 14,104 m $7.13
Image Robyn 14,312 m $9.02
ImageBJ 15,075 m $2.35
Andrea 15,547 m
Image Wim 16,565 m :shock: $ 2.79
Image Peter G 18,500 m $3.74
ImageGail 20,500 m $2.02
ImageDavid A 22,757 m $4.54
Image Jay 33,500 m $18.88
Image Danno 34,000 m :shock: :shock: :shock: $8.16
Image Cathie 44,000 m FULL moon distance! $16.17
Image Ron 47,195 m ....a FULL moon and a 5K $22.04
Image Richard T 51,097 mn...woohoo! We've been mooned I think !
Last edited by Kona2 on December 12th, 2011, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Reindeer #53

Post by Kona2 » December 12th, 2011, 5:26 pm

Welcome back, Lily! We're glad to have you - and you've rowed enough meters to free up your reindeer. As soon as you're at the 50K milestone, your donation $$$ will kick in - and the antler lights!!!

Image Calypso (Lily)

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Re: Whoa....two FOUR million meterers in one morning!!

Post by bg » December 12th, 2011, 6:15 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImageImage

Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Cathie, on achieving a FOUR million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Will S, on achieving a FOUR million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!!

congrats and woooo hooooo cathie and will s......

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » December 12th, 2011, 8:00 pm

macbruce1 wrote:Hi Jodi,
Hey, no need to apologize. One of the first things I found out when I joined the Luna-Tics is what a warm and caring group this is. We often share both our joys and our sorrows. It is like having over 100 friends. Someone once said that having a friend doubles your joy and halves your sorrow. We are lucky to have people like you :!:
I hope 2012 is a better year for you :D
I sure am jealous that you have such cute grandchildren. I'm hoping that rowing will help me live long enough to see grandchildren :lol: Our son is 31 and the prospects right now look dim :?
Jodi, sometimes it takes a lot of courage to share your feelings openly, and I’m glad you’ve been able to do it here with your Luna-tic mates!

Like Ron, I’m hoping that rowing, and exercise generally, will see me live long enough to enjoy grand-children, TomO is going on to 12, and I’ve just nudged 52, so fingers crossed, but life is what it is and all we can ever do is ‘live in the moment we are in’.

Cheers, BBB

Ps: Crikey, I just did a calculation on likely timing of grand-kids, seemingly I’ve got a lot of rowing to go yet! :lol:
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » December 12th, 2011, 10:42 pm


I think you will be pleased to know that my daughter said you look too young to have grandchildren.

I agree with others, no need to apologize. This virtual family is a great support system. We have supported each other through the departure of loved ones, illnesses and injuries, and the loss of our own teammates. In addition we celebrated many great athletic accomplishments as well as birth announcements and other wonderful events.

We are glad to have you on board. You are a great addition to the team.


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A Reindeer Triumvirate! # 54, 55, 56...

Post by Kona2 » December 13th, 2011, 11:53 am

They were stealthy....and three reindeer were freed up from the stable in the middle of the night!! Congratulations to Mitch J, Jack, and Greg H on achieving the 100 K milestone and earning their first donation $$$ !!

Image Callisto (Mitch J)

Image Ganymede (Jack)

Image Galileo (Greg H)

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Re: Whoa....two FOUR million meterers in one morning!!

Post by DavidA » December 13th, 2011, 3:51 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImageImage

Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Cathie, on achieving a FOUR million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Will S, on achieving a FOUR million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!!
Woo Hoo!
Congratulations to both Cathie and Will!

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.12.11

Post by Kona2 » December 13th, 2011, 4:08 pm

We are focused ! Congratulations, Lunies! We've now earned 1.2 % of the total donation goal ! Will we make it a 2 % team contribution?! There is still time ! Once you get to the 4 cents per kilometer donation level....wowzer, the $$$ really start adding up! The donation thermometer zoomed up FIVE percent yesterday from all the meter contributions of the Concept2 rowing community. Also noticed that there are now 27,000 rowers in the rowing universe.

Image 10 or 11 days to go !!

Image 56


Image Concept2 Challenge Donations Earned:

Luna-Tics Team = $357.37 ( 119 % of our goal - amazing !)

Concept2 Overall = $ 11,500 =
38 percent of goal!!!!

Season meters as of 227/365 = 99,676,621 m

Total meters on the day = 1,111,189 m

Oars in space (participation) = 41 percent - that's excellent !!!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

4.2 MM Will S
4.0 MM Cathie
2.4 MM Baz
1.85 MM Rivka
1.8 MM Zander
1.7 MM bg
850 K Kim
750 K Dennis
400 K BJ
250 K Tony
200 K Karyn G
120 K Ashlee
100 K Jack

Image Million Meter Watch:

Jay with (274,803 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch :

Brett with (189,388 m) to go!

Michelle with (104,206 m) to go!

Rosi, Jim, Ronnie, David A.... all in the queue!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Christa with (113,740 m) to go !

AJ with (135,890 m) to go!

Rivka with (145,456 m) to go !

Zander, Ross, Danno -- all in the queue (whoever thought there would be waiting lines for 3 million meters with over one-third of the rowing year remaining!?!!)

Image Million Meter Watch:

Charles B with (29,340 m) to go!

Raoul with (52,727 m) to go!

Harold with (62,076 m) to go!

Chris H with (70,650 m) to go!

Terri M with (89,503 m) to go!

Kim with (129,116 m) to go!

Dave H with (130,691 m) to go!

James G "enrage" with (133,482 m) to go!

Thanks to all who rowed today !

Image Ashlee 955 m
Image Kaylee 1,012 m
Image Ethan 1,100 m
Jeff M 1,217 m
Dan E 2,026 m ....reindeer and donation $$$ in 25,366 m !
Bobbie 4,645 m ... reindeer in 7,585 m ....might be today !
Image Marty 4,900 m $3.72
John P 5,000 m
Image Gene 6,000 m $3.12
Image Peter G 6,000 m $3.98
Image David T 6,400 m $2.80
Jodi 6,701 m ...17,381 m to the reindeer and donation level !
Jeff P 6,907 m 37,237 m to the donation level !
ImageSam 7,000 m $5.64
ImageWim 7,000 m $3.07
ImageHarold 7,113 m $5.79
Image Sunny 7,406 m $2.88
Image Sarah 9,000 m $7.82
Image TonyImage ImageImage Image m $4.54
Image Robyn 7,800 m $9.33
ImageTerri M 8,500 m $7.06
Image Anita 8,712 m $ 11.19
Image AJ 8,808 m $6.41 (and the 200K milestone!)
Image Christa 8,913 $7.56

Image Baz 10,000 m $8.20
Image Dave H 10,000 m $4.74
Dennis 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Image Roger 10,090 m $ 8.44
ImageKaterina 10,595 m $5.02
Image Karyn 10,792 m $4.92
Image Zander 10,800 m $8.27
Image Tammy 11,000 m $6.66
Image Ronnie 11,200 m $10.12
Image Rivka 11,930 $7.71
Image bg 12,149 m $7.57
Image Jim 12,000 m $13.52
Image Zander 12,200 m $8.76
Image K2 1Image ImageImageImage m $4.14
Image bg 12,224 m $8.06
Image Greg H 12,503 m $2
Image Ross 12,541 m $ 4.32
Image Michelle 12,700 m $12.68
Image Mitch J 13,153 m $2.42
Mike C 14,000 m ...another 30K frees that reindeer!
ImageJack 14,749 m $2.14
Image Ken G 15,000 m $6.20
Image Kristine 15,000 m $5.80
Image Michelle 15,300 m $ 13.29
Image Rosi 17,500 m $ 10.86
Image Greg C 20,726 $3.71
Kevin N 24,000 m ...just 13,000 m to go!
ImageBJ 31,807 m $3.63
ImageKim 33,796 m $4.97
ImageDavid A 11,564 m $7.00
Dennis 13,481 m
Image Cathie 20,000 m $16.97Image Danno 20,000 $8.96
Image Jay 22,000 m $ 19.76
Image Ron 34,097 m $23.40
Image Lily 143,105 m ...antler lights and donation $$$ in 9,100 more meters

Image Will S 319,500 $ 11.62

tried something a bit different to do a cut and paste...nightmare it there may be duplicates from yesterday...I'm done with it for today....aaaack

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BigBrett58 » December 13th, 2011, 7:39 pm

Hello all! As should come as no shock, I was rather burnt out after the fall challenge. I took it easy for a bit and then started working in some jogging and bike riding while the weather was still tolerable. Work have been crazy for about the last 5 or 6 weeks. I started working quite a bit of overtime. With the exhaustion of long hours, my rowing started dwindling worse and worse until I didn't row a single day last week and only once the week before. I decided enough is enough. This week, I made a commitment to not work extra hours and get back to rowing every day. It's so easy for me to go off in one compulsive direction or another. I need to continue to find the balance point between work, family, my health, and my hobbies.

In other news, a good friend from work decided to get a Concept2 erg after seeing the success I've had with it over the past year. He's had it for a couple/few weeks and is really enjoying it. He's had back problems for awhile, but I don't think he's having any back issues while rowing. I'll get him signed up on the team sometime soon.

That's all for now. I hope all is well here in Luna-Tic land.

PS - Thanks for the T-Shirt Kona!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 13th, 2011, 8:35 pm

Glad you are ok, Brett.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » December 14th, 2011, 2:46 am

BigBrett58 wrote:Hello all! As should come as no shock, I was rather burnt out after the fall challenge. I took it easy for a bit and then started working in some jogging and bike riding while the weather was still tolerable. Work have been crazy for about the last 5 or 6 weeks. I started working quite a bit of overtime. With the exhaustion of long hours, my rowing started dwindling worse and worse until I didn't row a single day last week and only once the week before. I decided enough is enough. This week, I made a commitment to not work extra hours and get back to rowing every day. It's so easy for me to go off in one compulsive direction or another. I need to continue to find the balance point between work, family, my health, and my hobbies.

In other news, a good friend from work decided to get a Concept2 erg after seeing the success I've had with it over the past year. He's had it for a couple/few weeks and is really enjoying it. He's had back problems for awhile, but I don't think he's having any back issues while rowing. I'll get him signed up on the team sometime soon.

That's all for now. I hope all is well here in Luna-Tic land.

PS - Thanks for the T-Shirt Kona!
Glad you're back in the saddle, Brett.
Thanks for sharing your year with us, Jodi. We are glad you found a home with us.
Congrats to all the milestone achievers the past few days. Way to row!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 14th, 2011, 5:03 am

BigBrett58 wrote:Hello all! As should come as no shock, I was rather burnt out after the fall challenge. I took it easy for a bit and then started working in some jogging and bike riding while the weather was still tolerable. Work have been crazy for about the last 5 or 6 weeks. I started working quite a bit of overtime. With the exhaustion of long hours, my rowing started dwindling worse and worse until I didn't row a single day last week and only once the week before. I decided enough is enough. This week, I made a commitment to not work extra hours and get back to rowing every day. It's so easy for me to go off in one compulsive direction or another. I need to continue to find the balance point between work, family, my health, and my hobbies.

In other news, a good friend from work decided to get a Concept2 erg after seeing the success I've had with it over the past year. He's had it for a couple/few weeks and is really enjoying it. He's had back problems for awhile, but I don't think he's having any back issues while rowing. I'll get him signed up on the team sometime soon.

That's all for now. I hope all is well here in Luna-Tic land.

PS - Thanks for the T-Shirt Kona!
welcome back from me too....

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