LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » September 1st, 2011, 4:47 pm

Sorry I didn't really give a clear link before. I think this is it. ... 6C038AAFC3

Thank you Ron and Barb :D

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » September 1st, 2011, 5:46 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Jay, on achieving a TWO million meter rowing season (and only one-third of the rowing year is used up!)!! We wish you many, MANY more !

woooo hoooo and congrats jay.....and welcome computer just got home and i'm catching up....hopefully it's no longer possessed...i'm a morning person and with my digestive glitches i exercise in the morning....for running i need an empty stomach...for rowing i can usually have a protein bar...i'm also a gatorade girl...sometimes ultima and/or coco water.....and i use the gloves when rowing....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » September 1st, 2011, 5:55 pm

macbruce1 wrote: The Concept 2 headquarters in Morrisville VT is about 30 miles north of us and we were near the northern limit of the worst so they ecsaped the wrath of Irene. One my friends owns the ad agency that handled the Concept 2 account until they got too big for his small firm to handle. He still knows a lot of the people there and he is going to arrange a "guided tour" for me :!: Ron
The "planner" in me jumped right on this one ... hey, Ron, could you broker a "Luni-tour" of the Concept2 facility?? It could be such a bonding field trip, and would also bring some flagging tourist business back to Vermont ... (just as long as there's not 20 feet of snow on the ground) ... !

Okay, okay. Just a thought. I'm sure you other-hemisphere Oz people would put this on the top of your "to do" list! And, be sure to plan a stop-over in Cali on the way over ... :)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » September 1st, 2011, 6:57 pm

j1415 wrote:
macbruce1 wrote:
j1415 wrote:I have my rower in the basement which is always cooler.
Shirtless and still sweating like a tropical storm.
But we all like to push our numbers, don't we? Just a little better today...
I usually row after some coffee and water, but before breakfast.
Who else rows on an empty stomach?
My rower is in the basement too. I've read that your body actually cools faster if your wearing something like a running singlet. It draws the moisture from the skin and aids in evaporation. With my work schedule, I never was able to row in the morning. I row in the late afternoon, early evening and I make sure I have plenty of my "home made gatorade". Unless your going for ultra distances, your muscles should have plenty of glycogen stored without eating anything.
Even in the basement with the fan going, like you, I sweat like crazy. After most rowing sessions those little holes in the C2 rowing pad have turned into little "sweat ponds" :? I know TMI :lol:
Homemade gatorade? Rowing pad? Do tell!
I also row before breakfast. I was going to try vegemite on Baz's recommendation, but my wife did some research and found some whey protein powder recommended by her anesthesiologist (an exercise freak). So now I mix 8 oz of goat's milk, with 8oz of coconut milk, and 8 oz of keefer with two scoops Dr. Mercola's super protein whey powder. I have to drink 1/3 of it before rowing and the rest immediately afterward. It takes me all night to review the procedure so I can do everything right in the morning. I don't have a clue if it helps or not.
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » September 1st, 2011, 7:02 pm

Toothdoc wrote:Hi Ya'll,
Greetings from the sunny south. It has been awhile since I have posted anything but I suspect you know the reason why. LOL For all the new members I went in for a triple by-pass on Aug. 15th(Officially known as a Cabs X 3 pronounce cabbage) and came out a cabs X 6 . CABS = coronary-artery-by-pass surgery. When Jeanne heard about the cabbage she started calling her "Mon petite chou"

Before I get to far into this I would like to thank all my Looney team-mates for their prayers, good wishes and healing thoughts. They seeemed to have worked as promised. You guys and gals are the best!

Immediately after surgery I went to recovery for the waking up process. Everything at this point was normal,so normal that they moved right to CCICU. From this point until about 18-19 everything is kinda of a blear. All I remember for sure is all that great early progress went sideways. The two main problems being breathing and an allergy to the steri-strips they use to close the incisions in my legs.It was a contact allergy with no systemic affects but my legs and feet did some serious swelling and there were at least least 50 blisters the size of marbles. If you want a picture send me your email address. I don't want to gross out the whole team.

I think I would have been content to deal with it all if I had had some decent food. Such was not the case until I coomplained to may cariologist and he said I could have anything I wanted, that day I hand a Subway for lunch and my attitude immediately improved. A day later my best friend friend frought beef and pork braciole and baked ziti. 3 days later I getting ready to head home.

By now the blisters were starting to burst and the continuos oozing blood was starting to slow down. But the Princess says nada to coming home until it has stopped. At first I thought she was being a little bitchy, but as it turned out it was a good call. I was soaking 2-3 gowns, many sheets and disposible bed pads everyday. At one point I lost enough blood they had to transfuse me with 2 pints of packed cells.

Well anyway, made it home on the 24th feeliing like I'd been run over by a tank. The next day started the procession of home nurse and PT. But I guess it is all worth. When I first got home all I could do was walk to the bathroom and back. Today 1 week later I have showered, cooked myself 2 meals been up and down the stairs, done my PT and and had 2 x 3 minute supporvisioned works and it's only 4 PM. Cooking on the grill tonight and maybe starting the baking process for some rustic Italian bread.

To sum up Ross was corrrect, progress is not lineat I am just now starting to see the upward slope on increase improvement. A friend told he talked to 4 or 5 people who had had the same operation and he said everyone told him on day 21 Post-op it was like someone flipped a switch and they started feeling remarkably better. It is now day 16......

How great to hear from you, Danno. So sorry about the legs. My by-pass artery came from inside my chest so I had no leg incisions to worry about. Hang in there - you are going to feel a lot better very soon, I can tell.
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » September 1st, 2011, 7:07 pm

macbruce1 wrote:On the subject of seat pads. I have used the velo pad and I rate as so-so. My problem is that only one side of my butt seems to bother me on the long rows. My foot goes numb only on this side too. I think it may be related to my sciatica. It was the horrific back spasms on that side that ended my running days :cry:
Are there any other sciatica sufferers out there who have any advice or words of wisdom :?:
I haven't tried Danno's method yet. He said he picked up his memorey foam from an upholstery shop. Being in a rural area, the nearest upholstery store is about 60 miles away. I looked online and could only seem to find memorey foam pillows, mattresses and mattress "toppers". Does anyone know of an online source for just plain pieces of memorey foam like Danno described?
I've tried everything and I'm now back to the bare C2 seat. I have no more soreness, no blisters, nothing negative even on the long rows. My butt is pure bone when I sit on the rower (I'm 6' 1" and 160lb). I've decided that the C2 engineers knew how to design the bare seat for max comfort for someone like me and it now works great!
Row well, and LIVE! Ben Hur

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » September 1st, 2011, 7:38 pm

j1415 wrote:I have my rower in the basement which is always cooler.
Shirtless and still sweating like a tropical storm.
But we all like to push our numbers, don't we? Just a little better today...
I usually row after some coffee and water, but before breakfast.
Who else rows on an empty stomach?
Must say I am a morning person, possibly by default as I start work at 7.30am.

I row in the morning, up at around 4am and rowing from around 4.15am or thereabouts. I usually have a protein drink in 200 ml of water as I don’t want anything to heavy in my stomach. After rowing I have about 100 gm of chicken and some muesli (and a vegemite roll later).

Rowing early on little (or no) food intake will most likely assist fat burning, but it is a fine line and you don’t want to deplete yourself too much. So if you are doing this make sure you eat well shortly after training.

I find morning rows work well as Janet & TomO are asleep in bed, and whilst I could spend another hour in bed and still row from 5am, I actually row, eat, and then have a snooze for about 20-30 minutes prior to going to work. I find I get more value out of a rest after rowing, then I would if I stayed in bed...(if that makes sense!)

I usually do weights at night and I row before and after this more to warm muscles then a rowing workout, and I make sure I have eaten well ahead of it...

And if it’s Friday night, I get a bottle of stout when it’s all over – and it’s Friday!! :wink:

Good weekend to all, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » September 1st, 2011, 8:17 pm

BAZzy wrote: And if it’s Friday night, I get a bottle of stout when it’s all over – and it’s Friday!! :wink:
Hey, whoa there, morning cowboy ... it's not even noon, Sydneyside, yet!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » September 2nd, 2011, 8:18 am

Tris is playing football this season so his meters will be down for the next 8? weeks. The coaches took a look at the 5'10" 175 lb 12 year old, and made him get his heinie out there. It is strange to look up at my grandson who just a few short years ago I was rocking on my lap. I am afraid Jackson will be the next one to pass me in height, not too long either. But Jackson is a runner/cyclist so is more lean.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Rumping » September 2nd, 2011, 12:31 pm

Ehm... Hi!

As this is the team room with the most activity, I figured I'd join this one . It helps that the goal seems solid to me and I've always wanted to be an astronaut.
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My name is Wim, I'm a 40 year old male and bought my rower last month after deciding that the basement looked a little empty after I got rid of the non-functional elliptical and my exercise bike was getting lonely.

Since then I've gone on vacation as well as growing calluses on my hands from learning how to row on the erg. My exercise time is limited as I do have a wife and two kids who like to see me and thus I end up rowing generally in the evening between 9pm and 10:30pm (which makes sleep hard to come by if I push myself too hard). Oddly enough I figured this would be fairly rare given that I never see a online row scheduled around that time, but here I see someone in this team having a similar row time which gives me hope .

I like smilies a lot and tend to overuse them (my apologies in advance), I rant a lot, am somewhat goofy, and suck at building a decent sandcastle. Mine always look like a plain old pile of sand no matter how hard I try.

Oh, and I row a little bit here and there too as a casual rower trying to slowly lose a few pounds and keep them off. Nothing fantastic so far, but am very proud that I broke the 7km last night on the 30 minute piece (and discovered just how high my heart rate could go). Next rows should be a little calmer, since I do like to sleep too.
Wim (attempting to get back into rowing shape).

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by enrage » September 2nd, 2011, 12:38 pm

Rumping wrote:, but am very proud that I broke the 7km last night on the 30 minute piece (and discovered just how high my heart rate could go). Next rows should be a little calmer, since I do like to sleep too.

thats awesome. I finally did my 30min ranking for this season and i improved my time compared to last season. I was proud to hit 7149m in 30 min.
If your hitting 7k for a 30 min workout this season, im sure you will improve by next rowing season.
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Re: Seatpads, Memory Foam and Gloves

Post by enrage » September 2nd, 2011, 12:43 pm

Kona2 wrote:From the Lunie archives - and some from the website of JL Racing (a supplier that Concept2 uses):

Sooner or later many teammates are going to row some longer distances, and depending upon the person, they're going to wish for more seat padding.

We've talked about several options for seat padding (other than that which might be there naturally): sorbothane, gel, bubble wrap and memory foam.

From Danno: Just a quick observation on seat cushions. I have tried everything and so far the best solution is a 14.5" x 9.5" x 4" piece of memory foam. It seems a little weird when you first sit down but by the time you have strapped your feet in it has compressed and gives a comfortable yet solid base to sit on. I also cover it with a small towel. Hope this helps.

Citroen, a helpful fellow from Sub-7 UK team, provided this link to a discussion held on their forum site - (this issue knows no international boundaries!)

Seat Pads

A couple of months ago, we revisited discussions about seatpads for the Concept2 erg. Gina first brought these to our attention (I think) when she went to a regatta in Long Beach. JL Racing was the supplier for sorbothane seat pads and gel seat pads. Some team members have the sorbothane seatpads and seem to like these.

Sorbothane seat pads

The Sore-No-More Advantages: Sorbothane Seat Pad review by Tom (don't remember where this came from)

1. Durability. The half life on this substance must be over 10,000 years. Made out of a rubber-like substance, you can roll, bend, fold, and crunch these pads without tearing them. At the end of the day, it folds back out to its original shape.

2. Thin yet comfortable. Everyone's seen those seat pads that raise you up about 2 inches on your seat. Good luck clearing your hands and balancing the boat that way! The sore-no-more is amazingly thin -- less then 1/4 of an inch -- and yet it is softer than any foam pad I've ever used. Plus it won't grow compressed and hard on the pressure points like foam pads.

3. Sticky. The sore-no-more manages to stick to every seat I've ever placed it on -- no need for tape to keep this guy attached.

So don't be fooled by a sense of false economy -- the sore-no-more is ten times as expensive as the foam pads, but I promise you that the $40 is money well spent.



We developed this Gel-filled beauty, just for your butt! And the great news is, IT FLOATS!!!

* Rugged polyproplene laminated to neoprene seating surface.
* Non-skid backing on bottom, stays put on your seat
* Gel-filled inner core with permanent memory
* 11 3/4" at widest part
* fits on both sculling and sweep seats
* It floats!
* Tag with space for your name.
* Webbing loop so you can tie it to your axle for extra security.
* 11 3/4" at widest part

More good stuff

* Reduced pressure points on sit bones.
* Gel-filling distributes pressure evenly.
* Added comfort improves rowing experience and increases endurance.

Now bicycling has certainly had its moments to teach about gel seat covers. As such, I was particularly interested in the JeL seatpad offered by JL racing. Barbara wanted to know if it was something that permanently adhered to the rowing machine seat – because, if so, she was out of luck since she uses a rower at a gym.

The Jelpad floats. Unless we have a flood in the basement, I’m probably safe in not needing that feature, but these are designed to be used in by people like Karyn who get out on the water. And Chris, if AJ loses the gel seat over the side of the kayak, well it will be easier to find as it floats on by. I wanted to have options of using this in outdoor rowing.


The flip side of the gel pad shows that it has a grippy kind of material (and a name tag so that when you leave it on the seat of the rower, someone will return it to you!). It doesn’t permanently adhere to the seat, but it doesn’t slip around either.


And, while we're at it, some people also like to use gloves. Check out - they have rowing gloves that feel a little funky at first, but you'll like them.
rowing gloves...i may have to get some of those. My 2011 rowing calluses peeled away but managed to make a reappearance for the 2012 rowing challenges. I only tend to get them on my palm from middle finger down to my pinky.
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » September 2nd, 2011, 1:48 pm

Rumping wrote:Ehm... Hi!

As this is the team room with the most activity, I figured I'd join this one . It helps that the goal seems solid to me and I've always wanted to be an astronaut.

My name is Wim, I'm a 40 year old male and bought my rower last month after deciding that the basement looked a little empty after I got rid of the non-functional elliptical and my exercise bike was getting lonely.

Since then I've gone on vacation as well as growing calluses on my hands from learning how to row on the erg. My exercise time is limited as I do have a wife and two kids who like to see me and thus I end up rowing generally in the evening between 9pm and 10:30pm (which makes sleep hard to come by if I push myself too hard). Oddly enough I figured this would be fairly rare given that I never see a online row scheduled around that time, but here I see someone in this team having a similar row time which gives me hope .

I like smilies a lot and tend to overuse them (my apologies in advance), I rant a lot, am somewhat goofy, and suck at building a decent sandcastle. Mine always look like a plain old pile of sand no matter how hard I try.

Oh, and I row a little bit here and there too as a casual rower trying to slowly lose a few pounds and keep them off. Nothing fantastic so far, but am very proud that I broke the 7km last night on the 30 minute piece (and discovered just how high my heart rate could go). Next rows should be a little calmer, since I do like to sleep too.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DavidA » September 2nd, 2011, 2:51 pm

Rumping wrote:Ehm... Hi!
As this is the team room with the most activity, I figured I'd join this one . It helps that the goal seems solid to me and I've always wanted to be an astronaut.
... My exercise time is limited as I do have a wife and two kids who like to see me and thus I end up rowing generally in the evening between 9pm and 10:30pm...
Welcome to the Team! :D
I also usually row in that time frame for similar reasons, even though I have always mean a 'morning person'. (I couldn't sleep past 8 if my life depended upon it.)

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Rumping » September 2nd, 2011, 3:39 pm

DavidA wrote:
Rumping wrote:Ehm... Hi!
As this is the team room with the most activity, I figured I'd join this one . It helps that the goal seems solid to me and I've always wanted to be an astronaut.
... My exercise time is limited as I do have a wife and two kids who like to see me and thus I end up rowing generally in the evening between 9pm and 10:30pm...
Welcome to the Team! :D
I also usually row in that time frame for similar reasons, even though I have always mean a 'morning person'. (I couldn't sleep past 8 if my life depended upon it.)
If my life depended on it, I could probably fake it and continue to lay down until after 8am. But yes, generally I'm up between 6 (weekdays) and 7 (weekends).

And thanks for the welcomes everyone :) Looking forward to being a Luna-tic for a long time to come.
Wim (attempting to get back into rowing shape).

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