mikvan52 wrote:2:03 @ 22 spm and 1.00 calibration is not good.
Sure it is. At .975 calibration, that's 2:06 @ 22 spm. That's 7.75 SPI, _waaaay_ better than you've been doing in your recent workouts. You've been doing 2:06 @ 26 spm, etc. That's only 6.6 SPI. 7.75 SPI is 12% better than that. Only 8 of the 46 boats in the Veterans race at the HOCR last year did 2:06 pace, and those that did weren't rating 22 spm.
mikvan52 wrote:Your Fluid needs to be test run over an accurately measured course. Then show us what you can really do.
No it doesn't. I can just calibrate my speed coach with my Garmin Forerunner 201. I'll get this done as soon as possible. As I mentioned, nothing crucial about my improvement depends on this. In the 2008 video, I am going 2:00 @ 30 spm with the same calibration. I'll now get a video doing 1:52 @ 30 spm with that calibration, a 25% improvement.
mikvan52 wrote:You should work on your sculling stroke at 5k pace and 10k pace and 1k pace and 2k pace if you ever want to win a race on the water.
Sure. All in good time. I don't have any problem at all at a whole range of rates, all the way from 14 to 40.
mikvan52 wrote:You aren't working hard enough on OTW technique. You need honest effort while doing this.
I am rowing 10K a day OTW, after 15K OTErg. All the time I am OTW I work on technique. The results of this work have been excellent. I am now 25% better than I was there years ago. That's quite an improvement. Hey. It appears I am now as good as you.
mikvan52 wrote:You also need coaching as your understanding of what makes a boat move is flawed
Not if my boat is moving beautifully, as it now it. Hey. That's the only test, no?
mikvan52 wrote:You are wasting your time on the erg
Not at all. OTErg, I both work on technique and maintain a level of fitness that is somewhat unprecedented for a 60s rower. This will come in _very_ handy when I start racing OTW.
mikvan wrote:Show us some NK SL2 data
Happy to do some 1Ks over the next couple of weeks at all sorts of rates, paces, and HRs. That should give you an idea of what I can do.
mikvan52 wrote:Where's a current OTW video that you've promised for over a year?
I can't take the video. I have to have my wife take it. When I am rowing, she is asleep. But I suppose I can get her up at the crack of dawn and over to Europe Lake one of these days. I will be happy to get you another video, as I said, some 1:52 @ 30 spm might be good, but including some rowing at all other rates, including some near top speed (e.g., 40 spm). What is your best time for 500m? Can you do sub-1:40, which is comparable to sub-1:25 OTErg?
mikvan52 wrote:Which head race will you definitely participate in this fall?
I have a job, a wife, three children, and many other responsibilities which take precedence over my rowing. So my rowing can never have any "definite plans." I just do it when I can, given other constraints. I am also not going to travel far and waste my time rowing if the weather is bad. I am too busy for that while I am teaching, as I will be in the fall. I have already said what my ideal scenario for racing would be. I'd like to race every weekend from 9/17 to 10/30. That would be good experience. Sure, my steering was a debacle, but I didn't have any problem with the rowing in the Lansing head race last year at all. When I got off course I was about 3K down the course, just putzing along, 2:10 @ 24 spm. I wasn't working that hard at all.
mikvan52 wrote:Such a mystery! Wow.
No mystery in learning to row well--at all. It's fun. Don't you think?
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)