LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » August 20th, 2011, 6:21 pm

Welcome, Jeff G! We're glad to have you aboard and wish you many great rowing sessions (and seasons) with us!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 20th, 2011, 6:35 pm

Kona2 wrote:Welcome, Jeff G! We're glad to have you aboard and wish you many great rowing sessions (and seasons) with us!

welcome jeff.....

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Re: Danno Update

Post by Kona2 » August 20th, 2011, 6:38 pm

Woohoo and hooyah! Danno has sent an update to the team!

Danno says he is still in hospital. Those who have been through this type of surgery say that the recovery is very rough initially, and then things start to look up. True to form, Dan says that a couple of days ago he felt like he wanted to die...and was afraid he wouldn't. Yikes. He has, however, turned the corner. He's been assigned a stern and non-nonsense nurse from New Hampshire. He was marshaled into the shower today where as he says "nothing was sacred or safe." I think he's getting better already. Amazing what a shower will do for you! He was re-bandaged, and allowed a Subway sandwich - first edible food (I think he means solid food but he is in hospital so this could mean either one) since Sunday. Release not for a couple more days at least - takes some time to heal when you've been re-wired, I think.

Used up all his energy to get the email to us, but so glad he did! Keep those positrons going to our friends who are on the mend -- I think it helps the healing process to know that there's all these folks out in the rowing universe who are wishing the best for you.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Dave_H » August 20th, 2011, 8:44 pm

Feel for you Danno... this kind of surgery gives a new perspective to the word "tough"... hang in there mate! :wink:
Thanks for the update Jan!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 20th, 2011, 9:45 pm

Dave_H wrote:Feel for you Danno... this kind of surgery gives a new perspective to the word "tough"... hang in there mate! :wink:
Thanks for the update Jan!
i agree with dave h

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Re: Danno Update

Post by just27 » August 20th, 2011, 10:41 pm

Kona2 wrote:Danno says he is still in hospital. ... He was re-bandaged, and allowed a Subway sandwich - first edible food (I think he means solid food but he is in hospital so this could mean either one) since Sunday.
All best wishes from the other coast, Danno. I sure do hope that your doc allowed you to have that foot-long roast beef sub for dinner!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BigBrett58 » August 21st, 2011, 12:14 am

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my brother in law Glen. The doctors didn't come up with a reason for his stroke. Other than some numbness in his left hand, he seems to be doing OK. He came home to his family yesterday. It scares me that he is only a year older than me at 36 and appears to be in much better health than me. Hopefully, this was just an anomaly.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 21st, 2011, 4:00 am

BigBrett58 wrote:Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my brother in law Glen. The doctors didn't come up with a reason for his stroke. Other than some numbness in his left hand, he seems to be doing OK. He came home to his family yesterday. It scares me that he is only a year older than me at 36 and appears to be in much better health than me. Hopefully, this was just an anomaly.
very glad glen seems to be okay....very scary.....i'll keep sending healing/good thoughts......

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » August 21st, 2011, 6:09 am

It is great news to hear that both Danno and Glen are on he road to recovery... :)

No rowing this weekend but I was enlisted by my brother-in-law for some cross training of sorts... We moved about 7 cubic metres of gravel and sand and then laid about 3,000 paving bricks for their driveway ... It isn’t like I’m unaccustomed to exercise, but crikey, there are a few muscles that are reminding me of what I put them through the past two days. :o

Cheers, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » August 21st, 2011, 7:20 am

BAZzy wrote:It is great news to hear that both Danno and Glen are on he road to recovery... :)

No rowing this weekend but I was enlisted by my brother-in-law for some cross training of sorts... We moved about 7 cubic metres of gravel and sand and then laid about 3,000 paving bricks for their driveway ... It isn’t like I’m unaccustomed to exercise, but crikey, there are a few muscles that are reminding me of what I put them through the past two days. :o

Cheers, BBB
Moving gravel is awesome exercise! And, yes, you use stuff you forgot you had and it let's you know. Do that a few days in a row and you'll get your sub 7 2k.
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Re: Danno Update

Post by rsdavr » August 21st, 2011, 7:43 am

Kona2 wrote:Woohoo and hooyah! Danno has sent an update to the team!

Danno says he is still in hospital. Those who have been through this type of surgery say that the recovery is very rough initially, and then things start to look up. True to form, Dan says that a couple of days ago he felt like he wanted to die...and was afraid he wouldn't. Yikes. He has, however, turned the corner. He's been assigned a stern and non-nonsense nurse from New Hampshire. He was marshaled into the shower today where as he says "nothing was sacred or safe." I think he's getting better already. Amazing what a shower will do for you! He was re-bandaged, and allowed a Subway sandwich - first edible food (I think he means solid food but he is in hospital so this could mean either one) since Sunday. Release not for a couple more days at least - takes some time to heal when you've been re-wired, I think.

Used up all his energy to get the email to us, but so glad he did! Keep those positrons going to our friends who are on the mend -- I think it helps the healing process to know that there's all these folks out in the rowing universe who are wishing the best for you.
I wish I could talk to you right now. Oh how I remember exactly where you are. Wonderful that you've "turned the corner". My recovery was not linear, but an upward sloping curve. In the beginning days after surgery it seemed like I stayed the same or went backwards. There were days when I lost hope of ever feeling normal agian. But once a few little things started going positive, my recovery accelerated. Perhaps it will be the same for you. In those early days of recovery, I never dreamed I could ever be feeling the way I do now.

I did go backwards in ICU the first few hours after surgery. Before I woke up, they discovered tampanaude (internal bleeding around the heart) and they had to keep me under and open up my chest again, fix the problem, and rewire me together. Like Johah in the whale, I was three days and three nights under anesthesia.

But I'm here to tell you that all that is now just a fading memory and if I had to do it over again in order to feel the way that I do, I would do it. Actually, I will. My porcine aortic valve has a definite life to it and will need replacement down the road.

You will persist in doing the right things and you will recover to a level beyond your imagination. There will come a day soon when all the pain and those awful medications will disappear into oblivion and your desire to move and exercise will explode.

Ten days out of the hospital I went right back in again with atrial fibrillation. When that happened I thought I would have half a heart for the rest of my life. My anxiety over it made it worse. Ten days later, when I finally relaxed and made peace with it, it disappeared in my sleep. It has never returned.

Heart surgery recovery is not for wimps and you aren't one. My prayers are still with you every day.
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Re: Danno Update

Post by bg » August 21st, 2011, 11:41 am

I wish I could talk to you right now. Oh how I remember exactly where you are. Wonderful that you've "turned the corner". My recovery was not linear, but an upward sloping curve. In the beginning days after surgery it seemed like I stayed the same or went backwards. There were days when I lost hope of ever feeling normal agian. But once a few little things started going positive, my recovery accelerated. Perhaps it will be the same for you. In those early days of recovery, I never dreamed I could ever be feeling the way I do now.

I did go backwards in ICU the first few hours after surgery. Before I woke up, they discovered tampanaude (internal bleeding around the heart) and they had to keep me under and open up my chest again, fix the problem, and rewire me together. Like Johah in the whale, I was three days and three nights under anesthesia.

But I'm here to tell you that all that is now just a fading memory and if I had to do it over again in order to feel the way that I do, I would do it. Actually, I will. My porcine aortic valve has a definite life to it and will need replacement down the road.

You will persist in doing the right things and you will recover to a level beyond your imagination. There will come a day soon when all the pain and those awful medications will disappear into oblivion and your desire to move and exercise will explode.

Ten days out of the hospital I went right back in again with atrial fibrillation. When that happened I thought I would have half a heart for the rest of my life. My anxiety over it made it worse. Ten days later, when I finally relaxed and made peace with it, it disappeared in my sleep. It has never returned.

Heart surgery recovery is not for wimps and you aren't one. My prayers are still with you every day.

thanks for the insight ross.....glad you made it through your journey....hang in there danno....

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.20.11

Post by Kona2 » August 21st, 2011, 12:50 pm

Image What a great posting, Ross! I know it helps to hear the stories of those who've been through the different traumas that life presents, just to figure out how to get through those experiences - knowing that others have made it through them. Thanks for sharing - I suspect Danno will find it to be really helpful info.

New team member: what was I thinking?! Jeff's been on the team for quite some's Allie who is back! Welcome, Allie!

Image Another episode....metric conversions...

Baz started this trail with his posting of moving an AMAZING amount (7 cubic meters @ 1.3 tons per cubic meter for gravel and maybe 0.9 tons per cubic meter for sand) of gravel and sand...not to mention the 3,000 paving bricks. Just the gravel and sand alone must have been at least 10 tons (US ton = 2000 lb). Add in paving bricks at probably 5 lbs each (and who picks them up just once each - hah!), and that's another 7 tons US (not even trying to figure out the metric tonnes, much less the ratio of gravel and sand)....let's just say it was a LOT of lifting, bending. Hope there were good beverages at the end of each day, Baz!

Season meters as of 113/365 = 27,457,298 m

Total meters on the day = 231,667 m

Oars in space (participation) - 38 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.8 MM Jay - we'll be starting in on the 2 MM countdown any day now!
1.3 MM Minnie
1.15 MM Jim K
450 K bg
350 K Roger
250 K Mary O
145 K Tris
65 K Kaylee
30 K Ethan

Thanks to all who rowed today!

Allie 600 m
Ashlee 900 m
Kaylee 1,025 m
Ethan 1,500 m
Rich 2,006 m
Mario Jackson 2,700 m
Tris 3,000 m
Jeff 5,000 m
Tammy 5,500 m
Peter G 6,000 m
Marty 6,500 m
Roger 9,000 m
Ross 10,049 m
James G 10,100 m
Andre 10,328 m
bg 11,032 m
Jim K 12,000 m
Mary O 14,011 m
AJ 16,261 m
Minnie 19,005 m
Brett 20,053 m
Dave H 25,097 m ...wowzer!
Jay 40,000 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » August 21st, 2011, 2:17 pm

welcome back allie....

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.20.11

Post by BAZzy » August 22nd, 2011, 12:14 am

Kona2 wrote:Baz started this trail with his posting of moving an AMAZING amount (7 cubic meters @ 1.3 tons per cubic meter for gravel and maybe 0.9 tons per cubic meter for sand) of gravel and sand...not to mention the 3,000 paving bricks. Just the gravel and sand alone must have been at least 10 tons (US ton = 2000 lb). Add in paving bricks at probably 5 lbs each (and who picks them up just once each - hah!), and that's another 7 tons US (not even trying to figure out the metric tonnes, much less the ratio of gravel and sand)....let's just say it was a LOT of lifting, bending. Hope there were good beverages at the end of each day, Baz!

We managed a couple of drinks on the Saturday night, although knowing what we were up for the next day kept things fairly subdued. In fact I think I went to sleep on the couch around 9.30pm watching 'To Sir with Love'... :lol:

I was actually suprised that we got all the paving done on the Sunday, took most of the day, but I had no idea how long it would take. Great exercise though...but my forearms were sore from shovelling the gravel (road base) and sand!

Out of interest a weight training session is around 10/12 ton of weight at present, give or take (sounds like I'm bragging whoops! :roll: ), but it is over in about an an hour and fifteen...

Cheers, BBB
"Those who don't think it can be done shouldn't bother the person doing it..."

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