Ducks In A Row - Introductions

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[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » December 30th, 2005, 1:06 pm

Hi Marian,<br /><br />Keep up the good exercise. It must be frustrating to have a medical condition and medication that makes it difficult to lose weight.<br /><br />Hang in there and keep exercising. It is good for you. You will be in better shape and more fit even if the numbers don't change. But I hope they do!<br /><br />Susan aka Wood Duck

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 30th, 2005, 1:25 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Kelebek+Dec 30 2005, 03:45 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Kelebek @ Dec 30 2005, 03:45 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi Jen<br /><br />How did you lose so much?  I rowed a million metres and lost three kilos.  Okay I have a condition which makes it really difficult to lose weight and then they put me on medication, which meant I went up.  I've discovered I was rowing anaerobically the whole way which could have something to do with not losing much weight.  I stopped putting anything bad in my mouth ages ago, so it aint that.  Beyond that I give up.  Any ideas?<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Marian <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hi Marian!<br /><br />I started losing my weight just over a year ago when my hubba got himself a Schwinn AirDyne to help rehab himself after some injuries. Being a tightwad, I wanted to get most bang for my buck with purchasing the AD, so I started using it too. Then I dusted off my old NordicTrack Pro skier and really got back into the exercise thing. It was horrible at first...I could only last about 10 minutes or so, but I kept at it.<br /><br />I *know* I'm not good at turning down food, so I decided the exercise route is going to be the best way to try to lose weight. Last January, I also started doing yoga which helped me to "tune in" to my body more, which I've been mostly ignoring for way too many years. (Great DVD to start with yoga--Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss with Suzannne Deason, and her A.M./P.M Yoga Conditioning for Weight loss is good too. Get a good yoga book to help with doing the asanas/postures in correct alignment). I'm 5'3" and still a hwt, and *I* can do these DVDs on the beginner level. <br /><br />Then I did try to just watch the quality of my food more--like, is this worth the calories or not? I came to the conclusion that I would gladly pay a large sum of money to walk out of an office and be normal weight--so then I had to realize that I could also do that by wasting food if need be. <br /><br />I was raised with all the usual guilt trips used by well-meaning mothers in the 60's and 70's, like all the stories about starving children in Africa, and if you clean up your plate tomorrow will be a sunny day, etc. I remember bawling my eyes out one time because an important, fun family event was cancelled due to rain--and you guessed it, it was because *I* hadn't cleaned up my plate at dinner the night before! So if I'm eating marginal food, I'm willing to just toss it now, instead of eating it just to not be wasting it. I never eat in front of the TV or computer anymore--I focus on the food so it feels like I ate something. I've increased the fruit in my diet; I was already a good vegetable eater. And I have tried some smaller portions, but otherwise, I eat whatever I want to eat.<br /><br />Anyway, even after only one month of exercising, I felt soooo much better...and that's what got me hooked...that good, good feeling, with more energy, not getting so short of breath with exertion, etc. One of my Internet buddies found a good deal on a C2 rower, so I got that last May, and haven't looked back since! I've been using the rower mostly, but I cross train with the other two pieces of equipment, just for variety and working the muscles differently. <br /><br />Forty pounds in a year may not seem like much, but it's forward progress so I'll take it! And it's been pretty painless this way, I have to say. <br /><br />However, I've been stuck at that plateau I've been bemoaning--hovering between 37-40 pounds. I'm hoping these two challenges will help me kick that problem! <br /><br />I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and that can affect the ability to lose weight, and added weight makes the condition worse. Can set things up for a bad spiral there. I also got started on Synthroid a couple of years ago and recently got my dosage upped, so I'm hoping that will help, too. <br /><br />If you can get a heart monitor, I'd recommend that. I try to keep my HR between 135-145 for most of my workout, but with some interval training, I'll get up into the 150's. Vary your workouts--short, harder rows to build speed, then do some longer, slower workouts to build endurance. Interval training really makes a difference for me, so you might check out some of the info about that on the C2 website.<br /><br />Darn, it's good thing I can type fast! This got a lot longer than I expected, but I hope some of this helps!<br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] Hollgoon
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Post by [old] Hollgoon » December 30th, 2005, 9:07 pm

Hi, My name is Tanya. I am 35 and just started rowing seriously this week. I bought my husband a C2 for christmas, because we both run marathons and needed something else for cross training. To tell you the truth, I bought it for myself. <br /><br />I joined Ducks for motivation. You ladies rock. I love reading the posts.<br /><br />Hope to get to know you all.<br /><br />Tanya<br />Buckley, WA

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 30th, 2005, 11:23 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Hollgoon+Dec 30 2005, 09:07 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Hollgoon @ Dec 30 2005, 09:07 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi,  My name is Tanya.  I am 35 and just started rowing seriously this week.  I bought my husband a C2 for christmas, because we both run marathons and needed something else for cross training.  To tell you the truth, I bought it for myself.  <br /><br />I joined Ducks for motivation.  You ladies rock.  I love reading the posts.<br /><br />Hope to get to know you all.<br /><br />Tanya<br />Buckley, WA <br /> </td></tr></table><br /> <br />Hey Tanya!<br /><br />Here's a wingslap on your back to welcome you to DIAR! Seems like the forum has been a tad quieter the last few days because of the holidays, but I'm sure action will pick back up in January once the January Virtual Team Challenge and our own weight challenge takes off. <br /><br />Feel free to join our group called "Fowl Play" which is specifically for the JVTC if you want to participate in that challenge. Basically, whichever team rows the most meters in January wins. Dunno what we win though. I should probably check! It's started by Ducks, but we have adopted Ducks on there, too.<br /><br />Again, welcome to the Duck Pond, and enjoy that new toy!<br /><br />--Jen in WI

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Post by [old] LADYRNRSUE » December 31st, 2005, 5:32 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Bufflehead+Feb 11 2005, 10:22 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Bufflehead @ Feb 11 2005, 10:22 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi Ducks!<br /><br />I guess it isn't hard to figure out that I am the Bufflehead.  As soon as I get a little more time, I will do a proper introduction by editing this post.  Feel free to give a little history of yourself here - as much as you feel comfortable with.  I know some of you have already shared a little information with us, but I think this will be a good place to look for each members' post in order to get to know them better.<br />Be back later!<br />Sue<br /><br />O.K. - here goes. <br />I'm 55 years old, 5 feet tall, and a lightweight.  I have only been a LWT since Sept. of 04.  I have a friend with a master's degree in exercise physiology - of course I didn't realize that because she is working in an unrelated field at the moment.  She offered to work with me for free!  Since I'm not a total idiot, I took her up on the offer.  Here we are 60 pounds lighter and in the best physical condition of my life!  <br />I first sat down on a C2 in Jan. 04.  I could barely do ten minutes.  When I was surfing one day, I found the C2 website and started logging meters.  Once I saw all the categories in the rankings section, I was hooked!  I just had to have my own C2.  My new toy came the day after Thanksgiving.  Shortly thereafter, I did my first half marathon.  I am determined to do a marathon just once.  Because - I CAN! <br />I love the outdoors and enjoy birding, camping, hiking, etc.  When I'm not playing or working out, I run the DNA extraction lab for the C.W. Bill Young/DoD Marrow Donor Program.  <br />Now, let's hear from you! <br /> </td></tr></table><br />

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Post by [old] LADYRNRSUE » December 31st, 2005, 5:37 pm

Hi all...this is my first time trying out the forum and adding a reply! I joined Ducks in a Row on Dec. 7th this year. I am a worn out previous competitive runner of 47 years of age and need motivation, competitiveness and goal setting in my workouts! My husband has been rowing for about 2 years and he finally got me on to this! When he taught me how to REALLY ROW, WOW, what a difference! I was/am hooked and I am now logging my meters and reading all of your motivating comments! It would be super to hear from some of you and exchange experiences and ideas! <br />Sue R in PA, formerly from AZ!!!<br /><br /> <!--QuoteBegin-holladay+Dec 30 2005, 12:06 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(holladay @ Dec 30 2005, 12:06 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi Marian,<br /><br />Keep up the good exercise. It must be frustrating to have a medical condition and medication that makes it difficult to lose weight.<br /><br />Hang in there and keep exercising. It is good for you. You will be in better shape and more fit even if the numbers don't change. But I hope they do!<br /><br />Susan aka Wood Duck <br /> </td></tr></table><br />

[old] seattlekathy
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Post by [old] seattlekathy » January 16th, 2006, 4:51 pm

Hi all,<br /><br />I'm new to the Ducks. My C2D just arrived late last week so I'm a complete newbie. I love it so far, though. <br /><br />A little about me...I live in Seattle so given the last 27 days of rain, Ducks in a Row seemed the appropriate forum for me. I am a former athlete, who somehow over the last 10 years has gained about 150 pounds. At my last weigh in I was at 295. Yikes! I'm 5'8" so my goal is to lose about 150 -- seems like a nice round number. I'll never be a LW though! <br /><br />Anyway, something finally seems to have clicked with me in terms of getting back in shape. So I've modified my diet a little (it was never really bad), cut out alcohol entirely (and I don't even miss it) and most importantly, bought the C2 and started using it immediately. I have a long ways to go, but I really enjoy rowing. I have a very competitive spirit so I am hoping that the online challenges and being part of your group will keep me motivated!<br /><br />I live in Seattle with my partner of 3 years and our 2 dogs, 2 cats and a TON of fish. The cats are terrified of my C2! The dogs don't even notice it because it's not capable of handing out treats...<br /><br />Okay, that's enough for now. Hopefully you'll see my meters increase and my pounds decrease over time! <br /><br />Nice to meet you all!<br /><br />Kathy

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » January 16th, 2006, 6:30 pm

<br />Hi Kathy,<br /><br />Welcome aboard the Ducks! Sounds like you have a good attitude for the road ahead of you. There are a bunch of us Ducks who have created a January weight loss challenge thread. This can take whatever form you want, many of us are trying to lose 1-2 pounds/week while some are just trying to maintain their weight. Feel free to join in if you want. I am finding that having a little public accountability has helped me jumpstart my weight loss.<br /><br />Keep on rowing!<br /><br />Shannon

[old] jcmatthews
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Post by [old] jcmatthews » January 16th, 2006, 6:43 pm

Okay, Kathy-- you've prompted me to quit putting off posting my introduction. I joined DIAR last month, but have been hiding out since then. I really need some accountability, though, so here goes.<br />I'm a long-time runner who has been rowing off and on for several years. I rowed on the water for a couple of seasons with the Tulsa (Oklahoma) team, but have been away from Tulsa for the last few years finishing a medical residency. Now I'm back in Oklahoma (yeaaaa!!!) and getting serious about undoing the damage of too many nights on call with little exercise. I'm trying to get back to competitive running, too. <br />I work in a small town while my husband and sons have stayed in Tulsa (90 miles away) for their work and school, so we get back together on weekends. We bought a second house for me on beautiful Lake Tenkiller, so I'm hoping to get into some kayaking this summer. Any advice? <br />Thanks to all of the ducks for your inspiration. Can you accept a wading bird to go with all of you floaters?<br /><br />Janet, aka StorkDr

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » January 16th, 2006, 7:16 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-jcmatthews+Jan 16 2006, 06:43 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(jcmatthews @ Jan 16 2006, 06:43 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Okay, Kathy-- you've prompted me to quit putting off posting my introduction. I joined DIAR last month, but have been hiding out since then. I really need some accountability, though, so here goes.<br />I'm a long-time runner who has been rowing off and on for several years. I rowed on the water for a couple of seasons with the Tulsa (Oklahoma) team, but have been away from Tulsa for the last few years finishing a medical residency. Now I'm back in Oklahoma (yeaaaa!!!) and getting serious about undoing the damage of too many nights on call with little exercise. I'm trying to get back to competitive running, too. <br />I work in a small town while my husband and sons have stayed in Tulsa (90 miles away) for their work and school, so we get back together on weekends. We bought a second house for me on beautiful Lake Tenkiller, so I'm hoping to get into some kayaking this summer. Any advice? <br />Thanks to all of the ducks for your inspiration. Can you accept a wading bird to go with all of you floaters?<br /><br />Janet, aka StorkDr <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hey Janet!<br /><br />So, the StorkDr delivers baby Ducks, hey? I'm a women's health NP, so I get the easy stuff and turf the hard stuff to my doc to do. Now I do mostly family planning and gyn. I sure miss doing the OB end of things, though. Not too sure I could afford the liability insurance premiums any more! <br /><br />Anyway, welcome to the Pond and DIAR! Lots of great info as far as exercise programs and such on the C2 website, and the UK C2 site has lots of good info, too. For your goals, the C2 will be great for cross training. On the C2 store site, there are free training guides as well as free logbooks. The training guide is also online, as a *.pdf file I believe, so you can download it at home if that would be easier.<br /><br />Some of the other forum topics might be helpful, too. I gotta say, there are just lots of really, really nice folks on these forums. <br /><br />How often do you row? What kinds of workouts are you doing?<br /><br />Again, welcome! <br /><br />--Jen in WI, long ways from OK. That could be taken a couple of ways, hey?<br /><br />

[old] Kelebek
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Post by [old] Kelebek » January 17th, 2006, 1:19 am

Hi Ladies<br /><br />I'd forgotten I'd posted until I got an email there had been a reply. Okay good news, I found a program that really works. Lost 3.4kgs since 22.12.05! <br /><br />It was nothing to do with what I was eating or how much (we grow all our own organic veges and eat very little meat, gave up chocolate ages ago, I don't drink and never crave carbs). It was how I was rowing. I clocked up the million and did great things for my muscles and cardio fitness. Problem was I was rowing too hard and not in the fat zone. So I downloaded the weightloss program from Concept2 UK and started that. It has had great results so far (nearly at the end of week 3 out of 10). Be warned that there is not option for regular rowers - the highest option is not having exercised regularly for a year. It is hard - really hard, but with the heart rate monitor, I can ensure I am in the right zone to lose the fat. <br /><br />Here's the link:<br /><br /><a href='' target='_blank'> ... php</a><br /><br />Jen - I know all about PCOS!! That is what I have and that is why we are not getting pregnant. We are now pre-IVF and hoping for a govt sponsored round in June this year. My specialist is 'THE MAN' in NZ for fertility and happens to be an ex-rower!!! I take in any new certificates, marathon mugs etc every time I visit him!!!! <br /><br />Regards<br /><br />Marian<br />

[old] efg
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Post by [old] efg » January 17th, 2006, 6:27 am

Hello Kathy,<br /><br />Welcome to Ducks in a Row and to Concept2. The online community is a great resource, and Concept2 has a number of challenges to help keep you rowing. <br /><br />We're in the middle of a January challenge right now, which you can join if you're interested. A lot of ducks have joined the Fowl Play team (I'm the team captain, so if you wanted to join, you could PM me your email address and your first and last names as entered in your C2 profile). To see what the challenge is about, you can look at the January Virtual Challenge forum. The challenge is just to see which team can row the most meters this month. Your meters would still count towards the DIAR total as well. We're competing for things like downloadable certificates and downloadable iron-on transfers. It's fun, though, seeing our team numbers go up every day.<br /><br />OK - recruiting pitch is over. I'm in the Seattle area also (Eastside). We've been staying out of the rain for the most part, hibernating at home. (Does that mean I'm not a real duck? I'd rather sit on my indoor rower than walk in the rain!)<br /><br />What sports/activities did you do before? I was never really a regular exerciser until I discovered the rower (a couple of years after my husband bought it). And until I discovered the forums and DIAR (several years after I started using the rower), I was more of an erratic than a regular rower. So you're starting out much better than I did - doing the right things at the right times .<br /><br />Welcome, again, and happy rowing!<br /><br />Emilia

[old] seattlekathy
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Post by [old] seattlekathy » January 17th, 2006, 2:02 pm

Hi all,<br /><br />Thanks for the welcome! I discovered the weight loss workouts and have been following that plan. I'm only a few days in, but it's amazing to me how much easier it is for me to get through 10 minutes already! I am up to 20 minutes now and can't imagine going an hour a day, but I promise I'll get there!<br /><br />Emilia, I don't think staying out of the rain in Seattle makes you not a duck -- these days, it's just self-preservation! <br /><br />I used to play volleyball, softball, basketball, tennis, racquetball, football, etc. Pretty much any sport you put in front of me, I'd play. Except maybe soccer because I have absolutely NO coordination with my feet so I was a menace on the soccer pitch. And not in a good way! Then, three knee surgeries later, and I couldn't really play sports anymore. The problem was, I was never much of an exerciser outside of sports so I just became sedentary. Dumb move! So, here I am fixing it.<br /><br />Wish me luck! <br /><br />Kathy

[old] kjgress
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Post by [old] kjgress » February 20th, 2006, 9:15 pm

Hello all: I have been looking for a virtual team to join for awhile now and, after reading many threads decided that this is the place for me! I am 41, a lightweight, and have been seriously erging since June of 2004. I rowed lightweight in college (the second time around) and quit when I became pregnant with my first daughter. I bought an erg in 1996 after the second daughter was born and began using it when the third daughter was 3 (in 2003). I was losing weight and things were going pretty well until I used the exercise as an excuse to eat anything I wanted (I am rowing, it's ok) and then I began skipping workouts. In June of 2004 I made a pledge to myself that worked very well for me. I would row 10K every day, no matter what. I didn't care how fast it was or how much I had to break it up to fit in work and taking kids to school, etc. I began to log my meters on the Concept 2 website and NEVER missed a day. I really like chocolate and sweets and limited myself to one sweet snack at the recommened serving size/day. <br /><br />My first goal was to make lightweight by Thanksgiving (6 months to lose 28 pounds). 10K fit my schedule well because I could break the distance up into 2 or 3 short rows. After a month or so I added that I would row an hour without stopping on one weekend day. The next goal was to row a half marathon once per month (replacing the hour row that weekend). I took the erg with me on vacation (my husband works half the time in New York City and so that summer we drove from Denver to New York and back 4500 miles in the car!). I made my lightweight goal and then my husband challenged me to pull a 2K piece for time. The last time I had rowed an erg piece for time was when the distance was still 2500 meters. I did it and the time was fast enough to qualify me for the CRASHB's. So he told me I had to row at the local satellite regatta and see if I could get a trip to Boston. By chance I met someone at the Mile-Hi Sprints that I had rowed with in college and she was a member of the local rowing club. So I joined the club and was able to get back on the water for the first time in over 16 years. I had a wonderful summer sculling and then got on the development squad for Concept 2 to try and make the team for the European Championships in Copenhagen in Dec 2005. <br /><br />Two of my three daughters enjoy rowing (the oldest only does it when she feels guilty) and my middle daughter wants to learn to row on the water. Unfortunately, here in Denver, we don't have any programs for kids to learn to row.<br /><br />I am glad to be joining DIAR, where I know you guys will appreciate having to stop a test piece for time (which I had to plan around a million other events that day and had to be completed because it was the last day of the month) because of an event that went something like this :<br />"Mom, we need you." <br />"huff, huff," <br /> "Mom, it can't wait." <br />".....why.....not......." <br />"Gillian has a cut." <br />"!!!!" <br />"Not that kind of cut." <br />"......get....a.....butterfly?" <br />"Well, maybe, but I think it needs stitches." <br /><br />By now the concentration is blown and the child has arrived, covered in blood. Stop rowing, apply pressure, rinse with water bottle, apply butterfly, no stitches needed, comfort child, calm other hysterical child and resume row. 8) <br /><br />All in a day's work. I look forward to being a Duck!<br /><br />KJG

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » February 22nd, 2006, 12:25 pm

Hi KJG!<br /><br />Great first post! I see that not only do you do lots of metres, you are also speedy! Neat to see that you lost all that weight and made it to lightweight. I only have three more pounds to go until lightweight, then I have the big challenge of maintaining.<br /><br />I totally understand about the kid interruptions too! When my kids were younger they were calm as lambs until I got going on the erg, then World War III would break out!!! :x Things are better now that they are older though.<br /><br />Shannon
