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[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » October 11th, 2005, 9:26 pm

Yay, Susan! <br /><br />Keep it up, girl! Just promise yourself to do at least 10 minutes, then I'll bet that once you get on the rower, you'll be inspired to keep on rowing for a longer time. <br /><br />Depression can be such a baffling thing, hey? It's not just a matter of being able to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get going." Lots of folks just have faulty neurochemistry that needs adjusting with medication--sorta like an underactive thyroid that needs thryoid medication. And sometimes depression is due to what I call the "jerk factor," and I think you can imagine what that is. Jerks are, well, jerks. <br /><br />I'm such a procrastinator, but once I get on the C2 beastie, I'm soooo glad I did. I always feel so much better afterwards (gotta love those endorphins!) that I can't fathom why it was so hard to get started. And then the next day, I do it again. On days when I work, it's actually easier to get up and get going on the rower in the a.m. I have to get up at 4:30 or 5:00a to row, and because I'm under a time crunch, I can get going without too much dawdling. I seem to do my best work under pressure! <br /><br />I didn't start a faithful exercise program until last November when the hubba got his Schwinn Airdyne. We acquired our rower in mid-May, and I've been keeping up pretty well since then. Fell off the wagon a couple of times, but that was due to having to make some out-of-state trips. So I'm about to celebrate my first year of healthier choices! And I feel SO much better. Now I think I'm a tad addicted to exercise, but what the heck. That helps to balance out the chocolate addiction, yes? <br /><br />A good aerobic workout will make those endorphins start hopping around in your system. You probably know this already, but those good ol' endorphins are great mood elevators! They're kinda like having your own built-in antidepressant. <br /><br />Anyway, I'll join Buffle in welcoming ya's to DIAR, Susan! Keep us posted on how you're doing.<br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] edollar
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Post by [old] edollar » October 11th, 2005, 9:32 pm

I have looked forward to this day for a long time. I got ONE MILLION METERS today and have 7,645 meters toward my second million. I knew it would feel good but I just didn't realize how good it would feel until I saw the total cumulative meters say 1,000,145 meters after I did a 2500 meter row this afternoon. It just looked terrific. Just wanted to say how much belonging to DIAR means and the honor board where I just keep trying to work up to the next page all the time. Truly appreciate Concept2 for having this wonderful website where we can all inspire each other. Love the competition with Shannon who keeps me rowing. <br /><br />Ellen

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » October 11th, 2005, 9:42 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-CookieMonster+Oct 2 2005, 09:31 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(CookieMonster @ Oct 2 2005, 09:31 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hey Jen!<br /><br />Yep I was able to avoid surgery  <br /><br />When I'm stressed I eat major junk food - pizza, ice cream, pizza, cookies, pizza, did I mention pizza?  But when I'm extremely stressed I go the exact opposite and stop eating entirely because my stomach gets so upset. Right now I'm somewhere inbetween...I'm having to tell myself to make sure I eat, but when I do eat I want comfort food! <br /><br />Comfort rowing. Now there's a novel idea!  <br /><br />-Anne <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hey there, Cookie Monster!<br /><br />How's your "comfort rowing" doing? <br /><br />When I'm stressed, I eat. When I'm really stressed, I eat MORE! Aaaarrrgggh! <br /> <br /><br />And like you, I do like my comfort foods--chocolate anything, homemade chicken and noodles on mashed taters, pork roast and baked acorn squash, homemade oatmeal bread with butter and cherry preserves...any of those things individually or all at once. I'm not picky. <br /><br />I just got home from work and haven't had dinner yet, can ya tell? Long day, complete with couple of "train wrecks." I need to hop on that rower and work off some stress and frustration. <br /><br />Ah, endorphins, take me away.... <br /><br />--Jen

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » October 11th, 2005, 10:05 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-edollar+Oct 11 2005, 09:32 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(edollar @ Oct 11 2005, 09:32 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I have looked forward to this day for a long time. I got ONE MILLION METERS today and have 7,645 meters toward my second million. I knew it would feel good but I just didn't realize how good it would feel until I saw the total cumulative meters say 1,000,145 meters after I did a 2500 meter row this afternoon. It just looked terrific. Just wanted to say how much belonging to DIAR means and the honor board where I just keep trying to work up to the next page all the time. Truly appreciate Concept2 for having this wonderful website where we can all inspire each other. Love the competition with Shannon who keeps me rowing. <br /><br />Ellen <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Wow, Ellen, congrats! You have every right to feel good about that accomplishment, that's 621.4612911 miles you rowed!! (I just checked it on, it's the nerd in me, I can't help it). <br /><br />I'm on my way there myself, so I'll be trying to catch up with ya. <br /><br />WTG, ya did good, girl.<br /><br />What are you going to do to celebrate?<br /><br />--jen

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » October 11th, 2005, 11:54 pm

Ellen -- Woo Hoo! Way to go!<br />Jen -- Too bad Indiana and Wisconsin are so far apart. I'm ready to come to your house to eat. Especially the chicken and noodles on mashed potatoes! (Thanks for the encouragement.)<br />Buffle -- You are right. I have been reading through the posts and it is amazing how much ducks in various walks of life have in common. <br /><br />Susan<br />

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » October 12th, 2005, 7:41 am

<br /><br />Congratulations Ellen!!<br /><br />Who would have thought that a number could mean so much to us? Great job! Just wait until you get your shirt!! Wear it with pride!<br /><br />Go Ducks!<br /><br />Ye Olde Buffle

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » November 12th, 2005, 5:39 am

Thread rescue.................. just thought I'd bring this back to the top .... <br /><br />Hiya girls just a quack paddle ggg .. I am fine training is going well so fingers crossed for a good race at Birc next week .<br /><br />can't get over how many members you have now cool.... and a big scream for girl power<br /><br /> Speak soon <br /><br /> Carole Mac xxxx

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » November 13th, 2005, 10:24 am

Hey guys! The monster is still here! <br /><br />Life's been a little hectic lately between work and school (I'm in college at night, gotta finish that degree!) and family stuff. But I've been fitting in time here and there to row! I admit I need to get back into a regular routine though, I haven't done it regularly at all. <br /><br />How's everyone doing? Getting ready for the holidays? We're coming into my most challenging time of the year diet and exercise wise. Between the parties and giant dinners and tempting treats at every turn, it'll be a miracle if I don't gain ten pounds!<br /><br />Take care everyone... <br /><br />Anne

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » November 16th, 2005, 6:15 pm

Hey CookieMonster!<br /><br />Glad to see ya back, and I hope all is going well for you!<br /><br />If you want a REAL challenge (like you don't have enough going on already), wanna join us in the C2 Holiday Challenge?? It's a fun way to rack up some meters on the rower and help to ward off the effects of all of those holiday calories. I think you can go for either 100,000 or 200,000 meters between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. (And I don't know why you couldn't set whatever goal you want )I'm not sure of the exact dates, but I'm sure it's posted somewhere on the C2 website.<br /><br />So, what IS your favorite holiday cookie, CookieMonster??? My favorite is, get this, Monster Cookies. Sounds like something a CookieMonster would like, hey? Every year, I make this huge batch of the things and freeze them. They make some great, quick gifts. It has 18 cups of oatmeal, a dozen eggs, 3# peanut butter....<br /><br />--Jen

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » November 18th, 2005, 10:59 pm

Hey Jen!<br /><br />I'll have to look around for that challenge... it may be just what I need to get me through the holidays and back on track!<br /><br />I am a Christmas cookie addict! Every year I have a cookie baking day with friends. It's at my house this year, on 12/10. Everyone shows up around 10am and we start baking like crazy women! It's so much fun! I'm a very traditional cookie kind of girl. Homemade of course, not that stuff in a roll. Chocolate chip, sugar cut out cookies with pretty icing, and my all time favorite... ready for this... the "boob cookie"!!! It's the peanut butter ones with the Hershey kiss in the middle. Many years ago my younger cousin came into the *** DELETE - SPAM *** when we were baking those cookies and saw them spread out on the table and yelled "They look like boobies!" It was hysterical and we've never called them anything else since!<br /><br />I had a birthday this week, on the 16th. 38.... 40 is closing in on me pretty fast! I'm not happy about the thought of turning 40. But, it's only 2 years away and my ultimate goal is to get in shape and look better than I've ever looked on my 40th birthday! My husband won't know what to do! <br /><br />Have a great weekend gang... <br /><br />Anne

[old] Jemima
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Post by [old] Jemima » November 19th, 2005, 9:28 pm

Who here is planning on doing the holiday challenge? I think I will. To get the 200,000 it's 6452m a day. I take one day off a week, so it will be 7407m a day for me. I'm currently rowing 4000-6000 a day, so I'm going to take the challenge. I'm wondering who else is going to do it? I'm also wondering if I should aim at 10,000 a day in case I have unexpected days off. For those who have done challenges like this before, do you have any advice?<br /><br />The ducks have dropped to 8th place we are only 350,366m behind. If every member here were to row an extra 4000 it would put us back in 7th place.<br /><br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » November 20th, 2005, 11:54 am

Hey Jemima!<br /><br />I'm in, because I want one of those C2 sweatshirts for $20. That means I hafta do the 200k, but I should be able to do that. And since I've made a public committment, well, now I'm committed, hey? <br /><br />I'm going to aim for 50k/week. I want to do one (maybe 2??) half marathons, just to work on my endurance factor a tad. Otherwise, I try to get at least 8,000m per session. However, on days when I have long clinic days, I usually only get anywhere from 3,000-6,000 in the a.m. Depends on how much I procrastinate about getting up. I have to get up pretty early, because I have to hit the road for some of my rural clinics by 6-6:30am, earlier when the roads are bad (up here in N. WI). And sometimes because of that too, I get home a tad late in the evening, so it's hard to row then as well. Other days, however, I can do 10-12k to try to make up for those short workouts. Sometimes I get to row twice in a day.<br /><br />So keep posting your progress, Jemima! The really nice thing about these forums is what a great support they can be. I'm just hoping I don't get a rotten cold or flu or something that can really sideline me. <br /><br />Anyone going to be rowing on Thanksgiving Day??<br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » November 20th, 2005, 12:10 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-CookieMonster+Nov 18 2005, 10:59 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(CookieMonster @ Nov 18 2005, 10:59 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hey Jen!<br /><br />I'll have to look around for that challenge... it may be just what I need to get me through the holidays and back on track!<br /><br />I am a Christmas cookie addict!  Every year I have a cookie baking day with friends. It's at my house this year, on 12/10. Everyone shows up around 10am and we start baking like crazy women! It's so much fun! I'm a very traditional cookie kind of girl. Homemade of course, not that stuff in a roll. Chocolate chip, sugar cut out cookies with pretty icing, and my all time favorite... ready for this... the "boob cookie"!!!  It's the peanut butter ones with the Hershey kiss in the middle. Many years ago my younger cousin came into the *** DELETE - SPAM *** when we were baking those cookies and saw them spread out on the table and yelled "They look like boobies!" It was hysterical and we've never called them anything else since!<br /><br />I had a birthday this week, on the 16th. 38.... 40 is closing in on me pretty fast! I'm not happy about the thought of turning 40. But, it's only 2 years away and my ultimate goal is to get in shape and look better than I've ever looked on my 40th birthday! My husband won't know what to do!  <br /><br />Have a great weekend gang... <br /><br />Anne <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COOKIE MONSTER!<br /><br />Hope it was a good week for ya, Anne! Don't feel bad, I've got 10 years up on ya's. I just turned 48 early October. Happily, I don't feel that Almost exactly a year ago it was a different story, however. Losing 37 pounds this last year and working on a fitness level has made me feel like a new person, and I think that effect is what's gotten me addicted to my erg. Just knowing how much easier even little everyday tasks are now has motivated me to never go back to that "old me" again! Still got a chunk of weight to lose, but we'll get there. Took me awhile to get this bad, so to do it right, it's gonna take awhile to fix it, hey? <br /><br />So in your honor, I made Monster Cookies yesterday! And I like your cookie story! Reminds me of the time when I worked in a bakery, and we had to do some creative things with cupcakes for some special orders.... I'll leave that one up to everyone's imagination. <br /><br />So again, happy b-day and have fun with your cookie event on 12/10! <br /><br />Wow, ducks dropped again to 8th place, so we gotta get going again, hey? Maybe this holiday challenge will help. And there's nothing wrong with 8th place either, as long as we're happy and healthy, right? So off I go for my Sunday rowing--gotta work off those cookies from yesterday!<br /><br />--Jen from WI

[old] blue dog fan
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Post by [old] blue dog fan » November 23rd, 2005, 4:00 pm

Hi everyone<br />I'm brand new (to both forum and c2)<br />Started using c2 on 16th of this month - so just thought I would join ducks to give me some motivation.

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » November 23rd, 2005, 4:10 pm

Hello and Welcome, Blue Dog Fan!<br /><br />The Ducks are a great group. And you'll find lots of supportive motivation from some really nice folks on these forums, too. C2 has a great website and wonderful customer support. The UK C2 site has lots of good fitness info as well. <br /><br />Do you have any goals for you and your rower?<br /><br />I just hit my first million meters today, so I am PUMPED. I rowed over 17k today, so I also have a bit of a sore bottom. I've been wanting one of those free t-shirts. I just got my rower this last May, and I couldn't fathom a million meters, but it happened! I've lost 40# in the last year, but I got about 50 more to go. And now...the holidays are coming up, aaarrrggghh! I'm hoping the C2 Holiday Challenge will help me ward off evil spirits (aka "calories"). And I want one of the HC sweatshirts, too!<br /><br />Again, welcome to the Duck Pond, and have a great, safe holiday!<br /><br />--Jen in WI
