LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 9.3.11

Post by Kona2 » September 4th, 2011, 3:04 pm

What a great day! It's always great to see returning teammates! Wishing blue skies all around !

Image Another episode...bunny trails of the mind!

It really happened this's been quite the week for many on the team! And while we could probably say that for most weeks, this one seemed significant. So many milestones! First week of retirement for Minnie and for Ron....and Ron gets a major storm in his part of the rowing universe...generators humming. Ronnie in Jamaica shares that their power goes out with some frequency...and we get a recommendation from David A on something called a CBreeze accessory that acts to provide a cooling breeze generated by we the rowers. Minnie and K2 both order these....Minnie says it works well, and K2 says "how the heck do you put these on?" Minnie says the CBreeze website is helpful. Meanwhile, Danno returns to forum posting (hooyah), and hooboy...some of our favorite Alaskans, Cathie and Sam, return! Felt like we needed a parade to celebrate...and was thinking about parades as a metaphor for life. Apparently, the Jamaican Observer thinks about that, too - so here's a link (just below this paragraph - even references the small generators people have tucked away behind their houses for when the JPS cuts out) to the news article. Maybe Ronnie and Zander read this paper there. One of the best things about having international teammates is that we all get a look at some different views of the Rowing Universe! One of the fine things about rowing...definitely it's teammates! ... fe_9373873

Season meters as of 127/365 = 40,518,320 m

Total meters on the day = 2,984,792 m

Oars in space (participation) = 29 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

2.05 MM Jay
1.95 MM Cathie
1.35 MM Gabby
1.3 MM Jim K
950 K Baz
650 K Sam
450 K Bobbie
400 K Roger
245 K Mario ...woohoo! This young rower is going to be at a cool quarter million before we know it !
150 K Kim

Image Million Meter Watch:
Cathie with (42,573 m) to go!

Will S with (99,000 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Baz with (45,000 m) to go!

Ross with (82,265 m) to go!

Image with (123,271 m) to go!

AJ with (144,769 m) to go!

Thanks to all who row as Luna-Tics! Glad you could row today!

Steven D 1,012 m
Ashlee 1,100 m
Kaylee 1,500 m
Jodi 1,595 m
Bobbie 3,500 m
Mario Jackson 4,100 m
Kim 5,124 m
Marty 5,300 m
Tammy 6,000 m
Peter G 6,500 m
Mitch J 6,553 m
Wim 6,615 m
Benny 6,700 m
Jeff M 7,234 m
Brett 10,014 m
Jim K 11,000 m
David T 12,000 m
Harold 12,000 m
bg 13,030 m
Zander 13,200 m
Roger 18,500 m
Baz 18,750 m
Minnie 21,624 m
Ronnie 26,000 m
Rosi 28,000 m
Gabby 30,000 m
Jay 35,000 m
Chuck 45,000 m - great update!
Sam 670,414 m
Cathie 1,957,427 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by ronnie1 » September 4th, 2011, 4:08 pm

K2, yes we do read that paper :D
I can offer a little advice about sore back but may not help as our situations are different. I find that leaning forward every so often before the pull phase loosens tight muscles. Similar to when you bicycle, you lean bent over. I know that I use a fixed seat and no legs so this may not help you. I handcycle, wheelchair race, and row so cross training is very important. Jim told me this. But I do feel better in the back area after I have flexed my muscles doing cycling.
Zander can use his prostetic legs when rowing and he too leans forward to relieve pressure/tightness. I hope this helps and am sorry you are in pain.
Did you see the 4X100 men's relay team!!!!!!!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by j1415 » September 4th, 2011, 6:52 pm

What are your thoughts?
I tend to row every day. I know rest days are recommended, but I seldom feel any soreness and I think I would miss the sessions. It's part of my daily routine. Currently rowing the following pattern:
Day1: 2000m fastest time; try to beat my PB (currently 8:06.2) Hey, I'm in a senior bracket! :D ; followed by 3000m cool down.
Day 2: 5000 m, more of an endurance for me, but always trying to beat previous best; followed by 3000m cool down.
Will probably try 10,000m once a week. Spend about 75% of time working on technique, just 25% on times.
Damper is set on 4. Lightweight division.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » September 4th, 2011, 8:55 pm

Just catching up on all the latest postings from the past few days, so your "parade" was very helpful, K2.

Welcome and welcome back to all our new members! Great to have you! This is a great team, and I hope we will feel like "home" to you right away!

On the back pain, I think we really under-estimate what habitual poor posture does to us. Your back pain will decrease as your back muscles get in shape. In addition to rowing you can help this along by making every effort to keep good posture: back straight, shoulders back, chin level. It takes constant attention, but it is really worth it. Especially pay attention to your posture when driving, sitting and walking. Adjust your seat positions, elevate your computer screen to eye level if possible, manipulate your environment whenever you can to allow you to maintain good posture. And don't forget to stretch a lot.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » September 4th, 2011, 11:16 pm

j1415 wrote:What are your thoughts?
I tend to row every day. I know rest days are recommended, but I seldom feel any soreness and I think I would miss the sessions. It's part of my daily routine. Currently rowing the following pattern:
Day1: 2000m fastest time; try to beat my PB (currently 8:06.2) Hey, I'm in a senior bracket! :D ; followed by 3000m cool down.
Day 2: 5000 m, more of an endurance for me, but always trying to beat previous best; followed by 3000m cool down.
Will probably try 10,000m once a week. Spend about 75% of time working on technique, just 25% on times.
Damper is set on 4. Lightweight division.
Training is addictive and habit forming, but like anything better to have some sort of structured approach to get the best outcomes...

The regime you have set-out looks okay, but I’d encourage you to take a look at the C2 website and training guidelines (if you haven’t already) as it contains a wealth of information on formatting training programs, technique etc.

Good luck! BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » September 5th, 2011, 9:01 am

Rumping wrote:I must be doing something wrong as even on low intensity my back just starts aching after 15 minutes or so. I want to do longer stints, but 30 minutes is all I can do until I improve my technique and stop hurting my back.

Oddly enough, once I jumped on my exercise bike the aching went away almost immediately. My back muscles are really stiff and I don't know what is aching or causing it. Slumping over while rowing is probably it. Or possibly trying to hold my back straight the whole time (and failing because I'm a desk monkey who sits bent over a keyboard most of the day).

I need to record myself I guess and watch to see what I'm screwing up. I can't tell from sitting on the erg.
Do you do any sit-ups? I know this exercise gets a lot of negative press, but Cross-fit includes plenty of basic sit-ups in their varied movements. If you keep your knees down flat, sit-ups will also stretch your hamstrings and your lower back on every stroke. To maximize the benefit, do not use anything (straps, weights or bars) to hold down your ankles. I have an almost nonexistent disc between L4 and L5 (ddd), but I have no pain while doing either sit-ups or rowing. Do at least three rounds of 50 every day. You will be amazed!
Row well, and LIVE! Ben Hur

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Re: He's A Meter Multi-millionaire !

Post by Kona2 » September 5th, 2011, 10:57 am

ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah ! Congratulations, Will S, on achieving a TWO million meter rowing season ! We wish you many, MANY more !

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Re: She's A Meter Multi-millionaire !

Post by Kona2 » September 5th, 2011, 10:59 am

ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah ! Congratulations, Cathie, on achieving a TWO million meter rowing season ! We wish you many, MANY more !

Wowzer, these milestones are popping up faster than I can capture the stats today! Love it !

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 9.4.11

Post by Kona2 » September 5th, 2011, 1:16 pm

Some say anything's possible when Usain Bolt, the Jamaican track star, takes the track. Ronnie asked excitedly (this was my interpretation :D ) if we'd seen the men's 4x100 relay race yesterday! Yes indeed - that world record breaking effort by the Jamaican team - anchored by Usain Bolt - was broadcast and re-broadcast here in the US all day long. What an anchor runner to have on your team! Whoa! Don't blink or you'll miss that finish.

Thanks, everyone, for the input offered to some of our newest teammates. Great to have some advice from those who have been there, and good reminder from Baz to take a look at what Concept2 has on its website as well.

And in our upcoming events section (whoa...these are two more events that fit the no wimps moniker):

Image ImageImage Later this week, Kristine takes to walking really, really fast through the woods as she participates in the Two Bear Marathon and Half-Marathon event on September 11th in Montana. Scenic trail running ! You go, girl !



I can't remember if Baz is doing the Kokoda Track of Black Cat....but it seems right. Definitely not for the faint of heart (again, we're in the no wimps section), here's a descriptor from a company that puts some of these adventures together! Hope the weather holds!

The Black Cat Trail is one of the toughest and most rugged tracks in Papua New Guinea, with rough trails and amazing scenery… this is the Kokoda Track of 10 years ago.

This adventure will allow you to see village and jungle life and parts of the country that is not frequented by western visitors and tells of another story in Australian war time history.

Physical and beautiful, this is an unforgettable experience and you will have some amazing and unique stories to tell the folks back at home (and on your team). :D

Season meters as of 128/365 = 41,060,256 m

Total meters on the day = 541,936 m

Oars in space (participation) = 29 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

2.1 MM Will S
2.0 MM Cathie
1.55 MM Minnie
1.55 MM Ron
250 K Mario Jackson
165 K Tris

Image Million Meter Watch ! The field of meter millionaires grows larger every week ! Fear not, we have an UNENDING supply of fireworks to celebrate!

Baz with (20,000 m) to go! Might finish this off today !

Ross with (72,239 m) to go!

Image with (116,271 m) to go!

AJ with (144,769 m) to go!

Way to row everyone !

Mario Jackson 1,800 m
Steven D 1,950 m
Tris 2,500 m ...glad football can be your game!
Marty 3,000 m
Tammy 3,000 m
Jeff M 3,003 m
Benny 3,500 m
Nicole 4,051 m ...getting closer to that first 50 K .. whoop!
Rich 5,000 m
Wim 5,003 m
Sam 5,100 m
David T 6,000 m
Zander 7,000 m
Mitch J 7,463 m
Roger 8,500 m
Harold 9,050 m
Peter G 10,000 m
Jim K 10,004 m
Ross 10,026 m
Ronnie 11,000 m
Jay 12,000 m
Kim 12,683 m
David A 14,283 m
Gabby 15,000 m
Rosi 15,000 m
Image Baz 25,000 m
Image Minnie 25,325 m
Image Ron 42,195 m
Image Cathie 44,000 m
Image Will S 219,500 m

Amazing !

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Re: She's A Meter Multi-millionaire !

Post by bg » September 5th, 2011, 2:35 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah ! Congratulations, Cathie, on achieving a TWO million meter rowing season ! We wish you many, MANY more !

Wowzer, these milestones are popping up faster than I can capture the stats today! Love it !

wooo hoooo and congrats cathie and will s...and good luck and have fun captain k....and looking forward to reading about bazz' newest adventure,,,,,,oh in a running note, i saw a turkey while running saturday...i live in a city and usually the only wild life i see are rodents.....btw, the turkey was safe with me...i'm a veggiehead....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » September 5th, 2011, 3:14 pm

Woo Hoo, Will and Cathie! Great job on hitting 2 Mil!

Training ended up getting better as the season progressed, so now it looks like I can expect to do more than walk really, really fast :D . My German friend who also runs the Two Bear Marathon affectionately calls it the Two Beer Marathon. They put on an amazing beer brat BBQ at the finish line, and he, always being in the top 3 finishers is able to enjoy two brews before I even cross the finish line, but if you are winning like that I guess you deserve as many beers as you want, eh?

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » September 5th, 2011, 6:04 pm

It was The Black Cat Track...and it feels like it is my nemesis!

I have planned every year for the last three years, the first year I had a work commitment that came up late that required me to miss the trip. Last year civil unrest in the area at the time we were set to go stopped our plans, and this year the trip was cancelled a couple of weeks ago because there wasn’t sufficient numbers, possibly an overhang from the issues the area has had.

The upside is I’ll be here for the rowing challenge, so I can take my frustration out on it!!!

So I’m looking for a new adventure having come to a decision that the Black Cat Track is not going to happen for me. I had been training fairly hard for this, and having an adventure to aim for makes the training worthwhile... I remember one of the members of the oar-some four-some, a very successful Australian Olympic rowing team, once saying you need some goal to shoot towards otherwise why would you get out of bed and train everyday... So I’m open to suggestions.

My brother-in-law (my walking partner) has suggested we look at the Mongol Rally in 2012 – I’m tempted, although not really a physical challenge...

Cheers, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » September 5th, 2011, 7:55 pm

BAZzy wrote:It was The Black Cat Track...and it feels like it is my nemesis!

I have planned every year for the last three years, the first year I had a work commitment that came up late that required me to miss the trip. Last year civil unrest in the area at the time we were set to go stopped our plans, and this year the trip was cancelled a couple of weeks ago because there wasn’t sufficient numbers, possibly an overhang from the issues the area has had.

The upside is I’ll be here for the rowing challenge, so I can take my frustration out on it!!!

So I’m looking for a new adventure having come to a decision that the Black Cat Track is not going to happen for me. I had been training fairly hard for this, and having an adventure to aim for makes the training worthwhile... I remember one of the members of the oar-some four-some, a very successful Australian Olympic rowing team, once saying you need some goal to shoot towards otherwise why would you get out of bed and train everyday... So I’m open to suggestions.

My brother-in-law (my walking partner) has suggested we look at the Mongol Rally in 2012 – I’m tempted, although not really a physical challenge...

Cheers, BBB
a marathon?????

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by j1415 » September 6th, 2011, 8:16 am

PB: 30 min; 7011m
Will post from logcard this evening.
Wanted to break 7000 this year.
Other goal is to break 8:00 in 2000m; 6.3 more sec. to shave off.
Cheers. Have a great day.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rosita » September 6th, 2011, 9:25 am

j1415 wrote:PB: 30 min; 7011m
Will post from logcard this evening.
Wanted to break 7000 this year.
Other goal is to break 8:00 in 2000m; 6.3 more sec. to shave off.
Cheers. Have a great day.

That is a great time! Awesome!

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