LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » August 27th, 2011, 7:18 am

Crikey...just reading about Hurricane Irene - Good luck over there and take care!!

And I hope Minnie & Ron enjoyed their last day at work!

Cheers, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Dave_H » August 27th, 2011, 9:26 am

BAZzy wrote:Crikey...just reading about Hurricane Irene - Good luck over there and take care!!

And I hope Minnie & Ron enjoyed their last day at work!

Cheers, BBB
Wot he said!
Please keep your heads down and stay safe if you are near Irene.

As for Chris and Ron, Congratulations!!! This is one jealous lunatic here in Oz. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I've been trying to retire for the last 10 years at least, however that damnable mortgage won't let me!
P.S. For those that care about that other sport called Rugby... Go the Wallabies!!
Now I just need Mark Webber to come good at Spa, and it will be the perfect weekend!


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by ncauchon » August 27th, 2011, 9:57 am

All we have to do is to "Believe" and we will do it!!! No doubts..........

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » August 27th, 2011, 11:35 am

rosita wrote:I am having trouble getting back on the team. Virus or something deleted me and Benny and Gabby. Can't seem to rejoin :?
Rosi -

While you're in your logbook, go to the profile section, and click on edit profile. Scroll down and check that you have the Show Name In Honor Boars and listings button highlighted. If that isn't highlighted, then you won't show up on any teams or honor boards. I haven't heard back from Concept2 yet, but thought it would be good to look through to see if there were any settings that would make it impossible for someone to join a team. That's the only one that I can see that might influence it !
If that doesn't work, contact and ask them to help you get added (and Benny and Gabby, too! of course).

In the meantime, we hope you are playing great soccer and rowing strong.


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.26.11

Post by Kona2 » August 27th, 2011, 12:20 pm

Hurricane Irene ... viewed from the International Space Station in this NASA photo...

Hang in there, and stay safe to all in Irene's path !

Welcome to another new teammate, Lee M, of GBR ! We wish you many good rowing sessions as part of this team!

Season meters as of 119/365 = 29,914,007 m (two more days, and we'll be at 1/3 of the rowing year!)

Total meters on the day = 370,045 m

Oars in space (participation) = 26 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

700 K David T
700 K Charles B
600 K Tom P
500 K bg
55 K Ashlee

Image Million Meter Watch:

Jay with (70,491 m) to go!

Thanks to all who rowed today ! Every bit helps !

Ethan 510 m
Ashlee 600 m
Kaylee 600 m
Steven D 1,003 m
Bobbie 3,000 m
Marty 3,000 m
Harold 3,336 m 3333,3334,3335...and now, 3336.... :lol:
Tom M 3,649 m
Peter G 4,000 m
Mario 5,500 m
Jim 6,500 m
Chris H 10,000 m
Dave H 10,000 m
Lee M 10,000 m
Pat S 11,200 m
James G 12,595 m
Chuck 13,500 m
Jay 20,000 m
Charles B 20,465 m
Image bg 21,258 m
Image Baz 22,500 m
Image Tom P 26,563 m
Karen M 70,266 m
David T 90,000 m

And, since we have some new team members, here's a quick explanation of our "unique to the Luna-Tics team" distance awards - which are clearly just for fun (and motivation):

Image a supernova designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent of 100,000 m in a 24 hr period (yep....we have one who does this)
Image a red giant designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of 50,000 m in a 24 hr period
Imagea full moon designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of a full marathon 42,195 m in a 24 hr period
Image a half moon designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of a half marathon 21,097 m in a 24 hr period
half or full marathons are completed in one sitting

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 27th, 2011, 12:29 pm

welcome lee

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rosita » August 27th, 2011, 4:01 pm

Thank you Kona, it worked :D :D
Jim, you look 100 per cent Neandertal :lol:

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.26.11

Post by Kona2 » August 28th, 2011, 8:10 am

Image Today's the last day..

Woohoo! The Dog Days of Summrr honor board lists quite a few Luna-Tics already...and the day is young ! Meanwhile, so glad the edit profile fix worked for Rosi, Benny and Gabby - and I have to agree with Rosi....Jim's avatar does look fairly prehistoric... :lol:

Speed posting for this morning, so I'll get right to the stats. Might miss a few milestones, so feel free to call them out if you see them!

Season meters as of 120/365 = 33,135,324 m (at some time today, we will hit 33,333,333 m ! what a milestone!)

Total meters on the day = 3,331,317 m

Oars in space (participation) = 20 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.25 MM Bernie
1.25 MM Jim K
850 K Baz
160 K Tris (need about 700 m more for the Dog Days for this week, I think)

Thanks to all who rowed today!

Steven D 1,106 m
Philip V 3,000 m
Bobbie 3,000 m
Chip 5,016 m
Nicole 5,108 m - great! and she's added her profile photo!
Tris 5,300 m
Peter G 6,000 m
Ross 6,610 m
Jeff 7,008 m
Baz 10,000 m - fine finish to the Dog Days Challenge!
Chuck 10,000 m
Dave H 10,000 m - fine finish to the Dog Days
Gail 10,000 m
bg 10,132 m
Jim 11,000 m
Brett 20,000 m
Bernie 72,114 m - fine finish to the Dog Days!

Row, row, row !

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » August 28th, 2011, 6:03 pm

I'm hoping our East Coast US Lunies' came through Hurricane Irene unscathed ??

TomO and I went swinging through the trees again yesterday, great day out and work-out!

Take care, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by ncauchon » August 28th, 2011, 8:34 pm

Believe!!! We can do it...

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » August 28th, 2011, 10:10 pm

BAZzy wrote:I'm hoping our East Coast US Lunies' came through Hurricane Irene unscathed ??

TomO and I went swinging through the trees again yesterday, great day out and work-out!

Take care, BBB

Like father, like son.....?

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.28.11

Post by Kona2 » August 29th, 2011, 12:54 pm


Congratulations to the Luna-Tics Dog Days Challenge Finishers!

Chris (Minnie)Tudury
Bernie Svendsen
Pat Schlueter
Barry O'Malley
Ronnie Mills
Brett McCrory
Gabriela Martinez
Ron MacBruce
Jim (Jay) Kielma Jr.
Jim Kielma
Mitch Johnson
David Hunter
Chris Huning
barbara grandberg
James Garcia
Andre Dumais
Ross Drown
Rosita Delacruz
Charles Bare
David A. Alden

And for the rowers under 16, a modified Luna-Tics challenge goal was set with week 1 = 4 K, week 2 = 6 K, week 3 = 8 K and week 4 = 10 K. Two young rowers completed the challenge, although Kaylee and Ashlee hung in there for a couple weeks! Way to row!!

Mario Jackson

Great to see some more returning teammates on the roster this AM: welcome to 2012 rowing season to Jeff M, and welcome back to Ronnie!

Season meters as of 121/365 = 35,042,915 m

Total meters on the day = 1,907,591 m

Oars in space (participation) = 31 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.95 MM Jay
1.50 MM Rosi
1.40 MM Ron
1.35 MM Ronnie
400 K Mike M
300 K Angelo
240 K Mario Jackson

Image Million Meter Watch:

Jay with (43,291 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Baz with (120,000 m) to go!

Ross with (130,954 m) to go!

AJ with (154,617 m) to go!

Thanks to all who rowed today !

Steven D 1,016 m
Bobbie 1,500 m
Jeff M 1,514 m
Tris 1,776 m
Benny 1,800 m
Roger 2,500 m
Mario Jackson 3,400 m
Marty 4,100 m
Tom M 4,772 m
Dave H 5,001 m
Jim 5,500 m
Peter G 6,000 m
Harold 6,663 m's a reverse number !
Tim P 6,901 m
Gail 10,000 m
Robert 10,000 m
Ross 10,000 m
Tom P 10,000 m
David T 12,000 m
Mike M 13,000 m
James G 13,960 m
Dan E 14,201 m
Image Baz 22,500 m
Image Rosi 26,100 m
Image Andre 26,111 m
Image Jay 27,200 m
Image Ron 42,195 m
Gabby 80,500 m
Angelo 173,586 m
Ronnie 1,363,795 m

Next on the Concept2 Challenge Docket is....

Image ... Row with us !

Maybe it's just a coincidence....but it SEEMS like there have been more geese flying overhead these days ! Could it be....could it be...Fall is just around the corner?! So far, we have 69 new and returning Challenge Team members on the roster! If this is your first team challenge, hooboy! You are in for a treat ! I love this graph of previous I show it often when we're getting ready for what we call "the Challenge season." Never fear, it will be updated to include additional numbers from the 2011 rowing season...


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by shartm2792 » August 29th, 2011, 2:30 pm

I'm in! ready to row. :D

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 29th, 2011, 2:38 pm

welcome and welcome back everyone....and thanks for all the graphs k2....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by enrage » August 29th, 2011, 3:05 pm

i need a few days of rest. pulled my lower back pushing a broom on saturday. LOL
my shuffle board technique with the push broom was probably not the right technique.

my 13k row in Sunday helped loosen up my back and i probably wouldn't of even rowed if it wasn't for the challenge.
Are you a Lebowski Achiever?

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