February- The Month Of A Strong Heart

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[old] ShelleyR
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Post by [old] ShelleyR » February 1st, 2006, 2:07 pm

February we think about Valentine's Day and the affairs of our HEARTS. Really our hearts are an incredible piece of "machinery" and we need to always focus on making it stronger.<br />So what willyou challenge yourself to do to strengthen your HEARt this month? Is it a number of metres you want to row? Is it giving yourself a new challenge, cross training, learn to swim...? <br />What will you do to be your HEARTS best Valentine's present this month?<br />Me, I m still new to rowing...so I'm setting a lofty number of 100000m to row this month..should be obtainable since I'm not running as much due to an injury.<br />But also I decided to do PUSH-UPs, yep, push-ups....I m going to keep a tally and see how many of them I do by the end of the month....why? well push-ups are great for exercice...works out your chest,back, arms, core....makes u buff...well helps anyway- can do them anywhere...can do beginner type or advanced..on the ball or off the wall...anyway u can....but they make u stronger- and HEARTS love a strong body surrounding them- makes them want to work on your behalf.<br /><br />So what will you do for this month of the HEART?

[old] rhorva@hotmail.com
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Post by [old] rhorva@hotmail.com » February 1st, 2006, 10:22 pm

Shelley, a capital idea. In addition to adding some meters to my row this month, I am going to take up YOGA for my heart. With all the stress of today's working, and living, world, my heart needs to be calmer and slow down... into peacefulness.<br /><br />My challenge will be to end the month of February with a BP reading that is at least TWO POINTS lower than I began it.. .through YOGA and rowing.<br /><br />RUBBER DUCKY Lives on.

[old] ShelleyR
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Post by [old] ShelleyR » February 1st, 2006, 10:32 pm

xcellent idea the Yoga..I have learned a few of the stretches that are really helping me loosen off some tight running muscles..its not easy- yoga...<br /><br />Well I m a happy camper, just racked up my 1st 5537m of the month..only 94463 to go to reach my 100000m goal..assuming my math is okay. And then I started my pushups....didnt overdo it becuz i know how sore u can get from pushups..hahaha<br /><br />february will be a fun and successful month i think, just erging around....<br /><br />stay on course everyone

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » February 1st, 2006, 10:46 pm

I posted this on the JVTC thread, but it probably really belongs here now, so here 'tis!<br /><br />Hey ShelleyR!<br /><br />I think you might be on to something there--what with February being the month for Valentine's Day and all. When I think of Valentine's Day, I think of red hearts among other things, and maybe we could all think of what we'd be doing for our heart health this month.<br /><br />So to help our heart health, we could definitely make some goals for what kind of aerobic capacity exercises we want to do this month. This might be a time to experiment with some other types of cardio exercise besides just the rower. Don't get me wrong! My rower is my favorite exercise activity--I just like the motion, and the quality of the rower itself with the added incentive offered by watching PM3 just adds to the "love" side of my love/hate relationship I have with the thing. <br /><br />However, I'm convinced that variety in exercise is a good thing, so since I have been SO focused on the erg these last two months because of the HC and the JVTC, I'm going to make variety a goal in February. I'm doing this while keeping in mind that C2 has their "March Madness" challenge in March--I think it states that for each day we row 5,000 meters and enter that into our online logbooks, we get a chance to win a prize from a drawing. Therefore, I have a feeling that I'll be solidly hitting the erg again next month!<br /><br />I've got some other exercise equipment I'm going to dust off and use more this month. And I also have a couple of low-impact aerobic videos which has some lifting using hand weights incorporated into the workout. And I would really like to increase the number of days each week that I do a yoga session--good for stretching, and good for the mind!<br /><br />And some additional stuff for heart health--I'm going to cut down on fats, especially the bad ones. I love olive oil (I'm half Italian!), so I'm going to line up some recipes using that. I'm going to try to avoid any deep-fried stuff, which means Poor Man's Lobster this month for the traditional Friday Fish Fries up here in Wisconsin. <br /><br />So there I am. I've got a couple of basic, but rather simple things to focus on this month, but these can have some far-reaching beneficial effects for me if I can turn them into habits.<br /><br />Anyone else have any ideas they want to try?<br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » February 6th, 2006, 1:31 pm

Hi,<br /><br />My #1 goal for February is to continue in my quest to make lightweight status. I've lost 34 pounds since Jan/05 and have seven more pounds to go! <br /><br />I have decided to join Shelley in the push-up challenge. I only have 30 so far, but it's a start!<br /><br />I'm also having a little competition with two great friends that I met through Ducks in Row to see who can row the most metres this month. I really like those two, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to beat them! <br /><br />Shannon

[old] jcmatthews
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Post by [old] jcmatthews » February 6th, 2006, 2:45 pm

Great ideas from everyone about heart health! By the way, this is National Heart Month. The other main thing I would add (doctors always want to get in the last word, you know) is that any of you who are age 45 or older should have a cholesterol screening at least every 5 years. Exercise is one of the best ways to lower LDL cholesterol, but some people who inherited bad genes might need medication as well. Besides, you should be seeing your doctor annually for your pelvic exam and Pap. Also, don't forget a mammogram if you're over 40. <br /><br />I'd like to join in the goal of at least 100,000 meters this month. The babies will just have to come at times other than my designated rowing time!

[old] ShelleyR
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Post by [old] ShelleyR » February 6th, 2006, 2:57 pm

Yeah, someone to do pushups with..I just came back from the gym here at work and added another 50 to my total so far...I ll do some more tonight after I row...<br /><br />Thanks for the tip Doc re: cholesteral - I happen to be going for the yearly Lube Oil and Filter at the Doc's office on Wednesday so I ll get him to order it. I m only 40 but it couldnt hurt....<br /><br />As for the push ups girls...just keep doing sets of 5 and they will add up...thats how I got thru police college a hundred years ago....dont forget to counteract the push up with a nice stretch such as a "child pose" (yoga) after u do the p-ups...feels great....<br /><br />Its a blowy smowy day here in Ontario...looking forward to getting home and havng a good long row...

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » February 6th, 2006, 3:30 pm

Each day is a new day. AND each week is a new week. <br /><br />Wednesday I was getting ready for my daughter’s birthday party. Thursday was the party/dinner, Friday my parents arrived. Saturday, they were still here…. And Sunday well…. I don’t have an excuse. <br /><br />I overate (lots of cake and cookies) and did not exercise for five days. <br /><br />BUT today is a new day. I can dwell on the past which I can't change or I can look forward. Are you looking forward today?<br /><br />Susan

[old] LittleBit

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Post by [old] LittleBit » February 7th, 2006, 2:10 pm

Hey Susan:<br />I am truly looking forward today. I had the Squish-im/Stick-im (Mammo/Pap) yesterday, and everything checked out just fine. That means six years now since early detection for breast cancer for me - Dec 1999 in fact. It was a regular Mammogram then, so I usually get a little nervous now at my exam. My soapbox, if you want to call it that, is this: Get those mammograms done annually!! Early detection for me meant surgery with no Chemo or Radiation needed. I had no family history of breast cancer, so wasn't on the "before 40" list. So I indeed am looking forward today & feeling very blessed, not only to be able to row, but also enjoy all my other activities & my family. It is so neat to be able to share these things with all the caring people on this forum! Happy Rowing today!<br />Catherine<br />

[old] jcmatthews
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Post by [old] jcmatthews » February 7th, 2006, 2:56 pm

I can second Catherine's recommendation, and not just because I'm a doctor. I had the same experience in May, 1998: routine mammogram which showed early cancer. I'm convinced that age 40 is when things really start falling apart, but with timely medical screening and plenty of rowing we can slow down the decline.<br /><br />I haven't ever heard the Squish-em/Stick-em description before, but I like it. When my patients tell me that they hate getting a Pap, I tell them that I would worry about them if they said they liked it!<br /><br />Janet

[old] MomofJBN
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Post by [old] MomofJBN » February 7th, 2006, 7:00 pm

I'll third that recommendation for a mammo. My mother had BC at 44 yrs old. She is now 20 yr survivor. YAY! (No chemo or radiation, either)<br /><br />I've already had a few mammo's, and in Dec I had a cyst biopsied. (Negative).<br /><br />Schenley

[old] voodoogirl
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Post by [old] voodoogirl » February 11th, 2006, 6:40 pm

What a great idea for the month--I've been off the erg and any sort of exercise for a few weeks now, and back from a trip to california where I ate too much, but got back on today and it felt great. I think push ups are a terrific idea, I'm going to start my sit ups again--I was doing 100 a day (of various types) for a while but let it all go. I'll be 45 in May and I can see gravity starting to exert a stronger pull on, well, everything, so I need to do all I can do keep things relatively toned!<br /><br />I'd love to get back on my bicycle for extra aerobic activity but alas, we are in the early stages of about 8" of snow--however, I love to dance, can never find anyone willing to go dance with me, so just signed up for a beginning Irish dancing/ceili dancing class. I have no real idea what I'm in for, but it sounds aerobic. Here in the DC area there are, I am told, a LOT of places to go irish dancing on a very regular basis--so maybe I'll find a good, and aerobic, dance outlet. And have fun besides. I also got some sort of aerobic/weightlifting video that I want to try out. So my goals--100K on the erg this month, sit ups, and the video. Irish dancing starts in March....<br /><br />Oh yeah I need to eat more veggies too.<br /><br />Good luck to all of us!<br /><br />Laurie<br />

[old] jcmatthews
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Post by [old] jcmatthews » February 12th, 2006, 11:35 pm

What a coincidence! I just started an Irish step-dance class last Wednesday, and my main impression is that it's MUCH harder than it looks. I was really sore for a few days, and I'm a runner as well as a rower. The dancing is great fun, though. There are a couple of women in the class who are older, like me (47), and they are very good. They even go to competitions regularly.<br /><br />Sounds like you have a lot of great goals for the month. If you're ever in Oklahoma, stop by and we'll dance!<br /><br />Janet

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » February 13th, 2006, 7:32 pm

Hi Ducks,<br /><br />I lost another 2 pounds this week! I now weigh 140 and just need to lose another 5 pounds until I make my goal of lightweight status. :) <br /><br />Shelley, I'm trying on the push-ups, but only have 80 so far. I'm sure that you are cranking out that many in a day! Oh well, I seemed to be doing OK last week, but then my elbow started getting a bit sore, so I had to lay off for a bit. I did some today after my row and seemed fine, so I'll keep going for now. Luckily I'm doing much better on the rowing metres. Plus I got a new 500 metre PB last week and three new short track speedskating PBs!! :D <br /><br />Shannon

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » February 14th, 2006, 4:12 pm

I too have had a hard time this month getting on the erg. It is not that I am "wore out" from January's challenge. I had thought that after the discipline of January, I would be able to keep up rowing 5 days a week for February (and forever). But if it weren't for the Valentine's challenge I don't think I would have erged again until March.<br /><br />So I rowed all 14,000 this morning. It took 77 minutes on the rower but 3.5 hours from start to finish with all the interuptions and then taking my daughter to school. Fortunately no one seemed to notice I didn't roll into the office until 9:30! It has been a hard month. I have had to learn some new skills to grow bacterial cultures etc and “if at first you don’t succeed….” I have been at work way too much. But the good news is that I could justify my lateness!<br /><br />I really am going to try and row 5x a week.... My daughter's birthday was on the second. We had chores to get ready for that and I have been overeating and not rowing ever since. I know each day is a new day. I have learned that blowing one day (or one week) isn't reason to keep up the bad habits but sheesh. <br /><br />Way to go Canada Goose!<br /><br />Susan<br /><br /><br />
