The Duck Pond

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[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » September 28th, 2005, 8:39 am

Just checking in quickly - have had an enforced break from rowing due to a complete rewire of the house (all floorboards up, loads of dust and mess) and decoration. The rower was consigned to a shed on 31 August! I am restoring it to its proper place this afternoon so will be adding more metres from today onwards. <br /><br />I can't believe that KathiS is off - good luck to you - you have been a fantastic inspiration to us all. I look forward to hearing from you on the forum.<br /><br />I havn' t dared look at my logbook yet - I'll just have a quick peep Hmm not as bad as I thought but I've a way to go before I catch up with SirRobin. The hard work starts today <br /><br />Great to be back

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » September 28th, 2005, 11:13 am

Oh darn, and I thought I was doing so well to be catching up with ya! <br /><br />Naw, glad you'll be back at it, Jenny. I'll enjoy trying to "chase" you in the stats. These C2s are addicting, hey? <br /><br />I had to miss most of this last week because of a trip to see the in-laws in another state. My MIL has Alzheimer's, and methinks we'll be needing to make more trips in the future. She's tanking pretty quickly now, unfortunately. And her husband is doing as well as he can to take care of her, but they're both in their early 80's. We're trying to convince him about the benefits of assisted living, or perhaps moving up to Wisconsin by us. I'm a nurse practitioner, so I think a lot of the responsibility will be landing on my lap, but that's okay. It'll just be a tad stressful, trying to meet the needs and expectations of all involved. <br /><br />I might have to figure out a way to take my C2 with me to Illinois next time--it's a great stress reliever!<br /><br />Speaking of stress, you had some in your household with everything torn up like that! I know how disruptive it was just to re-do our *** DELETE - SPAM ***, let alone the whole house. You probably feel like you have a new house though by now!<br /><br />Happy rowing!<br /><br />--the other Jenny<br /><br />

[old] DavidA
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Post by [old] DavidA » September 28th, 2005, 1:39 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-billandmargaret+Sep 28 2005, 12:38 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(billandmargaret @ Sep 28 2005, 12:38 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> After a week of frustration (not enough time to row, poison oak eruptions, my kids having multiple meltdowns, etc.), today was the day to take care of myself.  So I climbed back on my rowing machine to accomplish something to be proud of.  I rowed 2 new pbs, 500m and 60 minutes, and enough other meters over the day to add up to a half marathon, my monthly goal since there aren't many days left in September.<br /><br />Don't think I can top my 60 minute pb anytime soon.  I was really huffing and puffing for the last 10 minutes, but determined not to miss my goal pace after getting that far.  I made it to 13km for the first time.  On the 500m, my legs couldn't seem to pump harder, but that's easier to try again than another grueling 60 minutes.  (Hey-where's the icon for panting?).<br /><br />My kids weren't too impressed, so thought I'd brag here!<br /><br />Margaret <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I hope you ladies don't mind, but I like to read many of the threads... Congratulations Margaret!!! <br />It is always nice to break a big new barrier like the 13 km in an hour! 2 PBs in one day also, a sprint and an endurance row - way to go! <br /><br />David

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » October 1st, 2005, 11:13 am

Well I'm getting back into my rowing routine and it feels good! My health is slowly returning to normal which makes me very happy.<br /><br />I'm having some family health issues (father and brother) which are really stressing me out so I'm trying to channel that stress into my rowing to work it out. <br /><br />I have lost 10 lbs though and did not re-gain a single pound of it while I wasn't feeling well so I feel very good about that!<br /><br />Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!<br /><br />Cookie

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » October 1st, 2005, 10:53 pm

Hey Cookie Monster!<br /><br />Glad you're back and things are tracking in a more positive direction for you. Sounds like you avoided having surgery, I take it? Hope so.<br /><br />So we'll be watching your meters climb on the team page, hey? <br /><br />I've traded rowing for eating when it comes to dealing with stress. It's a much better way to go, but those chocolate things just sneak right in there every once in awhile. <br /><br />Hang in there!<br /><br />--jen

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » October 2nd, 2005, 9:31 am

Hey Jen!<br /><br />Yep I was able to avoid surgery <br /><br />When I'm stressed I eat major junk food - pizza, ice cream, pizza, cookies, pizza, did I mention pizza? But when I'm extremely stressed I go the exact opposite and stop eating entirely because my stomach gets so upset. Right now I'm somewhere inbetween...I'm having to tell myself to make sure I eat, but when I do eat I want comfort food! <br /><br />Comfort rowing. Now there's a novel idea! <br /><br />-Anne

[old] judyg
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Post by [old] judyg » October 3rd, 2005, 11:41 am

Hi Fellow Ducks,<br />I've been contributing meters, but I'm afraid I haven't contributed much to the conversation in a long while. Life just gets so busy. But every so often I check in and it's great to read what you are all up to.<br />Here at Concept2 we are working on our Fall newsletter, and we want to include a story about The Ducks! The idea is to introduce a couple of our amazing virtual teams - probably the Ancient Mariners (because they started the whole thing), the Ducks, and maybe one more. We'd like to talk about how the groups got started and then include some quotes about what it means to be part of a virtual team, as well as some photos of members. <br />First, I wanted to be sure you guys would be OK with this. Let me know. Second, if you're OK with it, I'd like to invite you to try to summarize in just a sentence or two what it means to you to be a Duck. You can either post it here, or e-mail it to me at We envision including a collection of photos of Ducks with the if you have any preferably high-res digital photos, it would be terrific if you would send them along, too.<br />Let me know what you think and keep up the great rowing.<br />It's a beautiful Fall day up here in VT...a little on the warm side for October, and the colors are a little late in coming out - but it's lovely. A great day to pull the rower outside!<br />Judy

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » October 4th, 2005, 11:17 am

Hi, Judy!<br /><br />I think it would be an honor to have an article about the Ducks in the fall newsletter. IMHO, I think this is a great group! I've learned a lot from the wonderful members of the Ducks and other contributors to the C2 forums.<br /><br />I can't tell you what an inspiration and support the Ducks have been for me. I love hearing the stories, the trials, the successes, etc. that the other women in this group have to tell about. Because many of the Ducks are experiencing the same things in their lives, the stories create a great comraderie and true team spirit. I feel that it's all a very positive thing that keeps building on itself--kinda/sorta "what goes around, comes around." And I think that's pretty amazing considering most of us have never even met or seen each other in person!<br /><br />Go Ducks!<br /><br />--Jen<br /><br />

[old] rspenger
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Post by [old] rspenger » October 4th, 2005, 11:45 am

Warning to the Duck Pond. The zippered sternum gang is closing in on you (if I am back on keel and can stay there). Not in total meters of course, but in meters per member.<br /><br />regards,<br /><br />Bob S.<br />Member, Row Hearty

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » October 4th, 2005, 1:11 pm

Judy,<br /><br />I think that it would be great to have a mention of Ducks in a Row in the newsletter!<br /><br />Joining Ducks in a Row was what got me to start using my rowing machine more regularly. I have lost 13 pounds since then and have improved all my rankings so much! I am training partners with three members of DIAR, two of whom I correspond with almost daily. Our entire family is involved with virtual teams, the females with the Ducks and the males with The Eh Team. We like to have a little friendly banter about which team is best! Of course the answer is obvious - it's the Ducks!<br /><br />Shannon

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » October 4th, 2005, 4:48 pm

Hey - Great Idea, Judy!<br /><br />Being a member of the Ducks has meant a lot to me. I expect all of us have lots of stories to tell!! I rarely miss a day checking up on the Ducks just to see how everyone is doing. Even when I'm not rowing as much as I'd like to be, I find that the stories out there give me the extra push I need. It's not the competition against other teams that makes the difference for me. (Okay, well maybe that does push me a little, too! ) For me it's the idea of communicating with so many other women out there from all over the world with similar goals.<br /><br />I'll email you later (when I get a little more time) to throw in my two cents worth on how the whole thing started.<br /><br />Thanks for thinking of us!<br /><br />The Buffle

[old] judyg
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Post by [old] judyg » October 5th, 2005, 10:58 am

Buffle, Shannon, Jen,<br />I'm glad you like the idea of the newsletter story! And thanks for the great "statements about being a Duck" that you have posted. They're terrific fuel for the story. Bufflehead, it would be wonderful if you would e-mail me some more info about how DIAR got started. I'll look forward to it. I got a great photo from Krysta, too. Thanks, Krysta. If anyone else has photos, please don't hesitate to send them along. I don't yet know exactly how many I'll be able to include, but for now the more the merrier.<br />And now it's time for me to take a break from writing and head to the C2 workout room to row some meters!<br />Happy Rowing Ducks!<br />Judy

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » October 11th, 2005, 1:22 am

I started rowing the day before Thanksgiving 2004. I was able to complete 101K in the HC. I have had problems with my feet and although I couldn't stand or walk for long periods of time, I could row for 45 minutes without aggravating my feet. I enjoyed rowing and did so consistently until March when I had surgery on both feet. Eight weeks in bed eating comfort food and I gained back all I lost. (Good news, much less foot pain, and I am much more mobile!) <br /><br />Started a new STRESSFUL job in June and battling depression (yes, I am getting help) and I just don’t “feel” like I have the energy to do anything, least of all rowing. <br /><br />I know exercising will help with the stress and depression (and energy) but … (insert excuse here.)<br /><br />Glad I found ducks in a row. I commit to rowing tomorrow (Tue10/11) hopefully before work. If not, before supper.<br /><br />Susan

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » October 11th, 2005, 5:40 am

Hi Susan!<br />We're glad you found DIAR too! You've come to the right place to find that extra push you need. I'm no stranger to the "issues" that can make great excuses for avoiding exercise. I still struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.<br /><br />Hang in there and let us know how you're doing. How about a few updates from some of you other Ducks out there? You never know when something you have to say is just the very thing one of the other Ducks needs to hear!<br /><br />The Buffle

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » October 11th, 2005, 1:55 pm

I did it. Not this morning. But I went home for lunch and got in 2000 m.<br />One day at a time. Tomorrow--I promise to do it again <br />Susan
