Ducks In A Row - Introductions

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[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » June 3rd, 2005, 10:45 am

Hey - did I blink and miss something? We seem to have lost a team member! Where has La Flaca gone?

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » June 3rd, 2005, 11:12 am

<!--QuoteBegin-mallard+Jun 3 2005, 08:45 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(mallard @ Jun 3 2005, 08:45 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hey - did I blink and miss something?  We seem to have lost a team member!  Where has La Flaca gone?  <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I was wondering the same thing!

[old] gumdrop
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Post by [old] gumdrop » June 3rd, 2005, 11:49 am

What a great forum! Someone mentioned that it was just nice to feel like a member of something ... this beats donating my meters to my alma mater, for sure.<br /><br />I'm 5'2", 125 lbs., lightweight. I would love to take off about ten of those pounds. I am 58, and they have crept on over the past 5-10 years. My basic problem is that I would rather have a spoonful of peanut butter than fix dinner. My husband eats earlier, because most of the time I don't get home until 9 PM or so. I am also trying to learn how to leave work. For a number of reasons, I have gotten a mindset that if I work longer hours than others, I must be doing a better job. The Information Technology environment can be terribly competitive, particularly for those of us who fear their inadequacy, as I do. <br /><br />Enough of that ... I took up erging last December (2004) to strengthen my lower back - in hopes of alleviating the pain from a couple of herniated discs in my lumbar spine. Then I found this website, saw the Holiday Challenge, and decided to go for it. I had something like 200,133 m. as of the closing on Dec.24, but <b>I made it!</b> That was a great feeling, and I was very inspired by it all. Next thing I knew, I was trying for PR's and fractured a rib. That's right ... I was pulling for all I was worth at the end of a sprint when I got a sudden sharp pain in my back. I made the PR, but I thought I was going to faint, broke out in a cold sweat, ... the works. When I tried to row again, I knew I'd better not. I was afraid I was having a heart attack - no kidding. The upshot was that I had to lay off rowing for at least six weeks, and then get back to it very gradually. If I had the slightest twinge in my back, I stopped. <br /><br />This week I have tried to get back to the erg as my primary aerobic equipment. <br /><br />I used to run in the mornings and know that exercise at the beginning of the day is the way to go. Over the years I have lapsed in that practice. I would love to get back to it. <br /><br />I look forward to the sharing of experiences through this forum. This is a virtual rowing "club" - perhaps a good "duck drawer" could come up with a logo that we could patch onto a t-shirt! <br /><br />

[old] RowedandRode
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Post by [old] RowedandRode » June 3rd, 2005, 12:12 pm

Hello everyone, I've just joined Ducks in a Row this week.<br /> <br /><br /><i>- Don't pull harder, pull more often.</i>

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » June 3rd, 2005, 12:39 pm

Greeting to all the new Ducks! <br /><br />Welcome to the pond!! I hope you find that belonging to the Ducks is as inspiring as I do. I'm happy to see the age diversity. It just proves that this is a sport for all ages and abilities!<br /><br />It does seem that La Flaca has flown the pond. Good luck to you wherever you are!! We will miss you.<br /><br />Go Ducks! <br />The Buffle

[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » June 3rd, 2005, 12:55 pm

Yes - a very big welcome to all the new Ducks! It is great to be part of such a supportive group of people from all walks of life, all ages, all abilities and from all over the world. I have been erging again since March and it makes it so much easier to keep going knowing that you are part of such a great team. <br /><br />Good luck to La Flaca in everything you do in the future. It has been a privilege to have been on the team with you, and I look forward to seeing your name in lights in the future! Go Girl! <br /><br />Jenny

[old] la_flaca
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Post by [old] la_flaca » June 3rd, 2005, 1:13 pm

EEY!! I never left the team!!... I don´t know what happend, but, yesterday I noted that I wasnt there!! <br /><br />I´ll see what could happend in my profile. Some ideas?.

[old] la_flaca
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Post by [old] la_flaca » June 3rd, 2005, 1:22 pm

I solved the problem... I´m back in the team.<br /><br />Somehow, in my profile, I appers like I wasn´t a member of any team... I don´t have an idea of what could happend, but now, it´s everything normal again. I´ll never leave the pond girls!!!.<br /><br />GO DUCKS!!! <br /><br />Keep erging!.

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » June 3rd, 2005, 2:04 pm

Whew! You had us worried there for a minute, La Flaca!! <br /><br />Glad you made it back to the flock! After all, we have to look out for one another.<br /><br />The Buffle

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » June 3rd, 2005, 3:16 pm

Fellow Ducks,<br /><br />I have managed to recruit my sister for the team. Yay! That makes my daughter, myself and my sister all on the team! <br /><br />Canada Goose aka Shannon

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » June 3rd, 2005, 3:57 pm

Great Job Canada Goose! Glad to have your sister in the pond!<br /><br />La Flaca, I'm EXTREMELY happy to see you back in the pond! I know I'll never catch up to your meters, but it is really cool trying!<br /><br />

[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » June 3rd, 2005, 5:27 pm

Just got back in from an evening BBQ with friends to find that La Flaca is back! HOORAY!!!! Had me worried there for a few minutes!! Welcome back! <br /><br />Welcome too to the flock of Canada Geese! <br /><br />I'm off to bed now - too much wine and good food on top of a HM PB earlier! <br /><br />Jenny

[old] WebbedFeet
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Post by [old] WebbedFeet » June 4th, 2005, 9:00 pm

Hello All!<br /><br />I thought I would introduce myself. I have spent the better part of the afternoon reading the online logs and other areas on the concept2 website and have been truly inspired. I have only had my C2 since the middle of April. I just joined DIAR. I will do my best to add some meters for the team.<br /><br />I am 46 yo, 5'7" and a HW. I am married and have two kids, 12 and 18. I have always been involved in some kind of exercise routine or sport as long as I can remember. I started with weight-lifting in my late teens. Then I got into soccer and played for a women's team but that is when the kids came along and no time for that. I then took up racquetball and then aerobics and step classes. Finally I discovered running. However, a car accident a few years ago left me with bulged discs in my back and then last December I was diagnosed with a foot injury and I was told to lay off the running. Through all of this, the weight started to increase and I found myself wondering what in the world I could do to conteract it. That is when I discovered rowing. I absolutely love it. (Btw, I chose the user name WebbedFeet to go along with the lame feet I'm dealing with. )<br /><br />I am definitely a beginner and know that I have a lot to learn. I am still trying to figure out the rowing language. Any advice you can give me will be much appreciated. I look forward to reading your postings and getting to know all of you. <br /><br />As a side note, I also love gardening and quilting but don't have much time for either because of a very busy work schedule. I work for the federal disaster assistance program. The Florida hurricanes have left little time for anything else. Anyway, I look forward to knowing all of you.<br /><br />Celia aka WebbedFeet<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

[old] snappyrower
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Post by [old] snappyrower » June 4th, 2005, 10:06 pm

Welcome Webbed Feet, and also all of our new rowers! I'm soooo excited that we've been adding on so much in the last weeks! <br /><br />WebbedFeet, I have always wanted to quilt, and maybe i'll add that to my list of activities one day! For now I row (not so much lately, but I intend to fix that tomorrow), cross stitch, garden, and job hunt! <br /><br />Have been temping and doing contract work lately, so I haven't gotten any meters in for the ducks in the last week....sorry ya'll! I'll try to do better this week!<br /><br />Hope everyone is well, and looking forward to a great week!<br /><br /><br />snappyrower<br />aka "Jess"

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » June 5th, 2005, 9:39 pm

Hi all! I just splashed into the Duck Pond on June 3rd. I am 26 years old, 5'7", and 170lbs. My sister Shannon (Canada Goose) and niece Santana (Princess Daisy Duckling) invited me in. I am pretty new to rowing, but plan to log as many meters as I can. I had my first baby this spring, and still have 30lbs to lose. Hopefully the C2 at the gym will help with that. I also strength train with weights.<br /><br />I was looking for a good duck name and came across a picture of a Purple Swamp Hen that looked pretty neat. Not actually a duck, but sounds like the kind of bird that would like to be in a duck pond. So I will be "Swamp Hen".<br /><br />Glad to be on board!<br /><br />- Krysta<br />(Swamp Hen)
