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[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » August 3rd, 2005, 8:31 am

Hi - For Gaby's results follow the following link (I think - I have never done this before!!) <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and look for the U23 results from Amsterdam. Looking forward to Gaby telling us all about her experience.<br /><br />I am having a bit of a quiet time on the rowing front at the moment. Just got back from a week's holiday in France with Martin and the boys, and our house is being redecorated/re-wired at the moment, so the rowing machine is under a dust-cover to keep it safe. If the weather improves I'll drag it outside and try to get some metres in later on today.<br /><br />Great rowing from the girls at the top of the team ranking!! Hope to be back with you soon.<br /><br />Jenny

[old] la_flaca
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Post by [old] la_flaca » August 3rd, 2005, 1:27 pm

Hi Ducks!, I´m back!!. Last monday I arrived home!. <br /><br />Well, in Amsterdam, I got the 10th place!, It was an amazing experience!, all the regattas were very hard, the final B day was terrific!, all along the 2000 meter four of the six girls there were fighting for the 8th place (second in final . Unfortunally, I entered in 4th place, 0.48 seg begin the 3rt and 2.10 seg begin the 2nd!! we finished real close.<br /><br />I´m really happy with my performance, I gave all I had in my body at that moment!... that was the best I could done. Let´s see what happends next year muaa jajaaa!! I´m planning in going back and in better shape for making a better place.<br /><br />If you wanna see some pictures, you can enter my personal web: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> <br /><br />We had time for a ride in Rome!... we had to wait over 5 hour in the aeroport for taking the plane to Amsterdam!, there´re some pictures of the ride je je. Hope you enjoy them!!<br /><br />Well girls, now, I´m on vacations, but next monday I´m rowing back!. <br />See ya around!

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » August 3rd, 2005, 2:45 pm

well done Gabby .....we are all so proud of you ...

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » August 7th, 2005, 3:34 pm

YAHOO!!!! <br /><br />I am finally ordering my very own new C2 Rower and Row Pro today! No more rowing at the gym with an impatient baby in her carseat beside me. Now, I have no excuse not to try a marathon and get those 100 bonus Nonathalon points.<br /><br />- Swamp Hen

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » August 7th, 2005, 11:51 pm

<br />Congratulations on the getting yourself a model D Krysta!<br /><br />I'm a bit jealous about the Row Pro. I was so busy one time last week looking at all the options for Row Pro that I let our supper burn! The kids couldn't believe their good fortune when we ended up having to eat nachos for supper! <br /><br />Shannon

[old] la_flaca
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Post by [old] la_flaca » August 12th, 2005, 12:09 pm

Hi Ducks!, I´m back!, last monday i went back to my loving river!, so I started loggin meters again!. <br /><br />Today, I realised that I reach my second millon meters! <br /><br />Well, I´ve seen a lot of people happy here!, lots of beaten goals and new equipment for someones!, I´m really happy for all of you girls!, I hope the pond keep this way for ever! . <br /><br />Anyway, I just loged in to see how you´re doing... keep erging!.<br /><br />Gaby.

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » August 13th, 2005, 10:40 pm

Wow, everyone seems to be doing a great job!<br /><br />Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. I've been keeping overly busy this summer, which has take a substantial toll on the meters I've been able to row and the time that I have had to read the forum!<br /><br />At the beginning of July our family went to Virginia for ten days to visit my husband's brother and their family. We spent some time on the river and did some tubing and kayaking. The kids did some water skiing. Most of all we all just had fun. <br /><br />On the day before we returned home from Virginia, I came down with a terrible cold which lasted for more than a week. Not only was I not able to erg, but I had to miss another full week of our water rowing classes. <br /><br />I had just barely recovered from the cold when it was time for our family to go on our Lake Powell houseboat trip for one week. (an incredible vacation, I would recommend for anyone!). The whole time we were there the temperate was 106-107 degrees, but it was one of the best vacations we'd ever had. <br /><br />Upon returning from Lake Powell, I would have like nothing more than to jump right back into my old workout schedule, but sometimes things just don't work out the way we hope they will. Taking more than three weeks off from working out had taken its toll on me and I was really surprised when I got back on the erg the first time how poorly I performed. For the last several weeks my work schedule was absolutely crazy as I was covering for the girls' vacations who had covered for mine. Working double shifts several times a week, getting up at 4:30 am, three times a week to do our water rowing classes and just trying to keep up with the life itself, put yet another dent in my erging time. <br /><br />Next week is the last week of my double shifts and covering for vacations, so with any luck things will get back to normal. <br /><br />I absolutely love the water rowing. When we leave the house in the morning it is still dark and the sun is just barely coming up as we are carrying the boat down to the dock. The veterens tell us that in September and October it is pitch black when they row and they have to put lights on the boats to see. I am also told that often it is so cold that there is ice on the docks. I will find out for myself first hand as I am definitely going to keep rowing in September and October and will start rowing with the competitive group in hopes of rowing in the Chatanooga head race in November!!<br /><br />Hopefully I will have more time to keep in touch here, as I have really missed all the motivation the Ducks have provided. If it weren't for the Ducks and this forum, I would have never discovered water rowing!<br /><br />Kathi

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 14th, 2005, 3:54 pm

Hi everyone!<br /><br />KathiS, I gotta say, you have been a great inspiration for me. I have a 90# weight loss I need to do, but I've hit 35 this last week. I've averaged out to just about a pound/week since I've been seriously working on it. I'm not breaking any speed records with the weight loss, but it's been relatively painless, and I figure this is the best way to maintain it. And I *feel* so much better!! <br /><br />I'm erging, using my NordicTrack Pro skier, and a Scwhinn AirDyne Comp. The rower is definitely my favorite, and the C2 forums and the DIAR team have given me great motivation. It seems like there are about 3 or 4 of us who keep "leap-frogging" each other in the team standings. I have a bit of a competitive streak in me, and this has been helping me tremendously to keep up on the meters--can't get lazy around this group! Love ya, ducks!<br /><br />I, too, lost out on over a week of rowing when I had to go to the in-laws' to help with their house. My MIL has Alzheimer's Disease, and her husband just doesn't have the capability to care for her properly (like watching her take her pills so she doesn't hoard them all over her bedroom--like what I found <sigh>). Ah, but I digress.... Anyway, I could sure tell a difference with being gone only one flippin' week!!<br /><br />There are a lot of great stories out there, and my hat's off to my DIAR teammates!<br /><br />Go Ducks!<br />--Jenny in WI

[old] short4ever1
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Post by [old] short4ever1 » August 17th, 2005, 5:56 pm

Hi everyone...i just thought i'd stop and say hi...i just started rowing a month ago...i love it and was very happy to find this group<br />hope everyone has a good day

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » August 23rd, 2005, 7:05 pm

Hi everyone,<br /><br /><br />I'm brand new to this forum - just registered about 5 minutes ago! My husband has one of these rowing machines and absolutely loves it (he's in fantastic shape) and I've tried it a time or two but never gave it an honest chance. So now here I am, very overweight and miserable with my appearance and lack of energy and am ready to give this a fair shot. After all, we've got the machine right here in our home so there's really no excuse right?! <br /><br />I've been reading around these forums a bit and this particular group sounds very supportive - just what I need! I'm hoping to find some good support and encouragement here as I start on my rowing journey. <br /><br />Well, I'm signing off now and going to do my first workout - wish me luck!<br /><br />Take care,<br /><br />Anne (CookieMonster)

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » August 23rd, 2005, 7:39 pm

Welcome aboard, Anne!<br /><br />Let us know how these first few rows go. Hopefully you will get addicted like the rest of us. It's great that your husband rows too - you've got someone to help you with it. And, for further motivation and support, there's lots of friendly people on this forum and the others. I am pretty new to rowing still too (June), but I am having a blast. Take care, and happy erging!<br /><br />- Swamp Hen

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » August 23rd, 2005, 9:56 pm

Wow that was fun!! I only did 15 minutes at a medium pace - didn't want to do something wrong and hurt myself the first time out! I felt it in my thighs. My husband showed me how to do it right so I won't hurt my back. I'm very lucky to have him, he's the best coach I could have asked for! <br /><br />My goal right now is to do 3 times a week. This week I want to work up to 30 minutes - I started at 15 today so it shouldn't be hard, I'll just add 5 minutes to my time as I go. As my husband always says, "slow and steady wins the race"! <br /><br />Thanks for the word of support Krysta - I think I'll check out the other forums too for some tips!<br /><br />Have a great night!<br /><br />CookieMonster

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 24th, 2005, 12:15 am

Howdy, Anne!<br /><br />If you haven't already joined a C2 rowing group, "Ducks in a Row," will certainly welcome you to the Pond! There's nothing punitive about being a member of a rowing group on C2--your meters that you row will simply get added to the team total--the more people we get, the more meters we get as a team total. If you don't row very much, it doesn't detract in any way--it's all a positive thing. But I think once you get on there, it's good for inspiration to row more meters and more often. And like Swamp Hen/Krysta said, this C2 rower is ADDICTING. I got mine in mid-May, and I just love the beastie.<br /><br />Some of the other folks on here can give you more info if I screw this up, but I think you just sign up for the Ducks in a Row team and set up your personal log book. When you log your meters each time you row, your personal totals get automatically added to the team totals. Totally cool website that C2 has.<br /><br />And C2 also has all of these great challenges to motivate and inspire--check out the website for them. I'm working on rowing a million meters so I get the free t-shirt. I've never wanted a dang t-shirt so badly in my life! <br /><br />Stick with it long enough to where you can really tell that you FEEL better, like I did when I went up the stairs and realized I was only slightly wheezing, not falling down on the floor gasping for breath like I used to. The reality of that great feeling will whap you up the side of the head, and then you are HOOKED! "KathiS" and some other folks are great inspirations for me, and the folks on these forums have been incredible with sharing their knowledge and stories.<br /><br />Hang in there, you won't regret it...and you're worth it!<br /><br />--Woolsmith (Jenny from WI)

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » August 24th, 2005, 8:07 am

Hi Jenny - thanks for the welcome! <br /><br />Okay, I just signed up for my personal log book and the Ducks in a Row team - yay! So now when I update my log with my rowed meters/time, does it automatically go to the team total or do I need to also put it somewhere else?<br /><br />I woke up this morning feeling very positive about things and can't wait to get into a program!!!<br /><br />Have a great day!<br /><br />CookieMonster (Anne)

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 24th, 2005, 12:41 pm

Hi Anne!<br /><br />Welcome to Ducks in a Row (DIAR)!<br /><br />My personal totals that I enter into the online logbook automatically get added to the DIAR team totals, so you won't have to do anything else for yours either. It's kinda cool to be able to watch your progress. And like I said before, you're not competing with anyone except yourself. That way, you can just enjoy the progress you make, which will make you want to make more progress....<br /><br />And the folks on these forums are great resources. Holler out any questions, and someone will get back with an answer.<br /><br />One thing I'll add now about "butt pain" (and not the kind caused by other people ). When you start rowing for longer times, your bottom might get kinda tired and achey. I'm sure mine got realllllly sore because it was holding up a lot! Anyway, that soreness will improve as those muscles get more developed, but until then, you might try using a couple of layers of bubblewrap to sit on (learned that on this forum), or C2 sells a foam pad that you can stick to your seat (it peels off easily and can be re-used). The bubblewrap did pretty well for me, but I gave the padding a whirl and really liked it.<br /><br />You might sign up for the free C2 newsletter if you don't get it already, or it's also available online somewhere on the C2 website. Lotsa great stories on there. And check out the challenges that C2 has throughout the year--like rowing 100,000 or 200,000 meters between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve--it gives you motivation to keep up the rowing and not gain the holiday pounds. You might set that as a goal to work towards so you can build your fitness level between now and then.<br /><br />Most of all, have fun! <br /><br />--Jen in WI<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Okay, I just signed up for my personal log book and the Ducks in a Row team - yay! So now when I update my log with my rowed meters/time, does it automatically go to the team total or do I need to also put it somewhere else?<br /><br />I woke up this morning feeling very positive about things and can't wait to get into a program!!!<br /><br />
