A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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by Kona2 » July 28th, 2011, 12:51 pm
Who knew what the day would bring? I am intrigued a bit by enrage's hippie neighbor - sounds like there are some stories there!
Meanwhile, in our corner of the Rowing Universe, Brett is teetering on the edge of that 1,000,000 m season...and Ron and Bernie aren't too far behind. In fact, in a burst of enthusiasm for newfound freedom, Ron might just zooooom on past that milestone! And Gabby is on the brink of 900 K! Lots of life stuff happens in the midst of all the meters.
Season meters as of 89/365 = 25,542,414 m
Total meters on the day = 230,291 m
Oars in space (participation) = 25 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.1 MM David A
950 K Ron
600 K Ross
200 K Kapt Kristine
50 K Brandon
Million Meter Watch:
Brett with (7,921 m) to go!
Ron with (29,008 m) to go!
Bernie with (49,278 m) to go!
Gabby with (123,089 m) to go!
Thanks to all who rowed today! You. are. awesome!!!!

Mario Jackson 1,985 m
Benny 3,000 m
Harold 3,200 m
Jill M 4,181 m
Kristine 5,415 m
Sam 5,500 m
James G enrage 7,255 m
Bobbie 7,500 m
Tom M 7,500 m
Brandon 7,733 m
Mitch J 8,706 m
Baz 10,000 m
Ross 11,500 m
Rosita 12,600 m
Minnie 14,000 m....the Fair Oaks Chickens have their own Facebook page?!
David A 14,838 m
Brett 15,000 m
Gabby 17,750 m
Joe 21,254 m
Cathie 23,500 m
Ron 26,097 m
And thanks to all who share their stories with us !
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by DavidA » July 28th, 2011, 2:40 pm
macbruce1 wrote:Hello Team,
I'm sorry to have to vent but, this team has been very supportive in the past.
It has been a very traumatic morning. I just submitted my resignation from a job I have had for over 35 years

When our company was bought out and operations were moved 50 miles further from home, I tried to find something closer to home, but the job market being what it is, and good jobs in Vermont being very hard to find, I did not have any luck.
My wife, Lyn, did not want me to make the move, but after much discussion we decided that as long as we had a mortgage I could not afford to give up my job.
I did make the promise that, if we could pay off our mortgage, I would leave this job. So we have scrimped and saved and sacrificed and the mortgage is paid
It is a relief, but is has been hard. I have'nt been sleeping well and my stomach has been upset for weeks.
Ok I'm running on-sorry. It is just that I feel that I have forged a bond with this team and I feel I can "talk" to you all about this.
Thanks for listening,
I wish you and your wife the best of luck with your future.
I'm sure it is nice to have the mortgage paid off, and to not have such a long commute, but it is hard to leave a job you've had for such a long time.
I hope that you find things to keep yourself busy, and that you'll still have luck finding a new job nearby (if you still want one).
You know we're always here for you.
63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids

Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log
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by just27 » July 28th, 2011, 3:42 pm
macbruce1 wrote:Hello Team ... It has been a very traumatic morning ... thanks for listening,
May the Road Rise to Meet You! All the best for whatever you choose to do next.
Kona2 wrote: ....the Fair Oaks Chickens have their own Facebook page?!
Well, certainly the Fair Oaks Chickens have their own Facebook page, and 5,187 friends! You remember waiting (im)patiently for them to cross the street? ... they're a legend in their own minds.
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by BAZzy » July 28th, 2011, 6:23 pm
macbruce1 wrote:Hello Team,
I'm sorry to have to vent but, this team has been very supportive in the past.
It has been a very traumatic morning. I just submitted my resignation from a job I have had for over 35 years

When our company was bought out and operations were moved 50 miles further from home, I tried to find something closer to home, but the job market being what it is, and good jobs in Vermont being very hard to find, I did not have any luck.
My wife, Lyn, did not want me to make the move, but after much discussion we decided that as long as we had a mortgage I could not afford to give up my job.
I did make the promise that, if we could pay off our mortgage, I would leave this job. So we have scrimped and saved and sacrificed and the mortgage is paid
It is a relief, but is has been hard. I have'nt been sleeping well and my stomach has been upset for weeks.
Ok I'm running on-sorry. It is just that I feel that I have forged a bond with this team and I feel I can "talk" to you all about this.
Thanks for listening,
Hey Ron, good luck mate, and I'm glad you took the time to 'vent' I think it helps greatly... I'll shout you a beer if you're over this way!
And to all fellow Luna-tics, great rowing ,and have a good weekend. Tomo is back on the rugby field tomorrow, Mum & Dad cheering from the side-line... and good weekend to all,
Cheers, BBB
"Those who don't think it can be done shouldn't bother the person doing it..."
Kristine Strasburger
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by Kristine Strasburger » July 29th, 2011, 12:00 am
Brett, Ron, Bernie, Gabby - You can do it!
Row, row, row! 
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by rsdavr » July 29th, 2011, 8:05 am
I was distressed to read of your cardio issues and upcoming treatment. I'm with you in your hope for the non-zipper approach. I'm sure you know, though, that a good by-pass lasts longer than a stent and is more efficient. But the zipper trauma is huge with the by-pass.
Besides AVR (aortic valve replacement), I had a lima (left interior mamary artery) by-pass on the "widow-maker" artery, and pfo (a hole between the top two chambers of the heart) repair. I cannot tell you the incredible difference these three procedures have made in my life. For me it was like being physically born again. It has been worth all the pain and re-hab over and over again. If I had known ten years ago what I know today, I would have done the whole thing back then. I had no idea how badly I was feeling because I never new anything else.
At 63, I feel better now than I have ever remembered feeling. Every morning I wake up with this overwhelming sense of well-being and gratitude for life that I wouldn't trade for anything. And when I think of the rower and cross-fit waiting for me downstairs I can't wait to get started.
My hope and prayers for you is that your experience with your treatment will give you even better results than I got. That you will return to life, work, and rowing even more fit than you ever have been.
Row well, and LIVE! Ben Hur
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by Kona2 » July 29th, 2011, 11:22 am
Wowzer, mates! We are turning up the rowing speed as we cruise into the last July days....and just in time because we are only two dog days away from the start of the Dog Days of Summmrrr Challenge. You know you want to add that one to your list of accomplishments!
Great start to the weekend in our Rowing Universe! We have a PERSONAL BEST, a one million meterer, Zander is getting back to rowing (what great news this is!), a full Alaskan moon, and lots of other personal milestones! Whoop, whoop and hooyah, Lunies!
With 75 percent of the rowing year still at large, we still have time to ROW, ROW, ROW !
Season meters as of 90/365 = 25,8627,444 m
Total meters on the day = 325,030 m
Oars in space (participation) = 32 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Personal Best ... longest distance he's rowed in a single day......Mario Jackson with 11,000 m !!
1.55 MM Cathie
1.0 MM Brett
400 K Peter G
250 K Benny - a cool quarter million !
175 K Mario Jackson
45 K Kaylee
Million Meter Watch:
Bernie with (21,215 m) to go!
Ron with (29,008 m) to go!
Gabby with (112,689 m) to go!
Thanks to all who rowed and shared their stories today -- you made a big difference!
700 m ! He's on the mend!
Kaylee 1,003 m
Mary O 2,011 m ... she's back!
Tammy 2,500 m
Tris 3,000 m
Benny 3,600 m
Bobbie 4,500 m
Baz 5,000 m
Peter G 5,500 m
Marty 5,545 m
Chris H 7,011 m
Minnie 8,284 m
Mitch J 8,414 m
Harold 8,500 m
Gabby 10,400 m
Pat S 10,692 m
Mario 11,000 m
Ross 11,048 m
David T 12,000 m
Rosita 12,800 m
Sam 12,951 m
David A 14,709 m
Brett 15,000 m
Roger 15,300 m
Barbara bg 25,204 m
Bernie 28,063 m
Jay 38,100 m
Cathie 42,195 m !
It's the weekend !
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by BigBrett58 » July 29th, 2011, 1:28 pm
Thanks K2! Keep up the good work everyone. Finish strong on your first quarter of the rowing season and set your goal for the next quarter. I've never gotten anywhere without putting one foot in front of the other.
Kristine Strasburger
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by Kristine Strasburger » July 29th, 2011, 6:43 pm
Woo Hoo, Zander, Mario Jackson, and Brett! Way to row!
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by just27 » July 29th, 2011, 10:05 pm
macbruce1 wrote: ... isn't part of that saying "May the road rise up to meet you and may you be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're there"
Hah. I do believe those are two different Irish Blessings ... both positive and well wishing, I might add. (But, they are Irish, and I am English ... what we have here might be an age-old failure to communicate!)
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by Kona2 » July 30th, 2011, 9:11 am
Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Ron, on full mooning right on by that ONE million meter milestone! We wish you many, MANY more !
Photobucket is being very stubborn this AM - can't get to the graphics file.

Have captured the numbers, will post stats later in the day.
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by just27 » July 30th, 2011, 3:39 pm
My cross training program ... lift, bend, dip, bend, lift ... the PGB workout.
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by BAZzy » July 30th, 2011, 7:12 pm
Kona2 wrote:Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Ron, on full mooning right on by that ONE million meter milestone! We wish you many, MANY more !
Photobucket is being very stubborn this AM - can't get to the graphics file.

Have captured the numbers, will post stats later in the day.
Way to row Ron!
Cheers, BBB
"Those who don't think it can be done shouldn't bother the person doing it..."