Ducks In A Row - Introductions

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[old] croft78
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Post by [old] croft78 » June 14th, 2005, 3:35 am

<span style='color:blue'>Hello Everyone and welcome Sara! <br /><br />Sara, I think we're in the same boat, so to speak! <br /><br />I'm 27 and I haven't been rowing for very long either but i absolutely love it. I'm hoping to lose some weight but although i'm definately toning up i haven't lost as much as i hoped yet. <br /><br />I'm sure that with some determination we'll both achieve our keep up the good work!! </span>

[old] la_flaca
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Post by [old] la_flaca » June 14th, 2005, 12:30 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-ancho+Jun 13 2005, 12:22 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(ancho @ Jun 13 2005, 12:22 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi, Flaca!<br />I've just seen your pic on your profile in the rankings. I think you're rowing on a Cuchinelli. Have just seen some of thoas Argentinian Boats during Spoanish championchips, but didn't have the opportunity of testing one. How do they feel?<br />Saludos, si alguna vez pasas por Barcelona, avisa! En CEU-rem tenemos un buen equipo de chicas!<br /><br />Have a nice row <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br /><br />Hi!!, well, the boat is a Cucchietti actually, they´re quite good, I fell really confort in them. There is a big difference between them and an empacher, in Argentina we calculate around 10sec more in the 2000m, but they are easier to row, so, some rowers in my country preffer them. I think you will like it for trainning.<br /><br />Que lindo lugar Barcelona!, saludos desde Argentina a la comunidad remera española!.<br /><br />Keep rowing!.

[old] ancho
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Post by [old] ancho » June 15th, 2005, 3:51 am

<!--QuoteBegin-la_flaca+Jun 14 2005, 05:30 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(la_flaca @ Jun 14 2005, 05:30 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-ancho+Jun 13 2005, 12:22 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(ancho @ Jun 13 2005, 12:22 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi, Flaca!<br />... I think you're rowing on a Cuchinelli. ...[right] <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br /><br />...well, the boat is a <b>Cucchietti</b> actually, they´re quite good, ...<br />Keep rowing!. <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Sorry for the miss-spelling! <br />Salu2

[old] edollar
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Post by [old] edollar » June 15th, 2005, 12:14 pm

I don't think formally introduced myself. So here goes. <br /><br />I am 62 years old and have had weight problems for thirty years. We live in the Missouri Ozarks on twenty acres with four dogs and three cats. We own an apparel manufacturing business so I can slip away from work to row.<br /><br />A couple of years ago I got it in my head that rowing machine might be something I would enjoy using for exercise. Talked to my niece who was on the crew team at Stanford at the time and found out that the Concept2 erg was the only way to go. Had lost 88 lbs doing Atkins and walking myself to death in 2002 but was slowly putting the weight back on. Had a couple of health problems that made me not want to exercise or eat like I should. Over the next couple of years put 70 of the 88 lbs I lost back on. <br /><br />Had two surgeries a little over a year ago and then got cellulitis and was hospitalized again after a hysterectomy. Seemed to wheeze whenever I exercised and/or breathed very deeply... Just knew it was from anesthesia but got no doctor to confirm this. Anyway had a hard time thinking about exercise and diet and this was very depressing that I was gaining back most of what I had lost. <br /><br />I decided if I ever got 100 lbs off from my weight (before Atkins) I would reward myself with a Concept 2 rowing machine. Have bought too many exercise toys that I didn't end up using in the past and felt I needed to earn this one. I have been on Concept mailing list for at least a couple of years. Somehow my surgeries I somehow just couldn't get motivated.<br /><br />This January I got the flu and lost some weight due to nausea and that seemed to get me kick started. As soon as I was well enough I joined the local Y (Feb 7) and found out that they had a Model D. I was so excited. First couple weeks I was so out of shape and overweight that a couple 5 minutes sessions is all I could muster. Mostly lifted weights and used exercise bike. Have arthritis and bad knees and I'm older than most of you. Gradually worked on getting my back stronger and body able to do more. By last two weeks of April I started logging online and got a little over 50,000 meters done by May 1. <br /><br />Then around May 1 I found out that I had an incisional hernia from the hysterectomy and I would need surgery which was scheduled for May 23. By my surgery I had lost about 45 lbs and was worried that I would lose my momentem like I had many times before.<br /><br />For over two weeks I couldn't row. Couldn't believe abdominal pain from surgery the first week. Gradually started back 8 days ago (2000 meters first day) and I am using a hernia support which I think helps even though it makes me much hotter. I row in intervals and I row twice a day during the week. On the way to work and on the way home. When I row I also row in several splits or intervals (whichever is the right word) with a couple minutes in between to rest back, belly and lungs.<br /><br />I'm trying to get back on the 5000 meter board and after today should only have about a 30,000 meter deficit to make up beyond doing 5000 meters per day. I'm so glad that the pounds seem still seem to be coming off. Getting lots of I've lost 16 lbs since my May 23 surgery for a total of 61 lbs. Nine more lbs to go to get back to weight I had lost to before (doing Atkins and walking) and 21 lbs to get to my next mini goal of 100 lbs off and then I'm rewarding myself with a Model D at home. I would like for this to happen by September. <br /><br />I love logging online. Can't believe how it makes me row when my dark side might have talked me out of doing it. Have to keep the meters up.<br /><br /> I'm happy to be a member of the DIAR. Love reading everyone's posts. <br /><br />Ellen<br /> By the end of the day I should be 1/4 of the way toward my first million meters.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » June 15th, 2005, 3:57 pm

Wow Ellen - great to hear a bit more about you and how you came to be in the pond! Seems like you have had a lot of hurdles to overcome over the years but that you have really found the answer now with Concept 2. You'll be on that 5k board in no time at all! I'll be looking out for you

[old] WebbedFeet
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Post by [old] WebbedFeet » June 16th, 2005, 9:23 pm

Hi to all the new ducks...quackers, Sara, Edollar and Croft78. I am new myself and am really enjoying the C2 and the online postings. I enjoyed reading your postings and look forward to more. Good luck and hope to keep up with all of you.

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » June 20th, 2005, 2:52 pm

Nice to hear from all you other new ducks that are using the C2 as a weight loss tool. <br /><br />I used to be really focused on weight training for strength and muscle toning, but had a hard time motivating myself to do cardio. Luckily I had a very physical job in the oilfield which tended to keep me in a decent weight range, until I quit for maternity leave. I managed to gain a whopping 65lbs during my pregnancy and am fighting with that now. (40lbs gone, 25lbs to go) But I am really glad to have discovered rowing and this online community, to keep me motivated to do my calorie-burning cardio. So far, I am happy with my results and I might even try to get down an extra 5 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight, to squeeze in under the lightweight category.<br /><br />Best of luck to everyone and happy rowing!<br /><br />- Krysta<br />(Swamp Hen)

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » June 29th, 2005, 11:00 am

Hi,<br />I just recently joined Ducks in a Row and have been enjoying / inspired by all the introductory messages. I just hit my 1 million meter mark today so I'm jazzed.<br /><br />I am 45, married 23 years in August, mother of one 15-year-old girl. I am a librarian for a small private university in Southern California. My latest hobbies include geneaology and scrapbooking. I've recently taken up golf and next month my family and I are going to take a beginning fencing class! I can't wait.<br /><br />I joined Weight Watchers last year (2nd time around) and have had a struggle getting motivated to truly follow the program. I started rowing (erging) about two months later and it has really helped a lot. Just in the past month I have started making good progress so I may finally be on to something!<br /><br />I look forward to being involved in this forum.<br />Robin (a.k.a. "sirrobin" which comes from the character, Sir Robin of Monty Python and the Holy Grail fame)

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » July 24th, 2005, 1:09 pm

Hello all you Ducks out there - new and old alike! <br /><br />I sure see a lot more names out there for our team. Anybody up for introducing yourself?? We would sure like to hear from you! Tell us a little about yourself and why you started using the C2. <br /><br />And - if you've already introduced yourself, fly over to the Duck Pond and keep us up to date with what's been happening. We're not into intimidation here. If you haven't been rowing regularly - so what???? We all have slumps - myself included!<br /><br />I can only speak for myself, but I find your posts inspiring. (Especially when I haven't been as faithful with my little C2!)<br /><br />So Ducks - pop out of your shells (egg shells, of course) and let us hear from you! <br /><br />The Old Buffle

[old] grace21may
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Post by [old] grace21may » September 21st, 2005, 12:07 pm

Hello, everyone!<br /><br />My name is Donna. I am 40 years old and new to rowing and to the Ducks in a Row team. After battling kidney stones for years and eventually having surgery, I had never felt so old. I decided once I recover from this surgery I am going to do something about my lack of fitness and health. So slowly I started committing to exercise, at first aerobics, than walking/running on a treadmill and now I am running 3 times a week and rowing three times a week. Life is great again. As the magic 40th birthday was coming around, I challenged myself to train for a 1/2 marathon and last April I did it! I was the proverbial last kid picked on every team in gym class, so for me this was a thrill of a lifetime to cross the finish line into a world I had never known before. So here I am rowing in my garage with my ugly dog Earl watching me and wondering "Does she think she's going anywhere?" Haha. Anyway, that's my story and I am sticking to it.<br /><br />Rowing is for me in many ways harder than running (you'd think that sitting on your butt and rowing would be easier, but it's definitely not). Anyway, the challenge is awesome, the results are terrific and God willing I'll never deal with kidney stones again!!<br />

[old] AmyH
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Post by [old] AmyH » September 22nd, 2005, 5:30 am

Hello -after reading all of the great and friendly posts from ducks in a row - I've signed on and hopefully my - meager - meters will start to add up.<br /><br />I started working-from-home (warning: it's a very dangerous proposition - in that your office is WAY too close to the refridgerator and there in NO motivation to get properly dressed until the kids come back from school) I quickly realized that I was not going to haul myself off to a gym (parking and traffic are horrific n Lisbon) so I decided to go back to the erg - I just bought a used concept 2 C and just love it. I've been starting out with 30" rows. I'm an ipod and audio book fanatic and have found that listening really helps to pass the time. <br /><br />I've just been focused on increasing my distance in the 30" - does nayone have other suggestions - should I alternate with 2000m? - my objectives are weightloss and overall fitness (I'm 5'4" - 140 - and want to go from heavyweight to lightweight!)<br /><br />glad to be part of this motivating group,<br />Amy<br />

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » September 23rd, 2005, 11:42 am

<!--QuoteBegin-AmyH+Sep 22 2005, 03:30 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(AmyH @ Sep 22 2005, 03:30 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I started  working-from-home (warning:  it's a very dangerous proposition - in that your office is WAY too close to the refridgerator and there in NO motivation to get properly dressed until the kids come back from school) I quickly realized that I was not going to haul myself off to a gym (parking and traffic are horrific n Lisbon) so I decided to go back to the erg - I just bought a used concept 2 C  and just love it.  I've been starting out with 30" rows.  I'm an ipod and audio book fanatic and have found that listening really helps to pass the time. <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Welcome aboard Donna and Amy!<br /><br />And Amy, I know what you mean about "no motivation to get properly dressed" now that I am staying home too. Recently I decided that if someone comes to the door in the middle of the afternoon, it's better to answer it in rowing shorts than in my pajamas!<br /><br />Also, I was wondering, how do you wear your ipod when rowing? I have an armband for my MP3 player, but it kindof bothers me to row with it on. The other day, when I did a 60 min row, it actually left a bruise on my arm.<br /><br />- Krysta<br />(Swamp Hen)

[old] Kelebek
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Post by [old] Kelebek » September 23rd, 2005, 3:46 pm

Hello Ducks. <br /><br />I'm Marian and I live in New Zealand, right by the beach on the Kapiti Coast. It is amazingly beautiful here sometimes. <br /><br />I started rowing in late June 05 when my gym decided to do the Million Metre Challenge. We have three cranky old C2 rowers at the gym but we decided to give it a go (you have to expect some of the equipment to be a bit old when annual membership is less than $US250 a year!!). Well we finished the Challenge and I kept on going - next week I'll hit half a million. <br /><br />Yesterday I rowed a half marathon and joined The Ducks. I row virtually alone at the gym so it can be hard to motivate myself. Thankfully an old chap called Eric eggs me on my telling me I'm lazy when I am have to sip my water!!<br /><br />I'm married to Richard and we are undergoing fertility at the moment trying to have a baby. The specialist reckons the rowing is really helping my condition (polycystic ovaries) and we are hoping to get pregnant soon. I'm 5'10" and was 108 kgs about eight weeks ago. I'm refusing to have my measures and weight done till I've hit a half million. PCOS girls have real difficulty loosing weight because we have insulin issues. The flip side is I have high testosterone so I whip most of the men in the gym on the rower!!! <br /><br />We have an elderly cat and five cockatiels, so I am a real bird fan. I'd like my DIAR name to be Blue Duck (its an NZ native rare species).<br /><br />Richard is running around the house puffing about sports socks so I guess that is my cue to get down to the gym with him. He has taken up rowing too.<br /><br />Marian

[old] Kelebek
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Post by [old] Kelebek » September 23rd, 2005, 3:47 pm

Hiya<br /><br />Forgot to ask : Are there any other New Zealand members in DIAR?<br /><br />Regards<br />Marian

[old] Cindy G
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Post by [old] Cindy G » September 23rd, 2005, 6:55 pm

Hi I'm new to Ducks. I started rowing this year to lose weight . I broke my R ankle 2.5 yrs ago and have had 3 surgeries including the last which was an ankle fixation. Since running that type of exercise is no longer in my future I decided to do this. My husband uses it for training. He is an avid kayaker. I hope to get back in the boat soon. Well I'm amazed at how great I feel and how great the flexibility in my ankle is. Hope I can add more and more meters for the group.<br />PS weight is coming off...amazing how much you gain with a total of 28 weeks in a cast ! Quack to all.
